Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 Trường THCS Quế Phú

Answer key: a. W.L Judson invented the zipper in 1893. b. Phung Khac Khoan brought maize into Vietnam in the 16th century. c. Lewis Waterman invented the fountain pen in 1884. d. Brotthers Lazlo and George Biro invented the ballpoint pen in Hungary in 1935. e. People use xerography widely in commerce and industry in copying machines. -Laguage Focus 1,2: Turn the sentences into the active if possible.

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nswer Key: a) The only surviving wonder on Antipater's list is the Pyramid of Cheops. b) Angkor wat was originally built for Hindus. c) Angkor wat was part of a royal Khmer city a long time ago. d) In the 1400s, the Khmer King chose Phnom Penh as the new capital. IV. Grid - Draw the grid on the board and have Ss copy it. - Ask Ss to read the text again and fill in the grid with the information taken from the text. Individual Whole class Pairwork Whole class Homework Wonders of the world Country 1. Hanging gardens of Babylon 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Iraq - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 5: Period 89 Section: - Write 1, 2 (page:135) Aim: Practice'in writing a letter to a friend. Objectives: Ss can write a letter to a friend about a place they have visited. Teaching aids: picture, drawing. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/Activities Work arrangement Warm-up Pre-writing Guessing game: Wonders of the world. - Ask Ss to think of one of the wonders of the world and write it on a piece of paper. - Call on a student to the front of the class with his / her paper. - Have the rest of the class ask him/ her yes-no questions to guess the wonder. - The student having the right guess will take the place of the last student. WRITE I. Pre-teach vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss 1. (a) ranger (explanation) (person who takes care of a park) 2. Edge (n) (drawing) the edge of the table Whole class Teacher-Ss While-writing Post writing 3. (a) canyon: (translation / picture) 4. breathtaking (adj):= very exciting, impressive 5. temperate (adj) (explanation / translation) 6. Stone Age (translation) - Get Ss to copy. Checking technique: Rub out and Remember II. Insertion - Ask Ss to read the letter Tim sent to Hoa about his trip to the grand Canyon on page 135. - Tell Ss to complete the letter by inserting the letters of the missing sentences. (A, B, C and D) - Call on some ss to read their completed letters in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct. Answer Key: l.C 2.B 3.D 4.A III. Writing - Set the scene: Imagine you have visited a place recently. Write a letter to a friend of yours and tell him/ her about this place. - Draw the outline on the board and elicit some details. + place (Phong Nha cave/ Cue Phuong National park...) + Distance (100km/12 hours by train/...) + How to get there (by bus/ plane/...) + Sights (beautifull/breathtaking/...) + weather (temperate/ sunny/cool/...) + How you feel ( happy/ relaxed/...) - Have Ss talk about something they have done first by asking questions for them to answer. - Ask Ss to write the letter in their notebooks. - Monitor and assist Ss if necessary. - Call on some Ss to read their letters in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct. IV. Interview - Ask Ss to use the outline on the board and the information in their letters to make an interview. - Model: call on a student to stand up to answer the questions: • Where have you just visited? • How far is it? How did you get there?• Individual Teacher Teacher-Ss Whole class Pairwork Homework What is it like?/ Is it beautifull?• How about the weather/ • How did you feel? - Ask Ss to play in turn the role of an interviewer and an interviewee. - Monitor and correct. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate their interview. - Write the completed letter (1) in your notebooks. - Do ther exercises in the workbook, page UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 6: Period 90 Section: - Language Focus 1, 2, 3 (page:136, 137.......) Aim: Further practice in Reported speech and the passive. Objectives: SS can report what people ask and answer about one of the world cultureal Heritage of Vietnam. Teaching aids: charts, posters. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/Activities Work arrangement Warm up Presentation Pracitce BINGO Temperate, breathtaking, royal, religious, canyon, pyramid, edge, god, jungle, compile (10 words) LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 I. Revision - Ask Ss to resay the form of the passive in the Past simple tense. Was/were + past participle - Have Ss look at the exercise and choose the right verbs in the box for the gaps in the sentences. - Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the right passive form of the verbs. - Call on some ss to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. Answer Key: a) was completed d) was presented b)was constructed e) was reached Individual Individual Pairwork Production Presentation Practice Production c) was designed II. Matching - Write the words and their meaning on the board. - Ask Ss to read the exercises again and do the matching. 