Cùng với việc hội nhập sâu rộng vào WTO và
tham gia ký kết Hiệp định Đối tác kinh tế xuyên
Thái Bình Dương (TPP) của Việt Nam, thị trường lao
động tại Việt Nam đang có những biến động không
ngừng về cung và cầu, về số lượng và chất lượng.
Một lượng lớn người lao động cần tìm công việc phù
hợp với trình độ và kinh nghiệm, trong khi đó có
không ít doanh nghiệp đang đau đầu vì vấn đề thiếu
nhân sự có thể đảm nhận các vị trí công việc. Sự
xuất hiện của các website giới thiệu việc làm như
một giải pháp giúp người lao động và nhà tuyển
dụng tìm đến trao đổi thông tin để đạt được nhu cầu
của mình. Khi mà số lượng thông tin tăng lên quá
nhiều, việc trao đổi thông tin và giao dịch thông tin
trực tuyến trở thành công cụ hữu ích giúp mọi người
đạt được ước mơ nghề nghiệp, đồng thời đem đến
Journal of Trade Science
’S JTScho nhà tuyển dụng những hồ sơ có chất lượng và
phù hợp. Tuy nhiên, tại Việt Nam số lượng website
giới thiệu việc làm có thể thu hút khách hàng trực
tuyến để tồn tại và phát triển chiếm tỷ lệ rất nhỏ,
thậm chí nhiều website được hỗ trợ lớn từ cơ quan
quản lý Nhà nước nhưng mới ra đời được thời gian
ngắn đã đóng cửa như trường hợp của: viechay.vn,
timviec.net, nguoitimviec.com.vn. Thực tế này đã
đặt ra những yêu cầu cấp thiết phải xác lập mô hình
thu hút khách hàng trực tuyến của các website giới
thiệu việc làm tại Việt Nam nhằm đảm bảo sự tồn
tại và phát triển hiệu quả, bền vững. Bài viết của tác
giả đã đưa ra mô hình thu hút khách hàng trực tuyến
của các website giới thiệu việc làm tại Việt Nam
trên cơ sở tận dụng tốt nhất các đặc điểm hành vi
mua của khách hàng trực tuyến.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Journal of Trade Science - Number 1, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vu Thanh Tu ANH - Fulbright University in Vietnam, USA
Le Xuan BA - Centural Institude for Economic Managerment, Vietnam
Hervé B. BOISMERY - University of La Reuinion, France
H. Eric BOUTIN - Toulon Var University, France
Nguyen Thi DOAN - Vietnam Learning Promotion Association, Vietnam
Haasis HANS - Dietrich - Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (isl) Bremen - Germany
Le Quoc HOI - National Economic University, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Bich LOAN - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Nguyen Hoang LONG - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Nguyen MAI - Vietnam Economist Association, Vietnam
Duong Thi Binh MINH - University of Economics HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
Hee Cheon MOON - Korean Trade Research Association, South Korea
Bui Xuan NHAN - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Luong Xuan QUY - Vietnam Economicst Association, Vietnam
Nguyen Van Song - Vietnam National University of Agriculture
Nguyen TAM - California State University, USA
Truong Ba THANH - University of Danang, Vietnam
Dinh Van THANH - Institude for Trade Research, Vietnam
Do Minh THANH - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Le Dinh THANG - University of Québec à Trois Riviéres, Canada
Tran Dinh THIEN - Vietnam Institute of Economics, Vietnam
Nguyen Quang THUAN - Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam
Le Nhu TUYEN - Grenoble École de Managment, France
Washio TOMOHARU - Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Zhang YUJIE - Tsinghua University, China
THE Members
Editor in chief
Deputy Editor in Chief
Editor in English
Dinh Van SON - Thuong mai University, Vietnam - President
Pham Vu LUAN - Thuong mai University, Vietnam - Vice President
Nguyen Bach KHOA - Thuong mai University, Vietnam - Deputy President
Journal of
Trade Science
Volume 5 Number 1 April 2017
1. Nguyen Thi Phuong LIEN - Solutions to Develop Government Bond Market in Vietnam
2. Nguyen Tran HUNG - Attract Online Customers to Job Websites in Vietnam
3. Nguyen Thi Kim OANH - Research Factors Affecting Hanoi Consumers Buying Decisions of
Fashion Products
4. Chu Viet CUONG - Trade development in the mountainous region of northern Vietnam: Lessons
from Chongqing and Yunnan, China
5. Dang Thi Minh NGUYET - Factors Affecting Productive Efficiency of Vietnam Joint Stock
Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade
6. Ying-Kai LIAO and Vu Minh QUAN and Alfiyatul Qomariyah - An Integrative Approach to
Investigate Antecedents, Moderators and Consequences of Brand Equity
P. Drucker (Management Revised Edition, 2008)
claims that the goals of every company are to create,
maintain and develop customers. Customers are the
most essential entities to any businesses. Customers do
not depend on enterprises but enterprises must depend
on them. Customers are not outsiders but an integral
part in business operations of companies. When serv-
ing customers, it is not just companies are helping cus-
tomers but customers are creating opportunities for
companies to serve them [1]. With enterprises which
offer services in an e-commerce environment, espe-
cially services of job information, the roles of cus-
tomers become more important because attracting cus-
tomers represents a vital factor to their survival and
development (T. Zahra et al, 2011).
