4. Recommendation
First of all enhance the connection, closeness
between the leaders and employees through daily contact in work as well as group activities. Motivating
employees is to gain great sympathy, to make employees feel peacefull and trust. Moreover, organization's
leaders need to meet all partners, to be full of enthusiasm for all employees, and then understand the general situation because following activity situation of
organization is important. Leaders should heighten all
employees' ideas, execute their ideas usually and
reduce the gap between leaders and employees to recognize organization activities. Thus, leadership style
needs to change to be suitable for organizational status
and employees' aspiration. Organizational leadership
role is expressed clearly through the person who plays
leader role and then departmental managers. To
increase the leader's influence its necessary handle
well the relationship between managers (Low -midhigh) to create organizational culture in organization.
The second point is personnel which affects deeply
business strategy implementation. The top managers
have important roles in strategic managerment.
Therefore, top managers need to me trained methodically and professionally for strategic management in
general and implementation in particular. Managers
need to help employees understand the importance of
bussiness strategy and benefit of organization and individual if executing busniess strategy effectively. It
needs to be ensured that all level of managers and
employees have enough ability to take their role, be
trained great and direct managers have ability in managerment and guidance. If departmental managers and
employees need to be informed same and concurrent
information to ensure agreement. Besides, need to
planning and evaluate frequently human resource to
enhance ability and employee level, labor turnover and
labor arrangement. Public announcement of salary and
bonus commitment clearly, fairly; promotional schedule to help employees feel comfortable and dedicate.
Thirdly, effectiveness of bussiness strategy
depends on the method and coherence in creating and
planning bussiness strategy, as well as inplementation
method. Even, there are several organizations make
mistake in strategy planning such as lacking vision,
unclear mission and not focusing on create the core
Hence, some organizations may create business strategy but not follow or implement or careless, nonresearch bussiness strategy could be seen as not have
bussiness stratefy. Organization need to focus on create bussiness strategies scientifically, systematically
and coherently. Esspeciallys, organization needs to do
market research frequently, periodly with carefulness,
depth. The market which organization operates in is
always changed fast and strongly as present, bussiness
strategy need ensure the flexibility, suitable "open"
level to accommodate with them.
Besides organizational culture need to be cared and
seen as factor to activities commitment of all organization. Managers and administrator need to understand
clearly and create the value emphasys the agreement
and activities commitment for bussiness strategy target
and be the pioneer to follow cultural value which is
created. However, the bussiness strategy effort could
be unsuccessful if there is not any support and commitment from employees and mid-level managers.
Alexander (1985) emphasized the connection between
employees and managers initially. The participation
and commitment should be developed and maintain
throughout all implementation period. If the mid-level
managers and employees are allowed to participate in
creating bussiness strategy implementation plan, the
commitment will be definite.
Finnaly, communication affects the connection and
the agreement of all members in organization for
bussiness strategy implementation activities. Solutions
need to be informed all employees, worker to make
them understand clearly about internal media, benefit,
responsibility in supplying information, feedback to
managers. The agreement maybe different between
different levels; if all members in organization are not
informed and understand the same information the
information which be passed to too many levels it
reduces the agreement (Noble,199b). Communication
activities need to inform mission, responsibility frequently as well as giving the reasonable explaining
reason for all new strategic decisions or the reason why
there is several changes in work. Enhancing exchange
openly between department, groups which have important role in trainning, broadening knowledge and learning during strategy implemetation.
