Java is one of the simplest languages in which you can write MySQL applications.
Its database access API JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) is one of the more
mature database-independent database access APIs in common use. Most of what
we cover in this chapter can be applied to Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server, mSQL,
and any other database engine as well as MySQL. In fact, nearly none of the
MySQL-specific information in this chapter has anything to do with coding.
Instead, the "proprietary" information relates only to downloading MySQL support
for JDBC and configuring the runtime environment. Everything else is largely independent
of MySQL, excepting for features not supported by MySQL like transactions.
In this chapter, we assume a basic understanding of the Java programming language
and Java concepts. If you do not already have this background, we strongly
recommend taking a look at Learning Java (O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.). For more
details on how to build the sort of three-tier database applications we discussed in
Chapter 6, Database Applications, take a look at Database Programming with JDBC
and Java, 2nd Edition (O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.).
Like all Java APIs, JDBC is a set of classes and interfaces that work together to support
a specific set of functionality. In the case of JDBC, this functionality is naturally
database access. The classes and interfaces that make up the JDBC API are thus
abstractions from concepts common to database access for any kind of database. A
Connection, for example, is a Java interface representing a database connection.
Similarly, a ResultSet represents a result set of data returned from a SQL SELECT
statement. Java puts the classes that form the JDBC API together in the java.sql
package which Sun introduced in JDK 1.1.
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DRAFT, 8/24/01
Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Java is one of th
Its database acc
mature database
we cover in this
and any other
Instead, the "pro
for JDBC and co
pendent of MyS
In this chapter,
guage and Java
recommend taki
details on how t
Chapter 6, Datab
and Java, 2nd E
Like all Java AP
port a specific s
database access
abstractions fro
Connection, fo
Similarly, a Res
statement. Java
package which ne of the
th coding.
L support
rgely inde-
ke transac-
ming lan-
e strongly
. For more
iscussed in
with JDBC
her to sup-
is naturally
I are thus
atabase. A
java.sql API
Is, JDBC is a set of classes and interfaces that work toget
et of functionality. In the case of JDBC, this functionality
. The classes and interfaces that make up the JDBC AP
m concepts common to database access for any kind of d
r example, is a Java interface representing a database c
ultSet represents a result set of data returned from a SQ
puts the classes that form the JDBC API together in the
Sun introduced in JDK 1.1.concepts. If you do not already have this background, w
ng a look at Learning Java (O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.)
o build the sort of three-tier database applications we d
ase Applications, take a look at Database Programming
dition (O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.).Chapter 11
e simplest languages in which you can write MySQL applications.
ess API JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) is one of the more
-independent database access APIs in common use. Most of what
chapter can be applied to Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server, mSQL,
database engine as well as MySQL. In fact, nearly no
information in this chapter has anything to do wi
prietary" information relates only to downloading MySQ
nfiguring the runtime environment. Everything else is la
QL, excepting for features not supported by MySQL li
we assume a basic understanding of the Java program
DRAFT, 8/24/01
The underlying
JDBC does not
sql package are
ual database ve
something called
know only a few
the JDBC interfa
The first databa
your database. D
ety of databases
tation that will p
Though it may s
base vendors ge
flexibility. As an
by other develop
Sun has created
tectures. Each J
mance and flexib
Type 1
These drive
ODBC bridg
kind of drive
learning JDB
production e
Type 2
Type 2 drive
tains Java co
vendor. In t
tion. Type
require the
database. Ap
Type 3
Type 3 drive
API where t
server. This
architecturedetails of database access naturally differ from vendor to vendor.
actually deal with those details. Most of the classes in the java.
in fact interfaces—and thus no implementation details. Individ-
ndors provide implementations of these interfaces in the form of
a JDBC driver. As a database programmer, however, you need to
details about the driver you are using—the rest you manage via
se-dependent thing you need to know is what drivers exist for
ifferent people provide different JDBC implementations for a vari-
. As a database programmer, you want to select a JDBC implemen-
rovide the greatest stability and performance for your application.
eem counterintuitive, JDBC implementations provided by the data-
nerally sit at the bottom of the pack when it comes to stability and
Open Source project, however, MySQL relies on drivers provided
ers in the community.
