Thejava.sql package contains the entire JDBC API. It first became part of the core Java libraries with the 1.1 release. Classes new as of JDK 1.2 are indicated by the “Availability” header. Deprecated methods are preceded by a hash (#) mark. New JDK 1.2 methods in old JDK 1.1 classes are shown in bold. Figure 27-1 shows the entirejava.sqlpackage. Figure 27-1. The classes and interfaces of the java.sql package KEY Connection java.util java.sql Object Types DriverManager DriverPropertyInfo DatabaseMetaData Driver Exception SQLException ResultSet ResultSetMetaData Statement PreparedStatement CallableStatement Date Time Time stamp Date java.lang implements extends SQLWarning DataTruncation CLASS INTERFACE DRAFT, 8/24/01 Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. Array Synopsis Class Name:java.sql.Array Superclass:None Immediate Subclasses: None Interfaces Implemented: None Availability: New as of JDK 1.2 Description TheArrayinterface is a new addition to JDBC that supports SQL3 array objects. The default duration of a reference to a SQL array is for the life of the transaction in which it was created. Class Summary public interface Array { Object getArray() throws SQLException; Object getArray(Map map) throws SQLException; Object getArray(long index, int count) throws SQLException; Object getArray(long index, int count, Map map) throws SQLException; int getBaseType() throws SQLException; String getBaseTypeName() throws SQLException; ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException; ResultSet getResultSet(Map map) throws SQLException; ResultSet getResultSet(long index, int count) throws SQLException; ResultSet getResultSet(long index, int count, Map map) throws SQLException }

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DRAFT, 8/24/01 533 Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. 27 The JDB The java.sql pack Java libraries wi “Availability” he JDK 1.2 method entire java.sql pac Figure 27-1. The KEY java.util j Object Exception Date java.lang CLASS INTERFACData Dataclasses and interfaces of the java.sql package ResultSet ResultSetMeta Time Time stamp implements extends EDriverPropertyInfo SQLException Statement PreparedStatement CallableStatement Date SQLWarning DataTruncationChapter 27 C API 27. age contains the entire JDBC API. It first became part of the core th the 1.1 release. Classes new as of JDK 1.2 are indicated by the ader. Deprecated methods are preceded by a hash (#) mark. New s in old JDK 1.1 classes are shown in bold. Figure 27-1 shows the kage. Connection ava.sql Types DriverManager DatabaseMeta Driver DRAFT, 8/24/01 Array Synopsis Class Name: Superclass:N Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description The Array interfa The default dura in which it was c Class Summary public interface Ar Object getArray Object getArray Object getArray throws SQLE Object getArray throws SQLE int getBaseType String getBaseT ResultSet getRe ResultSet getRe ResultSet getRe throws SQLE ResultSet getRe Ma } Object Methods getArray( ) public Object getA public Object getA public Object getA throws SQLExc public Object getA throws SQLExc Description: instead, into but no matc used. The tw you to placejava.sql.Array one ubclasses: None plemented: None New as of JDK 1.2 ce is a new addition to JDBC that supports SQL3 array objects. tion of a reference to a SQL array is for the life of the transaction reated. ray { () throws SQLException; (Map map) throws SQLException; (long index, int count) xception; (long index, int count, Map map) xception; () throws SQLException; ypeName() throws SQLException; sultSet() throws SQLException; sultSet(Map map) throws SQLException; sultSet(long index, int count) xception; sultSet(long index, int count, p map) throws SQLException rray() throws SQLException rray(Map map) throws SQLException rray(long index, int count) eption rray(long index, int count, Map map) eption Place the contents of this SQL array into a Java language array or, the Java type specified by a provided Map. If a map is specified h is found in there, then the default mapping to a Java array is o versions that accept an array index and element count enable a subset of the elements in the array.Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 getBaseType( ) public int getBaseT Description: getBaseTypeNam public String getB Description: getResultSet( ) public ResultSet g public ResultSet g throws SQLExc public ResultSet g throws SQLExc public ResultSet g M throws SQLExc Description: appropriate, or the speci the first colu is the actual Blob Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: N Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description The JDBC Blob object” and is a The value of us without retrievin object is only va Class Summary public interface Bl InputStream get byte[] getBytes( throws SQLE long length() thr long position(byype() throws SQLException Provides the JDBC type of the elements of this array. e( ) aseTypeName() throws SQLException Provides the SQL type name for the elements of this array. etResultSet() throws SQLException etResultSet(Map map) eption etResultSet(long index, int count) eption etResultSet(long index, int count, ap map) eption Provides a result set that contains the array’s elements as rows. If the elements are mapped using the type map for the connection, fied type map if you pass one. Each row contains two columns: mn is the index number (starting with 1), and the second column value. java.sql.Blob one ubclasses: None plemented: None New as of JDK 1.2 interface represents a SQL BLOB. BLOB stands for “binary large relational database representation of a large piece of binary data. ing a BLOB is that you can manipulate the BLOB as a Java object g all of the data behind the BLOB from the database. A BLOB lid for the duration of the transaction in which it was created. ob { BinaryStream() throws SQLException; long pos, int count) xception; ows SQLException; te[] pattern, long start)Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 throws