Nghiên cứu hiện tượng này khám phá những kinh nghiệm của các điều dưỡng Việt Nam làm việc
trong bối cảnh y tế Đài Loan. Trong cuộc phỏng vấn sâu với 15 điều dưỡng Việt Nam được thực
hiện bằng tiếng Việt, kết quả thể hiện ba vấn đề chính tồn tại ảnh hưởng tới quá trình thích nghi
trong công việc của họ bao gồm (a) khó khăn giao tiếp , (b) căng thẳng công việc , (c) sự bất công.
Nghiên cứu này hỗ trợ những phát hiện trong các tài liệu chung về điều dưỡng quốc tế , đặc biệt là
từ châu Á. Nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra sự độc đáo của nhóm điều dưỡngViệt Nam trong môi trường
làm việc mới, cụ thể là niềm hy vọng và sự khéo léo để biến thách thức thành cơ hội, mong muốn
của họ trong học tập để nâng cao hiệu suất và phát triển nghề nghiệp, và thích ứng hơn với nhu cầu
nơi làm việc. Những đề xuất kiến nghị được xây dựng, đặc biệt là trong bối cảnh các tiêu chuẩn
kiểm định của các tổ chức chăm sóc sức khỏe , cho các chuyên gia y tế và các cơ quan chính phủ
để thiết lập chiến lược và chính sách cho việc cung cấp các kế hoạch thích hợp cho các điều
dưỡng quốc tế tại Đài Loan.
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Nguyễn Công Hoàng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 43 - 49
Nguyen Cong Hoang1*, Pham Thi Phuong Thao2
1College of Sciences – TNU, 2College of Medicine and Pharmacy - TNU
This phenomenological study explores the experiences of Vietnamese nurses working in Taiwan
healthcare context. In-depth interviews with 15 Vietnamese nurses were conducted in Vietnamese
language and transcribed verbatim. The results contribute three main themes emerged from the
data including (a) communication difficulty; (b) work stressor; (c) injustice. This study supported
the findings in the general literature on international nurses, especially those from Asia. It also
point out the uniqueness of this group of Vietnamese nurses in new working environment, namely
their hope and ingenuity to turn challenges into opportunities, their job (un) satisfaction, their
desire for learning for performance and career enhancement through further education, and their
adaptation to workplace demands. The implications for both practice and future research are
elaborated, particularly in the context of the accreditation standards of healthcare organizations,
for health professionals and government agencies to institute strategies and policies for providing
culturally sensitive and appropriate plans for qualified international nurses in Taiwan.
Keywords: Vietnamese nurse, adaption, work stressor, Taiwan
The average life-span in Taiwan has increased
since the National Health Insurance was
implemented. According to the report by the
Taiwan Ministry of the Interior, the
population over the age of 65 will have grown
from 10% of the total population in 2006 to
13% in 2014, and it will only continue
growing to 37% in 2051 [2]. And therefore,
many elderly people have to live in long-term
care facilities and depend on nurse aides to
provide their direct care. Moreover, the
population of people over the age of 75 will
increase from 950,000 people in 2006 to
1,260,000 people in 2014 and 3,690,000
people in 2051 [3].
With the increasing elderly population comes
a change in family structure. The younger
population will no longer be able to care for
their elderly parents [6]. As a result, they will
have to employ caregivers or send their
parents to long-term care facilities. Since
1992, foreign laborers have started
immigrating to Taiwan, including 167,980
foreigners who became foreign nurse aides
Tel: 0967 919183
and caregivers [7]. Foreign nurses have
become an important human resource in long-
term care facilities. However, the differences
of language, living habits, and cultures might
cause some problems and friction between the
foreign nurse aides and the Taiwanese
elderly, which affects the quality of care and,
subsequently, the work adjustment for foreign
nurse [1]. In previous study, it was mentioned
that the barriers to quality of care could be
language and communication inadequacy as
well as cultural differences [9].
Most of the foreign nurses are from Vietnam,
the Philippines, or Indonesia [6]. Different
cultural backgrounds of people from different
countries might cause them to think,
experience life, and behave differently. As a
result, working in another country is an
important event for foreign nurses, and it can
alter their life dramatically. Because of the
different customs and cultures and different
ways of thinking, workers from different
nations will experience working in a new
environment in different ways.
