Kỹ thuật nâng - Vận chuyển - Các thiết bị mang vật

Bộ phận mang vạn năng: móc đơn, móc kép,vòng treo.(Hooks) n Bộ phận mang chuyên dùng: ã Gầu ngoạm: cho than, cát đá. ã Gầu, thùng:vật liệu lỏng. ã Kìm:thép tấm, thép đúc, thùng gỗ có cùng kích thước ã Nam châm điện:vật liệu bằng kim loại (tongues, grabs, ladles and buckets, lifting magnets, and grab buckets, handling attachments serve the purpose of picking up the load handled)

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KYÕ THUAÄT NAÂNG - VAÄN CHUYEÅN CHÖÔNG 2 CAÙC THIEÁT BÒ MANG VAÄT (Load handling attachment) COÂNG DUÏNG Duøng ñeå treo, mang vaø di chuyeån vaät Purpose Hook are multi-purpose handling attachment widely use in hoisting installation. The load is suspended from the hook by means of slings made of hemp ropes or chain. Alternatively, the load can be picked up by a grab suspended from the hook PHAÂN LOAÏI Boä phaän mang vaïn naêng: moùc ñôn, moùc keùp,voøng treo.(Hooks) Boä phaän mang chuyeân duøng: Gaàu ngoaïm: cho than, caùt ñaù. Gaàu, thuøng:vaät lieäu loûng. Kìm:theùp taám, theùp ñuùc, thuøng goã coù cuøng kích thöôùc Nam chaâm ñieän:vaät lieäu baèng kim loaïi (tongues, grabs, ladles and buckets, lifting magnets, and grab buckets, handling attachments serve the purpose of picking up the load handled) MOÙC -Moùc ñôn (Ordinary-pattern hooks) -Moùc keùp (Ramshorn hook) MOÙC Moùc taám gheùp:( Laminated hooks) -Moùc taám ñôn. (Ordinary) -Moùc taám keùp ( Ramshorn) Popular in high capacity application of load between the laminations, special mild- steel half-bushings are provide for a saving in weight compared with forged counterparts and require no powerful presses for manufacture MOÙC (TT) Coâng duïng, vaät lieäu,cheá taïo Naâng vaät töø traêm ñeán haøng traêm taán Vaät lieäu theùp ít caùc bon ( theùp 20) Cheá taïo : reøn, daäp (ñuùc ít söû duïng – caàn kieåm tra khuyeát taät) Cheá taïo töø caùc theùp taám (Ct3 hoaëc Ct20)- thay theá töøng taám khi hoûng ( Crane hooks forged or drop-forged from 0,2% C low- alloy steel or 0,2% manganese steel. High carbon steel and cast iron are unsuitable because of a danger of sudden failure of a hook due their brittle behavior ) MOÙC (TT) Yeâu caàu Yeâu caàu kích thöôùc troïng löôïng nhoû nhaát , ñaûm baûo beàn ñeàu ôû moïi thieát dieän Caùc moùc bò nöùt caàn loaïi boû, khoâng ñöôïc haøn ñaép Sau khi cheát taïo caàn thöû taûi: 25%Q -10 phuùt ( Every hook is tested by the manufacturer, using a test load which is 1.25 times the rated capacity. The period of load application is ten minutes and on removing the load the hook should be free from cracks, lacerations or distortion. Wilding up of flaws or other reconditioning of defective hook should not be permitted ) MOÙC (tt ): Kieåm tra caùc thieát dieän nguy hieåm -Cuoáng moùc: A-A -Thaân moùc: B-B C-C Tính toaùn moùc MOÙC (tt ): Cuoáng moùc: A-A - ÖÙng suaát: keùo daãn ñoäng tay: k =80 N/mm2 daãn ñoäng maùy:k =70 N/mm2(Nh, TB) k =50 N/mm2 (N,RN) -Chieâuø daøi phaàn ren cuoáng moùc d =30-50 N/mm2 MOÙC (tt ): Thaân moùc: B – B (Khoâng keå ñoä cong). Ñeå: => t.d hình thang. Keå ñeán ñoä cong. KHUNG TREO MOÙC (Hook blocks) Standard head room type Short head room type KHUNG TREO MOÙC (tt): Daøi Truïc moùc vaø puly ñoäc laäp: Ngaén Truïc moùc vaø puly rieâng bieät. Soá puly ñoäng chaün (caân baèng). KHUNG TREO MOÙC (tt): Vaät lieäu cheá taïo truïc: Theùp CT4, theùp 15, theùp 20. BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG cho haøng ñôn chieác (Grabs and clamps) BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG (tt): Kìm (graps) Muïc ñích: -Giaûm thôøi gian buoäc vaø thaùo vaät -Taêng naêng suaát laøm vieäc Graps Crane grabs may be divided in two group: -One for containerized or packed unit loads - The other for unpacked unit load BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG –kìm (tt): Tongs -type grabs are designed on the assumption that the friction between the gripping surfaces and the load when it is being lifted cause the tongs to exert a squeezing action BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG –kìm (tt): Giöõ vaät baèng ma saùt. Ñieàu kieän naâng: Ñieàu kieän an toaøn: b  BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG CHO VAÄT LIEÄU THEÅ KHOÁI (tt): BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG CHO VAÄT LIEÄU THEÅ KHOÁI (tt): BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG cho vaät lieäu rôøi Gaøu ngoaïm (grab bucket) BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG cho vaät lieäu rôøi (TT) Gaøu ngoaïm Ñoùng môû maù baèng ñoäng cô Ñoùng môû baèng daây:- moät daây. - hai daây Phaân loaïi BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG CHO VAÄT LIEÄU RÔØI (TT) -Gaàu ngoïam hai daây (Operating sequence of a two –line grab bucket) -Ñoùng môû baèng hai daây môû gaàu Haï gaàu leân vaät lieäu Ñoùng gaàu laáy lieäu Naâng gaàu di chuyeån cuøng vaät lieäu BOÄ PHAÄN MANG CHUYEÂN DUØNG CHO VAÄT LIEÄU RÔØI (TT) Gaøu ngoaïm moâït daây (operating sequence of single-line grab bucket) Haï gaàu leân choã vaät lieäu:moùc treo haï cho ñeán khi khoaù döôùi aên khôùp 2. Ñoùng gaàu laáy vaät lieäu vaø di chuyeån 3. Môû khoùa thaùo haøng 4. Haøng rôi nhôø troïng löôïng baûn thaân BOÄ PHAÄN MANG ÑIEÄN TÖØ (lifting magnet) Operating on direct current, lifting magnets are widely used in handling steel and cast iron loads ANY QUESTIONS ? ……….. THANK YOU

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