SQLE long position(Bl throws SQLE } Object Methods getBinaryStream public InputStream Description: from the dat getBytes( ) public byte[] getBy throws SQLExc Description: part or in w by specifyin than the obj length( ) public long length( Description: position( ) public long positio throws SQLExc public long positio throws SQLExc Description: which the s occur, then CallableStatem Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: j Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description The CallableState vides support foxception; ob pattern, long start) xception; ( ) getBinaryStream() throws SQLException Retrieves the data that makes up the binary object as a stream abase. tes(long pos, int count) eption Returns the data that makes up the underlying binary object in hole as an array of bytes. You can get a subset of the binary data g a nonzero starting index or by specifying a number of bytes less ect’s length. ) throws SQLException Provides the number of bytes that make up the BLOB. n(byte[] pattern, long start) eption n(Blob pattern, long start) eption Searches this Blob for the specified pattern and returns the byte at pecified pattern occurs within this Blob. If the pattern does not this method will return -1. ent java.sql.CallableStatement ava.sql.PreparedStatement ubclasses: None plemented: None JDK 1.1 ment is an extension of the PreparedStatement interface that pro- r SQL stored procedures. It specifies methods that handle the bind-Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 ing of output pa dures should app {? = call …} {call …} Each question m syntax provides parameters. The mark holding th Before executin using the register the various set m Class Summary public interface Ca Array getArray( BigDecimal getB throws SQLE #BigDecimal ge throws SQLE Blob getBlob(in boolean getBool byte getByte(int byte[] getBytes( Clob getClob(in java.sql.Date ge throws SQLE java.sql.Date ge double getDoub float getFloat(in int getInt(int ind long getLong(in Object getObjec Object getObjec throws SQLE Ref getRef(int in short getShort(in String getString( java.sql.Time ge java.sql.Time ge throws SQLE java.sql.Timesta throws SQLE java.sql.Timesta throws SQLE void registerOut throws SQLE void registerOut inrameters. JDBC prescribes a standard form in which stored proce- ear independent of the DBMS being used. The format is: ark is a place holder for an input or output parameter. The first for a single result parameter. The second syntax has no result parameters are referred to sequentially with the first question e place for parameter 1. g a stored procedure, all output parameters should be registered OutParameter() method. You then bind the input parameters using ethods, and then execute the stored procedure. llableStatement extends PreparedStatement { int index) throws SQLException; igDecimal(int index) xception; tBigDecimal(int index, int scale) xception; t index) throws SQLException; ean(int index) throws SQLException; index) throws SQLException; int index) throws SQLException; t index) throws SQLException; tDate(int index, Calendar cal) xception; tDate(int index) throws SQLException; le(int index) throws SQLException; t index) throws SQLException; ex) throws SQLException; t index) throws SQLException; t(int index) throws SQLException; t(int index, Map map) xception; dex) throws SQLException; t index) throws SQLException; int index) throws SQLException; tTime(int index) throws SQLException; tTime(int index, Calendar cal) xception; mp getTimestamp(int index) xception; mp getTimestamp(int index, Calendar cal) xception; Parameter(int index, int type) xception; Parameter(int index, int type, t scale)Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 throws SQLE void registerOut S throws SQLE boolean wasNul } Object Methods getBigDecimal( ) public BigDecima throws SQLExc #public BigDecim throws SQLExc Description: ter as a Java is a nonneg decimal. Par getArray( ), getB getFloat( ), getIn public Array getA throws SQLExc public Blob getBlo public boolean get public byte getByt public byte[] getBy public Clob getClo public double getD public float getFlo public int getInt(in public long getLon public Ref getRef( public short getSho public String getSt Description: ment as the getDate( ), getTim public Date getDa public Date getDa throws SQLExc public Time getTim public Time getTim throws SQLExc public Timestamp throws SQLExc public Timestamp throws SQLExc Description: suitable toxception; Parameter(int index, int type, tring typename) xception; l() throws SQLException; l getBigDecimal(int index) eption al getBigDecimal(int index, int scale) eption Returns the value of the parameter specified by the index parame- BigDecimal with a scale specified by the scale argument. The scale ative number representing the number of digits to the right of the ameter indices start at 1; parameter 1 is thus index 1. lob( ), getBoolean( ), getByte( ), getBytes( ), getClob( ), getDouble( ), t( ), getLong( ), getRef( ), getShort( ), and getString( ) rray(int index) eption b(int index) throws SQLException Boolean(int index) throws SQLException e(int index) throws SQLException tes(int index) throws SQLException b(int index) throws SQLException ouble(int index) throws SQLException at(int index) throws SQLException t index) throws SQLException g(int index) throws SQLException int index) throws SQLException rt(int index) throws SQLException ring(int index) throws SQLException Returns the value of the parameter specified by the index argu- Java datatype indicated by the method name. e( ), and getTimestamp( ) te(int index) throws SQLException te(int index, Calendar cal) eption e(int index) throws SQLException e(int index, Calendar cal) eption getTimestamp(int index) eption getTimestamp(int index, Calendar cal) eption JDBC provides refinements on the basic java.util.Date object more database programming. These methods provide ways to accessCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 return value The new JD getObject( ) public Object getO public