Foreign nurses as other international
employees leaving their country and family
came to an unknown place for work; the
Nguyễn Công Hoàng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 43 - 49
difference of culture, personal conditions,
society background, and etc. [8] also the
difficulty of finding assistance will impact
their adaptation and transformation in
working process. If the related issues did not
have an ideal way to release it, it will affect
these foreign nurse aides on the adaption of
work, and then affect to the quality of cares.
Therefore, a deeper understanding and from
different viewpoint of how foreign nurses
adapt and transform their work is necessary
for theoretical advancement and for more
foreign worker employment practices. This
study aims to investigate the foreign nurses‟
evaluation perception on their own work in
the local healthcare system through their
working experience. To gain insights in this
important research area, an exploratory
research was conducted among the non-local
nurses (e.g. foreigners). Given to the context
of this study, an empirical study applying the
critical incident technique (CIT) was conducted.
To further facilitate the present study, we focus
healthcare facilities and Vietnamese nurses as
its foreign employees in Taiwan.
Research Method
In order to explore Vietnamese nurses‟
specific positive and/or negative incidents in
their working experience in full detail which
they perceive as significant, a qualitative
approach using the Critical Incident
Technique (CIT) employing content analytic
methods was employed. Following, as a
result, analysis typically focuses on the
classification of such reports by assigning
incidents into descriptive categories to
explain events using a content analysis
approach. The authors began by collecting the
actual incidents that were experienced by
Vietnamese nurses in their work in Taiwan‟s
healthcare system. After the collection, the
incidents are analyzed in a multi-stage
process of interpretation and sorted into
groups with similar topics. A proprietary
computer program XSight version 2 running
on Windows 7 was used for qualitative data
management. Data gathered on audiotape
were transcribed verbatim by the researcher
and uploaded to XSight.
Data Collection Procedures
Purposive sampling method was applied to
collect participants. We selected critical cases
on the basis that they are nurses who hold
Vietnamese identity and have been working
in healthcare facilities in Tainan, Taiwan.
Finally, fifty participants were selected to
take part in our semi-structured face-to-face
interviews during two month of January and
February in 2013. According to Patton [10],
the „logic and power of purposeful sampling
lies in selecting information-rich cases for
study in depth. Information-rich cases are
those from which one can learn a great deal
about issues of central importance to the
purpose of the research”. Semi-structured
approach was used because interviewers
enable a facilitator to enter participants‟
realities and collect their interpretations,
which are crucial to understanding experience
incidents. As such, semi-structured approach
is a way to get “in tune” with consumers or,
more accurately, with consumers‟ realities.
Interviewees were recalled to their experience
on their work adaption and transformation
process since they arrived in Taiwan. To be
included in the study, an incident needs to
meet certain criteria. Each incident had to be
(1) related to their work in healthcare
facilities, (2) experienced by interviewees and
become their perception on their work-related
issues in a foreign environment.
The survey instruments used in our study
were designed to explore the participants‟
working experiences. All of the instruments
were provided in Vietnamese. These
instruments were tested in pilot stage and
were revised to find satisfactory, reliable, and
valid. All of the interviews were audio-taped
and transcribed verbatim. Prior to the final
data collection, a pilot study was conducted
Nguyễn Công Hoàng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 43 - 49
with four participants from the target
population to check the quality of the
questions and generally concentrate on often-
faced experience. And then some critical
questions were modified and clarified. The
data of this pilot study – undertaken to gather
additional information with respect to our
literature review – also strengthened most of
our convictions concerning the relevance of
Vietnamese nurses‟ experiences.
Validity and Reliability
Since multiple (two) interviewers took part in
data collection, validation was needed to
overcome the possibility of data
inconsistency. After completing all the
interviews, the participants were randomly
selected by the researcher to (1) validate the
responses that were given during the
interview (2) to identify the factor related to
adaption and transformation in their working
experience. Subsequently after the process of
repeated, careful readings and sorting of
incidents by the researchers, the similarities
among the incidents begin to become
apparent. Two judges independently
developed mutual exclusive and exhaustive
for 75 critical incidents. To be consistent with
previous studies employing the CIT in the
marketing domain, the intrajudge rater was
used [5]. Finally, a third judge was used to
conduct a final sorting on the categories. And
68 of them were selected by all three coders.