1. An overview of job websites
Kenneth C. Laudon (Electronic commerce 2016:
Business, Technology, Society, 2016) believes that by
nature, job websites are online job information net-
work systems. These websites are designed so that
users can post job advertisements and/or view job
advertisements posted by other users, or interact with
other users [4]. So job websites can be defined as web-
journal of Trade Science 5:1 (2017) 13 - 23
Nguyen Tran Hung
Thuongmai University
Email: hung.tmdt@gmail.com
Received: 31rd January 2017 Revised: 13th February 2017 Approved: 20th February 2017
Keywords: Online customers, job websites
long with the country's deeper integration to WTO and participation in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),
Vietnam's labor market has gone through constant fluctuations in supply and demand, quantity and qual-
ity. A large number of laborers need to find jobs appropriate to their qualification and experience while many
companies are struggling with human shortage in various positions. The appearance of job websites is a solution
to help both workers and recruiters to exchange information to fulfill their targets. When the amount of informa-
tion increases massively, exchanging it online becomes a useful tool to help job seekers reach their career objec-
tives, at the same time brings recruiters qualified and suitable job applications. However in Vietnam, the number
of job websites which can attract online customers to survive and develop is extremely low, many websites with
significant supports from state administration agencies even had to close down after a short period of time such
as viechay.vn, timviec.net, nguoitimviec.com.vn, etc. This reality has posed urgent demand for the establishment
of a model which can attract online customers to job websites so as to guarantee their survival and sustainable
development. The article presents a model to attract online customers to job websites in Vietnam by making use
of buying behavior of online customers.
sites which are set up and operate with the aim of
becoming a bridge between laborers and recruiters,
specialize in providing services for online labor search
and job search. Through the websites, recruiters can
rapidly find candidates most appropriate with their
demand, while job seekers have opportunities to find
desired jobs with some simple acts on the websites.
In general, job websites have quite similar business
models, specifically as follows:
+ Customers participating in job websites: include
both individuals and enterprises, or in other words,
both candidates and recruiters. They are organizations
or individuals who want to post job advertisements
and/or view jobs and job advertisements posted by
other members in the websites. Customers who wish to
participate in the websites must register relevant infor-
mation and get approved by web administrators. When
registering for member accounts or participating as
individual customers, members must agree with regu-
lations and articles of the websites.
+ Products: with job websites, products are often
information generally categorized into two types:
"people looking for jobs" and "jobs looking for peo-
ple". With the first type of "people looking for jobs",
an individual chooses to post his/her personal informa-
tion and professional qualifications on the websites so
that other organizations or individuals with demand
may contact him/her directly to interact, discuss and
arrange job interviews, etc. With the second type of
"jobs looking for people", an enterprise may post job
descriptions as well as details of salaries for a position
in the websites in a hope to find suitable laborers for
the position. Any individual can sign in the websites,
read the advertisements, contact the enterprise and
attend the job interview with it.
+ Major business modes of job websites: job web-
sites collect data profiles including personal informa-
tion of job candidates such as names, genders, date of
birth, email, home address, home telephone, mobile
telephone, education, certificates/degrees, job achieve-
ments, experience, previous employers, etc. as
declared by job seekers in the forms. They then supply
the access services to data profiles to members (most-
ly enterprises) with demand to find candidates and vice
versa. In the reverse procedures, besides providing
basic information about the jobs, enterprises which
post job advertisements need to provide payment
information to pay for posted information or for mem-
bership fees in case they have registered for the web-
site memberships.