Object getO throws SQLExc Description: the specified driver choos this parame map. registerOutParam public void registe throws SQLExc public void registe throws SQLExc public void registe throws SQLExc Description: you must re java.sql.Type o specifies the to register. T that require sponding ge new to JDK types. wasNull( ) public boolean wa Description: method will Clob Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: N Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability:s from a CallableStatement as a Date, Time, or Timestamp object. K 1.2 variants allow you to specify a Calendar. bject(int index) throws SQLException bject(int index, Map map) eption Like the other getXXX() methods, this method returns the value of output parameter. In the case of getObject(), however, the JDBC es the Java class that corresponds to the SQL type registered for ter using registerOutParameter() or according to the specified type eter( ) rOutParameter(int index, int type) eption rOutParameter(int index, int type, int scale) eption rOutParameter(int index, int type, String typename) eption Before executing any stored procedure using a CallableStatement, gister each of the output parameters. This method registers the f an output parameter for a stored procedure. The first parameter output parameter being registered and the second the java.sql.Type he three-argument version of this method is for BigDecimal types a scale. You later read the output parameters using the corre- tXXX() method or getObject(). The third version of this method is 1.2 and provides a way to map REF SQL types or custom SQL sNull() throws SQLException If the last value you read using a getXXX() call was SQL NULL, this return true. java.sql.Clob one ubclasses: None plemented: None New as of JDK 1.2Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 Description CLOB is a SQL3 represents a very resents text stor type as opposed can be retrieved Class Summary public interface Cl InputStream get Reader getChara String getSubStr throws SQLE long length() thr long position(St throws SQLE long position(Cl throws SQLE } Object Methods getAsciiStream( ) public InputStream Description: stream. getCharacterStre public Reader getC Description: stream. getSubString( ) public String getSu throws SQLExc Description: to the numb length( ) public long length( Description: position( ) public long positio throws SQLExc public long positio throws SQLExc Description: start point. Itype that stands for “character large object.” Like a BLOB, a CLOB large chunk of data in the database. Unlike a BLOB, a CLOB rep- ed using some sort of character encoding. The point of a CLOB to a CHAR or VARCHAR type is that CLOB data, like BLOB data, as a stream instead of all at once. ob { AsciiStream() throws SQLException; cterStream() throws SQLException; ing(long pos, int count) xception; ows SQLException; ring pattern, long start) xception; ob pattern, long start) xception; getAsciiStream() throws SQLException Provides access to the data that makes up this Clob via an ASCII am( ) haracterStream() throws SQLException Provides access to the data that makes up this Clob via a Unicode bString(long pos, int count) eption Returns a substring of the Clob starting at the named position up er of character specified by the count value. ) throws SQLException Provides the number of characters that make up the Clob. n(String pattern, long start) eption; n(Clob pattern, long start) eption; Searches the Clob for the specified pattern starting at the specified f the pattern is found within the Clob, the index at which the pat-Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 tern first oc method retu Connection Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: N Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description The Connection c an application w handles the tran ment is committ to turn off this expressly send c Class Summary public interface Co static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina void clearWarni void close() thro void commit() th Statement create Statement create throws SQLE boolean getAuto String getCatalo Map getTypeM DatabaseMetaD int getTransactio SQLWarning ge boolean isClose boolean isReadO String nativeSQ CallableStateme throws SQLE CallableStateme throws SQLEcurs is returned. If it does not exist within the Clob, then this rns -1. java.sql.Connection one ubclasses: None plemented: None JDK 1.1 lass is the JDBC representation of a database session. It provides ith Statement objects (and its subclasses) for that session. It also saction management for those statements. By default, each state- ed immediately upon execution. You can use the Connection object Autocommit feature for the session. In that event, you must ommits, or any statements executed will be lost. nnection { l int TRANSACTION_NONE; l int TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED; l int TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; l int TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ; l int TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; ngs() throws SQLException; ws SQLException; rows SQLException; Statement() throws SQLException; Statement(int type, int concur) xception; Commit() throws SQLException; g() throws SQLException; ap() throws SQLException; ata getMetaData() throws SQLException; nIsolation() throws SQLException; tWarnings() throws SQLException; d() throws SQLException; nly() throws SQLException; L(String sql) throws SQLException; nt prepareCall(String sql) xception; nt prepareCall(String sql, int type, int concur) xception;Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 PreparedStatem throws SQLE PreparedStatem throws SQLE void rollback() t void setAutoCom void setCatalog( void setReadOn void setTransact throws SQLE void setTypeMa } Class Attributes TRANSACTION_N static public final i Description: TRANSACTION_R static public final i Description: one transact TRANSACTION_R static public final i Description: ring. In othe action are change com