Currently, the National Agency of Science and Technology Information
(MOST) has provided links to international organizations (OECD, EU,.),
websites (Thomson Reuters,.) and a number of prestigious scientific
journals worldwide; therefore, it would be useful for the universities to
collaborate with the Agency to joint use of these information resources.
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60 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
M.Sc. Nguyen Thi Minh Nga1, Dr. Pham Quang Tri
National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies
M.Sc. Pham Hong Trang
Hanoi University of Labour and Social Affairs
Currently, universities in Vietnam are the home of a large number of S&T institutions,
which are both a hub of a huge amount of high-qualified S&T expertise and the provider of
S&T human resources to serve the socio-economic development of the country.
Strengthening the S&T potential resources for S&T activities in universities is an important
measure to support universities to operate their assigned functions in the best manner. The
paper analyzes the current state policies on developing S&T potential resources in
universities and some additional polices proposed to develop S&T potential resources in
universities in the coming period.
Keywords: S&T potential resources; S&T policies; Universities.
Code: 16121202
1. The concept of S&T potential resources
The book of “The key issues of scientific and technical policies” (
Hemptinne2, 1987) highlighted that, in order to be well operated, the
national scientific and technical system requires the resources3 such as
human resources, financial and physical resources (infrastructure and
equipments) and information resources, which have always to be ready to be
mobilized (i) at the time while needed; (ii) with the sufficient amount; (iii)
at the proper proportion between these resources.
1 The author’s contact is at
2 Director of Department of Scientific and Technical Policies under the United Nations for Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Natural resources are not discussed on this article because they only take part in the level of production of wealth
and services, they do not constitute the input of national scientific and technical system, definition of UNESCO,
page 26.
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 61
S&T potential resources perform the practical capacities on the S&T’s
strength, quality and its effectiveness. They include all organized resources
that the society could mobilize for S&T activities (Tang Van Khien, 1997).
These resources are performed in the following basic forms: S&T human
resource, financial resource (funding for S&T), S&T physical resource
(infrastructures, equipment, S&T public facilities); information resource
(information, scientific literature,...); and the resource of “the organizational
structure of the S&T system” (the capacity of the S&T organization and
management system). The fifth resource is considered as a performance for
the strength and the effectiveness of the structural S&T organization
framework on its ability to organize, operate and deliver S&T tasks that are
assigned for each period. This resource is a new concern that has been
discussed in the recent period.
In order to unify the concept of S&T potential resources in service of
scientific research and S&T surveys, the Government issued Decree No.
99/2014/ND-CP dated on 25th October 2014, in which the S&T potential
resources include: S&T human resource; intellectual property; physical
facilities, laboratories, equipment; financial resource for the implementation
of S&T tasks (Article 3 of Decree No. 99/2014/ND-CP).
2. The policies to develop S&T potential resources in universities in
2.1. The policies to develop S&T human resources in universities
2.1.1. Policies on training
Right after the reunification, the Party and the Government have issued a
number of documents and policies to develop S&T human resources in the
aim to the development of S&T itself as well as to the contribution for
socio-economic development.
Domestic PhD degree trainings were first allowed by the Decision No. 224-
TTg signed by the Prime Minister dated on 24th May 1976 regarding to
postgraduate trainings in the country. Master degree trainings have recently
included to the education system of the country since 1991 with the
Decision No. 55-HĐBT dated on 09th March 1991 on the establishment of
higher education in the national education system.
The objectives of postgraduate training were clearly stated in the
Educational Law No. 38/2005/QH11 dated on 14th June 2005 and the
Regulations on postgraduate training, which were “ build an aggregation
of scientists, who are political qualified, moral, conscious of serving the
62 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
people and highly qualified that meet the requirements for socio-economic
and S&T development of the country”. “... A graduated master degree must
have solid expertise, practical capacities and high adaptability to the
development of science, technology (S&T) and the economy, with the
capability of detecting and tackling specialized issues in their trained major.