5. Conclusion
Implementing company's business strategy is a
complicating research area and brings the most diffi-
’S JTSculties to administration. The inspection result exhibits
all 5 initial assumptive factors includeding strategy
planning - organizational culture - personnel - communication- leadership all affect bussiness strategy implementation of Garco 10 with reliability above 95%. The
implementation period and research result still have
many limitations such as researching only one organization in garment industry. The research is also limited
in bussniess strategy range for domestic fashioned
SBU with incomplete affected factors. This is recommendation for research orientation in the future
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Vu Thanh Tu ANH - Fulbright University in Vietnam, USA
Le Xuan BA - Centural Institude for Economic Managerment, Vietnam
Hervé B. BOISMERY - University of La Reuinion, France
H. Eric BOUTIN - Toulon Var University, France
Nguyen Thi DOAN - Vietnam Learning Promotion Association, Vietnam
Haasis HANS - Dietrich - Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (isl) Bremen - Germany
Le Quoc HOI - National Economic University, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Bich LOAN - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Nguyen Hoang LONG - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Nguyen MAI - Vietnam Economist Association, Vietnam
Duong Thi Binh MINH - University of Economics HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
Hee Cheon MOON - Korean Trade Research Association, South Korea
Bui Xuan NHAN - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Luong Xuan QUY - Vietnam Economicst Association, Vietnam
Nguyen Van Song - Vietnam National University of Agriculture
Nguyen TAM - California State University, USA
Truong Ba THANH - University of Danang, Vietnam
Dinh Van THANH - Institude for Trade Research, Vietnam
Do Minh THANH - Thuong mai University, Vietnam
Le Dinh THANG - University of Québec à Trois Riviéres, Canada
Tran Dinh THIEN - Vietnam Institute of Economics, Vietnam
Nguyen Quang THUAN - Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam
Le Nhu TUYEN - Grenoble École de Managment, France
Washio TOMOHARU - Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Zhang YUJIE - Tsinghua University, China
THE Members
Editor in chief
Deputy Editor in Chief
Dinh Van SON - Thuong mai University, Vietnam - President
Pham Vu LUAN - Thuong mai University, Vietnam - Vice President
Nguyen Bach KHOA - Thuong mai University, Vietnam - Deputy President
Planning a methodical and consistent strategy is a
very difficult mission with any manager, however
implementing - organizing strategies is much more
arduos task (Hrebiniak,2006). In practice and research,
it is hard to list all factors affecting the stategy imple-
mentation process. Different to planning stage which
focuses on brainstorm ability, strategy implementation
focuses on skills and operation; specially, developing
process in research of strategy implementation is not
seamless (Noble, 1999b). Allio (2005) exhibited that
57% companies get failure in implementing strategic
decision, 83% managers assess the process of strategy
implementation still contain numerous issues and
inconsistence. In this article, it researches generally in
theory of strategy implementation and recognizing
major factors affecting strategy implementation, hence
building a research model based on 5 dependent vari-
ables are strategy planning; organization culture; com-
munication; personnel and leadership and tested them
on the sample set of 83 managers in Garment 10.
1. Theoretical basis of strategy implementation
and factors affecting strategy implementation
1.1. Implementation strategies
Thompson, Strickland & Gamble (2005) has
emphasized that implementing strategy or realizing
the strategic goals is the most complex and time-con-
suming tasks in the whole process of strategic man-
agement. Sashitatal & Wilemon (1996) has pointed
out a number of synonyms for "implementation" as
"execution - executing" which is often used in man-
agement theory but is not widely used by corporate
executives. An overview of research in the world that
allows access leads to three different views of this
term: The first opinion focuses on the process and
implement the strategy in a series of steps to be
planned carefully. The second point considered to
implement the strategy as a series of coordinated
actions in different degrees, but often in parallel and
consider this act in terms of behavior. Some other
authors combined the views process acts / actions to
form the third access point (see Table 1).
The essence of strategy implementation might be
understood as a dynamic, complex, iterative process
including a series of decisions and actions of man-
agers and employees affected by many external fac-
tors and parties in order to achieve the strategic
objectives set out. To analyze the contents of strategy
implementation, the researchers used a series of other
related theories as theoretical representation (Agency
theory) of Govindarajan & Fisher (1990), organiza-
tional theory (Organization theory) of Govindarajan
also & Fisher (1990), psychology (psychology) by
Kim & Mauborgne (1993), social learning theory
(social learning theory) of Govindarajan (1988) and
expectancy theory (expectancy theory) of Guth &
MacMillan (1986)
Journal of Trade Science 4:2 (2016) 12 - 20
Nguyen Hoang Viet
Thuongmai University
Email: nhviet@vcu.edu.vn
Keywords: Bussiness Strategy, Strategy Implementation, Garco 10
This article showed the research results of factors affecting business strategy implementation. The typicalresearch at Garco 10 with sample includes 83 managers at multi levels: company, department, division
and production unit level. The result demontrates all of 5 factors: Strategy Planning, Organizational Culture,
Personnel, Communication and Leadership have a positively affect company's business strategy implementation.