TRANSACTION_R static public final i Description: peatable rea row, a seco row, getting Object Methods clearWarnings( ) public void clearW Description: getWarnings() close( ) public void close()ent prepareStatement(String sql) xception; ent prepareStatement(String sql, int type, int concur) xception; hrows SQLException; mit(boolean ac) throws SQLException; String catalog) throws SQLException; ly(boolean ro) throws SQLException; ionIsolation(int level) xception; p(Map map) throws SQLException; ONE nt TRANSACTION_NONE Transactions are not supported. EAD_UNCOMMITTED nt TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED This transaction isolation level allows uncommitted changes by ion to be readable by other transactions. EAD_COMMITTED nt TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED This transaction isolation level prevents dirty reads from occur- r words, changes by a TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED trans- invisible to other transactions until the transaction making the mits those changes. EPEATABLE_READ nt TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ This transaction isolation level prevents dirty reads and nonre- ds. A nonrepeatable read is one where one transaction reads a nd transaction alters the row, and the first transaction rereads the different values the second time. arnings() throws SQLException Clears out all the warnings associated with this Connection so that will return null until a new warning is reported. throws SQLExceptionCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 Description: connections method is a best to manu commit( ) public void comm Description: ments assoc issued. It sh changes mad createStatement( public Statement c public Statement c throws SQLExc Description: Connection se whose Resul getAutoCommit( public boolean get public void setAut throws SQLExc Description: Autocommit cation may i a single tran Autocommit rollback() de When in Au ment compl statements r been retriev result sets, t been retriev getCatalog( ) and public String getC public void setCata Description: subspace of not support getMetaData( ) public DatabaseMThis method manually releases all resources (such as network and database locks) associated with a given JDBC Connection. This utomatically called when garbage collection occurs; however, it is ally close a Connection once you are done with it. it() throws SQLException This method makes permanent the changes created by all state- iated with this Connection since the last commit or rollback was ould only be used when Autocommit is off. It does not commit e by statements associated with other Connection objects. ) reateStatement() throws SQLException reateStatement(int type, int concur) eption This method creates a Statement object associated with this ssion. The no argument version of this method creates a Statement tSet instances are type forward-only and read-only concurrency. ) and setAutoCommit( ) AutoCommit() throws SQLException oCommit(boolean ac) eption By default, all Connection objects are in Autocommit mode. With mode on, each statement is committed as it is executed. An appli- nstead choose to manually commit a series of statements together as saction. In this case, you use the setAutoCommit() method to turn off. You then follow your statements with a call to commit() or pending on the success or failure of the transaction. tocommit mode, a statement is committed either when the state- etes or when the next statement is executed, whichever is first. For eturning a ResultSet, the statement completes when the last row has ed or the ResultSet has been closed. If a statement returns multiple he commit occurs when the last row of the last ResultSet object has ed. setCatalog( ) atalog() throws SQLException log(String catalog) throws SQLException If a driver supports catalogs, then you use setCatalog() to select a the database with the specified catalog name. If the driver does catalogs, it will ignore this request. etaData getMetaData() throws SQLExceptionCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 Description: base’s tables to the datab statements a DatabaseMetaD getTransactionIs public int getTrans public void setTran throws SQLExc Description: using one o called T TRANSACTI getTypeMap( ) an public Map getTyp public void setTyp Description: ping for SQ with this con getWarnings( ) public SQLWarnin Description: this Connectio isClosed( ) public boolean isC Description: isReadOnly( ) an public boolean isR public void setRea Description: setReadOnly() only mode while in the nativeSQL( ) public String nativ Description: by JDBC. Th JDBC SQL st prepareCall( ) public CallableStaThe DatabaseMetaData class provides methods that describe a data- , SQL support, stored procedures, and other information relating ase and this Connection, which are not directly related to executing nd retrieving result sets. This method provides an instance of the ata class for this Connection. olation( ) and setTransactionIsolation( ) actionIsolation() throws SQLException sactionIsolation(int level) eption Sets the Connection object’s current transaction isolation level f the class attributes for the Connection interface. Those levels are RANSACTION_NONE, TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED, ON_READ_COMMITTED, and TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ. d setTypeMap( ) eMap() throws SQLException eMap(Map map) throws SQLException You can use these methods to define or retrieve a custom map- L structured types and distinct types for all statements associated nection. g getWarnings() throws SQLException Returns the first warning in the chain of warnings associated with n object. losed() throws SQLException Returns true if the Connection has been closed. d setReadOnly( ) eadOnly() throws SQLException dOnly(boolean ro) throws SQLException Some databases can optimize for read-only database access. The method provides you with a way to put a Connection into read- so that those optimizations occur. You cannot call