four classifications that divide JDBC drivers based on their archi-
DBC driver classification represents a trade-off between perfor-
rs use a bridging technology to access a database. The JDBC-
e that comes with JDK 1.2 is the most common example of this
r. It provides a gateway to the ODBC API. Implementations of the
in turn perform the actual database access. Though useful for
C and quick testing, bridging solutions are rarely appropriate for
rs are native API drivers. "Native API" means that the driver con-
de that calls native C or C++ methods provided by the database
he context of MySQL, a Type 2 driver would be one that used
PI under the covers to talk to MySQL on behalf of your applica-
2 drivers generally provide the best performance, but they do
installation of native libraries on clients that need to access the
plications using Type 2 drivers have a limited degree of portabil-
rs provide a client with a pure Java implementation of the JDBC
he driver uses a network protocol to talk to middleware on the
middleware, in turn, performs the actual database access. The
may or may not use JDBC for its database access. The Type 3
is actually more of a benefit to driver vendors than applicationCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
architects si
claim suppo
weak perfor
Type 4
Using netwo
directly to t
solution. Be
Type 4 driv
MySQL, how
ent Type 4 M
Practically speak
production appl
4 comes down
independence, w
and run on any
dence since you
the database acc
cation will not ru
form better than
Knowing the dr
about which JD
down to knowin
compare to each
course, you are
well—but we do
Of the three My
thus likely does
driver (also know
Table 0-1. . JDBC D
Driver Name
a Open Source Initi
license, the specifi
mm (GNU)
Cauchonce it enables the vendor to write a single implementation and
rt for any database that has a JDBC driver. Unfortunately, it has
mance and unpredictable stability.
rk protocols built into the database engine, Type 4 drivers talk
he database using Java sockets. This is the most direct pure Java
cause these network protocols are almost never documented, most
ers come from the database vendors. The Open Source nature of
ever, has enabled several independent developers to write differ-
ySQL drivers.
ing, Type 2 and Type 4 drivers are the only viable choices for a
ication. At an abstract level, the choice between Type 2 and Type
to a single issue: Is platform independence critical? By platform
e mean that the application can be bundled up into a single jar
platform. Type 2 drivers have a hard time with platform indepen-
need to package platform-specific libraries with the application. If
ess API has not been ported to a client platform, then your appli-
n on the platform. On the other hand, Type 2 drivers tend to per-
Type 4 drivers.
iver type provides only a starting point for making a decision
BC driver to use in your application. The decision really comes
g the drivers that exist for your database of choice and how they
other. Table 11-1 lists the JDBC drivers available for MySQL. Of
also able to use any sort of ODBC bridge to talk to MySQL as
not recommend it under any circumstance for MySQL develop-
SQL JDBC drivers, twz sees the least amount of development and
not serve the interests of most programmers these days. The GNU
n as mm MySQL), on the other hand, has seen constant develop-
rivers for MySQL
OSIa License
ative ( For drivers released under an OSI-approved
c license is referenced.
JDBC Version Home Page
LGPL 1.x and 2.x
no 1.x
QPL 2.x
mysql/index.xtpCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ment and is the
cho claims signif
We have already
ent vendors. Fig
perspective. In s
faces. Under the
forms the actual
JDBC is divided
• java.sql
• javax.sql
The java.sql
classes and inter
Optional Packag
not have to imp
J2SE as of JDK 1
As it turns out,
important that i
instead be part o
ity, the Optional
JDBC represents
Connecting to M
interface from y
database connec
1. Through a JD
2. Using the JD
The first method
database. Data
them is still spot
manager connec
Figure 0-1. . The JDDRAFT, 8/24/01
most mature of the three JDBC drivers. Not to be outdone, Cau-
icant performance benefits over the GNU driver.
mentioned that JDBC is a set of interfaces implemented by differ-
ure 11-1 shows how database access works from an application’s
hort, the application simply makes method calls to the JDBC inter-
covers, the implementation being used by that application per-
database calls.
up into two Java packages:
package was the original package that contained all of the JDBC
faces. JDBC 2.0, however, introduced something called the JDBC
e—the javax.sql package—with interfaces that a driver does
lement. In fact, the interfaces themselves are not even part of the
.3 (though it always has been part of the J2EE).