Received: 23rd May 2016 Revised: 20th June 2016
1.2. Strategy implementation
Strategy implementation can be studied of at 3 lev-
els strategies: corporate level (Corporate), the business
unit level (SBU) and functional level (marketing, pro-
duction, human resources, ...). Case study suggests that
few scientists focusing on the research strategy imple-
mentation at a company level, while extensively stud-
ied at SBU level (Guota & Govindarajan, 1984;
Govindarajan & Fisher, 1990). The studies focused on
functional-level strategy implementation are limited
but almost focused on marketing strategies
(Chimhanzi, 2004). Besides, there are few studies dis-
cussing the strategic relationship between function
strategies and business ones. There is a study by Slater
& Olson (2001) on the role of marketing in business
strategy implementation. While Chimhanzi (2004)
studied the interaction between marketing and HR
functions in implementation marketing strategies. This
study is limited to implementation business strategy
associated with business units on the fashion market of
Vietnam's garment enterprises.
1.3. Factors affecting strategy implementation
The studies testing the effect of the elements to
strategy implementation can gather under 2 formats or
categorize the various
influencing factors into
groups (Skivington &
Daft, 1991; Noble,
1999b) or link these fac-
tors impact a frame
model (Higgins, 2005;
Brenes & Mena &
Molina, 2007).
Both Skivington &
Daft (1991) and Noble
(1999b) have classified
implementation vari-
ables into two groups:
the framework and
processes but differ in
content. Skivington and
Daft (1991) divided into
two strategic business
groups: low cost and dif-
ferentiation - should be
implemented in two dif-
ferent organizational
method called the framework and processes. The
framework is represented by the rules and resources /
capacity remaining processes represented by these
interactions, the binding provisions made. Noble
(1999b) studied strategy implementation on an organi-
zational structure perspective (focused on the structure
and control mechanisms) and implementation process-
es between individuals (focus emphasizes strategic
consensus, onions autonomous strategic behavior, atti-
tudes, leadership style and execution, the process of
communication and interaction).
Beer and Eisenstat (2000) continued to add six fac-
tors including: style of management; strategic priori-
ties; leadership; communications; collaboration
between functions and organizational culture. Among
them, the communication is considered the biggest
barriers impeding the effective strategy implementa-
tion. The study by Pettigrew (1992) grouped imple-
mentation variables into 4 groups, including: content
strategy, context (including organizational context:
organizational structure, organizational culture, busi-
ness environment: environmental change and environ-
mental sectors in general), the process of implementa-
tion (planned activities, resources, people, media,
journal of Trade Science
Table 1: Definitions of strategy implementation
Perspective Definitons
- Strategy implementation is the process of transforming strategic plans into
action tasks and ensure that those tasks are performed in a direction to
accomplish its objectives. Kotler (1984) cited in Noble (1999b).
- Strategy implementation is an iterative process of implementing strategies,
policies, programs and action plans that allows a firm to utilize its resources to
take advantage of opportunities in the competitive environment (Harrington,
- Implementation is a series of decisions and actions committed to using
resources to achieve intended outcomes (Wernham, 1985)
- Implementation is a series of interventions concerning organizational
structures, key personnel actions, and control systems designed to control
performance with respect to desired ends. Hrebiniak & Joyce (1984) cited in
Noble (1999b)
- Implementation designates the managerial interventions that align
organizational action with strategic intention. Floyd & Wooldridge (1992a) cited
in Noble (1999b).
- Implementation is defined as the sum of activities and choices necessary to
implement a strategy ... is the process of turning strategy into action and policies
(Wheelen & Hunger, 1992)
- In other cases, implementation is seen as a process of action was oriented on-
demand management and control (Govindarajan, 1998).
communication, control, feedback) and strategic out-
comes (organic results and intangible).
Studies about the second group have grouped a
number of elements into a model, therefore, not only
group the implementation variables but also arranged
them into a network of interactive relationships.
Noble's research model (1990a) revolves around four
main stages: pre-implementation, organization of
implementation efforts, process management imple-
mentation, maximizing the efficiency of cross-func-
tional implement. There are 5 factors that act as levers
like: goals, organizational structure, leadership, com-
munication and reward. According to Noble, combin-
ing these elements with each stage will improve the
strategy implementation effeciency.
Higgins (2005) has established 8S models includ-
ing strategy and structure, resources, shared values,
style, staff, systems and processes, strategic perform-
ance. This model was developed from the McKinsey
7S model. Higgins has removed elements from the
model's skill Mckinsey and additional resources factor.