1. Construct (v) 2. design (v) 3. summit(n) 4. expendition 5. guide a) thieát keá b) ñoaøn thaùm hieåm c) xaây döïng d) höôùng daãn vieân e) ñænh (nuùi) - Call on some Ss to go to the board draw the lines to connect the words. Answer Key: l.C 2.A 3.E 4. B 5. D LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 I. Set the scene Yesterday, Nga and Nhi talked about My Son, one of the world cultural Heritage of Vietnam. Beside answering some of Nhi's questions, Nga gave her some additional information about My Son. - Ask Ss to report what Nhi asked Nga, using reported speech. - Call on some Ss to resay the use of the Indirect Yes/ No question if necessary. - Show the questions on the board - Model the first question and ask Ss to listen. a) Do you know My Son, Nga? ® Nhi asked Nga if / whether she knew My Son II. Substitution Drill Oral Drill - Call on one student to read the question, another student read the reported sentence - Give feedback and correct if necessary - Go on asking Ss to do the rest questions orally with the same steps. Writing Drill - Call on some Ss to go to the board and write the reported sentences. - Correct and ask Ss to write the right answers in their notebooks. Answer Key: Individual Teacher Individual Pairwork Invidual Whole class Production Production a. Nhi asked Nga if/whether b. d. b. e. f. She knew My Son My Son was in Quang Nam province Many people lived at My Son It was far from Hanoi Many tourists visited M.S every year. Nga wanted to visit Ms one day. LANGUAGE FOCUS 3. III. Word Cue drill * Oral Drill - Show the word-cue chart on the board - Model the first sentence and ask Ss to listen. a. tell/ how/ go there ® Nga told Nhi how to go there. - Check if Ss recognize the model sentence ® S | V | Question word | To infinitive) - Ask one student to say the next sentence. - Give feedback and correct. - Have Ss dp the rest of the exercise orally with the same steps. • Writing Drill - Ask some Ss to go to the board and write complete sentences. - Give feedback, correct and have Ss copy Answer Key: a. Nga told Nhi how to go there. b. Nga showed Nhi where to get tickets. c. Nga pointed out where to buy souvenirs. d. Nga advised Nhi how to go from My Son to Hoi An. e. Nga told Nhi what to do there during the visit. - Deliver posters to Ss - Write the question words on the board and ask Ss to write complete sentences of their own. - Tell Ss to write their sentences on posters and put them on the board after finishing them. Group work of 4/5 Ss Homework - Award Ss good marks if their sentences are right. - Language focus 1: Turn the passive sentences into the active. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page _ UNIT 15:COMPUTER Period 93-98 I. Aims Helping students - to recognize facts and opinions. - to express opinions. - to agree and disagree. - to complete a flow chart. - to write a set of instructions. II. Language Focus 1. Present perfect with Yet and Already. 2. Comparison of present perfect and past simple. III. Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) adjust (to) connect (to) fix (to) fix (to) install (to) post (to) restrict (to) turn on under guarantee concern degree document freshman jack jam manual printer requirement plug/ socket challenging skeptical properly IV. Unit Allocation GETTING STARTED Lesson 1 Listen and Read 1, 2 Reading to recognize facts and opinions and to know how to express opinions Lesson 2 Speak 1, 2 Practice in expressing agreement and disagreement. Lesson 3 Read 1, 2 Reading for details about how computer work in a university Lesson 4 Write 1, 2/ Listen Practice in writing instructions on how to use the printer and completing a flow chart Lesson 5 Language Focus 1, 2 Present perfect with Yet and Already. Lesson 6 Language Focus 3, 4 Comparison of present perfect and past simple UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 1: Section: - Getting Started (page 138) Period 93 - Listen and Read 1, 2 (page 138, 139) Aim: To get Ss to differentiate facts from opinions through reading. Objectives: Ss will be able to express their opinions about a problem. Teaching aids: Photocopied picture (page 142), realia, cassette, chart PROCEDURE Stage Steps/Activities Work arrangement Warm up Pre-reading GETTING STARTED: Brainstorm. • Write the topic on the board Computers can help us: - Save time - ……………… - Ask Ss to think of the topic and express their opinions. - Collect Ss opinions and write them on the board. Suggestions: + Computers help us learn interestingly. + Computers help us learn more quickly. + Computers are convenient / easy for keeping / storing information. + Computers are very quick in giving answers to our questions. LISTEN AND READ I. Preteach vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss. 1. (a) printer (picture) 2. (a) manual (explanation / realia) (a book coming with a machine tells you how to use / operate the machine. 3. (to) connect: (hand gesture) 4. under guarantee: (situation) (The machine you buy at a shop will be under guarantee from 6 to 12 months. 5. (a) plug (realia) 6. (a) socket (picture /realia)_ - Have Ss copy. Checking Technique: Bingo (*) Individual Teacher-Ss While-reading While-reading II. True / False prediction - Set the scene: Nam and his father, Mr. Nhat are talking about the problem of the computer they've just bought. What happens to the computer? - Put the chart on the board and have Ss guess which statements are true and which are false. 1. The printer isn't working. 2. Nam has already turned the computer on. 3. Nam knows how to connect a printer but he hasn't connected it properly. 4. The manual helped them to find out the problem. 5. Mr. Nhat bought the computer in HCM City and it's still under guarantee. 6. Mr. Nhat thinks the company wouldn't do anything with his computer because it's too far from his place. - Call on some pairs to give their answers. - Write Ss' guesses on the board. - Ask Ss to open their books, read the dialogue on page 138 and listen to the tape. - Have Ss work in pairs again to check if their guesses are right or not. - Give feedback and correct. Answer key: 1. True 2. True 3. False: Nam knows how to connect a printer and he has connected it properly. 4. False: Mr. Nhat thinks it isn't very helpful. 5. True 6. False: Mr. Nhat thinks the company s hould do something with it. - Have Ss copy the corrected sentences. III. Reading Comprehension - Explain the words: "Fact and Opinion" + Fact: a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved. + Opinion: Your feelings or thoughts about someone or something, rather than a fact. - Get Ss to read the statements and check (ü) the suitable boxes. - Call on some Ss to give their answers Teacher Pairwork Whole class Pairwork Teacher Ss Teacher Individual Post-reading Homework Answer key: a) þ o b) o þ c) o þ d) þ o e) þ o f) o þ IV. Write it up - Ask Ss to use reported speech to rewrite the dialogue. - Divide the class into 3 groups and assign each group to report about 3 ® 4 sentences. - Have them write their report on a poster and put it on the board for public check. - Do the exercises in the workbook, page Whole class Group work of 10/15 Ss UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 2: Period 94 Section: - Speak 1, 2 (page 139, 140) Aim: To get Ss to practice in expressing agreement and disagreement. Objectives: Ss will be able to use some common useful expressions to express agreement and disagreement. Teaching aids: Photocopied pictures (page 139), charts. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/Activities Work arrangement Warm-up Guessing game: "Do you think that...?" - Ask Ss each to think of one of the ways computers are helpful and write it on a piece of paper. - Call on a student to the front of the class. - Get the rest of the class ask him / her "Do you think that computers are …………. ? - The student can only answer with yes or no. - Tell Ss the one to have the right guess will get one good mark and go on answering the classmates / questions. Presentation Practice •SPEAK I. Brainstorm - Write the topic on the board: Useful expressions to express agreement and , disagreement. - Put the table on the board and elicit Ss' answers then write them in the table. Opinion Agreement Degree of Agreement Disagreement I like… I don’t like… I think… I feel… I don’t believe… So do I I agree You’re right Neither do I I agree, but… Yes, but on the other hand… I disagree I can’t agree with you No, I think…. - Explain the phrase "on the other hand" to Ss. - Get ss to copy the table. II. Matching - Put the photocopied pictures (p. 139) on the right of the board and the word cues on the left (not in order). - Ask Ss to match the words with the pictures. 1. Reading comic books d. o 2. Playing in the rain a. o 3. Driving a car b. o 4. Foreign food c. o Call on some Ss to go to the board to draw the matching lines. Answer key: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d III. Picture Drill - Erase the words but leave the pictures. ORAL DRILL - Get a student to demonstrate the model (a) T: I think driving a car is easy. P: I disagree. I think it's difficult to drive a car. or So do I. - Ask Ss to use .the adjectives in the box on page 140 to express their opinions after going through the meaning of some new words. 1. entertaining 2. time-consuming 3. challenging - Ask Ss to use the pictures on the board to practice speaking with their partners. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate for the class. Whole class Individual Teacher-Ss Pair work Production Homework - Give feedback and correct + Suggestions a. Driving a car Learning to drive a car - easy once we get used to it. - Challenging / difficult to get used to driving in traffic. - Dangerous b. Comic books Reading comic books - boring - interesting / fun - time-consuming c. Playing in the rain - fun - interesting - entertaining c. Foreign food Hamburgers, pizza, French fries - delicious - fun to cat - unhealthy IV. Mapped dialogue - Present the dialogue and have Ss repeat, sentence by sentence. - Call on one student to demonstrate the dialogue. - Open pair. - Closed pairs: Ss make similar dialogues referring the cues on page 140 (below the dialogue) to replace the information. - Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board. I am having problems with ... What's wrong? It doesn't work. I think ... No. You didn't ... Oh! Sorry. - Write complete dialogues in your notebooks. Do the exercises in the workbook, page…. Teacher Teacher-Ss Teacher-Ss Pair work UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 3: Section: - Read 1, 2 (page 141, 142) Period 95 Aim: Reading comprehension Objectives: Ss can know more about how computers work in a university Teaching aids: Chart, cardboards. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/Activities Work arrangement Warm up Pre-reading Jumbled words: - Inform the topic Words relating to a computer - Put the cardboards on the board 1 terpirn = 2 seumo = 3 recsnc = 4 nimorot = 5 bdoaryke = 6 Moseu dap = - Divide the class into 2 teams and ask each team to go to the board to write their answers as fast as possible. Answer Key 1. printer 2. mouse 3. screen 4. monitor 5. key board 6. mouse pad I. Preteach vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss 1. (a) Freshman = the first-year student at a college/ university. 2. (a) Jack (translation) 3. (a) bulletion board = notice board 4. skeptical (adj) (translation) 5. impact (riu): (translation) - Have Ss copy the vocabulary Checking technique: What and Where - Elicit words from ss and write them inside circles. - Get Ss to repeat and rub out the word, not the circle. Teamwork Teacher-Ss Whole class Whole class While-reading - Continue ufttil the circles are empty. - Get Ss to repeat the rubbed - out circles by pointing at the empty circles. - Have Ss fill in the circles on the board with the right words again (5 ss at a time) II. Open prediction - Introduce the topic of the text. - Ask Ss to guess what they're going to read. - Suggested questions: 1. Where in the library do we get / find information? 2. How can we store the information? 3. If we want to discuss something, how can we do? - Write the Ss' guesses on the board. - Ask Ss to read the text to check if their guesses are correct or not. I. True / False Statements - Get Ss to read the text again then read the true / false statements and decide if the statements are true or false. - Call on some ss to give their answers and correct the false statements. - Have Ss copy all the right statements in their notebooks. Answer Key c) T d) F: Students don't have to go to computer rooms because college campuses now have computer jacks in every part of Pair work the university. e) T f) T IV. Comprehension questions Have Ss read the questions on page 147 Individual and find the information in the text to answer. Ask Ss to compare their answers with Pair work their partners. Call on some Ss to give their answers for the class. Give feed back and correct. Answer Key: a) It has no library. All the information normally found in a library is now stored in the university's computers. b) All the information normally fount library or messages normally found on a bulletin board. ! c) A computer and a telephone (line). d) With a bulletin board on the Internet, a great number of people (over 20 million) can get access to the bulletin and exchange information quickly. e) (Student's answers) i - Write the answers in your notebooks. Do the exercises in the workbook, page Group of 5 Ss Teacher-Ss Individual Whole class UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 4: Section - Write 1,2 (page 142, 143) Period 96: - Listen (page 141) Aim: to get Ss to practice in writing instructions – Listening for details. Objectives: Ss will be able to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer and complete a flow chart. Teaching aids: picture (p. 142, 143) charts. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm – up Pre – writing While – writing While– listening Post – listening Homework * WORDSQUARE - Put the word square chart on the board. - Inform the topic and the number of the hidden words. Words related to a computer - Ask Ss to write the words they find out on a piece of paper and hand in offer they finish their work. C N E E R C S K O U T P U T P E M O N I T O R Y P A E N O C I B U H B C D E N O T R A Y O P T A E S U O M G E R R I P O W E R D Hidden words: 10 ® ¬ ¯ - Give feedback and correct. Answer Key ®: output, monitor, tray, power. ¬: screen, icon, mouse ¯: computer, printer, and keyboard * WRITE I. Preteach Vocabulary - Use the picture on page 142 to elicit words from Ss. 1. paper input tray 2. power button 3. icon (Picture) 4. output path 5. (to) remove: to put (sth) away - Have Ss copy Checking technique: Matching - Ask Ss to look at exercise 1 (p. 142) and do the matching. - Get some Ss to give their answers and correct. Answer Key a. 3 b. 1 c. 6 d. 2 e. 4 f.5 II. Gap fill - Get Ss to make use of some phrasal verbs. - Put the words on the board and ask Ss to fill in the gaps with the right words of possible. 1. (to) wait…. (so/sth) 2. (to) remove … (sth) 3. (to) turn …. (a machine) 4. (to) plug … (sth) 5. (to) load … (sth) - Ask some Ss to give their answers and correct. Answer Key a. 3 b. 1 c. 6 d. 2 e. 4 f. 5 Answer Key (to) wait for (so/sth) (to) remove f (sth) (to) turn on / off (a machine) (to) plug in (sth) (to) load f (sth) III. Writing - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 143 and read the cues. - Have Ss work in pairs to outline the instructions. -Call on some Ss to say out the instructions first (1 or 2 Ss for each sentence). - Have some Ss read their writing before the class. - Givi feed back and correct. Answer Key Plug in the printer and turn on the power. Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray. Wait for the power button to flash. Have the pages appear on the computer screen. Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds. The printed-paper will get out from the output path in minute. *LISTEN I. Pre-teach - Put the flow chart on the board and have Ss copy it into their exercise books. - Get Ss to understand chart and the meanings of all the shapes used in the chart. Starting /stopping point (Circle) Questions (Triangle) Answers (Oval) II. Gap fill - Ask Ss to look at the flow chart and guess the words in the gaps. - Play the tape (2 or 3 times) and ask ss to listen. - Tell Ss to fill the gaps with the information they have heard from the tape. - Have Ss compare the answers with their partners. - Call on some Ss to go the board to write their answers. Answer Key . Find a machine a. Do you have the correct change b. Yes c. What do you want to drink? Lemon Soda Insert coins and press button d. Take it - Have Ss copy III. Write – it – up - Have Ss write a set of instructions on how to get a drink from a machine, using the flow chart. - Call on some Ss to read their writing for the class. - Do the execises in the workbook, page … Group work of 4/5 Ss Teacher – Ss Whole class Individual Pair work Teacher –ss Pair work Individual Pair work Whole class Individual UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 5: Section - Language Focus 1, 2 (page 144, 145) Period 97: Aim: Further practice in using the present perfect. Objectives: Ss can use “yet” and “already” to express the present perfect. Teaching aids: chart PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm – up Presentation Practice Production Homework Lucky Numbers. (Consolidation of Tenses) - Write 10 numbers on the board (1 to 10). - Tell Ss each number is for a question but 3 of them are lucky numbers. If Ss choose a lucky number, they don’t have to answer any question but they’ll get 2 points and they can choose another number. - Divide the class into 2 teams. Questions: 1. What does your father/mother do? (He/She is……..) 2. What did you do last night? (Past simple) 3. Lucky Number 4. How often is Hue Festival held? (It is held every 2 years) 5. Lucky Number 6. What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? 7. Guess what your parents are doing at the moment? 8. Who often cooks in your family? 9. Which grade will you be in next school year? (I’ll be in Grade 9 next school – year) 10. Lucky Number * LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 I. Set the scene “Ba’s mother has just been back from market. She wanted him to do some housework while she was at the market. Ba made notes in his diary and checked (ü) the work he has done. Look at Ba’s diary”. - Show the chart (Ba’s diary) on the board. - Do homework ü ® (already) - Tidy the room ü x (not yet) - Turn off the washing machine ü ® (already) - Call and tell Aunt Le to have lunch. ü ® (already) - Ask questions and elicit the answers from Ss. T: Has Ba done his homework yet? S: Yes, he has already done his homework. T: Has ba tidied the room yet? S: No, he hasn’t tidied the room yet. - Have Ss repeat and write the sentences on the board. Concept Check: Present perfect with Yet and Already. Use: Yet: used in questions and negative statements. Already: used in positive statements. Positions: Yet: at the end of the sentence. Already – between auxiliary Have and past participle - at the end of the sentence. - Have Ss copy. II. Gap fill Dialogue - Ask Ss to look at Ba’s diary and complete the dialogue using Yet and already. Call on