setReadOnly() middle of a transaction. eSQL(String sql) throws SQLException Many databases may not actually support the same SQL required is method allows an application to see the native SQL for a given ring. tement prepareCall(String sql)Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 throws SQLExc public CallableSta throws SQLExc Description: CallableStatem ferred way o of this meth forward-only prepareStatemen public PreparedSta throws SQLExc public PreparedSta throws SQLExc Description: Connection se statements. PreparedStatem concurrency rollback( ) public void rollbac Description: nection sinc make those statements t commit is of DatabaseMeta Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: N Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description This class provid object is conneception tement prepareCall(String sql, int type, int concur) eption Given a particular SQL string, this method creates a ent object associated with this Connection session. This is the pre- f handling stored procedures. The default (no argument) version od provides a CallableStatement whose ResultSet instances are type and read-only concurrency. t( ) tement prepareStatement(String sql) eption tement prepareStatement(String sql, int type, int concur) eption Provides a PreparedStatement object to be associated with this ssion. This is the preferred way of handling precompiled SQL The default (no argument) version of this method provides a ent whose ResultSet instances are type forward-only and read-only . k() throws SQLException Aborts all changes made by statements associated with this Con- e the last time a commit or rollback was issued. If you want to changes at a later time, your application will have to reexecute the hat made those changes. This should be used only when auto- f. Data java.sql.DatabaseMetaData one ubclasses: None plemented: None New as of JDK 1.1 es a lot of information about the database to which a Connection ted. In many cases, it returns this information in the form of JDBCCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 ResultSet objects. DatabaseMetaData DatabaseMetaData within the String string of 0 or mo to methods in pl teria should be d Class Summary public interface Da static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public fina static public finaFor databases that do not support a particular kind of metadata, will throw an SQLException. methods take string patterns as arguments where specific tokens are interpreted to have a certain meaning. % matches any sub- re characters and _ matches any one character. You can pass null ace of string pattern arguments; this means that the argument’s cri- ropped from the search. tabaseMetaData { l int bestRowTemporary; l int bestRowTransaction; l int bestRowSession; l int bestRowUnknown; l int bestRowNotPseudo; l int bestRowPseudo; l int columnNoNulls; l int columnNullable; l int columnNullableUnknown; l int importedKeyCascade; l int importedKeyRestrict; l int importedKeySetNull; l int importedKeyNoAction; l int importedKeySetDefault; l int importedKeyInitiallyDeferred; l int importedKeyInitiallyImmediate; l int importedKeyNotDeferrable; l int procedureResultUnknown; l int procedureNoResult; l int procedureReturnsResult; l int procedureColumnUnknown; l int procedureColumnIn; l int procedureColumnOut; l int procedureColumnReturn; l int procedureColumnResult; l int procedureNoNulls; l int procedureNullable; l int procedureNullableUnknown; l short tableIndexStatistic; l short tableIndexClustered; l short tableIndexHashed; l short tableIndexOther; l int typeNoNulls; l int typeNullable; l int typeNullableUnknown; l int typePredNone; l int typePredChar; l int typePredBasic; l int typeSearchable; l int versionColumnUnknown; l int versionColumnNotPseudo;Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 static public fina boolean allProce throws SQLE boolean allTable boolean dataDef throws SQLE boolean dataDef throws SQLE ResultSet getBe String schema boolean nullab throws SQLE ResultSet getCa String getCatalo String getCatalo ResultSet getCo String spat, String cpat) ResultSet getCo String spat, String cpat) ResultSet getCro String prim String foreig String foreig String getDataba String getDataba throws SQLE int getDefaultTr throws SQLE int getDriverMa int getDriverMin String getDriver String getDriver ResultSet getEx String schema throws SQLE String getExtraN String getIdentif ResultSet getIm String schema ResultSet getInd String schema boolean appro int getMaxBinar int getMaxCatal int getMaxCharL int getMaxcnam int getMaxColum int getMaxColum int getMaxColum int getMaxColum int getMaxColuml int versionColumnPseudo; duresAreCallable() xception; sAreSelectable() throws SQLException; initionCausesTransactionCommit() xception; initionIgnoredInTransactions() xception; stRowIdentifier(String catalog, , String table, int scope, le) xception; talogs() throws SQLException; gSeparator() throws SQLException; gTerm() throws SQLException; lumnPriveleges(String catalog, String table, throws SQLException; lumns(String catalog, String tpat, throws SQLException; ssReference(String primaryCatalog, arySchema, String primaryTable, nCatalog, String foreignSchema, nTable) throws SQLException; seProductName() throws SQLException; seProductVersion() xception; ansactionIsolation() xception; jorVersion(); orVersion(); Name() throws SQLException; Version() throws SQLException; portedKeys(String catalog, , String table) xception; ameCharacters() throws SQLException; ierQuoteString() throws SQLException; portedKeys(String catalog, , String table) throws SQLException; exInfo(String catalog, , String table, boolean unique, ximate) throws SQLException; yLiteralLength() throws SQLException; ogNameLength() throws SQLException; iteralLength() throws SQLException; eLength() throws SQLException; nsInGroupBy() throws SQLException; nsInIndex() throws SQLException; nsInOrderBy() throws SQLException; nsInSelect() throws SQLException; nsInTable() throws SQLException;Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 