some of the functionality in the JDBC Optional Package is so
t has been decided that it is no longer "optional" and should
f the J2SE with the release of JDK 1.4. For backwards compatibil-
Package classes remain in javax.sql.
to MySQL
a connection to a database through the Connection interface.
ySQL thus requires you to get an instance of the Connection
our JDBC driver. JDBC supports two ways of getting access to a
BC Data Source
BC Driver Manager
—the data source—is the preferred method for connecting to a
sources come from the Optional Package and thus support for
ty. No matter what environment you are in, you can rely on driver
BC architectureCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
Data Source Con
Data source con
nection to any d
Context ctx = new
DataSource ds = (D
Connection conn =
The first line in
Interface (JNDI*)
services. Naming
to associate rela
example, netwo
In order to print
of the technical
The user simply
words, stored al
tion could acces
Though data so
directory, you w
store data sourc
tory for the dat
source is "jdbc/m
the directory by
Though this sou
source got in the
matically, puttin
ing code:
Context ctx = new
// configure the DS
We have two bi
Source interfac
vendor—but no
* A full discussion o
provider (analogou
provider. You also
you can always pra
nectivity is very simple. In fact, the following code makes a con-
atabase—it is not specific to MySQL:
ds.getConnection("userid", "password");
this example actually comes from the Java Naming and Directory
API. JNDI is an API that provides access to naming and directory
and directory services are specialized data stores that enable you
ted data under a familiar name. In a Windows environment, for
rk printers are stored in Microsoft ActiveDirectory under a name.
to the networked color printer, a user does not need to know all
details about the printer. Those details are stored in the directory.
needs to know the name of the printer. The directory, in other
l of the details about the printer in a directory where an applica-
s those details by name.
urce connectivity does not require a data source be stored in a
ill find that a directory is the most common place you will want to
e configuration details. As a result, you can simply ask the direc-
a source by name. In the above example, the name of the data
yds". JNDI enables your application to grab the data source from
its name without worrying about all of the configuration details.
nds simple enough, you are probably wondering how the data
directory in the first place. Someone has to put it there. Program-
g the data source in the directory can be as simple as the follow-
lass ds = new SomeDataSourceClass();
by setting configuration attributes
ds", ds);
ts of "magic" in this code. The first bit of magic is the SomeData-
class. In short, it is an implementation of the javax.sql.Data-
e. In some cases, this implementation may come from the JDBC
t always. In fact, none of the MySQL drivers currently ship with a
f JNDI is way beyond the scope of this chapter. You minimally need a JNDI service
s to a JDBC driver) and to set some environment variables to support that service
need a directory service to talk to. If you do not have access to a directory service,
ctice using the file system service provider available on the JNDI home page at http:/
ucts/jndi or use the driver manager approach.Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
DataSource im
Orion or WebLo
Configuring you
source impleme
want to know
on driver manag
Though we have
matically, you s
data source pro
mentation shoul
configuration fo
such a tool. A to
enter a new dat
tion to the direc
shown earlier in
Driver Manager
One of the f
sql.Driver cl
URLs you provid
It tells a Driver
provides the Dri
is th
The protocol pa
Caucho MySQL
mysql. The subp
MySQL drivers r
nection. Optionaplementation. If you are using some sort of application server like
gic, then those application servers will provide a DataSource
for you that will work with MySQL.
r data source depends on the properties demanded by the data
ntation class. In most cases, a data source implementation will
the JDBC URL and name of the java.sql.Driver interface
for the driver. We will cover these two things in the next section
er connectivity.
been very vague about configuring a JDBC data source program-
hould not despair. You should never have to configure a JDBC
grammatically. The vendor that provides your data source imple-
d provide you with a configuration tool capable for publishing the
r a data source to a directory. All application servers come with
ol of this sort will prompt you for the values it needs in order to
a source in a directory and then allow you to save that configura-
tory. Your application can then access the data source by name as
the chapter.
ew implementation classes in the java.sql.package is the
class. It maintains a list of implementations of the JDBC java.
ass and provides you with database connections based on JDBC
e it. A JDBC URL comes in the form of jdbc:protocol:subprotocol.
Manager which database engine you wish to connect to and it
verManager with enough information to make a connection.