A graduated PhD degree must have a high expertise in both theories and
practices, with creativity and independence in research, and are capable of
guiding scientific research and professional activities to detect and solve the
S&T issues” (Article 2). These objectives of postgraduate trainings were
fully consistent to the aim of forming the aggregation of highly qualified
scientists who are able to create high qualified S&T products.
In order to meet the needs of training for qualified expertise as well as to
meet the demand to catch up S&T progress worldwide, the Prime Minister
signed Decision No. 322/QD-TTg dated on 19th April 2000 on the approval
of the Project “Training for scientific and technical staffs in oversea
facilities by using the State budget” (so-called Project 322). The targeted
trainees for the Project 322 were lecturers in the faculties, scientific and
technical staffs and managers, those working at universities, scientific
research institutes, national key laboratories, high-tech centers,... From the
year 2000 to the date of 31st October 2011, the Project has assigned 5,467
people to study abroad.
With the aim to develop S&T human resources for the economic
development of the provinces in Mekong Delta, the Government has
allowed the Mekong Delta provinces to deduct the funds from the local
budget to implement the trainings of S&T human resource development for
the Mekong Delta provinces. The scheme has been established since 2005,
so-called the Mekong Program 1,000, with a target of training for 1,000
abroad scientific and technical postgraduates for 13 provinces of the
Mekong Delta with a focal point of Can Tho University and a total budget
of about 50 million USD.
With the aim of increasing in the number of doctoral degrees with
professional capabilities on research, teaching and advanced university
management for lecturers at universities and colleges as well as capacity
building and quality improvement of doctoral degrees who graduated in the
country, enlisting and strongly promoting international cooperation in
education and training, contributing to quality improvement of education
and scientific research in universities, the Prime Minister has approved the
Project for training lecturers with PhD degree qualification for universities
and colleges in the period of 2010-2020 (Decision No. 911/QD-TTg dated
on 17th June 2010 by the Prime Minister, referred as Project No. 911).
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 63
To meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in
conditions of socialist-oriented market economy and international
integration, at the 8th Central Conference of Party Central Committee XI, a
Resolution on fundamentally and comprehensively innovating education
and training (Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated on 11th April 2013) has been
approved. The Resolution has outlined specific goals for higher education,
which aims “to focus on the training of highly qualified personnel,
trainings that are responded to the needs of technological development and
the development of sectors,....”; therefore, the tasks assigned for the
development of teaching staffs are also very specified, such as “to develop a
clear planning for training of lecturers that is tied to the demand on socio-
economic development The lecturers at universities and colleges require
to obtain master degree or higher; and they have to be trained and regularly
retrained their professional ability”.
To concretize these guidelines of the Party, the Government issued an action
plan to implement the Government's Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW (Resolution
No. 44/NQ-CP dated on 09th June 2014). For the development of S&T
human resource in universities, the government will “proceed building and
implementing programs of training for lecturers at higher education
institutes in order to meet the requirements of educational innovating”,
“Develop expert teams and leading educators at all educational and training
levels that are consistent with Vietnamese conditions and gradual
international integration...”, “Build capacities on scientific research for
lecturers, staffs and researchers at higher and professional education
In particular, Decision No. 2469/QD-TTg dated on 16th December 2016 of
the Prime Minister further confirmed the policy of the Party and the State on
the capacity building for lecturers and researchers in higher and professional
education institution in the period of 2017-2025, through the synchronous
implementation of the two projects: (i) Training of lecturers with doctoral
degree qualification for universities and colleges and (ii) Training and
fostering S&T human resource both inland and abroad by using the state
budget. It means that in addition to the Project No. 911 as mentioned above,
lecturers and researchers will continue being supported to capacity building
through other schemes.
Also, through protocols between the governments, various scholarship
programs, many Vietnamese scientists and researchers have had many
opportunities for learning, researching and participating on researches
64 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
2.1.2. Polices on recruitment and utilization of human resources
Recruitment and appointment of S&T human resources
The principles on recruitment and utilization of lecturers and S&T human
resource in universities specified in the Resolution 29-NQ/TW are that the
recruitment and utilization “have to be based on capacity assessment,
professional ethics and task effectiveness... the mechanism of dismissing,
assigning another jobs or resolutely rejecting off the fields would be applied
for those who are insufficient in quality and capacities to meet requirements
of the assigned tasks”.
The Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP issued the preferential policies for
individuals working on the field of S&T, irrespective of those within the
university or outside the university, as specified as: To be exceptionally
appointed to a higher scientific or technological titles without the promotion
exam, regardless of seniority (Article 6). To raise salaries at least one level
in the pay scale for those that obtain achievements in S&T activities (Article
7). Young talented scientists are considered to be exceptional recruited to
work in public S&T organizations without entrance exams (Article 24).
Prolonging working duration after the retirement age
The guideline on the extension of working duration and the regulations on
reasonable retirement age for highly qualified personnel in higher education
institutions were mentioned in the Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW. Concretizing
these guidance of the Party, the extension of working duration to high
qualified S&T human resource has stipulated in Article 9 of Decree No.
141/2013/ND-CP and Article 9 of Decree No.40/2014/ND-CP. The
legislation issued the provisions that those who are a professor, an associate
professor; those who hold the scientific and technological title Level 1 with
doctoral degree qualification; those who hold the scientific and
technological title Level 2 with doctoral degree qualification4 (including
S&T human resource in universities) could extend his/her working duration
after the retirement age if he/she is in sufficient health condition for working
and the organization has the demand on his/her contribution and agrees to
extend the contracts.
2.1.3. Policies on incomes and salaries
On incomes
4 Job titles in the field of S&T were issued in the Joint Circular No. 24/2014/TTLT-BKHCN-BNV dated on 01st
October 2014.
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 65
Income policy for S&T personnel have formed very early, especially after
the Reform period (1986). Experiencing a long way for nearly two decades,
after the Law on S&T was issued with a number of documents guiding the
Law as well as other policies on incomes of S&T human resource, many
great progress has been recorded.
Decree No. 81/2002/ND-CP dated on 17th October 2002/10/2002 of the
Government on detail regulations on the implementation of some articles of
the Law on S&T in 2000 has issued that “The revenues from the transfer of
R&D results will be divided to the scientists who produce the results, to the
results’ owner, to the scientists’ S&T organization and to the brokers. The
divided rate was agreed upon in the S&T contract between these parties.
(Article 33, paragraph 3).
The Intellectual Property Law No. 50/2005/QH11 dated on 29th November
2005 has stipulated that the authors of invents, industrial designs, designs of
integrated semiconductor layouts which were granted protection titles and
used state budget for research will receive the minimum remuneration equals
to what the IP owner must pay to the authors (Article 135, paragraph 2).
The Technology Transfer Law No. 80/2006/QH11 dated on 29th November
2006 has stipulated rate of distribution of income from technology transfer
activities generated by the state budget (Article 42, Article 43).
To concretize the resolutions of the Party and the Government5, Decision
No. 2469/QD-TTg provided regulations on the revision of policies to create
favorable conditions for educational institutions in the management,
exploitation and benefit division from the intellectual properties generated
from R&D activities.
On salaries
The guidelines and policies for salaries of lecturers and S&T staffs at
universities were outlined in details in the Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW and
the Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP. Lecturers' salaries are prioritized at the
highest rank in the pay scale system in the domain of administrative careers
with extra allowances depending on the nature of work or regional areas;
seniority allowances are calculated on the teaching duration. In particular,
salary policies are to encourage and attract high qualified human resources
in education and training sector.
5 Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW dated on 11th January 2012, Resolution No. 46/NQ-CP dated on 29th March 2013,
Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated on 11th April 2013 and Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP dated on 09th June 2014.
66 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
In addition to the provisions in Decree No. 99/2014/ND-CP, S&T human
resource and lecturers in higher education institutions are also entitled to the
policies stipulated in Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP (Article 7), in which those
who are appointed S&T titles in public institutes and carry out S&T
activities could raise their salary no more than two levels in the pay scale of
the same class title and no more than two times continuously.