He added strategic performance factors to strengthen
the focus on strategy implementation process.
Brenes, Mena & Molina (2007) pointed out five
key elements to successful strategy implementation. It
is the process of strategic planning, consistent imple-
mentation, control and monitoring implementation,
leadership, promotion of the CEO, Human resources
management and leadership eventually change.
From the overview of study and based on actual
access to the survey, the authors selected to analyze 5
factors that affect the business strategy implemented
by the Vietnam garment enterprises including:
Planning strategy; Organizational culture;
Communications; Personnel; Leadership.
Strategic planning: better implementation could not
offset the shortcomings from the stage of planning
(Hrebinial, 2006). Some studies mentioned factors
then develop (Alexander, 1985; Allio, 2005) along
with the current status of strategic planning processes
(Kim & Mauborgne, 1991; Singh, 1998) because of the
way construction a strategy will affect the execution
efficiency. Whether a planned strategy is suitable or
not is an important question for the success of strategy
implementation but even a good strategy can not guar-
antee absolutely that. Kim & Mauborgne (1993)
showed the local level managers often desire a plan-
ning process which is open, consistent and fair because
it will create incentives for them in implementing the
strategy. If the planning process lacked those charac-
teristics, the effective implementation can not guaran-
tee success.
Organizational culture: one of the main challenges
in strategy implementation is understanding organiza-
tional culture, participants' behavior. In the business
environment, organizational culture is also known as
the corporate culture. Corboy & O'Corrbui (1999)
identified serious mistakes in strategy implementation
including the lack of understanding of the organization
culture as well as an adequate evaluation of strategy
from the staff, not admitted difficulties or barriers, as
well as ignoring the daily business imperatives. As
Marginson, (2002) strategy implementation is not only
a process but also the group's commitment to the com-
prehensive participation of all employees through a
strong organizational culture (corporate culture). A
strong culture is reflected in the work environment cre-
ated for employees.
Organizational culture is related to leadership style
of executives - how they use the time, what objectives
they focus on, what requirements were set for employ-
ees, their decisions processes and their impact on orga-
nizational culture. Leadership also includes the values,
beliefs, behaviors such iconic dress, job title or infor-
mal meetings with employees (Adkins & Caldwell,
2004). In the strategy implementation model, there's
always the existence of organizational culture. The
challenge occurs is how organizational culture adapt to
changings of the organization.
Appropriate organizational culture enhances the
role of subordinate employees in participating in the
process of strategy planning and implementation - It is
opposite to the opinion that separates "decision mak-
ers" and "implemetation people". In other words, com-
panes implement strategy through spillover effects of
organizational culture in the whole company. A strong
organizational culture will unite employees through
individual targets & behavior withi organizational tar-
gets & behavior; strong culture will encourage creativ-
ity of employees (Ouchi, 2001). Therefore, organiza-
tional culture needs diversity, flexibility to stimulate
creativity. Moreover, a organizatio culture concerned
about methods to promote, encourage employees to
bring efficient implementation.
Journal of Trade Science
Communications: Forman and Argenti (2005) stud-
ied the role of the media in creative abilities as well as
spread of the business strategy. Some researchers have
confirmed the important role of the communication in
strategy implementation process (Alexander, 1985;
Schaap, 2006). And this is also confirmed in previous
studies of Alexander (1985), pointed out the role of
communication when it is mentioned most often in the
factors contributing to successful strategy implementa-
tion. Grönroos (1985) believes that an organization
must make the employees understand the importance
of the strategy before communicated to customers. As
planned strategy, it is necessary to divide targets, but
implementation will not be successful if employees are
vague about strategic orientations as well as tasks,
because of the divided tasks or responsibilities is not
clear or information is transmitted over multiple units,
multiple-level or complex organizational structures,
bureaucratic relations. So, to avoid conflict between
departments or functions, it is necesaing to establish a
clear plan, detailed responsibilities or works (Rapa &
Kauffman, 2005). Therefore, effective communication
involves communicating the duties, responsibilities
need to be done by employees as well as give reasons
for the decision to explain the new strategic decision or
why there is a change job position.