C uses the word “driver” in multiple contexts. In the lower-case
e, a JDBC driver is the collection of classes that together imple-
t all of the JDBC interfaces and provide an application with
ss to at least one database. In the upper-case sense, the Driver
e class that implements java.sql.Driver. Finally, JDBC pro-
s a DriverManager that can be used to keep track of all of the
rent Driver implementations.
rt of the URL refers to a given JDBC driver. The protocol for the
driver, for example, is mysql-caucho while the GNU driver uses
rotocol provides the implementation-specific connection data. All
equire a host name and database name in order to make a con-
lly, they may require a port if your database engine is not run-Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
ning as root. Table 11-2 shows the configuration information for the MySQL JDBC
As you can see
from the Caucho
ally the preferred
Your first task is
ager. There are
1. You can spe
command lin
2. You can ex
For portability’s
some sort of co
tion data from
will have no dep
simply change th
Caucho or from
Once you have
Connection. You
the information
includes a JDBC
Connection conn =
Table 0-2. . Config
Driver Imple
Caucho com.
GNU org.
twz twz1
Mysq, the URLs for the GNU driver and twz driver are very different
driver. As a general rule, the format of the Caucho driver is actu-
format since the you can specify properties separately.
to register the driver implementation with the JDBC DriverMan-
two key ways to register a driver:
cify the name of the drivers you want to have registered on the
e of your application using the jdbc.drivers property: java -Djdbc.
.caucho.jdbc.mysql.Driver MyAppClass.
plicitly load the class in your program by doing a new or a
Name(): Class.forName("twz1.jdbc.mysql.jdbc-
sake, we recommend that you put all configuration information in
nfiguration file like a properties file and then load the configura-
that configuration file. By taking this approach, your application
endencies on MySQL or the JDBC driver you are using. You can
e values in the configuration file to move from the GNU driver to
MySQL to Oracle.
registered your driver, you can then ask the DriverManager for a
do this by calling the getConnection() method in the driver with
identifying the desired connection. This information minimally
URL, user ID, and password. You may optionally include a set of
DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql-caucho://carthage/Web", "someuser", "somepass");
uration Information for MySQL JDBC Drivers
mentation URL
jdbc:mysql-caucho://HOST[:PORT]/DB jdbc:mysql://[HOST][:PORT]/
DB[?PROP1=VAL1][&PROP2=VAL2]...Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
This code return
server on the
"someuser" and
simplest URL, co
just ask that you
as part of the JD
and Table 11-4 l
Table 0-3. . URL Pr
Table 0-4. . URL Pr
dbmdPasswords a connection associated with the database "Web" on the MySQL
machine carthage using the Caucho driver under the user ID
authenticated with "somepass". Though the Caucho driver has the
nnecting with the other drivers is not much more difficult. They
specify connection properties such as the user ID and password
BC URL. Table 11-3 lists the URL properties for the GNU driver
ists them for the twz driver.
operties for the GNU (mm) JDBC Driver
Default Description
false Causes the driver to attempt a reconnect
when the connection dies.
g none The Unicode encoding to use when Uni-
code is the character set.
2 The initial time between reconnects in sec-
onds when autoReconnect is set.
3 The maximum number of times the driver
should attempt a reconnect.
0 The maximum number of rows to return
for queries. 0 means return all rows.
none The password to use in connecting to
false Unicode is the character set to be used for
the connection.
none The user to use for the MySQL connection.
operties for the twz JDBC Driver
Default Description
true Manages automatic reconnect for data
update statements.
memory Dictates where query results are cached.
. The directory to which result sets are
cached if cacheMode is set t "disk".
ut 120 The amount of time, in seconds, that a
thread will wait on action by a connection
before throwing an exception.
mysql The MySQL database to which the driver is
The MySQL database to use for database
meta-data operations.
66536 The maximum number of rows returned by
a database meta-data operation.
The password to use for database meta-
data operations.Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
As a result, conn
Connection conn =
or for twz:
Connection conn =
Table 0-4. . URL Pr
Nameections for these two drivers commonly look like:
The user ID to use for database meta-data
false Exceptions will be thrown on unsupported
database meta-data operations instead of
the JDBC-compliant behavior of returning
an empty result.
none Enables debugging to the specified file.
false When debugging is enabled, data read
from MySQL is dumped to the debug file.
This will severely degrade the performance
of the driver.
false When debugging is enabled, data written
to MySQL is dumped to the debug file.
