Vấn đề giới có quan hệ mật thiết với nghèo đói và phát triển. Các báo cáo thường niên về phát
triển con người cho thấy các tỉnh nghèo đồng thời cũng là các tỉnh có chỉ số phát triển con người
và chỉ số phát triển giới thấp. Nghèo đói và bất bình đẳng là yếu tố chính kìm hãm sự phát triển
miền núi Thái Nguyên hiện nay. Hai vấn đề này có mối liên hệ qua lại làm cho những khó khăn ở
miền núi thêm trầm trọng và không dễ khắc phục trong thời gian ngắn. Vì lẽ đó, bên cạnh những
cải thiện về nhiều mặt thì công tác xoá đói giảm nghèo ở miền núi, đặc biệt đối với vùng cao, vùng
dân tộc thiểu số Thái Nguyên còn gặp nhiều khó khăn. Trong bối cảnh này, thực hiện các biện
pháp xoá đói giảm nghèo có kết hợp nâng cao bình đẳng giới là hướng đi hợp lý nhất để giảm
nghèo hiệu quả và bền vững. Các giải pháp này nhằm đảm bảo tính đồng bộ và hệ thống trên cơ sở
mở rộng cơ hội, khả năng tiếp cận dịch vụ, giảm rủi ro và tạo quyền cho phụ nữ.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Gender issues in the poverty reduction in mountainous areas of Thai Nguyen, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Phí Hùng Cường và đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 81(05): 79 - 83
Phi Hung Cuong1*, Vu Van Anh2
1 College of Sciences - TNU, 2College of Education - TNU
Gender issues are closely related to poverty and development. The annual reports on human
development show that the poor provinces have low human development index and gender
development index The given issues show that poverty and inequality are major factors hindering
the development of mountainous Thai Nguyen today. These two issues have the corelation that
makes difficulties in mountainous areas more serious and it is not easy to overcome in a short
time. Therefore, besides improvements in many aspects, the work of poverty reduction in
mountainous areas, especially in highlands, ethnic minority areas of Thai Nguyen is in difficulties.
In this context, implementing methods of poverty reduction and combined gender equality
improvement is an actually reasonable way to reduce poverty effectively and sustainably. The
solution is to ensure synchronization and system on the basis of expansion of opportunities, access
to services, risk reduction and right creation for women.
Keyword: Gender, poverty reduction, poverty, mountainous, ThaiNguyen
Gender issues are closely related to poverty
and development. The annual reports on
human development show that the poor
provinces have low human development
index and gender development index. So is it
possible that improving gender equality will
also contribute to poverty alleviation for the
people? The article refers to the relationship
between gender and poverty, and propose
methods for reducing poverty and improving
gender equality in midland and mountainous
provinces such as Thai Nguyen. .
2.1. Poverty in Thai Nguyen.
Poverty and inequality between rich and poor
is a hot socio-economic issue today. It is a
big drag on the way to construct and develop
Thai Nguyen province according to
orientation of socialism in Vietnam.
The province has 36 extremely difficult
communes where the Government and the
province have carried out the project for the
socio- economic development in difficult
communes in mountainous or remoted areas
(Programme 135). Provincal People’s
Tel: 0915210558; Email: phihungcuongtn@yahoo.com
Committee has developed projects for the
socio-economic development for 36
extremely difficult communes of three
districts: Vo Nhai, Dinh Hoa and Phu Luong.
These districts have difficult natural
conditions for the socio-economic
Table 2.1. Poverty rate by province in 2007 in
Thai Nguyen
Districts Poverty rate
1 Dinh Hoa
2 Dai Tu
3 Dong Hy
4 Phu Luong
5 Vo Nhai
6 Phu Binh
7 Pho Yen
8 Song Cong
9 Thai Nguyen
Source: Department of Labor, Invalids and Social
Affairs in Thai Nguyen province
In fact, although poverty alleviation has
gained good results but problems related to
the relationship between poverty reduction
and sustainable use of resources in
mountainous Thai Nguyen is still a matter of
urgency. This is also a challenge for Central
policy makers and local managers.
Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu - Đại học Thái Nguyên
Phí Hùng Cường và đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 81(05): 79 - 83
Poverty reduction and sustainable
management of natural resources requires the
participation and joint efforts of women, men
and authorities. This is especially important
with the mountainous area as Thai Nguyen,
where ethnic communities reside alternately,
where ethnic minorities have their own
concepts and habits in dealing with natural
resources. For women, participating in the
authorities, unions is an important mechanism
to reflect the wills and aspirations of their
gender in activities of poverty reduction and
resource use in each locality. However, in
mountainous Thai Nguyen, the participation
rate of women leaders at grassroots level is very
low, the operation of the association of women
also face difficulties. Therefore, to create
conditions for women, particularly women of
ethnic minority to participate in issues of
sustainable management of natural resources
and poverty reduction is also a challenge in
mountainous province as Thai Nguyen.
2.2. The relationship between gender and
Gender: is all the characteristics of society
and culture related to men and women. These
features differ in different societies and
change over time.