some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue for the class. - Give feedback and correct. Answer Key: Ba’s mother: Have you finished your homework yet, Ba? Ba: Yes, I have finished it already, Mon. Ba’s mother: Good. What about your room? Is it tidied now? Ba: I’m sorry, Mom. I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet. Ba’s mother: Bad boy, Ba. And the washing machine! Have you turned it off yet? Ba: Don’t worry, Mom. I have (already) turned it off already. Ba’s mother: Have you called and told aunt Le to have lunch with us today? Ba: Yes. I’ve already called and told her to have lunch with us, and she said she would come. * LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 III. Questions – Answers Ask Ss to look at the flight information tables and ask questions to show the models. T: Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet? S: Yes, it has already departed. T: Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived yet? S: No, it hasn’t arrived yet. Ask Ss taking in turns to ask and answer the questions. Call on son???? Ss to demonstrate the exchanges in front of the class. Give feedback and correct. Language Focus 2: Write the questions and answers into your exercise books. Do the exercises in the workbook, page Teamwork Teacher Teacher-Ss Whole class Pairwork Teacher - ss Teacher-Ss Pair work UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 6: Section - Language Focus 3,4 (page 146) Period 98: Aim: Further practice in comparison of the present perfect and past simple. Objectives: Ss can use present perfect to express complete and incomplete actions and recognize the difference between the present perfect and past simple. Teaching aids: charts. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm-up Presentation Practice Production Homework Guessing game: What’s your job? Call on a student to go the board and give him/her a job name. Ask the rest of the class to guess the job by asking yes/no question. The chosen student can only answer yes or no. Example questions: + Do you work with children? + Do you wear uniform? + Do you travel a lot? Tell ss someone who can guess the right job will get a point and take the place of the last chosen student. LANGUGE FOCUS 3 I. Pre - teach Set the scene: * Use Vietnamese to elicit the models: 1. I’ve ever been to Dalat ® (finished) (Toâi ñaõ töøng ñeán Ñaø Laït). 2. My parents have gone to Dalat for 3 days ® (incomplete). (Ba meï toâi ñi Ñaø Laït ñaõ 3 ngaøy nay roài). Concept check: present perfect tense Use: -finished action ® indefinite time Incomplete actions ® for, since, recently… Form: have/has + past participle Have Ss copy II. Grammar Drill Ask Ss to look at the table on page 146, real the sentences and check (ü) the correct columm. Call on some ss to give their answers. Give feedback and correct. Answer Key Finished action Incomplete action a. I’ve been to SaPa highlands. ü b. They have lived in Ca Mau for 10 years. ü c. She has finished her homework. ü d. He has worked with the computer since early morning ü e. We have found the troubles of the printer. ü f. Someone has unplugged the printer. ü g. People have received information through the internet recently ü * LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 I. Revision. Put the chart on the hoard and ask Ss to read the sentences. Ask Ss to decide which sentence is in the present perfect and which is past simple. Her family moved to Hanoi 2 years ago. He has never met such an intelligent boy before. My brother has become more independent since he left home. When did the Second word war break out? Call on Ss to give their answers. Give feedback and correct. Answer Key: Past simple ® finished action with definite time. Present perfect ® an action (not) taking place from the past to the present. Has become: present perfect ® (same as number 2). Left: past simple ® finished action with understood definite time. past simple ® (same as number 1) II. Grammar Drill Ask Ss to complete the dialogues on page 146 orally. Call on some pairs to give their answers. Give feedback and correct. Have some pairs to demonstrate the dialogues for the class. Pronunciation correction. Answer Key. Ba: Have you seen the film Jurassic Park yet? (see). Nam: Yes, I have Ba: When did you see it? Nam: I saw it three months ago. Loan: We haven’t had a vacation since last year. (not have). Chi: Why not? Loan: My parents have been very busy since then (be). Nga: Have you heard the news about Nam? (hear) Mai: No. What happened? (happen) Nga: He hed an accident. He was jogging. (heve) He suddenly fell and broke his leg. (jall, berak) Sung: Have the plane arrived yet? Clerk: Yes, it has. Sung: When did it arrive? Clerk: It arrived at the airport two hours ago. III. Writing Ask Ss to write 4 sentences of their own 2 in the past simple and 2 in the present perfect. Have some of them write their sentences on the board for public check and give them points of possible. Do the exercises in the workbook, page… Individual Teacher – Ss Whole class Individual Individual Teacher Pair work Teacher-Ss Group of 4/5 Ss Teacher - Ss UNIT 16: COMPUTERS (Period 99 – 103) I. Aims Helping students - to say what something was like - to talk about processes - to write about a process II. Language Focus Passive forms Sequence markers II. Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) crush conveyor – belt vat (to) grind facsimile roller (to) liquify hairdryer (to) manufacture helicopter (to) remove loudspeaker (to) drain microwave mold process pulp reinforced concrete toaster wire procedure IV. Unit Allocation Lesson 1 Getting started Listen and Read 1, 2 Reading for details about the development of paper and the process of producing chocolate. Lesson 2 Speak 1,2 Language Focus (page 156) Practice in talking about the inventions using the passive. Lesson 3 Listen 1, 2 Read 1, 2 Listening to fill to fill in the gaps and order the sentence. Reading a poem for information about inventions Lesson 4 Write 1, 2 Language Focus 4 Practice in using sequence markers. Lesson 5 Language Focus 1, 2, 3 Further practice in using the passive. Note: Period 104: Revision 105: The Second Semester Exam Test UNIT 16: INVENTIONS Lesson 1: Section - Getting started (page 147) Period 99: - Listen and Read 1,2 (page 147 -149) Aim: Reading for details about the development of paper and how to produce chocolate. Objectives: Ss can know the origin of papar and talk about the process of produce chocolate. Objectives: Ss can know the origin of paper and talk about the process of producing something. Teaching aids: Cassette, pictures (147, 148), grid charts. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm up Pre-reading Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading Homework *QUIZ – WHO DID IT? - Divide the class into 2 teams - Tell Ss the team raising their hands first (after the teacher finishes the question) will have the right to answer the question. - Inform the questions: “Who was the inventor of ……………?” or “Who invented ……………?” Suggestions: 1. Steam engine ® Thomas Savery built the first steam engine in 1698 and later Watt improved it. 2. Light bulb ® Humphry Davy, an English scientist, in 1800. 3. Sewing machine ® Isaac Meritt Singer (1850). 4. Aqualung ® Jacques – Yves Cousteau in 1943. 5. Tlephone ® A. Graham Bell * GETTING STARTED - Get Ss to look at the pictures on page 147 and ask them some questions to valuate how much they understand the pictures. Suggenstions: - Where are they from? (picture a, b, c, e) - What is the man in picture a) doing? - What is ir? (d) - Ask Ss to read the sentences (A®E) and match them with the correct pictures. - Call on some ss to give their answers. - Give feedback and correct. Answer Key: A. b) B. c) C. e) D. a) E. d) * LISTEN AND READ 1,2 I. Preteach Vocabulary - Elicit words from ss use a flowchart and Vietnamese to elicit words 1® 2® 3® 4 1. (to) remove 2. (to) crush 3. (to) liquify 4. (to) grind ® to grind – ground – ground 5. (to) manufacture = (to) produce 6. (a) process ® manufacturing process (Use the flowchart to explain the word) 7. (a) mold (realia/picture…) 8. conveyor belt (picture) - Have Ss copy Checking Technique: Slap the board - Put the English words all over the board. - Call on 2 Ss or 2 teams of 4/5 ss in both sides of the class to the fornt of the class. - Call out the Vietnamese words and Ss run forward to slap the English words on the board. -Student who slaps the right word first is the winner and gets a point for his/her team. II. Open Prediction - Set the scene: Tim Jones, Hoa’s American penpal, is visiting a chocolate factory with his class and his teacher. Mrs. Allen. Now, guess who will show them around the factory and what they will learn from this visit. -Write the Ss’ predictions on the board. III. Matching Play the tape and ask ss to listen while reading the dialogue on page 148. Ask Ss to match the half sentences on page 149. Have ss compare their answer with their pictures. Call on Ss to give their answers for the class. Give feedback and correct. Get Ss to write the full sentences in their exercise notebooks. Answer Key: E a). The beans are cleaned before being cooked. D b). Mr. Roberts thought Tim and Sam were going to touch the button. C c). After cooking, the cocoa bean smell like chocolate. F d). Sugar in one of the ingredients in chocolate. B e). Mrs. Allen warned Sam to leave some chocolate for others. A f). A sample of chocolate is given after visitors have toured the factory. IV. Grid Put the grid on the ??oard and have Ss copy. Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and fill in the grid. CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURING PROCESS Answer Key: 1. The beans are washed, weighed and cookeo. 2. Then shells are removed. 3. The beans are crushed and liquefied. 4. Cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla and milk are added. 5. The mixture is ground, rolled and pound into the molds. Call on some pairs to go to the board to write their answers. Give feedback and correct. Rewrite the grid using sequence markers (First, next, then…, finally). Teamwork Individual Pair work Teacher – Ss Whole Class Teamwork Teacher Individual Whole class Individual Pair work Teacher –ss Whole class Whole class Pair work Teacher –Ss UNIT 16: INVENTIONS Lesson 2: Section - Speak (page 149, 150) Period 100: - Language Focus (page 156) Aim: Further practice in using the passive. Objectives: Ss can talk about the inventions using the passive Teaching aids: tables PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm –up Presentation Practice Production Homework “Bingo (revision) Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 words and write them on the board. (foreman, process, manufacture, remove, crush, liquefy, grind, pour, mold, conveyor belt). Ask Ss to choose any 4 words and copy them into their paper. Call out the words until someone has ticked all of his/her words and shouts “bingo”. * SPEAK 1,2 I.Pre-teach Vocabulary Have Ss study the meanings of the inven – tions using Vietnamese. Facsimile Reinforced concrete. Microphone X-ray Loudspeaker Helicopter II. Grammar Awareness Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 148 again and pick out all of the passive sentences. Call on Ss to give their answer. Have Ss review the passive in the present and past simple tenses. Answer Key: This is where the cocoa beans are stored (present simple). That button can not be touched (passive with model). The beans are washed, weighed and cooked here. After the shells are removed… into molds. III. Word – Cue Drill Have Ss read the model dialogue on page 149. Let Ss know what they are going to do: Ask and answer questions about the inventions to fill in the missing information. Ask ps to look at the tables on page 150 and 156 and model the exchanges, using a good student. 1. T: What was invented by Friedrich Koenig? S: Printing Press T: When was it invented? S: Where was Koenig from? T: He was from Germany. 8. S: What was invented by C.W.Rice in 1924? T: Loudspeaker. S: Where is C.W.Rice from? T: The USA Have Ss work in pairs, one looks at the table on page 150 and the other page 156. Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions orally then fill in the missing information. Monitor and help Ss if necessary. Call on some pairs to demonstrate the exchanges. Give feedback and correct. Have Ss copy the complete table. Answer Key: INVENTION DATE INVENTOR NATIONALITY Printing Press 1810 Friedrich Koenig German Bicycle 1816 Karl D. Sanerbronn German Facsimile 1843 Alexander Bain English Sewing machine 1845 Elias Howe American Reinforced concrete 1849 F.J.Monier French Micropone 1878 D.E.Hughes American X-ray 1895 Wilhelm Konarad German Loudspeaker 1924 C.W.Rice American Helicpter 1939 Igor Sikorsky American Color Television 1950 Peter Carl Goldmark American Optical fiber 1955 Narinder Kapany german Laser 1958 Gordon Gould American IV. Making reports Model and have Ss repeat Eg: The printing Press was invented by Friedrich Koenig in 1810. Ask Ss to use the complete table to report what they have found. Use the information in the table to write 12 complete sentences in the… Individual Teacher-Ss Pair work Individual Whole class Teacher – S Teacher – S Pair work Teacher-Ss Pair work Teacher-Ss Individual UNIT 16: INVENTIONS Lesson 3: Section - Listen 1,2 (page 150, 151) Period 101: - Read 1,2 (page 151, 152) Aim: Listening and reading for information about papermaking & inventions Objectives: Ss can fill in the gaps and order sentences ® from listening Teaching aids: cassette, picture (p. 150), realia. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm up Pre-Listening While – listening Post listening Pre – reading While – reading Post – reading Homework * Guessing game:What invention? - Ask Ss each think of an invention or write it down on a piece of paper. - Call on 1 student to the front of the class or ask the rest of the Ss ask him/her yes/ no questions. Eg: Are you thinking of ________? - The chosen student can only answer Yes or No. * LISTEN 1,2 I. Preteach Vocabulary - Elicit words from Ss. 1. Procedure (n) (translation) 2. Pulp (nu) (question) (What is used to make paper?) 3. Vat (n) (picture / drawing) 4. (to) drain (explanation) (to make sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it). 5. Roller (n) (picture) 6. Roll (m) (realia) - Have Ss copy Checking tachnique: What & Where Elicit words from ss and write them inside circles. Get Ss to repeat and rub out the word, not the circle. Continue until the circle is empty. Get Ss to repeat the rubbed out words by pointing at the empty circles. When Ss seem to remember all the words, ask Ss (5/6 at a time) to come to the blackboard to fill in the circles with the right words. Val Pulp Procedure Roll Roller Drain II. Gap fill (Listen 1) Inform the topic: paper-making process. Have Ss read the sentences. Play the tape 2 or 3 times and ask Ss to fill in the paps with the words they catch. Ask Ss to compare their answers with their partners. Call on Ss to give their answers. Give feedback & correct. Answer Key: 1. simple 3. two hundred 5. rollers 2. same 4. left III. Ordering Prediction (Listen 2) Ask Ss to read the sentences (a ® g) carefully and guess the order. Write the Ss’ predictions on the board. Play the tape again & ask Ss to listen. Call on Ss to give their correction. Give feedback & correct. Answer key: c. Paper pulp was placed in the vat. d. Paper pulp was mixed with water. a. The water was drained e. The pulp fibers were poured out. g. The pulp was conveyed under the rollers. * READ 1,2. I. Preteach vocabulary: Brainstorm Household appliances Microwave Elicit words from Ss or write them on the board. Microwave (n) Vacuum (n) Toaster (n) - Have Ss copy. Checking technique:Bingo Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 new words and write them on the board. Ask Ss to choose any 4/5 words and copy them into their paper. Call out the words until someone has ticked all of their words and shout “Bingo” and wins. Suggested words: microwave, vacuum, hairdryer, dishwasher, telephone, toaster, washing machine,… II. Matching (Read 1) Get Ss to read the poem on page 151. Ask Ss some questions to help them understand the reading more. + What’s the 1st verse about? + Is the 2nd verse about the appliances used in the kitchen? + What are “doom, chugga-chug, vroom, boom”? Have Ss match the headings to the verses on page 152. Call on Ss to give their answers. Give feedback and correct. Answer Key: Verse 1: b. Appliances that cook food Verse 2: c. Appliances that clean or dry things. Verse 3: a. Instrument invented by Alexander Graham Bell. III. Gap fill: (Read 2) Tell Ss to read the sentences carefully and fill in the gaps with the inventions taken from the poems. Have Ss compare their answers with their from the poems. Have Ss compare their answers with their partners. Call on ss to give their answer and correct Answer Key: 1. Vacuum 2. Telephone 3. Washing machine 4. Microwave 5. Hair dryer 6. Toaster Do the exercises in the workbook, page… Individual Teacher –Ss Whole class Teacher – Ss Teacher Whole class Individual Pair work Pair work Teacher – Ss Teacher-Ss Teacher - Ss Whole class Individual Individual Pair work Teacher – Ss Pair work Teacher - Ss UNIT 16: INVENTIONS Lesson 4: Section - Write 1,2 (page 152, 153) Period 101: - Language Focus 4 (page 155) Aim: Further practice in using the sequence markers. Objectives: Ss can use the sequence markers to describe a manufacturing procedure. Teaching aids: Pictures (p. 153) cardboards. PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm – up Pre-writing While - writing Post – writing Home-work * Jumbled words - Put the cardboards with jumbles words on the board. - Inform the topic: words related to papermaking procedure. 1. Lppu = 2. Llreor = 3. Morever = 4. Darni ver = 5. Berif ver = - Ask each group to write their answer on a piece of paper to hand in. Answer key: 1. Pulp 3. remove 5. fibre 2. roller 4. drain * WRAITE 1 I. Preteach vocabulary - Elicit words from ss 1. (a) log: (drawing / explanation) (a thick piece of wood that is cut from a tree) 2. (to) flatten (to make sth become flat) 3. (to) refine (Translation) 4. Chemically (adv) (Translation) (treated in a chemical process) - Get Ss to copy Checking technique: Rub out and Remember - Ask Ss to close their books - Rub out the new English words (one at a time), point to the Vietnamese words and ask Ss “what’s this in English?”