+ Revenue of job websites: the main source of rev-
enue of job websites comes from the fees charged on
information posts. These fees vary depending on the
kinds of services, ranging from normal posts to VIP
posts. Basically, job websites may charge on both
enterprises which post job advertisements and people
who look for jobs. However in fact in Vietnam, job
websites just often collect fees from enterprises which
post job advertisements and provide services free of
charge to individual customers who post personal pro-
files to look for jobs. The most widely-used way of
collecting fees in Vietnam job websites is to collect
membership fees when enterprises register for mem-
berships or when they post job advertisements.
2. The roles of online customers to job websites
Simply speaking, online customers are organiza-
tions and individuals that care of, follow or have
demand for buying or using products, goods/services
to satisfy their daily consumption or production and
business activities via electronic devices (R. Martina et
al, 2015). In that sense, online customers of job web-
sites may be organizations and individuals that partic-
ipate in the market of online job information as seek-
ers and users of job information via electronic devices
and the Internet. Any online organizations and individ-
uals can be potential or current customers of job web-
sites in the online job information service market.
They both have great contributions to the development
of job websites as illustrated in the following roles:
+ Contributing huge database to the job market,
including information about enterprises and vacancies,
and database of candidates are constantly updated.
Besides accessing job websites to look for job infor-
mation, individual job seekers will build up their per-
sonal profiles under the forms, then these websites will
collect the forms to make online profiles. Accordingly,
Journal of Trade Science
enterprises with recruitment demand may refer to the
profiles and contact the candidates they find appropri-
ate. With recruitment enterprises, besides accessing
job websites to look for suitable candidates from the
online profiles, they may post information about
vacancies so that job websites can collect and post
them under different categories to access the biggest
number of viewers to identify the most appropriate
+ Contributing to the development of the online job
transaction market for job websites with high efficien-
cy, operating 24/224 with much lower costs than tradi-
tional transactions. The traditional transactions of job
information are often limited to the distances between
enterprises providing services and customers and can
only be conducted within working hours. The too long
distance between customers and enterprises may cause
reluctance in customers and result in the cancellation
of the transactions. The traditional transactions of job
information often take place in very small quantities,
the collection of information is mostly about the
vacancies and cannot be published, there is no infor-
mation on candidate profiles and the information is not
continuously updated. This may cause some difficul-
ties to both recruiters and job seekers when looking for
reliable information and they often have to pay high
costs if using intermediaries who provide job informa-
tion in the traditional way. By contrast, with online
transactions of job information, customers including
both job seekers and recruiters are a constant source of
providing and updating information on jobs and candi-
date profiles to job websites with lower costs. Online
customers can make job information transactions
24/24 without depending on the distances between
customers and job websites.
+ Enabling job websites to expand markets, cre-
ate the circulation and introduce about
products/services to other users in the new marketing
channels of the Internet such as social forums and
networks, through which the presence and reputation
of job websites can be enhanced. Before purchasing,
online customers tend to look for information about
products (job information services) to compare
prices and service conditions between different job
websites from different sources (forums, social net-
works). After purchasing, online customers of job
websites tend to share their feelings and experiences
of using job information services, methods of solv-
ing unexpected problems when using services on
these forums and social networks. This results in the
circulation of the services of job websites to other
users of social forums and networks, from which the
presence, reputation and brands of job websites can
be strengthened and developed.
+ Helping job websites to cut costs and increase
profits by answering enquiries and providing consul-
tancy and supports to potential customers. They are
activities that job websites have to take regularly at a
high cost. Online customers often demand higher cus-
tomer care services than traditional ones because when
transacting online, many problems may happen such as
the procedures are too complicated, transactions are
cancelled, payment cannot be made, etc. In these cases,
online customers often ask for supports or instructions
to deal with the problems immediately. Therefore, it is
essential that support services of job websites be real-
ly good and constantly perfected, this certainly results
in big costs. In the meantime, the shares of experience
of services, discussions of ways to handle problems
and complaints, advice and comments of customers
who have already used the services on the forums and
social networks can provide supports to other potential
users and customers. Here are free-of-charge activities
and benefits that job websites can enjoy from online
+ By making use of the impacts of loyal customers,
job websites can attract and encourage the participa-
tion of a large number of potential customers at low
costs but high efficiency. Online customers often make
transactions based on the reliability and reputation of
sellers (sell websites, service websites), they are very
much affected by but at the same time have big influ-
ences on the community and friends. That job websites
have loyal online customers will help to spread the
influence and attract more of potential customers with
high efficiency and low costs via words-of-mouth,
journal of Trade Science
experience shares in both traditional and Internet envi-
+ Enabling job websites to have stable revenue
source and further develop by allowing information
posts at different levels with different requirements.