There are different trends when discussing on
the relationship between gender and poverty.
The first trend accepts the differences
between men and women in poverty and the
opportunity to escape poverty, as this is
natural matter without justification and
without change. This concept indicates that
the difference between men and women is
regulated by the nature (biological factors) so
if women are weaker, poorer than men, it is
understandable. The second trend do not
acknowledge differences between men and
women, but they are the same in poverty.
Both men or and women will need the same
supports and solutions to escape poverty. This
concept shows that poverty is not related to
gender. The third trend indicates that gender
does not determine the capacity or the poverty
level of men, women. On the contrary, the
social factors affect the position, role and
improvement of women and men. This concept
also indicates that a low social position is a
factor that raises risk and leads to poverty.
Actually, the relationship between gender and
poverty can be considered on three main
aspects of production, reproduction and
correlation between the two genders today.
On the aspect of production, this relationship
is demonstrated in the structure of labor in the
national economic sectors in which women
workers constitute the most.
Table 2.2. Male and female laborers classified by economic sector in Thai Nguyen in 2007
(Unit: person)
No. Economic category Male Female
2005 2007 2005 2007
1 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 209,587 208,540 207,206 203,898
2 Industry, construction, .. 48,624 58,385 37,455 37,052
3 Production, distribution of electricity, water 2,110 3,045 769 1,289
4 Trade, repair of cars .. 24,889 30,265 21,198 24,028
5 Sevices, employment 5,197 8,344 9,105 11,045
6 Information, banks ... 909 1,590 1,113 1,905
7 Scienctific special subjects .. 1,894 2,160 991 1,145
8 Party activities, Politic organizations 15,065 16,657 22,435 24,333
Total 308,275 328,986 300,272 304,695
Source: Statistical Office of Thai Nguyen 2007
Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu - Đại học Thái Nguyên
Phí Hùng Cường và đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 81(05): 79 - 83
Women participate more in agricultural
production while men are hired labors. Thus,
women have a lot of difficulties to escape
poverty owing to the risky characteristic of
agricultural production, especially in
mountainous areas where natural conditions
are not favorable for food crops.
On the aspect of reproduction, women have a
direct role in developing and maintaining
race. This is related to the role of mothers.
The studies concluded that: education of
women has a positive impact to the birth rate
reduction, mothers who finish a primary
school has a lower birth rate than illiterate
mothers. Education of mothers has a positive
impact in reducing the rate of malnutrition in
children under the age of 5, increasing
numbers of school years of children. Also,
when considering the viewpoint of care and
nurture, women with education and health
have conditions to take care of family
members better, and more scientificaly.
Clearly, if the society invests more actively in
improving education and health of women, it
means to invest in human development - a
decisive factor for the sustainable
development of each locality.
On the third aspect: considering the
correlation between the two genders today,
poverty and ability to escape poverty of each
gender are different because each is affected
by the work they do, the location, the voice of
each gender in the family, community as well
as the access and management of women and
men with the material and spiritual rsources.
Clearly, poverty is a especially vicious cycle
for women and girls in the mountainous
provinces such as Thai Nguyen. But to break
this vicious cycle, if you just focus on women
and girls, and forget the role of men, it will be
hard to get a sustainable poverty reduction.
In fact, in many localities, husbands and
fathers have certain voice and positions in
implementing family planning.
In short, if the gender correlation changes
positively on the basis of attracting men and
creating conditions for them to change
behaviors, actively discussing and making
equal decisions in the family and community
in order to benefit both women and men in
aspects such as division of labor, allocation of
resources, beneficiary interests, etc, the
poverty reduction activities will be
increasingly sustainable.
Figure 2.1. Poverty circle of women and girls
2.3 Some comments and recommendations
For the mountainous areas in general and
Thai Nguyen in particular, jobs in the labor
market are still generally uncertain, with low
income and much risk although jobs have
been more extended than before. Poverty
assessment study with the participation of the
people showed that most manual labors
depend on seasonal crops; they can be refused
to pay the salaries/wages by the foremen, or
they have to work overwhelmedly and face
accidents, etc. The average amount of money
the workers get is 15,000 dongs per day;
women always get the lower rate than men
(DFID and Consulting Ageles 2003).
Methods for creating job stability, assuring
working conditions and being guranteed by
the law offices need to be implemented for
both women and men in mountainous areas.
In agricultural production, access to services
of agricultural expansion encouragement and
credits is an important condition to expand
production. Poor women and men generally
have less access to the argricultural extension
services. The fact that women work and men
Get married
Lack of
Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu - Đại học Thái Nguyên
Phí Hùng Cường và đtg Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 81(05): 79 - 83
study is common in many areas throughout
the country. Although women occupy mainly
in agricultural production, including both
cultivation and breeding, the rate in which
women participate in cultivation training
sessions only occupies 25%, in breeding
training sessions 10%.