At the same time, Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP has issued that leading
scientists could receive monthly preferential supports that equal to 100% of
their current salary (Article 18); the scientists who are assigned to
particularly important national level S&T tasks could receive the salary that
is equivalent to senior experts Level 3 with monthly preferential supports
that equal to 100% of their salary prior to being assigned to these tasks
(Article 21).
On income tax
Lecturers in higher education institutions are entitled to personal tax
incentives to the income raised from the R&D contracts in the prioritized or
key areas or from the contracts carried out in the mountainous, remote and
extremely difficult areas as identified in specified legislative provisions
(Article 10, Decree No. 99/2014/ND-CP).
2.1.4. Policies to honor and reward
In order to timely motivate and encourage S&T staffs to promote their
creativity and the application of S&T achievements into production and
daily life, the Party and the Government have issued many forms of awards
to honor the S&T personnel who have many outstanding achievements in
S&T activities. Rewarding S&T staffs is not only to honor to the
achievements that are creative, hard-working and meticulous of the
awarders given the acknowledgement of the collective and the social, but
also to cheer and encourage others striving to win these awards; rewarding
would be a propaganda to all social classes on meriting policy of the
country, creating a lifestyle that appreciates talented people.
The current rewarding system involved to S&T in Vietnam includes: Ho Chi
Minh Prize in S&T for especially outstanding S&T projects; National
Award for S&T for outstanding S&T projects; Medal “for the S&T career”
for those working in the field of S&T and made great contributions to the
S&T career; Vietnam Fund for Scientific and Technological Creations
(VIFOTEC) for ideas, technical innovations, rationalized and creative
production solutions with high value applications; Ta Quang Buu Award
that is held annually by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 67
encourage and honor the scientists who have outstanding achievements in
basic research in the fields of natural sciences and engineering, contributing
to the integration and development of S&T in Vietnam; Kovalevskaia Prize
that is the prize for those individuals, groups of women who have
outstanding achievements in research and scientific applications in Vietnam.
2.1.5. Policies that create favorable environmental and working conditions
In general, individuals working on S&T activities are provided favorable
working conditions:
- Vehicles, equipment, materials, experimental laboratories and other
necessary conditions are funded from function-based activities of S&T
organizations in order to carry out the assigned S&T tasks (Article 8,
Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP);
- Information access and S&T database to carry out the task (Article 8 of
Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP);
- Depending upon the scientists’ title (either scientific, technological Class
1 or young talented scientists,...), the scientists are considered to have
financial supports in using specialized key national laboratories or
interdisciplinary laboratories to carry out the S&T tasks (Article 8 of the
Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP; Article 10 of the Decree No. 99/2014/ND-
2.1.6. Other policies for S&T activity encouragement
The Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW has mentioned on “the policies that support
young lecturers on accommodation, on learning and scientific research to
ensure equality between lecturers in public and non-public universities on
honoring and training and professional fostering opportunities, to create
conditions for oversea Vietnamese experts to participate in teaching and
research in educational and training institutions in the country”.
The Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP on the “development of mechanisms to
encourage scientific researchers involved in teaching and teachers involved
in scientific research”, “building mechanisms and policies to send
Vietnamese experts and lecturers abroad for improving teaching and
scientific research skills...”. Besides of policy incentives for S&T human
resource in general as stipulated in Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP, lecturers in
universities who could produce publications of scientific research results are
also entitled to the following incentives:
- To be considered for financial supports: to participate in national and
international scientific conferences; to publish the S&T results on
68 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
reputable international scientific journals; and to register IPR protection
in the country and abroad for patents and plant seedlings (Article 8 of
Decree No. 40/2014/ND-CP);
- To be awarded an amount of bonus payment that does not exceed 30
times of the base salary for 01 publications in the prestigious
international scientific journals in the category of ISI, SCI and SCIE; to
be supported by 50% of the registration fee of copyright protection; to be
considered for financial supports to participate in national and
international conferences and symposiums in the fields of their expertise
(the source of funding comes from the state budget for S&T as estimated
and assigned to higher education institutions) (Article 10, Decree No.