Job websites may charge fees from job advertise-
ments posted by enterprises or charge membership
fees on access to online database of job seekers.
These posts can be conducted in various levels such
as VIP posts, normal posts, gold, silver, diamond reg-
istration, etc. Each post level corresponds to a fee
level enterprises or individuals must pay for job web-
sites. So, with the stronger participation of online
customers, job websites can have stable revenue to
ensure stable development.
3. Models to attract online customers to job
Simply put, attracting customers means creating
good impressions, drawing attentions from people with
demand for buying or using products, goods/services,
making them care about enterprises or products that
enterprises supply via actions, gestures and words.
With these concepts of customer attraction, job
websites and the roles of online customers, it can be
seen that:
Attracting online customers to job websites means
taking activities to create good impressions, attract
organizations and individuals to participate in the
online job introduction market of these websites as
those who post job advertisements or look for job
information via electronic devices. In this approach, it
can be seen that:
+ About the targets, attracting online customers to
job websites is to draw customers with demand for
posting or searching information to attend to, access,
transact and interact with contents on the websites.
+ About the content, attracting online customers to
job websites should involve developing the quantity
and quality of customers. To this end, job websites
should start from developing demand for information
uses, developing the quality of information sources,
developing supporting services and e-marketing com-
munication activities.
With these concepts, to attract online customers to
job websites, it is necessary to operate and develop
these components systematically:
a. Developing the demand for using job informa-
tion of online customers in job websites
Developing the demand for and behavior of using
job information of online customers in the job websites
is considered the core factor of the models on customer
attraction, of which online customers can use job infor-
mation when they act as recruiters accessing the job
websites to look for information profiles of appropriate
candidates to contact or when they act as job seekers
looking for job information to apply for job interviews.
Like other kinds of demand, the demand for using
job information of online customers in the job websites
ranges from the basic to advanced levels.
+ Basically, the demand for using job information
of online customers in the job websites can be seen via
the hierarchy of demand shown in Figure 1.1 as fol-
Figure 1.1 illustrates that:
The most basic demand of individual customers
(job seekers) when using job information in the job
websites is to receive as much information as possible.
The information may be of different business areas and
industries so that customers can have a wider choice
and can easily find suitable jobs. Besides, the catego-
rization of information according to localities also cre-
ates favorable conditions for customers to choose jobs
in their localities and avoid those in undesired places
or not appropriate to their preferences.
The next demand of job seekers once they have
accessed various sources of job information is to know
which information is new, which one is updated every
day, which one has gone outdated so that they can
access the high-quality information sources.
The higher demand of job seekers afterwards is to
use job information provided in the job websites cate-
gorized according to salary levels and recruiters. This
helps them become more active and they can look for
the jobs they want more accurately.
With job seekers, after being able to access the
high-quality information sources, they then wish to
Journal of Trade Science
have fast and accurate search rather than surfing each
piece of information posts. Therefore, a search tool is
an obligatory requirements that job websites should
have to satisfy the high-level demand of job seekers.
With job seekers who are confident enough or hope
to find a better-suited job than those posted in the job
websites, they want to be able to create their own per-
sonal profiles so that enterprises or recruiters can con-
tact them to arrange job interviews. Then job websites
should have devices to satisfy this high-level demand.
Finally, the highest demand of job seekers is the
websites should have good customer care and support-
ing services in order to provide them with timely con-
sultancy and supports so that they can find jobs suit-
able with their desires.
+ With customers as enterprises or recruitment
organizations, their demand of using information in the
job websites is quite simple compared to that of job
seekers, as illustrated in the hierarchy in Figure 1.2
below. Accordingly, it can be seen that:
Firstly, recruiters wish to choose suitable candi-
dates for the jobs with lowest possible costs.