Effective land use and management is a
necessary condition for the poor to have a
stable life and strive to escape poverty. For
the land management, being granted the
certificate to receive the right of land use is
important. In fact, until now, the undersigned
women for the certificate have occupied a low
rate among granted certificates of land use
right. Especially, the rate of certificates
names the wife and husband is too low. This
is common to all types of land, including
annual arable land, tree planting land and
forest land.
Notably, the group of poor women has few
conditions to control soil. The percentage of
women signing the certificate of land use
rights in the group of poorest households is 5-
7% of the total number of certificates already
issued for soils. For mountainous areas,
forest land has a significant meaning, but only
5% of wives and 2% of spouses sign the
certificate of forest land use rights; this is
clearly the condition that resource managers
and the authorities should be particularly
interested in.
Strengthening the participation of women,
especially women in highlands, women of
ethnic minorities in the discussions and
decisions on matters of economy, society
poverty reduction is an urgent demand
nowadays . The specific methods of concern
include giving information on poverty
reduction activities in a timely manner and
appropriate language and form for women,
supporing the activities of unions, especially
the activities of the Women's Union in the
difficult areas, training of the young women
to become officers in the localities.
In short, poverty and gender inequality,
particularly in mountainous and remoted
areas in Thai Nguyen is the general result of
complicated and mixed social factors. The
solutions set out need to take inclusiveness.
The given issues show that poverty and
inequality are major factors hindering the
development of mountainous Thai Nguyen
today. These two issues have the corelation
that makes difficulties in mountainous areas
more serious and it is not easy to overcome
in a short time. Therefore, besides
improvements in many aspects, the work of
poverty reduction in mountainous areas,
especially in highlands, ethnic minority areas
of Thai Nguyen is in difficulties. In this
context, implementing methods of poverty
reduction and combined gender equality
improvement is an actually reasonable way to
reduce poverty effectively and sustainably.
The solution is to ensure synchronization and
system on the basis of expansion of
opportunities, access to services, risk
reduction and right creation for women.
To do this, then all levels and sectors need
special attention to the poor women in
general, including women and girls of ethnic
minorities, women and disadvantaged areas,
and women who are the head of household
because they are easily vulnerable objects.
Sectors, especially agriculture and rual
development, education, health and localities
first of all Party Committees, governments and
unions at the grassroots level need to create
conditions for raising awareness and changes of
actions to ensure that poor women to participate
and benefit as equally as men in poverty
reduction from the results of the development
process in general in each locality.
[1]. DFID and UNDP 2003. Poverty Reduction in
Northern Mountainous Areas (in Vietnamese).
[2]. The General Statistics Office.2006. Results of
Standard of Living of Households in 2006. Some
Main Results (in Vietnamese).
[3]. National Committee for the Advancement of
Women in 2000. Situation Analysis and Policy
Recommendations on Gender Equality and
Advancement of Women (in Vietnamese).
[4]. Tran Thi Van Anh, Gender in poverty
alleviation and Development in mountainous
areas, Journal of women, Vol. 5, 2004 (in
[5]. Truong Thi Thuy Hang, Research in Human
Development Index reflecting genders in some
localities, Journal of women, Vol.1, 2005 (in
Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu - Đại học Thái Nguyên
Phí Hùng Cường Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 81(05): 79 - 83
Phí Hùng Cường1*, Vũ Vân Anh2
1 Trường ĐH Khoa học - ĐH Thái Nguyên, 2Trường ĐH Sư phạm - ĐH Thái Nguyên
Vấn đề giới có quan hệ mật thiết với nghèo đói và phát triển. Các báo cáo thường niên về phát
triển con người cho thấy các tỉnh nghèo đồng thời cũng là các tỉnh có chỉ số phát triển con người
và chỉ số phát triển giới thấp. Nghèo đói và bất bình đẳng là yếu tố chính kìm hãm sự phát triển
miền núi Thái Nguyên hiện nay. Hai vấn đề này có mối liên hệ qua lại làm cho những khó khăn ở
miền núi thêm trầm trọng và không dễ khắc phục trong thời gian ngắn. Vì lẽ đó, bên cạnh những
cải thiện về nhiều mặt thì công tác xoá đói giảm nghèo ở miền núi, đặc biệt đối với vùng cao, vùng
dân tộc thiểu số Thái Nguyên còn gặp nhiều khó khăn. Trong bối cảnh này, thực hiện các biện
pháp xoá đói giảm nghèo có kết hợp nâng cao bình đẳng giới là hướng đi hợp lý nhất để giảm
nghèo hiệu quả và bền vững. Các giải pháp này nhằm đảm bảo tính đồng bộ và hệ thống trên cơ sở
mở rộng cơ hội, khả năng tiếp cận dịch vụ, giảm rủi ro và tạo quyền cho phụ nữ.
Từ khóa: giới, xóa đói giảm nghèo, đói nghèo, miền núi, Thái Nguyên
Tel: 0915210558; Email: phihungcuongtn@yahoo.com
Số hóa bởi Trung tâm Học liệu - Đại học Thái Nguyên
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