2.2. The policies on financial investment for scientific research activities
in universities
The policies on financial investment for scientific research activities in
universities are also within the framework of financial investment policies
for S&T in Vietnam in general. The sources of funding for scientific
research activities in Vietnamese universities are primarily through a
number of channels: the funding for scientific research activities as prior
planned to the line ministry; S&T key programs; S&T independent national
level projects; S&T Development Fund. In addition, other sources of
funding for scientific research activities in universities also come from
student tuitions, foreign sponsorships and aids from inland and abroad
individuals and organizations,...
Applying current policies, every year, scientific research activities in public
universities are granted by the line ministry through S&T missions at all
levels in the forms of projects as plans approved.
The funding sources from the S&T development funds at national, sectorial
and local level: These funding can be considered suitable financial for
scientific research activities in universities in the context of globalization.
There has currently been a number of S&T funds for scientific research
activities in universities, such as the National S&T Development Fund
(established on 22nd October 2003 under the Decree No. 122/2003/ND-CP)
with the function of sponsoring and lending to carry out S&T tasks as
proposed by individuals and organizations.
Recently, the Decree No. 99/2014/ND-CP has given the regulations that
tertiary education institutions yearly spend a minimum 3% of funding from
tuition fees of students to carry out scientific research activities (Article 12).
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 69
2.3. The policies to develop S&T infrastructure, equipment and
information resource in universities
With the aim of contributing to the development of S&T potential resources
in Vietnam in general and the S&T potential resources in universities in
particular, the Government have paid attention to investment on
infrastructure facilities, equipment, laboratories,... to many universities.
Many line ministries have had the projects that focused to upgrade
infrastructure and equipment for the universities (including foreign loans
projects). Some universities have invested on books, textbooks, magazines,
on building reading rooms, libraries, computer rooms, on upgrading the
ability to access and search for online international research materials in
order to build capacity on training and scientific research, simultaneously
connected to worldwide R&D organizations and higher education
The Government has issued many policies on investment in constructing
and developing of the national key laboratory system (up to now, there have
been 16 laboratories that was invested in construction, in which many
laboratories are located within the universities) (Decision No. 850/QD-
In order to improve the capacity of scientific research institutions, in which
priorities on investment are put on focal point scientific research
institutions, key laboratories in universities, the Prime Minister has issued
the Decision No. 711/QD-TTg.
Infrastructure for universities have been strengthened by: supporting the
universities on land policy; creating conditions for universities to actively
exploiting these resources invested to renovate their technical facilities and
equipment; capacity building and improving the quality of library activities
in universities; forming an online library system that connects neighboring
universities at local, regional and national scale; establishing a global
information network and expanding international exchanges for all
universities and colleges in the country; building several key national
laboratories belonging to key leading universities and schools (Decision No.
121/2007/QD-TTg and Decision No. 37/2013/QD-TTg).
The management and development of S&T information have been also
strengthened (Decree No. 11/2014/ND-CP) by: Building national key
laboratories and laboratories that are specialized, interdisciplinary and
modernized; Building the system of libraries, magazines, information
infrastructure and databases on S&T; Purchasing intellectual property,
copyright, S&T database access overseas; Purchasing technologies,
70 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
supporting the transfer of technology imported from abroad as regulated
by legislative provisions (Decree No. 99/2014/ND-CP).
The issue of infrastructure investment for universities has been continued to
be emphasized in Decision No. 2469/QD-TTg. To develop and implement
the supporting plans for strengthening and upgrading equipment for
scientific research and technological development in the educational
institutions; Priorities of upgrading and supporting are given to the
educational institutions that have strong human resources in research and
technological application and that achieved many achievements in scientific
research and technology transfer. To develop mechanisms to encourage the
development of joint labs between the educational institutions and local and
foreign partners... To develop information infrastructure and S&T databases
to support scientific research activities.
2.4. To encourage investments on potential resource development and
scientific research at universities
In recent years, the encouragement and investment incentives on S&T
potential resource development in universities in Vietnam have been
reflected in the following policies: To prioritize investment in the
construction and development of “key universities” (Decision No.
47/2001/QD-TTg dated 04th April 2001 of the Prime Minister).