Therefore, the basic demand is to be able to post job
advertisements free of charge. Then, they hope that
their posts can reach the highest possible number of
candidates so that enterprises can have a wide choice;
to do so, job websites should distinguish forms of posts
such as VIP posts, normal posts, highlighted posts so
that recruiters can choose the right forms at the right
costs. (Figure 1.2)
The higher demand of enterprises or recruitment
organizations is to be able to access personal profiles
that job seekers have created on the websites to have
better investigation and able to find and choose appro-
priate candidates more actively and easily.
The final demand of enterprises or recruitment
organizations is good customer care and supporting
services. As recruiters with job advertisements are the
main source of revenue to job websites, they require
professional supporting services, accurate and timely
responses, good supports to transactions, frequent cus-
tomer care so that customers feel satisfied when they
journal of Trade Science
[Source: author]
Figure 1.1: Hierarchy of demand for job information of online customers as job seekers
+ There are free devices to create personal profiles
for job seekers and job adverts for recruiters
+ Job information is updated everyday (new jobs)
+ There are notifications and marks of outdated post
+ Job information is diverse, of different industries,
sectors and localities
+ There is Search tool for quick and accurate search
+ There is categorization of jobs according
to salaries and recruiters
+ there are good customer care and supporting services
post job advertisements or participate in the websites.
b. Diversifying forms of information provision of
job websites
The best way to attract online customers to use
information in the job websites is to create the maxi-
mum convenience for them to access information, in
other words, the forms of providing information
should be diversified.
Like any other information websites, diversifying
the forms of information provision of job websites
should focus on the following ways:
Firstly, providing information in the websites: this
way has some advantages: information is provided suf-
ficiently, function keys are displayed clearly, transac-
tions are easy and convenient for both recruiters and
job seekers. However, the disadvantages of this way
are it is only displayed well on personal computers but
with mobile phones and tablets, their display is often
limited by screen size, memory capacity and narrow
Secondly, providing information via app: the
advantages of this way are: information is displayed
well with sufficient function keys, it is well compatible
with mobile devices, suitable for small screens and
limited memory capacity. This is convenient for cus-
tomers who use smart phones or tablets to access infor-
mation, post advertisements, create profiles or find
jobs easily in the job websites. The disadvantages of
this way is customers need to have certain knowledge
and the app must be placed in an easily-navigated loca-
tions for customers to download and use.
Thirdly, using social networks and forums to pro-
vide information: the advantages of this way are infor-
mation and news are updated and spread rapidly
among the network community. Information can be
provided sufficiently with good reliability and subjec-
Journal of Trade Science
[Source: author]
Figure 1.2: Hierarchy of demand for job information of online customers as recruiters
+ Free posts for recruitment and jobs
+ Able to access many candidates
+ There are different choice s of posts with
different fee levels to highlight the posts
+ Able to access personal profiles of
job seekers in the websites
+ Good customer
care and
tiveness; users can publically evaluate and discuss the
quality of information, recruitment organizations,
applicant profiles, etc., through which information
users can receive advice and consultancy from other
participants. However, the disadvantages of this way
are when customers register to post information, seek
jobs or create profiles, they must access the job web-
sites through links or registered keys on these social
networks and forums rather than do this directly as in
the two above forms.
Generally, when creating more ways of providing
information to customers or online users, job websites
can attract more new customers. Therefore, for job
information websites, diversifying the forms of infor-
mation provision is considered a prerequisite to maxi-
mize the benefits to customers when they use the infor-
c. Developing the quality of job information of job
Job websites mostly do business based on the con-
tent of the information to meet the demand of cus-
tomers, both job seekers and recruiters. Job informa-
tion and candidate profiles should be numerous and
various to attract customers to access the websites.
However, this information is only significant if it is of
high quality.
Basically, developing the quality of job informa-
tion of job websites should focus on the following
Firstly, reliability: the top priority of any informa-
tion websites is to ensure that the posted information
must be highly reliable, or in other words, authentic.
With customers as recruiters, job websites must verify
the information related to the fundamental elements
such as: company names, addresses, whether they are
recruiting laborers, which divisions are recruiting, con-
tact numbers, etc. to ensure that the posts are truthful.
With customers as job seekers, the information that
needs verifying is names, addresses, contact numbers
when they create profiles so that recruiters can contact
them for job interviews.