int getMaxConn int getMaxIndex int getMaxProce throws SQLE int getMaxRowS int getMaxRowS throws SQLE int getMaxSchem int getMaxState int getMaxState int getMaxTable int getMaxTable int getMaxUserN String getNume ResultSet getPri String schema ResultSet getPro String scheme String cnameP String getProced ResultSet getPro String schema throws SQLE public abstract R public abstract S String getSearch String getSQLK String getStringF String getSystem ResultSet getTa String schema throws SQLE ResultSet getTa ResultSet getTa String schema String types[]) String getTimeD ResultSet getTy String getURL() String getUserN ResultSet getVe String schema boolean isCatalo boolean isReadO boolean nullPlus boolean nullsAr boolean nullsAr boolean nullsAr boolean nullsAr boolean storesL throws SQLE boolean storesL throws SQLE boolean storesMections() throws SQLException; Length() throws SQLException; dureNameLength() xception; ize() throws SQLException; izeIncludeBlobs() xception; aNameLength() throws SQLException; mentLength() throws SQLException; ments() throws SQLException; NameLength() throws SQLException; sInSelect() throws SQLException; ameLength() throws SQLException; ricFunctions() throws SQLException; maryKeys(String catalog, , String table) throws SQLException; cedureColumns(String catalog, Pattern, String procedureNamePattern, attern) throws SQLException; ureTerm() throws SQLException; cedures(String catalog, Pattern, String procedureNamePattern) xception; esultSet getSchemas() throws SQLException; tring getSchemaTerm() throws SQLException; StringEscape() throws SQLException; eywords() throws SQLException; unctions() throws SQLException; Functions() throws SQLException; blePriveleges(String catalog, Pattern, String tableNamePattern) xception; bleTypes() throws SQLException; bles(String catalog, Pattern, String tableNamePattern, throws SQLException; ateFunctions() throws SQLException; peInfo() throws SQLException; throws SQLException; ame() throws SQLException; rsionColumns(String catalog, , String table) throws SQLException; gAtStart() throws SQLException; nly() throws SQLException; NonNullIsNull() throws SQLException; eSortedHigh() throws SQLException; eSortedLow() throws SQLException; eSortedAtStart() throws SQLException; eSortedAtEnd() throws SQLException; owerCaseIdentifiers() xception; owerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() xception; ixedCaseIdentifiers()Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 throws SQLE boolean storesM throws SQLE boolean storesU throws SQLE boolean storesU throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean supppor throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support boolean support boolean support throws SQLE boolean support boolean support throws SQLE boolean supportsDataDe throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support boolean support boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLException; ixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() xception; pperCaseIdentifiers() xception; pperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() xception; sAlterTableWithAddColumn() xception; sAlterTableWithDropColumn() xception; sANSI92FullSQL() throws SQLException; sANSI92IntermediateSQL() xception; sCatalogsInDataManipulation() xception; tsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() xception; sCatalogsInPrivelegeDefinitions() xception; sCatalogsInProcedureCalls() xception; sCatalogsInTableDefinitions() xception; sColumnAliasing() throws SQLException; sConvert() throws SQLException; sConvert(int fromType, int toType) xception; sCoreSQLGrammar() throws SQLException; sCorrelatedSubqueries() xception; finitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() xception; sDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() xception; sDifferentTableCorrelationNames() xception; sExpressionsInOrderBy() xception; sExtendedSQLGrammar() xception; sFullOuterJoins() throws SQLException; sGroupBy() throws SQLException; sGroupByBeyondSelect() xception; sGroupByUnrelated() xception; sIntegrityEnhancementFacility() xception; sLikeEscapeClause() xception; sLimitedOuterJoins() xception;Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean support throws SQLE boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() xception; sMixedCaseIdentifiers() xception; sMixedCaseQuotedIdenfitiers() xception; sMultipleResultSets() xception; sMultipleTransactions() xception; sNonNullableColumns() xception; sOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() xception; sOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() xception; sOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() xception; sOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() xception; sOrderByUnrelated() xception; sOuterJoins() throws SQLException; sPositionedDelete() xception; sPositionedUpdate() xception; sSchemasInDataManipulation() xception; sSchemasInIndexDefinitions() xception; sSchemasInPrivelegeDefinitions() xception; sSchemasInProcedureCalls() xception; sSchemasInTableDefinitions() xception; sSelectForUpdate() xception; sStoredProcedures() xception; sSubqueriesInComparisons() xception; sSubqueriesInExists() xception; sSubqueriesInIns() xception; sSubqueriesInQuantifieds() xception; sTableCorrelationNames() xception; sTransactionIsolationLevel(int level) xception; sTransactions() throws SQLException;Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 boolean support boolean support boolean usesLoc throws SQLE boolean usesLoc } Date Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: j Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description This class deals cifically worries Class Summary public class Date e static public Dat #public Date(int public Date(long public void setT public String toS } Class Methods valueOf( ) static public Date v Description: sponding in Object Construct Date( ) public Date(long d #public Date(int ye Description: Date is to us fies the num tive number cated constr respect to casUnion() throws