Kĩ thuật lập trình - Web applications

Create Web Project and depoly by Eclipse, Netbean Create Web Project and deploy by Ant Create Web Project and deploy by Maven

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WEB APPLICATIONSPresenter: Nguyễn Xuân VinhInformation Technology FacultyNong Lam UniversityOverviewWeb application is a dynamic extension of a web or application server. Web applications are of the following types:Presentation-oriented: generates interactive web pages containing various types of markup language.Service-oriented: implements the endpoint of a web service.Web ApplicationsWeb components can be:Java Servlets.Web pages implemented with JavaServer Faces technology.Web service endpoints.JSP pages.Figure - Java Web Application TechnologiesWeb ApplicationsJavaWebApplication Request HandlingServlets are Java programming language classes that dynamically process requests and construct responses.JavaServer Faces and Facelets, are used for building interactive web applicationsServlets are best suited for service-oriented applicationsJava Server Faces and Facelets pages aremore appropriate for generating text-basedmarkupWeb ApplicationsWeb components are supported by the services of a runtime platform called a web container.Web container provides such services as:Request dispatching.Security.Concurrency.Lifecycle management.Web container gives web components access to such API as:Naming.Transactions.Email.Web ApplicationsThe configuration information can be specified usingJava EE annotationsWeb application deployment descriptor (DD): XML file.Web Application LifecycleThe process for creating, deploying, and executing a web application can be summarized as follows:Develop the web component code1Develop the web application deployment descriptor (if necessary)2Compile web application components, helper classes referenced by components3Optionally, package the application into a deployable unit4Deploy the application into a web container5Access a URL that references the web application6Web Module 1: hello exampleWeb resources: web components and static web content files.A web module is the smallest deployable and usable unit of web resources.In addition to web components and web resources, a web module can contain other files:Server-side utility classes, such as shopping carts.Client-side classes, such as applets and utility classes.Web Module 1: hello exampleWeb Module 1: DemoCreate Web Project and depoly by Eclipse, NetbeanCreate Web Project and deploy by AntCreate Web Project and deploy by MavenHỎI ĐÁP

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  • pptch05_web_applications_7856.ppt