Secondly, update: information in the job websites
must be constantly and promptly updated. The update
should be not only in the number of jobs in the new
areas but also in already-posted information in the
websites as it should be re-updated. For example, with
customers as recruiters, after their job advertisements
have been posted, job websites need to update (in daily
basis) to see if they still have demand for recruitment
for they have already recruited the needed candidates,
although their posts are still within date. Or with cus-
tomers as job seekers, when creating personal profiles
to attract enterprises to view, job websites need to
update to see if these seekers still want to be invited for
job interviews or they have found stable positions else
where. Implementing these tasks effectively helps job
websites to have fresh and valuable information all the
Thirdly, information should be marked as 'expiry',
'updated on (date)', etc.: this is a necessary activity to
inform information users in the job websites that
whether the information is still valid to help them save
time, costs and energy when searching.
Fourthly, convenience: information in the job web-
sites should be users-friendly to both job seekers and
recruiters. The arrangement and categorization of
information, collection of database should be made
simple, easy to find, easy to compare to create favor-
able conditions for all users. Information should be
sorted according to dates, business areas, localities,
even in more details such as desired salaries, career
challenges, etc.
Fifthly, low costs: all users, no matter recruiters or
job seekers, hope to use free-of-charge or low-cost
services in the job websites. Therefore, the information
will be really good and attractive to users if job web-
sites can charge suitable fees for the services. This pre-
vents customers of job websites from being shocked or
reluctant about whether they should use the informa-
tion in the job websites.
d. Developing e-marketing activities of job web-
Nguyen Bach KHOA (E-commerce Marketing,
2010) believes that the fundamental features of e-mar-
keting are customers can interact with advertisements,
click on advertisements to make purchases, get infor-
journal of Trade Science
mation about the products or compare this product
with others, this supplier with others, etc. E-marketing
helps suppliers to choose the target and potential cus-
tomers that companies want to serve, through which
they can cut costs and raise business performance [2].
In theories, like other websites, developing e-mar-
keting activities of job websites should focus on the
following things:
+ Ad-network: Instead of going to each advertis-
ing agency or division of each newspaper, job web-
sites now can build up their advertising campaigns
via online ad-network to attract customers. Online
ad-network is an intermediary to connect the sellers
and buyers of online advertisements, through which it
supports advertisement buyers to find appropriate
areas and advertisement sellers, from thousands of
websites, to their communication campaigns. This
form has been applied by many websites and e-com-
merce organizations as it saves time and money. In
Vietnam, Innity, Vietad, Ad360 and Ambient are big
advertising networks which can satisfy almost all
needs of advertisers.
+ Search Marketing: As a habit, when an Internet
user wants to buy a product or service, he or she often
searches the information about that product/service
on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
Enterprises often pay for these search engines, via
their sales representatives or directly, so that their
products or services can appear in prioritized posi-
tions. For example, job websites may select adver-
tisement viewers according to their geographical
locations, age groups, genders or other specific crite-
ria. Accordingly these websites can reach the right
target customers, raise marketing effectiveness, at the
same time track and evaluate the efficiency of each
key word to control the entire campaigns and build up
better brand image.
+ Social Media Marketing: With the development
of a series of social networks like Twitter, Go, Yume,
etc., job websites now have a wider choice to approach
customers. When using these networks, job websites
can advertise themselves as images, video clips which
can spread and attract comments. The interactions and
spread are distinctive advantages of social media mar-
keting over traditional marketing.
+ Buzz Marketing: Viral Marketing, Buzz
Marketing or Words Of Mouth Marketing are different
forms of buzz marketing conducted via blog, social
networks, chat rooms, forums, etc. with the hypotheses
that people will share with others about products or
services they feel satisfied with. Job websites may use
this strategy to encourage customers to spread the ben-
efits, efficiency and value of their job information
services to other users so that their products or servic-
es can be known to thousands or millions of users. This
marketing method may gain very high communication
effects but it is also quite risky if the job information in
the websites is not as good as advertised.
+ E-mail marketing: E-mail is gradually replacing
letters and enterprises can send marketing information
to a series of emails with low costs. Another way job
websites can apply is to encourage the receipt of e-
newsletters so that customers can receive information
actively, then they can feel comfortable and happy
with the information provided by the websites. In
Vietnam, many websites have used e-mail marketing
effectively to approach customers such as
Vietnamworks with job newsletters, Jetstar with
newsletter about airline tickets, Nhommua or
Muachung with email informing discounted products.