Encourage the establishment of universities and the attraction of reputable
foreign universities to joint linkages or build a division, local campus or
organize training programs of S&T human resource in Vietnam (according
to Decision No. 272/2003/QD-TTg dated 31st December 2003 of the Prime
Focus on investment in building world-class or key universities under
Decision No 121/2007/QD-TTg dated 27th July 2007 of the Prime Minister.
Improve in quality and efficiency of research and S&T application,
particularly educational science and management science (Resolution No.
29-NQ/TW). Focus on the investment for capacity building, quality
improvement and operational efficiency of national educational and
scientific research institutions. Improve the quality of research staffs and
educational experts. Be closely linked between training and research,
between training institutions and production facilities and business.
Encourage enterprises, organizations and individuals to invest on the
potential resource development and S&T activities (Article 11, Decree No.
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 71
However, these policies have not actually been effective; the investment has
been spread to a number of universities (21 key universities) with the
encouragement mainly focused on public universities.
3. Some remarks and suggestions on additional policies
As mentioned in the section 2, the Government has issued a number of
policies to develop the S&T potential resources in general and the S&T
potential resources in universities; however, more extensive research are
still needed to form scientific rationales to build additional policies for the
development of S&T potential resources in universities in the coming
period. This article will propose some of the policies as follows:
3.1. The development of scientific research human resource in universities
3.1.1. Supporting young scientists
Currently, there have not any specific mechanisms to support young staffs,
enabling young researchers to practicing their skills and maturity prior
becoming scientists. Almost postgraduate students and PhD researchers in
the country have carried out “vegetarian” research - which means there are
neither mechanisms nor subjects assigned in their master or PhD research
that is in association with what they currently did in universities or research
Paradoxically, the candidate would be 100% financial supported by the
Government if he/she enrolls overseas universities (including monthly
allowances, accommodation, travel fees, tuitions, insurance,...); whereas if
he/she enrolls Vietnamese universities, there are only financial support on
tuition fee by the sent organizations with no any other supports.
Currently, the MOST has been implementing a research program called
potential research projects. However, the implementation of this research
program is still at the beginning stage of piloting, therefore, there are still a
number of issues that still need to be further developed.
In order to change the situation, more extensive and practical research
should be conducted to provide rational policies that support young
researchers widespread, not just limited to those who are outstanding.
Scholarship funds for inland PhD students and postdoctoral (a limit of 3-
year duration for a post-doctoral scholarship). Mechanisms to support
research projects for young researchers conducting PhD studies in the
country could be formed.
72 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
Funding criteria for young scientists also need to change; since if they are
necessarily required research publications for being funding reviewed, it
would be entangled in a vicious circle of financial support/funding
consideration and scientific research achievements. On the other hand, once
a researcher had great scientific curriculum vitae, whether he/she would be
still in a group of young researchers (?). The importance of the grant
application is a matter of research issues and whether they should be
organized to study or not - in other words, what is important the funding
proposals themselves.
3.1.2. Enhancing the mobility of S&T human resources between sectors
(R&D-university-business) and attracting international scientific and
technological human resources
The mobility of S&T human resources between the sectors
Mechanisms of job mobility of S&T human resources between R&D
institutes, universities and enterprises (right from recruitment, working
mechanisms,...) should be developed. Appropriate mechanisms should also
be developed to promote S&T human resources (including in-house R&D of
companies) to be involved in teaching at universities, and vice versa
promoting teachers and students in universities to participate in research
activities in R&D institutes and enterprises.
To develop mechanisms to encourage S&T human resources working at
R&D institutes and universities to participate in the S&T activities with the
business sector and technological brokering organizations to strengthen the
S&T work forces for these organizations.
Previously we had had policies for concurrent personnel in various
organizations, however, at present this working form is no longer popular.
Therefore, further detailed studies are needed to develop specific policies
for those who work concurrently both in institutes/universities and
businesses. Specifically, S&T personnel can be invited for concurrently
working in universities, businesses and other institutions in such some forms
as: S&T personnel in research institutes may concurrently hold a leadership
specialist of scientific subjects at universities or the position of scientific
and technical management and production business in enterprises; or vice
versa, human resources in universities and enterprises can concurrently hold
various positions in research institutes.