Thus the degree of inter-coder agreement was
95%, and their reliability was 97.4%. The
final interjudge reliability in our study was
very satisfactory. The classification among
the judges presented a consistent viewpoint
with regard to the thematic analysis.
Sample Characteristics
Demographically, all of participants are
female in age from 20 to 30 years. They are
all educated in nursing with college‟s degrees
and vocational school degrees. Twenty five
percent of participants have just stayed in
Taiwan for about one year, the rest spent at
least one year to three year for their work in
Taiwan. Most of participants talked about
their experience in communication difficulty,
difference in nursing practice, work stress,
discrimination, and cultural adjustment.
Incident Statistics
Categories and hierarchical subcategories are
discussed in detail subsequently. Table 1
shows the classification scheme from the 67
critical incidents and the number of critical
commentaries and their frequencies.
Table 1. Incidents Classification
Perception Category
N of Critical
% of Critical
Communication difficulty 32 47%
a. with peers/supervisor 18 (G) 26%
b. with patients 14 (G) 21%
Work stressor 26 38%
a. Task stressor 14 (G) 20%
b. Relation stressor 5 (V) 8%
c. System stressor 7 (V) 10%
Injustice 10 15%
a. Lack of support 6 (T) 9%
b. Discrimination 4 (V) 6%
Total 67 100%
Note: We identified a category and subcategory as G (General) if it applied to over 10 cases, T (Typical) if
it applied to 6-9 cases, and V (Variant) if it applied to 2-5 cases
Nguyễn Công Hoàng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 43 - 49
Communication difficulty
The challenge of communication for
Vietnamese nurses in Taiwan‟s healthcare
facilities becomes the primary cause for a
plethora of derivative issues both at work and
in daily life. This challenge originated not
only from the inadequacy of language
preparation and the lack of knowledge
regarding the host country‟s culture but also
from the unfamiliarity with the slang, accent,
and other language nuances [6]. Although all
nurses were required to learn Chinese
language before arriving Taiwan, the
interviewees still feel difficult in
communication in Chinese, especially at the
early stage of coming. For example, an
interviewee reported: “I already learned
Chinese in
Vietnam for 3 months before coming here but
it‟s still really difficult for me to understand
what my supervisor said”, or other said „that
was at the first time I came here, now my
Chinese get better and I can feel confident to
work with Taiwanese staffs”
Language deficiency also impeded the ability
of Vietnamese nurses to advocate for their
patients. Therefore, many Vietnamese nurse
tried their best to learn to speak in the ways of
native speakers, which was perceived as a
positive indicator of adaptation. For instance,
“I and other friends have tried to practice
Chinese in work and daily life, we have to
practice to improve our Chinese, it‟s the first
method for us to stay and work here easier”.
Moreover, accent and language inadequacy
affected negatively the perception of the
competence of Vietnamese nurses by patients,
peers, and supervisors, and was used as a
convenient vehicle for mistreatment and
discrimination, such as “one time I could not
understand what the patient said because she
talked in Taiwanese, so I still stood and
waited, then she shouted and other nurses
started at me, I still could not know what
happed”, or „I know that sometimes there
is/are new information about incentives or
benefits to nurses, but I did not know
anything because they announced in Chinese
writing”. Language was frequently an area of
contention and conflict between Vietnamese
nurses and host country nursing staff when
the former was found to speak their
indigenous languages at the workplace.
Work stressor
Work stressor is when a person face to his
work during his/her adaptation including
work content, work characteristics, working
time, work contract, relationship with co-
worker, management from boss, adapt
environment differences, working compatible,
and working regulations, and etc. [6]. In this
study, we gather related incidents into a
subcategory, and in each subcategory there
exist factors or aspects of work-related issues.