SQLException; sUnionAll() throws SQLException; alFilePerTable() xception; alFiles() throws SQLException; java.sql.Date ava.util.Date ubclasses: None plemented: None JDK 1.1 with a subset of functionality found in the java.util.Date class. It spe- only about days and ignores hours, minutes, and seconds. xtends java.util.Date { e valueOf(String s); year, int month, int day); date); ime(long date); tring(); alueOf(String s) Given a String in the form of yyyy-mm-dd, this will return a corre- stance of the Date class representing that date. ors ate) ar, int month, int day) Constructs a new Date instance. The proper way to construct a e the new JDK 1.2 Date(long) constructor. The date argument speci- ber of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 GMT. A nega- represents the milliseconds before that date. The second, depre- uctor naturally should never be used since it is ambiguous with lendar and time zone.Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 Object Methods setTime( ) public void setTim Description: number of m ber represen toString( ) public String toStr Description: P Driver Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: N Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description This class repres should create an class. This allow to load a driver. The Driver objec more databases DriverManager wi The first Driver to Class Summary public interface Dr boolean accepts Connection conn throws SQLE int getMajorVer int getMinorVer DriverPropertyI throws SQLE boolean jdbcCom }e(long date) Sets the time represented by this Date object to the specified illiseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 GMT. A negative num- ts the milliseconds before that date. ing() rovides a String representing this Date in the form yyyy-mm-dd. java.sql.Driver one ubclasses: None plemented: None JDK 1.1 ents a specific JDBC implementation. When a Driver is loaded, it instance of itself and register that instance with the DriverManager s applications to create instances of it using the Class.forName() call t then provides the ability for an application to connect to one or . When a request for a specific database comes through, the ll pass the data source request to each Driver registered as a URL. connect to the data source using that URL will be used. iver { URL(String url) throws SQLException; ect(String url, Properties info) xception; sion(); sion(); nfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties info) xception; pliant();Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. Object Methods acceptsURL( ) public boolean acc Description: used by this connect( ) public Connection throws SQLExc Description: Property info URL is not URL, but an should be th getMajorVersion public int getMajo Description: getMinorVersion public int getMino Description: getPropertyInfo( public DriverPrope throws SQLExc Description: which prope enter values jdbcCompliant( ) public boolean jdb Description: ance tests. T API and full DriverManage Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: j Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability:DRAFT, 8/24/01 eptsURL(String url) throws SQLException Returns true if the specified URL matches the URL subprotocol driver. connect(String url, Properties info) eption This method attempts a connect using the specified URL and rmation (usually containing the user name and password). If the right for this driver, connect() simply returns null. If it is the right error occurs during the connection process, an SQLException rown. ( ) rVersion() Returns the major version number for the driver. ( ) rVersion() Returns the minor version number for the driver. ) rtyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties info) eption; This method allows GUI-based RAD environments to find out rties the driver needs on connect so that it can prompt a user to for those properties. cCompliant() A Driver can return true here only if it passes the JDBC compli- his means that the driver implementation supports the full JDBC SQL 92 Entry Level. r java.sql.DriverManager ava.lang.Object ubclasses: None plemented: None JDK 1.1Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 Description The DriverManage Upon initializatio thus specify any tion on the comm During program DriverManager by URL to find an a getConnection(). The DriverManage dard Extension base connection Class Summary public class Driver static void dereg throws SQLE static public syn Properties info static public syn String user, St static public syn throws SQLE static public Dri static public Enu static public int g #static public Pr static public Prin static public void static public syn throws SQL #static public vo static public v static public void } Class Methods deregisterDriver( static public void d Description: getConnection( ) static public synch Properties info static public synch String user, St static public synchr holds the master list of registered JDBC drivers for the system. n, it loads all classes specified in the jdbc.drivers property. You can runtime information about the database being used by an applica- and line. execution, other drivers may register themselves with the calling the registerDriver() method. The DriverManager uses a JDBC pplication’s desired driver choice when requests are made through r class is likely to disappear one day as the new JDBC 2.0 Stan- provides a much more application-friendly way of getting a data- . Manager { isterDriver(Driver driver) xception; chronized Connection getConnection(String url, ) throws SQLException; chronized Connection getConnection(String url, ring password) throws SQLException; chronized Connection getConnection(String url) xception; ver getDriver(String url) throws SQLException; meration getDrivers(); etLoginTimeout(); intStream getLogStream(); tWriter getLogWriter(); println(String message); chronized void registerDriver(Driver driver) Exception; id setLogStream(PrintStream out); oid setLogWriter(PrintWriter out); setLoginTimeout(int