However, like other advertising modes, online mar-
keting must be based on the demand and habits of cus-
tomers and the understanding of advertising tools.
Identifying the goals they need to reach and using
online marketing modes flexibly will help job websites
utilize their budget effectively.
+ Online events: Nowadays organizing events has
become one of the most popular tools in marketing and
advertising a company's brand and image. Like other
marketing tools, the objectives of organizing an event
are to draw attention to products or services of the
Internet-based enterprises in general and job websites
in particular to create interests from customers, there-
by increasing the sales of products or services.
Reality has shown that many big websites have
spent millions of dollars a year to organize events and
Journal of Trade Science
gained numerous successes thanks to increases in
sales. But this is not always the case. To organize an
event successfully, online enterprises in general, job
websites in particular, should be able to choose the
right time. Besides, job websites should notice that an
event, no matter big or small, will not work if it is used
alone. They can use advertising or public relations
(PR) to promote without organizing events. But to
make an event effective, any business websites need to
incorporate advertising and PR. The combination of
these three tools may vary depending on the kinds of
e. Developing online customer supporting servic-
es of job websites
Online customer care and supporting services are
necessary activities that job websites need to take to
retain current customers, create reputation to attract
potential customers via electronic means such as
email, chatting, forums, etc.
Basically, customer supporting services are provid-
ed by online enterprises in general and job websites in
particular via the following tools:
+ Indication about the website:
Customer care and supports are not only aimed at
after-sales relationships with customers but firstly,
what job websites should do is providing potential cus-
tomers with clear and transparent indications on how
to use the interactive websites.
These may be indications to customers on how to
create profiles, to post information and approve infor-
mation posted on the job websites that they are inter-
acting with. Then there should be indications to cus-
tomers on how to make payment and things to do in the
payment process.
In the job websites, enterprises providing job infor-
mation should create room for customers to send their
feedbacks on products, services as well as problems
that need supporting when using the websites.
Enterprises should also provide customers with modes
and indications so that they can contact enterprises
when needed.
+ Call centre:
Call centres are built up on the basis of the integra-
tion of computer network, communication systems
such as telephones, faxes, call operators, customer
consultants, transaction staff, etc.
A common problem facing customer care and sup-
porting services is some problems happen repeatedly
but staff still need to answer. Therefore, setting up an
automatic answering system becomes a quite com-
mon solution of websites when providing customer
supporting services. Frequently repeated information
will be recorded and uploaded to the system. When
customers call, there will be steering instructions so
that they can get the information they want to know
about. If the information provided fails to satisfy cus-
tomers, they can ask for direct supports from cus-
tomer care staff.
Customers in charge of providing customers with
information should be organized into a division
responsible for listening to and dealing with customer
questions. The system should ensure that calls should
be distributed evenly among staff to avoid the case of
one staff answering more or less than others.
However, the disadvantages of this solution are that
when customers are in need, they automatically think
of telephoning call centres. This may result in the cen-
tres becoming overloaded and failing to meet the
demand of customers.
+ System of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
FAQ or FAQs are Frequently Asked Questions,
one of the common applications on the websites. This
app aims to answer the most frequently asked ques-
tions from the web readers to save time and energy
for both readers and web administrators. FAQs can be
located anywhere in the page, but mostly it should
appear at the top or bottom of the page. This system
helps online enterprises in general, job websites in
particular to post frequently-asked questions from
customers and answers from enterprises, this will cre-
ate a professional image about the services provided
by the websites. This app also helps customers to
send their enquiries, requests, comments, etc. conve-
niently to the job websites.
journal of Trade Science
+ E-mail:
Using email to contact customers is the easiest and
simplest way to start. Job websites just need to provide
supporting email on their webs or PR papers, etc. and
wait for active interactions from customers.
However, the problem is that if they are too busy or
there are too many requests for supports, it is difficult
for the websites to answer customer questions prompt-
ly. To solve this problem, staff of job websites need to
distinguish between personal email, work email and
supporting email. Moreover, job websites should also
carefully delete some customer email after successful-
ly supporting them, or else the email will be over-
loaded and get out of control.
