Besides the synthetic HA, a variety of HA extracted from fi sh scales and bones was also developed for
potential applications. The HA from fi sh scales and bones has the size from micro to nano. Their composition is
suitable for medical and biotechnological applications. However, when considered for use in daily life, the health
risk associated with HA-based materials needs to be evaluated through the investigation of the toxicity and
biocompatibility of these materials. Since Vietnam is one of the largest fi sh food producers in the world fi sh
scales and bone have tremendous unexploited potential for preparing HA.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Hydroxyapatite from solid fish waste: A review, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Tạp chí Khoa học - Công nghệ Thủy sản Số 4/2014
Nguyễn Văn Hòa1, Trần Thị Hoàng Quyên2, Trần Quang Ngọc3
Ngày nhận bài: 18/7/2014 ; Ngày phản biện thông qua: 18/10/2014; Ngày duyệt đăng: 01/12/2014
The waste from fi sh processing after the fi sh have been fi lleted can account for as much as 70% of the total catch
weight. About 30% of such waste consists of scale and bone. This waste contains numerous valuable organic and inorganic
components such as collagen and hydroxyapatite (HA), which have commercial value for use in manufacturing functional
foods, cosmetics, and biomedical products. In particular, HA has been widely used as a biocompatible ceramic but mainly
for contact with bone tissue, due to its resemblance to mineral bone. In this study, we have reviewed the characterization
and applications of HA extracted from fi sh scale and bone. Moreover, several HA-based highly porous composite materials
used for bone tissue engineering were also presented. Finally, a summary of HA preparation, characterization and
applications will be given, together with the perspectives on this fi eld of research.
Keywords: Hydroxyapatite, fi sh bone, bone engineering, biocomposites
Phế phẩm từ quá trình chế biến cá có thể lên tới 70% so với tổng khối lượng cá ban đầu. Trong đó, khoảng 30%
khối lượng phế phẩm này là da cá và xương cá. Chúng có chứa một số lượng đáng kể chất vô cơ và hữu cơ có giá trị như
collagen và hydroxyapatite (HA). Đây là những chất có giá trị thương mại cao trong sản xuất thực phẩm chức năng, mỹ
phẩm và các sản phẩm y sinh. Đặc biệt, HA đã được sử dụng rộng rãi dưới dạng gốm sinh học, chủ yếu ở phần tiếp xúc
với mô xương, nhờ vào thành phần của nó tương tự như thành phần vô cơ của xương người. Trong bài viết này, chúng tôi
giới thiệu tổng quan các nghiên cứu gần đây về điều chế, tính chất và khả năng ứng dụng của HA, đồng thời dự đoán triển
vọng của lĩnh vực nghiên cứu này tại Việt Nam.
Từ khóa: Hydroxyapatite, xương cá, kỹ thuật xương, vật liệu tổ hợp sinh học
In the fi sh fi lleting process, only about one-third of the whole fi sh is used [4, 5, 10]. Thus, the fi lleting industry
generates as much as 70% solid wastes from original fi sh materials. This waste consists of trimmings, fi ns,
viscera, head, bone, and skin. Majority of fi sheries byproducts are presently employed to produce fi sh oil,
fi shmeal, fertilizer, pet food and fi sh silage [4, 5]. However, most of these recycled products possess low
economic value. Recent studies have identifi ed a number of bioactive compounds from remaining fi sh muscle
proteins, collagen and gelatin, fi sh oil, fi sh bone, internal organs and shellfi sh and crustacean shells [14, 15, 16].
Generally, a far better profi tability is obtained by producing human consumables and the highest profi tability
is currently expected from bioactive compounds. These bioactive compounds can be extracted and purifi ed
with technologies varying from simple to complex and such compounds may include preparation and isolation
of bioactive peptides, oligosaccharides, fatty acids, enzymes, water-soluble minerals and biopolymers for
biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications. Furthermore, some of these bioactive compounds have been
identifi ed to possess nutraceutical potentials that are benefi cial to human health promotion [8]. Therefore, the
development of new technologies in search of novel bioactive compounds from marine processing
by-products will bring more value out of what is today considered a waste and it represents unique challenges
and opportunities for the seafood industry.