According to Peng and Littlejohn (2001), commu-
nication plays an important role in strategic communi-
cation activities related to training, dissemination of
information and knowledge in the process of strategy
implementation. Therefore, good communication
activities will help all employees understand the tasks
and responsibilities that need to be done. Managers
need to ensure that all employees understand the
vision, mission and their role through the realization of
the strategic vision. As Rapert and Wren (1998), if
employees can easily access and exchange with com-
pany's executives openly, the implementation results
tend to be higher than other companies' results with
limited and reigourous communication environment.
Personnel: including senior, mid-level, function -
level and staff. The effectiveness of strategy imple-
mentation is affected by the quality of the human
resources involved in this process (Govindarajan,
1989). Human resources quality, including expertise,
skills, attitudes, abilities, experience and other quali-
ties, depending on the requirements of a specific job or
position. Viseras, Baines and Sweeney (2005) grouped
36 key success factors into three groups: human,
organization and production system. Their findings
revealed that successful strategy implementation
depend primarily on people and less depend on the
organization or system processes. Harrington (2006)
also pointed out that a profound participation in the
implementation of senior department will affect posi-
tively to the strategy execution overall.
Leadership: playing important role in strategic
planning as well as strategy implementation.
According to John P. Kotter (1990), leadership demon-
strate roles in two main aspects: (1) guiding companies
to face with constant changes. This requires leaders to
have willing and changes-accepting thinking, leading
enterprises and building the organizational culture
which is suitable for both opportunities and chal-
lenges; (2) leadership shows administrating skills to
deal with possible negative issues which could be
encountered. This means strategic leader is the person
who has panoramic and developing-continuous view
over time, future-oriented as well as follow up corpo-
rate operations. Furthermore, a leader has to expose to
all kinds of difficulties, obstacles, conflicts and rival-
ries inside and outside but he needs to inspire his
employees. Because everything does not always hap-
pen as planning, therefore a not good leader will nega-
tively affect the strategy implementation.
Strategic leaders include senior and middle man-
agers, therefore the role of senior strategy leading is
also reflected in engagement and commitment to the
strategic guidelines. In fact, there are senior executives
who expressed the unwilling to help as well as transfer
energy to lower levels, and unfaithfulness to the busi-
ness. Since then, it will gradually create negative sig-
nals which affect negatively to other employees of the
enterprise and the irresponsibility of the executive
board will become the leading factor adversely affect-
ing strategy implementation process.
If senior executives have role of orientation, power
transmission, the middle level plays role as the "main
actors" - who have a key role in strategic communica-
tion activities (Aaltonen and Ikavalko, 2002), as well
as the people who directly guide, support, and manage
enterprise resource. Without cohesion, commitment
among middle managers with lower employees, it will
not create positive effects as well as good business
journal of Trade Science
results. In addition, the relationship between senior
executives, mid-level to lower level also affects the
strategy implementation.
2. Hypothesis and methodology
From the above analysis, the researchers propose
the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis H1: Strategy planning affects strategy
implementaion positively.
Hypothesis H2: Organizational culture affects strat-
egy implementaion positively.
Hypothesis H3: Communication affects strategy
implementaion positively.
Hypothesis H4: Personnel affect strategy imple-
mentation positively.
Hypothesis H5: Leadership affects strategy imple-
mentation positively.
Assumed research model of factors affecting strat-
egy implementation of the com-
pany with the dependent variable
is strategy implementation that is
explained by five factors which
are relatively independent vari-
ables in the regression model.
The regression equation is the
following form:
TTCL: strategy implementa-
tion; HD: strategy planning; NS:
Personnel; TT: Communication;
VH: Organizational culture; LD:
Scales are taken mostly from
the Alexander's model (1985);
Noble (1999b) and Govindarajan
(1989), combining with the per-
sonal views of the research team.
Firstly, the scale was developed
through qualitative research
methods used in group discus-
sions with experts. The author
group consulted 5 experts
including 2 scientists who spe-
cialized in strategic manage-
ment; 02 CEO and 1 marketing and sales manager. The
aim of the discussions is to find out these experts' opin-
ion about the factors that affect the strategic business
implementation of the SBU fashion among the domes-
tic market of Vietnamese garment enterprises. Next,
they evaluated the variables in the model of this
research to decide which elements need to retain,
remove or supplement. Finally, the overall results of
discussions and building official scales. The main con-
tent of the questionnaire consists of 3 parts. The first
part is general question such as gender, age, experience
and current position; the second part includes 25 ques-
tions corresponding to 5 major dependent variables
and the third part measures the overall strategy imple-
mentation (table 2). These variables were measured
according to 5 Likert scale distance (from 1: complete-
ly disagree to 5: completely agree).