+ Discussion forums:
Job websites should set up an online information
gate which serves as a forum where customers (old,
new and potential) can communicate, interact,
exchange and help each other to solve problems aris-
ing in the purchasing process. This is the way these
websites can make use of and turn customers into a
group of customer service staff. If they can use this
service channel effectively, job websites can reduce
their staff in customer care and increase their business
+ Online supports:
With customers who frequently use the Internet,
company websites often provide apps such as online
chat via yahoo messenger or skype, etc. to support
online customers in business, projects or technical
matters. Supporting services through this tool are pro-
vided immediately, so that problems of customers can
be solved quickly and they are supported effectively.
However, the disadvantages of this tool are services
can only be provided within working hours of staff in
charge of chat administration, outside this time, this
tool proves not very effective.
4. Conclusion
Upon generalizing the features of job websites
and analyzing the roles of online customers to busi-
ness activities of job websites, the author has estab-
lished and explained the working principles of factors
attracting online customers to job websites. In these
models, job websites in Vietnam should consider the
demand for using job information as the core, there-
by diversifying the forms of information provision,
enhancing the quality of job information by making
full use of the development trends of social networks,
e-marketing tools and providing online customer sup-
porting services.
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2. Nguyen Bach Khoa (2010), E-commerce
Marketing, Statistics Publishing House, Hanoi.
3. R. Martina et al (2015), Online customer behav-
iour, Marketing Identity Conference Proceeding,
pages 233 - 237.
4. Kenneth C. Laudon (2016), Electronic com-
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Cùng với việc hội nhập sâu rộng vào WTO và
tham gia ký kết Hiệp định Đối tác kinh tế xuyên
Thái Bình Dương (TPP) của Việt Nam, thị trường lao
động tại Việt Nam đang có những biến động không
ngừng về cung và cầu, về số lượng và chất lượng.
Một lượng lớn người lao động cần tìm công việc phù
hợp với trình độ và kinh nghiệm, trong khi đó có
không ít doanh nghiệp đang đau đầu vì vấn đề thiếu
nhân sự có thể đảm nhận các vị trí công việc. Sự
xuất hiện của các website giới thiệu việc làm như
một giải pháp giúp người lao động và nhà tuyển
dụng tìm đến trao đổi thông tin để đạt được nhu cầu
của mình. Khi mà số lượng thông tin tăng lên quá
nhiều, việc trao đổi thông tin và giao dịch thông tin
trực tuyến trở thành công cụ hữu ích giúp mọi người
đạt được ước mơ nghề nghiệp, đồng thời đem đến
Journal of Trade Science
cho nhà tuyển dụng những hồ sơ có chất lượng và
phù hợp. Tuy nhiên, tại Việt Nam số lượng website
giới thiệu việc làm có thể thu hút khách hàng trực
tuyến để tồn tại và phát triển chiếm tỷ lệ rất nhỏ,
thậm chí nhiều website được hỗ trợ lớn từ cơ quan
quản lý Nhà nước nhưng mới ra đời được thời gian
ngắn đã đóng cửa như trường hợp của: viechay.vn,
timviec.net, nguoitimviec.com.vn... Thực tế này đã
đặt ra những yêu cầu cấp thiết phải xác lập mô hình
thu hút khách hàng trực tuyến của các website giới
thiệu việc làm tại Việt Nam nhằm đảm bảo sự tồn
tại và phát triển hiệu quả, bền vững. Bài viết của tác
giả đã đưa ra mô hình thu hút khách hàng trực tuyến
của các website giới thiệu việc làm tại Việt Nam
trên cơ sở tận dụng tốt nhất các đặc điểm hành vi
mua của khách hàng trực tuyến.
journal of Trade Science
1. Personal Profile:
- Name: Nguyen Tran Hung
- Date of birth: 10/12/1980
- Title: Doctor of Economics
- Workplace: Department of Electronic Commerce, Thuongmai University
- Position: Head of Department of Electronic Commerce Principles
2. Major research directions:
- Electronic commerce models, security in electronic commerce
- Mobile commerce: mobile marketing, mobile retailings, security in mobile commerce,
mobile applications
- Social network, social media marketing.
- Electronic banking services.
- Electronic customer services.
3. Publications the author has published his works:
- Trade Science Review
- Journal of Economic Developmen
- Business Review
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