1 TS. Nguyễn Văn Hòa, 2TS. Trần Thị Hoàng Quyên, 3TS. Trần Quang Ngọc: Khoa Công nghệ thực phẩm - Trường Đại học
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Tạp chí Khoa học - Công nghệ Thủy sản Số 4/2014
Hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) was demonstrated to be an attractive material for biomedical
applications mainly in orthopedics and dentistry since it presents a chemical composition close to that of the
bone (65 - 70 wt%) and teeth (~ 99 wt%). HA has good biocompatibility, bioactivity, high osteoconductive
and non-infl ammatory behavior, and non-immunogenicity properties [21]. It can also easily be processed to
matrices with interconnecting pores bone ingrowth. Therefore, many methods have been used to prepare
HA such as ultrasonic irradiation, emulsion liquid membrane, microwave-mediated metathesis, expeditious
microwave irradiation, RF thermal plasma, chemical precipitation, microemulsion and hydrolysis [20]. However,
these synthesis processes might be either complicated or biologically unsafe, therefore, recently natural HA
bioceramics has been extracted by normal calcination of some biowastes such as fi sh bones, bovine bones,
teeth and bones of pig, etc. Moreover, extraction of HA from bio-waste is both economically and environmentally
In the study, we would like to present an overview of HA preparation, characterization and the perspectives
of HA applications.
So far, a variety of methods for synthesizing HA have been developed. The methods involve various types
of known chemical synthesis routes, including hydrothermal [30], liquid membrane [13], precipitation [26],
radio frequency thermal plasma [29], ultrasonic precipitation [2], reverse micro emulsion [11], sol–gel [9] and
polymer-assisted methods [27]. On the one hand, most of the procedures for synthesizing HA are biologically
hazardous and they have a complicated process. These synthetic procedures have also led to the formation
of non-stoichiometric products [17]. On the other hand, synthetic HA with a Ca/P ratio near 1.67 is stable when
sintered in dry or wet air below 12000C, but HA often loses its OH groups gradually at higher temperature. It
can be transformed to oxyapatite such as Ca10O(PO4)6 or Ca(PO4)6O, and after that these oxyapatites are
normally dissociates into the products α-Ca3(PO4)2, Ca2P2O7 and Ca4P2O9 at 1450
0C [31]. Moreover, it is diffi cult
to prepare HA crystals from aqueous solutions due to the high chemical affi nity of the materials to some ions,
the complex nature of the calcium phosphate system, and the roles of kinetic parameters [17].
Recently, HA has been prepared from various bio-waste, including corals [7, 19], cuttlefi sh shells [23], fi sh
scales and bones, porcine teeth and bones, and bovine bones [1, 25]. In particular, extraction of HA from these
sources is an interesting process. It is not only because of some superior characteristics of the extracted HA, but
also due to the environmental benefi ts of waste recovery. Moreover, compared with HA produced by synthetic
methods as described above, HA extracted from bio-waste is a biologically safe (i.e., no chemicals are often
required) and potentially lucrative process, especially given the growing global demand for HA bioceramics.
Nowadays, a variety of techniques for producing HA from bio-wastes with appreciable quantities have been
developed, especially for fi sh bone and fi sh scale. Generally, preparation of HA using these biowastes usually
involves a few hours annealing during which the organic materials in the bone get removed, leaving pure HA as
the residue (fi gure 1). There are now fi ve primary methods including calcination, enzymatic hydrolysis, plasma
processing, subcritical water processing, and hydrothermal hydrolysis, the most widely applied technique of
which is the calcination of by-products at high temperature due to its ease of large scale production and
relatively low cost.
Figure 1. Preparation of HA via extraction of minerals from some biowastes.
Copyright Elsevier and reproduced with permission [24]
Tạp chí Khoa học - Công nghệ Thủy sản Số 4/2014
As indicated in Table 1, a few studies have recently reported on the utilization of fi sh scales and bones to
produce HA. For example, Ozawa and Suzuki [22] prepared HA with microstructural particles through treatment.
They reported that fi sh bone heated at temperatures <1300°C maintains a porous structure, with a sintered wall
and a major crystalline phase of hydroxyapatite (fi gure 2). Recently, Huang et al. [12] fabricated nano-sized
HA particles with Ca/P ratio of 1.76 from fi sh scale using enzymatic hydrolysis method (fi gure 3). A tilapia
fi sh-scale was hydrolyzed using protease N for 2.5 h, and fl avourzyme for 0.5 h at an optimal pH and
temperature, followed by stirring in a boiling water bath for 10 mins and subsequent sintering at 800◦C.
Figure 2. SEM micrograph of fi sh-bone ceramic heated at (a) 800° and (b) 1000°C for 1 h in air
Copyright John Wiley and Sons with permission [22]
Table 1. Recent progress in the synthesis of HAp from fi sh scale and bone
Authors/ Year Brief description Characteristics of powder Ref.
Huang et al.
Hydrolysis of a tilapia fi sh-scale using protease N for
2.5 h, and fl avourzyme for 0.5 h at an optimal pH and
temperature, followed by stirring in a boiling water bath
for 10 min and subsequent sintering at 8000C
Agglomerated HA
nanoparticles [12]
Mondal et al.