This will severely degrade the performance
of the driver.
localhost The host machine on which MySQL is run-
65535 The maximum field size for data returned
by MySQL. Any extra data is silently trun-
The maximum number of rows that can be
returned by a MySQL query.
none Tells the driver to look for more properties
in the named file.
true Will force the caching of the result set
allowing multiple queries to be open at
none The password used to connect to MySQL.
3306 The port on which MySQL is listening.
none The time in seconds that a socket connec-
tion will block before throwing an excep-
none The user used to connect to MySQL.
false Enables locking of result sets for a state-
ment for use in multiple threads.
operties for the twz JDBC Driver
Default DescriptionCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
Instead of passi
second and third
part of the URL
JDBC, however,
properties to get
Properties p = new
Connection conn;
p.put("user", "som
conn = DriverMan
Unfortunately, th
inconsistent. It i
ever unwieldy it
Example 11-1 sh
Example 0-1. A Co
import java.sql.*;
public class Connect {
public static void main
Connection con = nu
try {
// here is the JDBC
String url = "jdbc:
// more on what th
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;
// either pass this a
// -Djdbc.drivers=
// or load it here lik
// here is where the
con = DriverMana
catch( SQLExceptio
finally {
if( con != null ) {
try { con.close()
catch( Exceptio
}ng the basic connection properties of "user" and "password" as a
argument to getConnection(), GNU and twz instead pass them as
. In fact, you can pass any of the properties as part of the URL.
has a standard mechanism for passing driver-specific connection
", "true");
coding", "UTF-8");
ager.getConnection(url, p);
e way in which MySQL supports these optional properties is a bit
s thus best to go with the preferred manner for your driver, how-
makes the URLs.
ows how to make a connection to MySQL using the GNU driver.
mplete Sample of Making a JDBC Connection
(String argv[]) {
URL for this database
e Statement and ResultSet classes do later
s a property, i.e.
e we are doing in this example");
connection is made
n e ) {
; }
n e ) { }Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
The line con =
nection in this e
class names are
acceptable is be
lier, you want to
real applications
Though our foc
your application
do not write cod
the word “porta
dependencies, a
We discussed h
dent, but we d
Because both ar
ime arguments o
elegant since it
similar solution
are requiring tha
they run an app
Properties Files
A more elegant
properties file. P
and its subclasse
from a text file. F
the properties fil
istrator. Example
Example 0-2. The
Example 0-1. A CoDriverManager.getConnection(url) makes the database con-
xample. In this case, the JDBC URL and Driver implementation
actually hard coded into this application. The only reason this is
cause this application is an example driver. As we mentioned ear-
get this information from a properties file or the command line in
g Portability Using Properties Files
us is on MySQL, it is good Java programming practice to make
s completely portable. To most people, portability means that you
e that will run on only one platform. In the Java world, however,
ble” is a much stronger term. It means no hardware resource
nd that means no database dependencies.
ow the JDBC URL and Driver name are implementation depen-
id not discuss the details of how to avoid hard coding them.
e simple strings, you can pass them on the command line as runt-
r as parameters to applets. While that solution works, it is hardly
requires command line users to remember long command lines. A
might be to prompt the user for this information; but again, you
t the user remember a JDBC URL and a Java class name each time
solution than either of the above solutions would be to use a
roperties files are supported by the java.util.ResourceBundle
s to enable an application to extract runtime specific information
or a JDBC application, you can stick the URL and Driver name in
e, leaving the details of the connectivity up to an application admin-
11-2 shows a properties file that provides connection information. File with Connection Details for a Connection
mplete Sample of Making a JDBC Connection (continued)Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
Example 11-3 sh
We have gotten
ple connection
JDBC requires a
minimum SQL s
calls, your appl
nately, MySQL i
advanced SQL2
Data Sources Re
Earlier in the ch
cifically, we sta
through Java co
you go about co
ing the data sou
erties, you shou
source to suppo
Example 0-3. Usin
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Connect {
public static void main
Connection con = nu
ResourceBundle bun
try {
String url = bundle
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;
// here is where the
con = DriverMana
catch( SQLExceptio
finally {
if( con != null ) {
try { con.close()
catch( Exceptio
}ows the portable Connect class.