seconds); ) eregisterDriver(Driver driver) throws SQLException Removes a Driver from the list of registered drivers. ronized Connection getConnection(String url, ) throws SQLException ronized Connection getConnection(String url, ring password) throws SQLException ronized Connection getConnection(String url)Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 throws SQLE Description: given. The D for one tha SQLException method in th getDriver( ) static public Drive Description: getDrivers( ) static public Enum Description: getLoginTimeout static public int get static public int set Description: can wait in a getLogStream( ) a #static public Print #static public void static public PrintW static public void s Description: LogStream va log writers println( ) static public void p Description: registerDriver( ) static public synch throws SQLE Description: the DriverMaxception Establishes a connection to the data store represented by the URL riverManager then looks through its list of registered Driver instances t will handle the specified URL. If none is found, it throws an . Otherwise it returns the Connection instance from the connect() e Driver class. r getDriver(String url) throws SQLException Returns a driver than can handle the specified URL. eration getDrivers() Returns a list of all registered drivers. ( ) and setLoginTimeout( ) LoginTimeout() LoginTimeout() The login timeout is the maximum time in seconds that a driver ttempting to log in to a database. nd setLogStream( ) Stream getLogStream() setLogStream(PrintStream out) riter getLogWriter() etLogWriter(PrintWriter out) Sets the stream used by the DriverManager and all drivers. The riant is the old JDK 1.1 version and should be avoided in favor of rintln(String message) Prints a message to the current log stream. ronized void registerDriver(Driver driver) xception This method allows a newly loaded Driver to register itself with nager class.Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 DriverPropert Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: j Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description This class provid base. Only deve ods, simply a lis Class Summary public class Driver public String[] c public String des public String nam public boolean r public String val public DriverPro } Object Attributes choices public String[] cho Description: value for thi description public String descr Description: name public String name Description: required public boolean req Description: make a conn value public String value Description:yInfo java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo ava.lang.Object ubclasses: None plemented: None JDK 1.1 es information required by a driver in order to connect to a data- lopment tools are likely ever to require this class. It has no meth- t of public attributes. PropertyInfo { hoices; cription; e; equired; ue; pertyInfo(String name, String value); ices A list of choices from which a user may be prompted to specify a s property. This value can be null. iption A brief description of the property or null. The name of the property. uired Indicates whether or not this property must be set in order to ection. The current value of the property or null if no current value is set.Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 Object Construct DriverPropertyIn public DriverPrope Description: attributes se default value PreparedState Synopsis Class Name: Superclass: j Immediate S Interfaces Im Availability: Description This class repres Class Summary public interface Pr void addBatc void clearParam boolean execute ResultSet execu int executeUpda ResultSetMet void setArray(in throws SQLE void setAsciiStr int length) thro void setBigDeci throws SQLE void setBinaryS int length) thro void setBlob(int void setBoolean throws SQLE void setByte(int void setBytes(in throws SQLE void setCharacte int length) thro void setClob(int void setDate(int void setDate(int throws SQLE void setDouble(ors fo( ) rtyInfo(String name, String value) Constructs a new DriverPropertyInfo object with the name and value t to the specified parameters. All other values are set to their s. ment java.sql.PreparedStatement ava.sql.Statement ubclasses: java.sql.CallableStatement plemented: None JDK 1.1 ents a precompiled SQL statement. eparedStatement extends Statement { h() throws SQLException; eters() throws SQLException; () throws SQLException; teQuery() throws SQLException; te() throws SQLException; aData getMetaData() throws SQLException; t index, Array arr) xception; eam(int index, InputStream is, ws SQLException; mal(int index, BigDecimal d) xception; tream(int index, InputStream is, ws SQLException; index, Blob b) throws SQLException; (int index, boolean b) xception; index, byte b) throws SQLException; t index, byte[] bts) xception; rStream(int index, Reader rdr, ws SQLException; index, Clob c) throws SQLException; index, Date d) throws SQLException; index, Date d, Calendar cal) xception; int index, double x)Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. DRAFT, 8/24/01 throws SQLE void setFloat(int void setInt(int in void setLong(in void setNull(int void setNull(int throws SQLE void setObject(i throws SQLE void setObject(i throws SQLE void setObject(i int scale) throw void setRef(int i void setShort(in void setString(in throws SQLE void setTime(in void setTime(in throws SQLE void setTimesta throws SQLE void setTimesta throws SQLE #void setUnicod int length) thro } Object Methods addBatch( ) public void addBa Description: clearParameters public abstract voi Description: value is set clears all pa execute( ), execu public abstract boo public abstract Res public abstract int Description: you to exec an update. I The executeQ for processinxception; index, float f) throws SQLException; dex, int x) throws SQLException; t index, long x) throws SQLException; index, int type) throws SQLException; index, int type, String tname) xception; nt index, Object ob) xception; nt index, Object ob, int type) xce

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