Journal of Trade Science
TTCL = á + â1HÐ + â2VH
+ â3TT + â4NS + â5LÐ + å
Table 2: Scale of variables affect company's business strategy implementation
Source: Authors
Variable Expressions Symbol
- The strategic planning is conducted methodically and openly HÐ1
- The company's strategy is planned systemly and feasibility. HÐ2
- Personnel of board and directors have good qualifications
and competence NS1
- The company’s trainings get best performance NS2
- Staff satisfied with the treatment regime NS3
- Employees are communicated and understood the vision,
mission and strategic plan. TT1
- Communication method is appropriate, fast and accurate. TT2
- Employees easily give feedback to higher management level TT3
- The company has good standards, values, habits and cultural
traditions. VH1
- Comfortable and professional working environment.
- Culture promotes consensus and action commitment VH3
Leadership (LÐ)
- Leadership provides inspirational to company’s employees
- Leaders are always responsible, close to operation situation. LÐ2
- Strategy implementation achieves the objectives TTCL1
- The strategy implementation process is appropriate, clearly TTCL2
- Deploy strategies in line with resources
- Strategy implementation is consistent with the company’s
Official survey was carried out
with the method of non-probability
sampling and conducted in two
ways which are direct survey and
survey sent via email. The period
time is from 7/2015 to 10/2015
with the participants are the presi-
dent/vice president of the
Executive Board, CEO and Deputy
CEO, Director and Deputy
Director of the May 10's member
companies and head of planning,
strategic, business, marketing,
human resources department. All
of the participants have 3 - 28
experience years in strategic man-
agement, and the average number
of 8.2 years. Before sending the
questionnaire, survey subjects will
be contacted in advance by tele-
phone to collect email addresses,
then the questionnaire was sent
along with a letter of introduction
to explain the methods and objec-
tives of the research to the sample
in 2 ways: (1) 80 emails sent, 61 of
which are valid respondents
(76%); (2) directly giving ques-
tionnaire to other 32 people; after
removing 1 incomplete respondent; the final sample is
92 people (82.1%).
3. Research Result
Table 3 synthetizes the statistic results of inde-
pendent variable which is component of company's
bussiness strategy implementation, to exhibit the aver-
age value (M) of 5 factors scale range as assumed inde-
pendent variable affects dependent variable. In gener-
al, the average value of scale ranges is all above aver-
age, several ranges reach good level as above 4.
Besides, the standard deviation value of scale ranges in
same group is quite centralized although there is small
Inspecting the reliability of 5 factors through
Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. All components have
above 0,7 Alpha Coefficient (Table 4) meet the admis-
sible standard (Nunnally, 1978). The independent vari-
able EFA analysis result displays all observation vari-
able focus on 5 action factors. KMO Coefficient =
0.738 (meet 0.5 < KMO < 1) so that EFA is suitable for
data and Chi-quare of Bartlett inspection meets
542.127 with Sig = 0.000 (meet sig < 0.05); thus obser-
vation variables are correlated in general. Extracted
variance is 72.256% (meet > 50%) expresses 5 vari-
able explain 72.256% data fluctuation, at Eigenvalue
Coefficient = 1.213 (> 1). Analysing dependent vari-
able presents 2 observation variable to be converge
into one group. KMO Coeficient = 0.710, Bartlett Sig
= 0.000, extracted variance is 73.691% with
Eigenvalue Coefficient = 2.211. To solve rotation
matrix to get independent variable and dependent vari-
able, the result displays the independent variable scale
range guarantee unidirectional. Hence, concepts' scale
range satisfy both value and reliability.
Table 4 presents the analysis result of Pearson cor-
relation to quantify the extent of linear linkage. It is
journal of Trade Science
Table 3: Description Statistic
Source: Analysis Result from SPSS 20.2 software.