rid of anything specific to MySQL or the GNU driver in the sam-
code. One important issue still faces portable JDBC developers.
ny driver to support SQL2 entry level. This is an ANSI standard for
upport. As long as you use SQL2 entry level SQL in your JDBC
ication will be 100% portable to other database engines. Fortu-
s SQL2 entry level, even though it does not support many of the
apter, we fudged a bit on how data sources were configured. Spe-
ted that you can configure a data source either using a tool or
de. In most cases you will do so using a tool. The way in which
nfiguring a data source is very dependent on the vendor provid-
rce. Now that you have a greater appreciation of connection prop-
ld have a good idea of what you will need to configure a data
rt MySQL.
g a Properties File to Maintain Portability
(String argv[]) {
dle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("SelectResource");
connection is made
n e ) {
; }
n e ) { }Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
In order to bette
application, it h
J2EE compliant
application, it is
base. The JSP m
InitialContext ctx =
DataSource ds = (D
Connection = ds.g
This looks famil
AddressBook" b
editing a file call
<data-source con
Simple Da
The Connect ex
MySQL. A datab
The simplest for
statements. Und
create Statemen
Example 11-4 sh
Example 0-4. Inser
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Insert {
// We are inserting into
// and TEST_VAL (ch
// args[0] is the TEST_
public static void main
Connection con = nu
ResourceBundle bun
try {
String url = bundle
Statement stmt;
// here is where the
con = DriverMana
stmt = con.createS
stmt.executeUpdar illustrate the way in which a data source can be set up for an
elps to look at a real world application environment. Orion is a
application server that is free for non-commercial use. In this
serving up Java Server Pages (JSPs) that go against a MySQL data-
akes the following JDBC call in order to do its database work:
new InitialContext();
iar so far? Of course, it begs the question: how exactly does "jdbc/
ook get configured? In Orion, you configure the data source by
ed data-sources.xml. Here is the entry for "jdbc/AddressBook":
tabase Access
ample did not do much. It simply showed you how to connect to
ase connection is useless unless you actually talk to the database.
ms of database access are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
er the JDBC API, you use your database Connection instance to
t instances. A Statement represents any kind of SQL statement.
ows how to insert a row into a database using a Statement.
ting a Row into MySQL Using a JDBC Statement Object
a table that has two columns: TEST_ID (int)
ID and args[1] the TEST_VAL
(String argv[]) {
dle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("SelectResource");
connection is made
ger.getConnection(url, "user", "pass");
te("INSERT INTO TEST (TEST_ID, TEST_VAL) " +Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
If this were a re
an INT for the T
entry did not ex
performing an in
creates an empty
execution. As its
ing the database
or instead to de
database modific
Queries and
Queries are a bi
tion from the da
that represents z
has an execute
except it return
returned by exe
the retrieval of m
MySQL, howeve
tant for you to
else’s code writt
query. Figure 11
catch( SQLExceptio
finally {
if( con != null ) {
try { con.close()
catch( Exceptio
Example 0-5. A Sim
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Select {
public static void main
Connection con = nu
Example 0-4. Inseral application, we would of course verified that the user entered
EST_ID, that it was not a duplicate key, and that the TEST_VAL
ceed 55 characters. This example nevertheless shows how simple
sert is. The createStatement() method does just what it says: it
SQL statement associated with the Connection in question. The
() method then passes the specified SQL on to the database for
name implies, executeUpdate() expects SQL that will be modify-
in some way. You can use it to insert new rows as shown earlier,
lete rows, update rows, create new tables, or do any other sort of
Result Sets
t more complicated than updates because queries return informa-
tabase in the form of a ResultSet. A ResultSet is an interface
ero or more rows matching a database query. A JDBC Statement
Query() method that works like the executeUpdate() method—
s a ResultSet from the database. Exactly one ResultSet is
cuteQuery(), however, you should be aware that JDBC supports
ultiple result sets for databases that support multiple result sets.
r, does not support multiple result sets. It is nevertheless impor-
be aware of this issue in case you are ever looking at someone
en against another database engine. Example 11-5 shows a simple
-2 shows the data model behind the test table.