Treatment of Labeo rohita fi sh-scale using HCl and then
NaOH, followed by stirring in a boiling water bath for 20
min and subsequent calcination at various temperatures
(800 - 14000C)
HA powder of
submicrometric size [18]
Coelho et al.
Thermal treatment of bones originated form Brazilian river
fi sh at 9000C for 4 - 12 h, followed by milling at 300 rpm
for 2 - 16 h using a high-energy milling
Irregular stoichiometric
HA nanoparticles of
various sizes
Ozawa and
Suzuki 2002
Thermal treatment of Japanese sea bream fi sh bone at
600 - 13000C
HA of macroporous
structure [22]
Kim et al.
1997 Thermal treatment of Tuna bone at 850
◦C for 2 h HA of microporous structure
Figure 3. SEM images of the HA powder (a), sintered HA (b) and EDS analysis of HA powder.
Copyright Elsevier with permission [12]
More recently, Kim et al. [28] isolated successfully pure natural nano-HA from tuna bone by employing the
alkaline hydrolysis and thermal calcination methods. The thermal calcination method produces good crystallinity
with dimensions 0.3 - 1.0 μm at 2500C for 5h, whereas the alkaline hydrolysis method produces nanostructured
HA crystals with 17 - 71 nm length and 5 -10 nm width at 9000C for 5h.
Tạp chí Khoa học - Công nghệ Thủy sản Số 4/2014
Figure 4. SEM of the nanostructured HA powder obtained from the bones of Brazilian river fi sh after milling
for (a) 2h, (b) 4h, (c) 8h, and (d) 16h. Copyright AIP Publishing LLC with permission [6]
The elemental composition or purity of obtained HA is an important key for further applications. Raw fi sh
bone contains large amount of organics, and even after heat treatment up to 6000C, it has partially shown
grayish or black color with carbon residue (0.5%) [22]. However, powder can become completely white by
heating at 9000C and reduced to powder using a high-energy ball mill, in order to obtain a natural nanostructured
HA powder (Figure 4) [6]. The Ca:P ratio was not be changed by high temperature, while the main natural
impurities such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium were slightly lost by heating at 13000C [22]. The chemical
analyses in the previous studies suggest good quality of fi sh-bone-extracted HA as a mineral resource for further
application [3, 6, 18, 22, 28].
Today the properties of HA extracted from fi sh scale and bones have been taken into investigation with the
purpose of applying HA in many fi elds, especially in orthopedics and dentistry. For example, Huang et al. [12]
evaluated the biocompatibility of HA crystals from fi sh scale by cytotoxicity and cell proliferation with human
osteoblast-like cell MG-63 [12]. Under the osteogenic-inductive cultural condition, HA promoted osteogenic
differentiation and mineralization of MG63 cells. As indicated by the in vitro mineralization, MG-63 cells can
differentiate into bone forming cells (Figure 5). However, Kim et al. [28] checked the cytotoxicity and cell
proliferation of MG-63 human osteosarcoma cell on micro and nanosized HA prepared from Thunnus
obesus bone at different concentrations and days. They found that MG-63 cells grew rapidly on the control plate,
whereas limited and lesser cell growth was observed on treated HA particles. The cell proliferation rate on HA
was slower than that under the control. Moreover, the experiments demonstrated that micro and nanoparticles
had similar cytotoxicity on the MG-63 cell line.
Figure 5. Von Kossa stains of MG63 cells cocultured with (A) 20mg/ml HA extracted from fi sh scale particles and (B)
20mg/ml HA from Sigma particles. Mineralized matrix formation is the most reliable indicator of the osteoinductive
capacity of materials. Copyright Elsevier with permission [12]
Tạp chí Khoa học - Công nghệ Thủy sản Số 4/2014
Besides the synthetic HA, a variety of HA extracted from fi sh scales and bones was also developed for
potential applications. The HA from fi sh scales and bones has the size from micro to nano. Their composition is
suitable for medical and biotechnological applications. However, when considered for use in daily life, the health
risk associated with HA-based materials needs to be evaluated through the investigation of the toxicity and
biocompatibility of these materials. Since Vietnam is one of the largest fi sh food producers in the world fi sh
scales and bone have tremendous unexploited potential for preparing HA.
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20. Nasser, A. M. Barakat, M. S. K., Omran, A. M., Faheem, A. Sheikh, H. Y. K., 2009. Extraction of pure natural hydroxyapatite
from the bovine bones bio waste by three different methods. J. Mater. Process. Tech., 209, 3408-3415.
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21. Nunes C. R., Simske S. J., Sachdeva R., Wolford L. M., 1997. Long-term ingrowth and apposition of porous hydroxyapatite
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22. Ozawa, M., Suzuki, S., 2002. Microstructural Development of Natural Hydroxyapatite Originated from Fish-Bone Waste
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