Variable Component Average (M) Standard Deviation (SD)
Strategy Planning
HÐ1 4.15 .854
HÐ2 4.02 .722
VH1 4.15 .854
0.73VH2 4.02 .722
VH3 3.41 .688
TT1 3.94 .698
0.76TT2 4.17 .574
TT3 4.11 .527
NS1 3.55 .784
0.81NS2 3.65 .877
NS3 3.33 .873
LÐ1 3.17 1.174
LÐ2 3.41 1.127
TTCL1 3.76 .857
0.9TTCL2 3.76 .957
TTCL3 3.44 .794
- -
clear that the dependent variable TTCL has linear cor-
related with all 5 independent variables, including
inadequate correlated weakly with the independent
variables of HD and LD, meaning at 0:01.
The phenomenon of multicollinearity between 5
independent variables were measured through toler-
ances and variances inflation
factor (VIF). VIF values range
from 1:04 to 1:38, the value
<10 showed multicollinearity
phenomenon is negligible and
stable variables. Based on the
regression results in Table 5, it
can see the value of R in
0.740, the value of the square
of the correlation coefficient
(Rsquare) = 0.547 shows the
relevance of the model is
54.7%, or, 5 other independent
variables in the model
explained 54.7% of the varia-
tion of the variable strategy
implementation. Value squared
correlation coefficient adjust-
ment (Adjust Rsquare) more
accurately reflects the suitabil-
ity of the model for the overall
hit rate is relatively high at
51.3% (see Table 5).
The analytical results of the
regression coefficients in the
model shows that all independent variables with sig-
nificance level (Sig) by 0.000. This confirms 5 inde-
pendent variables H?, NS, VH, TT, L? are dependent
variables affecting the reliability TTCL with 99%, and
this effect is positive because all Beta coefficients are
positive (table 6).
Ordering the impor-
tance of each factor
depends on the beta.
The higher Beta fac-
tors have the
stronger their effects
are Arranging
descending order of
influence level fac-
tors to implemeta-
tion of Garment 10
as follows:
L e a d e r s h i p ,
Personnel, strategy
planning, Organization Culture and Communications.
All 5 hypothesis H1 to H5 are accepted.
Journal of Trade Science
Table 4: Results of Pearson correlation analysis
** Correlation significance at 0:01 (2-tailed)
* Correlation significance at 0.05 (two-tailed)
Source: The results from SPSS 20.0 analysis
HÐ 1 .200* .049 .159 .380** .380**
VH .200* 1 .331** .303** .384** .622**
TT .049 .331** 1 .456** .608** .539**
NS .159 .303** .456** 1 .512** .472**
LÐ .216** .384** .408** .312** 1 .328**
TTCL .380** .622** .539** .472** .328** 1
Table 5: Results of regression analysis
Source: The results from SPSS 20.0 analysis
Model R R2 Adjusted R2
Std. Error
of the
Durbin Watson
1 0.740 0.547 0.531 .481 2.069
Table 6: Results of regression analysis
Source: The results from SPSS 20.0 analysis
Coefficients t Sig.
Beta Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
(Constant) .229 .355 .646 .519
HÐ .312 .063 .281 3.588 .000 .945 1.158
VH .264 .079 .224 4.588 .000 .945 1.058
TT .089 .059 .206 1.513 .013 .836 1.196
NS .218 .072 .324 3.041 .003 .755 1.325
LÐ .325 .053 .356 6.178 .000 .748 1.337
4. Recommendation
First of all enhance the connection, closeness
between the leaders and employees through daily con-
tact in work as well as group activities. Motivating
employees is to gain great sympathy, to make employ-
ees feel peacefull and trust. Moreover, organization's
leaders need to meet all partners, to be full of enthusi-
asm for all employees, and then understand the gener-
al situation because following activity situation of
organization is important. Leaders should heighten all
employees' ideas, execute their ideas usually and
reduce the gap between leaders and employees to rec-
ognize organization activities. Thus, leadership style
needs to change to be suitable for organizational status
and employees' aspiration. Organizational leadership
role is expressed clearly through the person who plays
leader role and then departmental managers. To
increase the leader's influence its necessary handle
well the relationship between managers (Low -mid-
high) to create organizational culture in organization.
The second point is personnel which affects deeply
business strategy implementation. The top managers
have important roles in strategic managerment.