Task stressor is caused by the different
perception and practices in role of nurse,
scope of practice. Most of task stressor comes
from general job tasks and patient care tasks
[4]. Sometimes it arises from job
requirements or from having to do
inappropriate tasks, for example, “I often had
to respond to patient emergencies because
they often put themselves in dangerous
accidents”. Or it starts from problems
associated with providing care to patients and
their families “we take care of patients here,
they seldom appreciate the things we did for
them, it‟s alright for us, but we feel stress
when talking with their complaining family
member about our tasks” . For most of
Vietnamese nurses, “we were trained to
become a nurse but still need to learn more
here in practice, we learn by doing everyday
to keep with the situation here”.
Relationship stressor happened in the
situation of the Vietnamese nurses getting
along with their supervisor or coworkers.
Most of problems arising from relationships
with co-workers and with staff on other shifts,
units or in other departments were caused by
Nguyễn Công Hoàng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 43 - 49
language misunderstanding and difference in
nursing practices „many times I had
misunderstanding with Taiwanese staffs
because I could not understand what they
explain. From experience, now I often try to
ask again until I understand all, but
sometimes it‟s not very suitable when my
colleagues cannot be patient”. It‟s also similar
to supervisor/physician relationships. Many
problems stems from interactions with
supervisors and physicians because of
language barriers, therefore we could not
received help from doctors when we needed.
For instance, a nurse expressed that “I asked
twice a doctor about his skills in treating
patients but he ignored my words, I think he
does not like foreign workers”
System stressor is the Vietnamese nurse‟s
opinions about the facilities environment.
That includes workload/scheduling and
facility design/maintenance/technology.
Many Vietnamese nurses feel stressful from
workload, staffing and scheduling problems,
and from the way the facility is managed.
They explained that the healthcare facility
still lack of labor, they do not have enough
staffs to care for patients properly, so „we
have to increase our working shifts and not
been able to get time off when we wanted”.
Other stressors are related to the advance in
new technology, the adequacy of the work
space and physical amenities and upkeep of
the facility. For Vietnamese nurses, they
never practiced on the modern healthcare
technology before, thus they feel unfamiliar
with equipment in their work place and that
needs them put more effort and time to learn.
“Most of equipments in this center are very
modern and advanced, we could not see it in
Vietnam, then we just learn how to use it
when we arrived here”; or „when there is new
technology application, I had to spend a
period of time to learn it”. Some interviewees
blamed that there is no quite place to discuss
patient care or do charting, and sometime it is
inconvenient physical layout or work and
patient care areas for themselves.
Vietnamese nurses encountered
marginalization and lack of support from
peers, supervisors, and employers. They also
experienced unfair treatment including
stereotyping and rejection by patients and
peers. For example, “many times I was
rejected by Taiwanese patients or their family
members because I am not Taiwanese nurse”.
Other times being passed over for promotion
and educational opportunities, and being paid
for a lower position while performing duties
of a higher one. “We all know that we choose
to work here for higher salary, but I think we
work very hard, even harder than what we
should receive”. Consequently, the feeling of
outsider was common, which negatively
impacted their work performance and
integration into the workforce. This perceived
injustice was compounded by language
difficulties in expressing themselves and
advocating for their rights [11].
The study results found 68 critical incidents
included in three main categories of
communication difficulty, work stressor, and
injustice as dimensions of lived experience by
Vietnamese nurses in Taiwan‟s healthcare
facilities. Most of the participants were likely
to express their difficulties and concerns in
their work experience which are the common
challenges during their working adaption and
transformation in Taiwan.
Vietnamese nurse aides leaving their country
and family came to an unknown place for
work; the difference of culture, personal
conditions, society background, and etc., also
the difficulty of finding assistance will cause
the stress problems on work. If the work
stressors did not have an ideal way to release
it, it will affect these foreign nurse aides on
the adaption of work, and then affect to the
quality of cares. During the work, Vietnamese
nurses always express their willing to
improve their skills and cooperation in
Nguyễn Công Hoàng và Đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 118(04): 43 - 49
nursing practice, communication, and
complete their job tasks. Their efforts are the
main potential to help them adapt and
transform themselves in a new working
This study revealed both real and potential
issues to human resource management and
quality of care. First, foreign employees like
Vietnamese nurses in Taiwan may face some
difficulties during their work due to cultural
difference, language difficulties or difference
working practices. This may cause them
„shock‟ and difficult to adapt unless there are
understanding and supports from managers or
other peers. It‟s necessary to provide some
programs to promote Vietnamese nurses‟
willing to transform their work and lives in
Taiwan, which could cooperate with their
employers or other associations.