ES(" + args[0] + ",'" + args[1] + "')");
n e ) {
; }
n e ) { }
ple Query
(String argv[]) {
ting a Row into MySQL Using a JDBC Statement ObjectCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
The Select app
the ResultSet
ResultSet does
ResourceBundle bun
try {
String url = bundle
Statement stmt;
ResultSet rs;
// here is where the
con = DriverMana
stmt = con.createS
rs = stmt.executeQ
while( {
int a= rs.getInt("
String str =
catch( SQLExceptio
finally {
if( con != null ) {
try { con.close()
catch( Exceptio
Figure 0-2. The tes
Example 0-5. A Simlication executes the query and then loops through each row in
using the next() method. Until the first call to next(), the
not point to any row. Each call to next() points the ResultSet
dle =
connection is made
ger.getConnection(url, "user", "pass");
("Got results:");
t(" key= " + a);
t(" str= " + str);
n e ) {
; }
n e ) { }
t table from the sample database
ple Query (continued)
test_id : LONG
test_val : CHAR(255)Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
to the subseque
You can specify
around in the r
instances genera
support scrollab
form of the crea
Statement st
The first argume
be scrollable. B
argument relates
beyond the scop
With a scrollable
wards through t
trary rows. Like
except in the o
you attempt to
set to a specific
ber of rows befo
Dealing with a r
value in the da
retrieve the colu
cation, the call t
to getString()
ods accept eithe
name. You shou
costs since retri
retrieving them b
One area of mi
NULL. SQL is sp
not represent as
types as nulls. A
from MySQL thr
is in that column
As its name im
NULL. For calls
SQL NULL is rea
somewhat redunnt row. You are done processing rows when next() returns
that you result set is scrollable, meaning that you can move
esult set—not just forward on a row-by-row basis. The ResultSet
ted by a Statement are scrollable if the statement was created to
le result sets. Connection enables this to happen by an alternate
teStatement() method:
mt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
nt says that any result sets of the newly created statement should
y default, a statement’s result sets are not scrollable. The second
to an advanced feature of JDBC, updatable result sets, that lies
e of this book.
result set, you can make calls to previous() to navigate back-
he results and absolute() and relative() to move to arbi-
next(), previous() moves one row through the result set,
pposite direction. The previous() method returns false when
move before the first row. Finally absolute() moves the result
row, whereas relative() moves the result set a specific num-
re or after the current row.
ow means getting the values for each of its columns. Whatever the
tabase, you can use the getter methods in the ResultSet to
mn value as whatever Java datatype you like. In the Select appli-
o getInt() returned the TEST_ID column as an int and the call
returned the TEST_VAL column as a String. These getter meth-
r the column number—starting with column 1—or the column
ld, however, avoid retrieving values using a column name at all
eving results by column name is many, many times slower than
y column number.
smatch between Java and MySQL lies in the concept of a SQL
ecifically able to represent some data types as null that Java can-
null. In particular, Java has no way of representing primitive data
s a result, you cannot immediately determine whether a 0 returned
ough getInt() really means a 0 is in that column or if no value
. JDBC addresses this mismatch through the wasNull() method.
plies, wasNull() returns true if the last value fetched was SQL
returning a Java object, the value will generally be NULL when a
d from the database. In these instances, wasNull() may appear
dant. For primitive datatypes, however, a valid value—like 0—Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
may be returned
value was NULL
Error Hand
All JDBC metho
thing happens d
exception, deal w
Each of the JDBC
Practically speak
whose calling p
seen so far, you
database connec
matically. If you
ever, it is a goo
connection whe
clean up happen
close the databa
So far we have
done at compile
provided, no on
tool that deter
Statement clas
either a query o
information abou
which you can ac
Meta Data
The term meta d
about some obje
the object. For
umns associated
the code was w
thus not consid
ResultSet. Dat
database progra
JDBC designers
ResultSetMetaon a fetch. The wasNull() method gives you a way to see if that
in the database.
ling and Clean Up
d calls can throw SQLException or one of its subclasses if some-
uring a database call. Your code should be set up to catch this
ith it, and clean up any database resources that have been allocated.
classes mentioned so far has a close() method associated with it.
ing, however, you only really need to make sure you close things
rocess might remain open for a while. In the examples we have
only really need to close your database connections. Closing the
tion closes any statements and result sets associated with it auto-
intend to leave a connection open for any period of time, how-
d idea to go ahead and close the statements you create using that
n you finish with them. In the JDBC examples you have seen, this
s in a finally clause. You do this since you want to make sure to
se connection no matter what happens.