. - When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and get Ss to call out the English words. II. Gap fill Ask Ss to read the text on page 152 and fill in the gaps with the right sequence markers to describe the procedure of paper – making. Ask Ss some question to check if they understand the text. + What is cut into chips? + What are chips mixed with before they are crushed to heavy pulp? + Why is the pulp passed through rollers? + What is the last step in paper – making? Call on some Ss to read the completed sentences. Give feedback and correct. Answer key: 1. First 3. Next 5. Then 2. Then 4. After this 6. Finally * WRITE 2: III. Ordering Pictures Have Ss look at the picture on page 153 Ask Ss to think of the process of chocolate – making and put the pictures in the correct order. Call on some pairs to give their answers. Ask Ss to listen to check if their answers are correct or not. Read the statements aloud. 1. d. The fruit harvest is fermented for 3 to 9 days to kill the beans and turn them brown. 2.a. The beans are dried in the sun 3.e. The beans are cleared in special machines. 4.c. The beans are roasted to bring out the chocolate flavor. 5.b. They are shelled and ground to produce chocolate liquor. 6.f. The liquor is made into chocolate candy or cocoa powder. - Give feedback and correct. Anskwer key: 6-2-4-1-5-3 IV. Write - Ask Ss to rearrange the sentences on page 153 according to the ordered pictures. - Call on Ss to give their answer. Answer key: 1. d) 2. a) 3. e) 4. c) 5. b) 6. f) - Have Ss use the sequence makers to link the sentences together in a paragraph. - Monitor and assist Ss if necessary. - Call on some Ss to read their writing for the class - Give feeback and correct. - Have Ss copy. V. Word cue dril (Language Focus 4) - Ask Ss to use the picture and the word cues on page 155 to write a description of how white rice is produced in the traditional way, using the sequence markers. - Have Ss complete the sentences orally first. - Ask Ss to write the paragraph in their exercise notebook. - Monitor while Ss are writing and help if necessary. - Call on some Ss to read their writing - Give feedback and correct. Answer key: First, the crop is harvested. Then the rice plants are threshed (to separate the grains form the straw). Next (After this), the rice grains are husked in the mill to produce brown rice. After this, the bran is removed in the mortar and it is finally winnowed to produce white rice. Work book: Exercise …………., Page…………. Group work of 4/5 Ss Teacher – Ss Whole class Whole class Whole class Teacher-Ss Pair word Teacher – Ss Teacher Teacher – Ss Individual Teacher-Ss Individual Teacher-Ss Whole class Individual Teacher - Ss UNIT 16: INVENTIONS Lesson 5: Section - Language Focus 1, 2, 3 (page 154, 155) Period 103: Aim: Further practice in using the passive. Objectives: Ss can change active sentences into passive ones and write WH questions in the passive. Teaching aids: Cardboards PROCEDURE Stage Steps/ Activies Work arrangement Warm – up Production Homework * Pelmanism - Inform the topic: Infinitive – Past participle. - Divide the class into 2 teams Infinitive Past participle Write written Draw Drawn Sell Sold Win Won Run Run * LANGUAGE FOCUS Preteach Vocabulary 1. (to) run a business/company: (translation) (to be in charge of sth) 2. around the corner = very near 3. due to = because of 4. flood (n): (situation) (There might be …. When it rains heavily for days) 5. Zipper (realia) 6. xeropraphy - Have Ss copy Checking Technique: Slap the board - Put the Enghlish words all over the board. - Call on 2 Ss or 2 teams of 4/5 Ss in both sides of the class to the front of the class. - Call out the Vietnamese translations and Ss run forward to slap the English words on the board. - The student slapping the right word first is the winner and gets one point for his/her team. Run a business Zipper Around the corner Xerography Due to Flood - Have Ss review how to change an active Teacher – Ss sentence into a passive one. Language Focus 1: - Have Ss do exercise 1 on page 154 - Call on some ss to give their ansvers orally for the class. - Get some Ss to go to the board and write the sentences. - Give feedback and correct. Answer key: a. The document was typed by (Mrs Quyen) b. The computer was repair (by Mr.Nhan) c. The picture was drawn (By Ba) d. The lights were turned off (by Hoa) e. The cake was baked (by Lan) Language Focus 2: - Have Ss do exercise 2 - Ask Ss to compare their answers. Call on some Ss to give their answers orally then ask them to go to the board and write the sentences. - Givi feedback and correct. Answer key: a. …was awarded… b. … won… c. … ran… e. …was run…/ was sold… f. …was closed (or closed)… Language Focus 3: - Have Ss do exercise 3. - Go through the underlined words with Ss before have them write questions. Eg: a. The zipper ® what b. Maize ® what in the 16th century ® when... c. by Lewis Waterman ® who in 1884 ® when. d. in Hungary ® where e. in copying machines ® in which machine ® Get some Ss to give their answers in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct. Answer key: a. What was invented by W.L Judson in 1893? What was brought in to Viet Nam by Phung Khac Khoan? When was maize brought into Viet Nam? c. Who invented the fountain pen? When was the fountain pen invented? d. Where was the ballpoint pen invented? e. In which machine is xerography widely used? Transformation Drill (Language Focus 3) -Have Ss change the passive sentences into the active ones. -Call on some Ss to go to the board and write their sentences. -Give feedback and correct. Answer key: a. W.L Judson invented the zipper in 1893. b. Phung Khac Khoan brought maize into Vietnam in the 16th century. c. Lewis Waterman invented the fountain pen in 1884. d. Brotthers Lazlo and George Biro invented the ballpoint pen in Hungary in 1935. e. People use xerography widely in commerce and industry in copying machines. -Laguage Focus 1,2: Turn the sentences into the active if possible. Teamwork Teacher – S Whole class Teachar –Ss Pair work Individual Pair work Teacher-ss Individua MỤC LỤC

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