Second, language deficiency could potentially
affect the communication accuracy between
the Vietnamese nurses and patients, families,
physicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare
team members, especially during
telecommunication. The risk to patient safety
and quality of care was even greater when
other situational factors were considered. Fear
of making medical errors from
communication mistakes, medical
emergencies, could exponentially magnify the
risk of miscommunication. Therefore, a
sympathy and support from colleagues is still
necessary. Moreover, employers should set up
their plans to evaluate and improve their
Vietnamese employees and provides supports
for them to complete their job tasks
At the individual level, Vietnamese nurses
should make continuous efforts to narrow the
gap of job demands and their current
competencies. For example, they must seek
every opportunity to improve their language
proficiency. In light of the recent research
identifying communication as the root cause
for most medical errors and sentinel events,
the urgency to improve communication
effectiveness is even greater to ensure patient
safety and quality of care.
Some limitations could affect the results.
Firstly, this study is limited by interviewers
and finds existing gaps in their cognitive,
judgments of the subjects. Secondly, the
sample is limited to only Tainan city;
therefore, our results can not cover the entire
immigrant population over Taiwan. Thirdly,
the results of qualitative data analysis depend
on the researcher‟s experience. Even if we use
the same data analysis methods, different
people may analyze the data differently and
thus produce different results. In the future,
these issues can be managed by enlarging the
subjects and using more interviews. Also,
more conditions and factors can be included
to increase the value of study. Deeper analysis
can be done by different surveys in each
category of lived experience of working.
Finally, this study focuses on work with the
CIT data for an exploration research. In the
following-up study, a survey should be
conducted to test the model.
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Nguyễn Công Hoàng1*, Phạm Thị Phƣơng Thảo2
1Trường Đại học Khoa học – ĐH Thái Nguyên,
2Trường Đại học Y Dược Thái Nguyên
Nghiên cứu hiện tƣợng này khám phá những kinh nghiệm của các điều dƣỡng Việt Nam làm việc
trong bối cảnh y tế Đài Loan. Trong cuộc phỏng vấn sâu với 15 điều dƣỡng Việt Nam đƣợc thực
hiện bằng tiếng Việt, kết quả thể hiện ba vấn đề chính tồn tại ảnh hƣởng tới quá trình thích nghi
trong công việc của họ bao gồm (a) khó khăn giao tiếp , (b) căng thẳng công việc , (c) sự bất công.
Nghiên cứu này hỗ trợ những phát hiện trong các tài liệu chung về điều dƣỡng quốc tế , đặc biệt là
từ châu Á. Nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra sự độc đáo của nhóm điều dƣỡngViệt Nam trong môi trƣờng
làm việc mới, cụ thể là niềm hy vọng và sự khéo léo để biến thách thức thành cơ hội, mong muốn
của họ trong học tập để nâng cao hiệu suất và phát triển nghề nghiệp, và thích ứng hơn với nhu cầu
nơi làm việc. Những đề xuất kiến nghị đƣợc xây dựng, đặc biệt là trong bối cảnh các tiêu chuẩn
kiểm định của các tổ chức chăm sóc sức khỏe , cho các chuyên gia y tế và các cơ quan chính phủ
để thiết lập chiến lƣợc và chính sách cho việc cung cấp các kế hoạch thích hợp cho các điều
dƣỡng quốc tế tại Đài Loan.
Keywords: Vietnamese nurse, adaption, work stressor, Taiwan
Ngày nhận bài:13/3/2014; Ngày phản biện:15/3/2014; Ngày duyệt đăng: 25/3/2014
Phản biện khoa học: PGS. Wi-vun T. Chiung – Trường Đại học Quốc gia Cheng Kung, Đài Loan
Tel: 0967 919183
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