Database Access
dealt with applications where you know exactly what needs to be
time. If this were the only kind of database support that JDBC
e could ever write tools like the mysql interactive command line
mines SQL calls at runtime and executes them. The JDBC
s provides the execute() method for executing SQL that may be
r an update. Additionally, ResultSet instances provide runtime
t themselves in the form of an interface called ResultSetMetaData
cess via the getMetaData() call in the ResultSet.
ata sounds officious, but it is really nothing other than extra data
ct that would otherwise waste resources if it were actually kept in
example, simple applications do not need the name of the col-
with a ResultSet—the programmer probably knew that when
ritten. Embedding this extra information in the ResultSet class is
ered by JDBC’s designers to be core to the functionality of a
a such as the column names, however, is very important to some
mmers—especially those writing dynamic database access. The
provide access to this extra information—the meta data—via the
Data interface. This class specifically provides:Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
• The number
• Whether NUL
• The label to
• The name fo
• The source t
• The datatype
Example 11-6 sh
mysql that accep
rest of the code
rest of the exam
Example 0-6. An A
import java.sql.*;
public class Exec {
public static void main
Connection con = nu
String sql = "";
for(int i=0; i<args.len
sql = sql + args[i];
if( i < args.length -
sql = sql + " ";
try {
String url = "jdbc:
con = DriverMana
Statement s = con
if( s.execute(sql) )
ResultSet r = s.g
int cols = meta.g
int rownum = 0
while( )
for(int i=0; i<
} of columns in a result set
L is a valid value for a column
use for a column header
r a given column
able for a given column
of a given column
ows some of the source code from a command line tool like
ts arbitrary user input and sends it to MySQL for execution. The
for this example can be found at the O’Reilly Web site with the
ples from this book.
pplication for Executing Dynamic SQL
(String args[]) {
gth; i++) {
1 ) {
Executing: " + sql);
ger.getConnection(url, "test", "test");
ata meta = r.getMetaData();
intln("Row: " + rownum);
cols; i++) {
.print(meta.getColumnLabel(i+1) + ": "
r.getObject(i+1) + ", ");
intln("");Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
Each result set p
method. In the
many columns a
well as the nam
for our result se
Processing D
The concept intr
not know wheth
the SQL call thr
statement return
it returns true,
cessing. If, on t
modification, yo
modified by the
A Guest B
You have proba
Chapter 6, howe
We have packag
knowledge we h
a Web site in a d
lets are not in th
else {
catch( Exception e )
finally {
if( con != null ) {
try { con.close()
catch( SQLExc
Example 0-6. An Arovides a ResultSetMetaData instance via the getMetaData()
case of dynamic database access, we need to find out the how
re in a result set so that we are certain to retrieve each column as
es of each of the columns for display to the user. The meta data
t provides all of this information via the getColumnCount() and
l() methods.
ynamic SQL
oduced in Example 11-6 is the dynamic SQL call. Because we do
er we will be processing a query or an update, we need to pass
ough the execute() method. This method returns true if the
ed a result set or false if none was produced. In the example, if
the application gets the returned ResultSet through a call to
(). The application can then go on to do normal result set pro-
he other hand, the statement performed some sort of database
u can call getUpdateCount() to find out how many rows were
ook Servlet
bly heard quite a bit of talk about Java applets. We discussed in
ver, how doing database access in the client is a really bad idea.
ed with the examples in this book a servlet that uses the JDBC
ave discussed in this chapter to store the comments from visitors to
atabase and then display the comments in the database. While serv-
emselves part of the three-tier solution we discussed in Chapter 6,
tln(s.getUpdateCount() + " rows affected.");
; }
eption e ) { }
pplication for Executing Dynamic SQLCopyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
this example sho
example, all you
code is either sim
chapter. You ca
guestbook.shtml.uld provide a useful example of how JDBC can be used. For this
need to know about servlets is that the doPost() method han-
events and doGet() handles HTTP GET events. The rest of the
ple Java code or an illustration of the database concepts from this
n see the servlet in action at © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
DRAFT, 8/24/01
Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
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