Attracting international S&T human resources
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 73
The attraction of international S&T human resource includes both S&T
personnel who are Vietnamese living in overseas and foreign scientists.
These attraction measures include:
The financial supporting policies to encourage and attract scientists and
S&T personnel in other countries, which are in the following forms:
professional fellowship programs, research project funding, scholarships,
travel and living allowances and research project-based per diem.
Special Immigrant Settlement Policies: Besides of financial incentives,
further studies are needed to develop suitable immigration policies to attract
S&T personnel working in Vietnam. These policies could include:
optimized simplicity of procedures facilitating international mobility of
S&T personnel, including their accompanied family members; special visas
granting for scientists.
Creating favorable environment for the foreign experts’ research activities:
In addition to the immigration policies and financial support, in order to
“retain” the international S&T experts who have already worked in
Vietnam, professional environment for S&T research should be developed.
3.2. The increase in financial investments for scientific research in
3.2.1. Diversification of financial resources
The diversification of financial resources to invest on universities, especially
research universities, is an extremely important task. In addition to the
funding from the government budget, funding raised from other sources
(such as international financial support, joint cooperation projects, research
contracts with enterprises, technology transfer agreements,...) have currently
been a matter of urgency for the S&T research activities in universities in
3.2.2. The increased applications of competitive funding mechanisms in
scientific research
Currently, a number of scientific research tasks in universities have mainly
been funded through the management mechanisms of: (i) the line ministries,
(ii) national - level S&T programs that are under the management of the
MOST, (iii) some financial funding sources.
Compared to international practice of funding mechanisms, S&T tasks
should be funded by using competitive funding mechanisms such as the
S&T Development Funds at the national, ministerial and sectorial level.
74 Policies on the development of S&T potential resources
Undoubtedly, the studies on how to construct and amend the funding
mechanisms for each kind of funds, in a manner of funding agencies to react
to each type of scientific research, would be time consuming and an
important issue in practice in Vietnam.
Specialized financial support programs for collaborative research between
universities, R&D institutes and enterprises would be needed. The research
subjects, criteria and procedures for the program approvals should be
ensured to approach to targeted audiences of interests. This program will be
useful not only to mobilize investments of the industrial areas, but also to
promote the applications and transfer of research results and technologies
produced in research institutions /universities into enterprises.
3.3. Strengthening equipment and information resource for scientific
research in universities
On the viewpoint of the Government, it is suggested that the Government
would increase its investment on infrastructure and equipment sufficiently
once the scientific and technological research fields are in targeted
Also, the policies and mechanisms are also needed to mobilize investments
from other sources of the society. The mechanisms should be created for the
universities to invest on modern machineries, equipment, additional
laboratories and research facilities, especially the universities in specified
majors of technical science and technology.
Relevant information sources for scientific research activities, such as
libraries, the database system of books, magazines, and especially computer
networks connected to international database sources (digital libraries) are
important conditions for Vietnam universities in scientific research
activities, exchanging information and promoting knowledge.
Currently, the National Agency of Science and Technology Information
(MOST) has provided links to international organizations (OECD, EU,...),
websites (Thomson Reuters,...) and a number of prestigious scientific
journals worldwide; therefore, it would be useful for the universities to
collaborate with the Agency to joint use of these information resources.
Furthermore, it is necessary to mobilize the resources of the whole society
(from the government, universities and other resources of society) to invest
extensively on computer networks that are connected to the database of
international scientific research so that scientists, lecturers and researchers
could access to the latest scientific publications in the world and exchange
scientific information with international scientific communities.
JSTPM Vol 5, No 4, 2016 75
Another important task is the need of developing a number of scientific
journals in English with sufficient international reputation; these journals
would form “channels” of information or “forums” for academic debates
between scientists in Vietnam and other scientists around the world./.
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8. Le Thi Ly. (2014) The barriers to young researchers. Tia Sang Journal of S&T
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No. 6 (194) 2012 .
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in 2014. link: Research and Development in Universities.
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