Therefore, top managers need to me trained methodi-
cally and professionally for strategic management in
general and implementation in particular. Managers
need to help employees understand the importance of
bussiness strategy and benefit of organization and indi-
vidual if executing busniess strategy effectively. It
needs to be ensured that all level of managers and
employees have enough ability to take their role, be
trained great and direct managers have ability in man-
agerment and guidance. If departmental managers and
employees need to be informed same and concurrent
information to ensure agreement. Besides, need to
planning and evaluate frequently human resource to
enhance ability and employee level, labor turnover and
labor arrangement. Public announcement of salary and
bonus commitment clearly, fairly; promotional sched-
ule to help employees feel comfortable and dedicate.
Thirdly, effectiveness of bussiness strategy
depends on the method and coherence in creating and
planning bussiness strategy, as well as inplementation
method. Even, there are several organizations make
mistake in strategy planning such as lacking vision,
unclear mission and not focusing on create the core
Hence, some organizations may create business strate-
gy but not follow or implement or careless, non-
research bussiness strategy could be seen as not have
bussiness stratefy. Organization need to focus on cre-
ate bussiness strategies scientifically, systematically
and coherently. Esspeciallys, organization needs to do
market research frequently, periodly with carefulness,
depth. The market which organization operates in is
always changed fast and strongly as present, bussiness
strategy need ensure the flexibility, suitable "open"
level to accommodate with them.
Besides organizational culture need to be cared and
seen as factor to activities commitment of all organiza-
tion. Managers and administrator need to understand
clearly and create the value emphasys the agreement
and activities commitment for bussiness strategy target
and be the pioneer to follow cultural value which is
created. However, the bussiness strategy effort could
be unsuccessful if there is not any support and com-
mitment from employees and mid-level managers.
Alexander (1985) emphasized the connection between
employees and managers initially. The participation
and commitment should be developed and maintain
throughout all implementation period. If the mid-level
managers and employees are allowed to participate in
creating bussiness strategy implementation plan, the
commitment will be definite.
Finnaly, communication affects the connection and
the agreement of all members in organization for
bussiness strategy implementation activities. Solutions
need to be informed all employees, worker to make
them understand clearly about internal media, benefit,
responsibility in supplying information, feedback to
managers. The agreement maybe different between
different levels; if all members in organization are not
informed and understand the same information the
information which be passed to too many levels it
reduces the agreement (Noble,199b). Communication
activities need to inform mission, responsibility fre-
quently as well as giving the reasonable explaining
reason for all new strategic decisions or the reason why
there is several changes in work. Enhancing exchange
openly between department, groups which have impor-
tant role in trainning, broadening knowledge and learn-
ing during strategy implemetation.
5. Conclusion
Implementing company's business strategy is a
complicating research area and brings the most diffi-
journal of Trade Science
culties to administration. The inspection result exhibits
all 5 initial assumptive factors includeding strategy
planning - organizational culture - personnel - commu-
nication- leadership all affect bussiness strategy imple-
mentation of Garco 10 with reliability above 95%. The
implementation period and research result still have
many limitations such as researching only one organi-
zation in garment industry. The research is also limited
in bussniess strategy range for domestic fashioned
SBU with incomplete affected factors. This is recom-
mendation for research orientation in the future.
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Baøi baùo naøy trình baøy keát quaû nghieân cöùu caùc yeáu
toá aûnh höôûng ñeán hoaït ñoäng trieån khai chieán löôïc
kinh doanh (CLKD). Nghieân cöùu ñieån hình taïi Toång
coâng ty may 10 vôùi taäp maãu laø 83 nhaø quaûn trò caáp
coâng ty, caùc phoøng, khoái, xí nghieäp tröïc thuoäc,
quaû cho thaáy caû 5 yeáu toá: Hoaïch ñònh chieán löôïc,
Vaên hoùa toå chöùc, Nhaân söï thöïc thi, Truyeàn thoâng noäi
boä vaø Laõnh ñaïo chieán löôïc ñeàu aûnh höôûng tích cöïc
ñeán thöïc thi CLKD cuûa coâng ty.
Journal of Trade Science
1. Personal Profile:
- Name: Nguyen Hoang Viet
- Date of birth: 26 April 1980
- Title: Associate Professor
- Workplace: Vietnam University of Commerce
- Position: Head of Strategic Management
2. Major research directions:
Strategic management - Marketing - Trade policies
3. Publications the author has published his works:
- Journal of Business Studies
- Journal of Economic Development
- Journal of Development Economics
- Journal of Economics Studies
- Journal of Marketing
- International Journal of Business and Management
- International Journal of Marketing Studies
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