Design of a radiation pattern reconfigurable antenna for electronic toll collection in intelligent transport system
Collection in Intelligent Transport
System. By switching diodes placed on
radiation elements, the antenna archives
three different radiation patterns while
maintaining the resonance frequency of
5.8 GHz with the bandwidth about
200MHZ at three configurations which is
very suitable for ETC application. The
peak gain of antenna in three
configurations is in turn 5.37, 6.34, and
6.09 dBi. The antenna is a suitable
candidate for smart radio in the future
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Hoang Thi Phuong Thao1,2, Vu Van Yem2
1Electric Power University, 2Hanoi University of Science and Technology
1. INTRODUCTION directions. However, the bandwidth of
this antenna is narrow. A planar printed
With the rapid development of wireless
dipole antenna with reconfigurable pattern
communication, pattern reconfigurable
properties in [10] is able to archive two
antenna has received a considerable
opposite directions by switching four PIN
amount of attention in recent years. diodes. This antenna has high gain, but
Pattern reconfigurable antenna is known increase in the overall antenna
characteristic can adapt with changing
system requirements or environmental In this paper, we propose a radiation
conditions [1]. A pattern reconfigurable pattern reconfigurable antenna based on
antenna can provide different radiation printed dipole structure which can operate
patterns, so it can replace a number of at 5.8 GHz band for Electric Toll
traditional single antennas in system [2]. Collection (ETC) in Intelligent Transport
Therefore, compared with traditional System (ITS). This antenna includes five
elements connected or disconnected by
antennas, the advantages of
PIN diodes. A conventional surface
reconfigurable antennas are multifunction,
reflective structure is applied under the
flexibility, and help to reduce cost and
ground of the antenna for gain
overall size of system [3]. Furthermore,
because of adjustable radiation patterns,
reconfigurable antenna can be directed By switching these diodes, the antenna
toward the access point, so it can save can operate at three configurations with
power for transmission and reduce noise beam-
[4]. without change in resonant frequency.
The bandwidths in any configurations
So far, there is a lot of researches on
achieve about 200MHz which is suitable
radiation pattern reconfigurable antennas
for ETC applications. Overall dimension
with different techniques, in which PIN
of the antenna is 40 × 60 × 13 mm3. The
diode is used popularly. In [5], radiation
antenna archives gain above 5.37 dBi in
pattern of a compact planar antenna can
three configurations.
be switched from different directions
using PIN diodes, whereas in [6], it The remainder of the paper is organized
can steered between bidirectional and as follows. Section 2 describes the
unidirectional. In [7, 8], the proposed antenna design. Section 3 presents
antennas can switch between simulation and measurement results with
omnidirectional pattern and directional some discussion. Finally, the conclusion
pattern by controlling PIN diodes. of the paper is given in Section 4.
Another radiation pattern reconfigurable
antenna using PIN diode is proposed in
[9] can select between two beam The structure of the proposed antenna is
given in figure 1. The antenna includes full copper surface which is used for gain
the main radiation part and the reflector. enhencement. The antenna achieves the
best simulated gain when the distance
The main radiation part of the antenna
looks like an array of five printed dipoles from the substrate to the copper is 13 mm.
The substrate of antenna has the thickness
with each dipole placed on front side and
h=1.6 mm, the relative permittivity =4.4
back side of the substrate. These dipoles r
are fed via a central transmission line. The and the loss tangent = 0.02. The overall
transmission line with two microstrip size of antenna is 40 mm × 60 mm ×
13 mm.
lines are designed on the opposite sides of
a dielectric substrate. The reflector is a
Figure 1. Antenna structure: dark lines on the front side of the dielectric substrate,
transparent ones on the back (front view and side view)
The width of the transmission line is 120
chosen to ensure the input impedance at 0 WW
1.393 0.667ln 1.444
fed point to be 50 e h h
line is on two side of the substrate, it is
with the width of W and the substrate
where Z0 is impedance of the transmission
thickness of h/2. We can calculate the
line (25 is effective permittivity of
width of transmission line from the e
equation (1) [11]. transmission line given approximately by:
1 isolate AC current from the DC bias line
1 1 12h 2
r r system which is used to control PIN
e 1 (2)
2 2 W diodes. Five SMP1345 PIN diodes are
The length of a single dipole for a used to obtain three operating states.
These PIN diodes can operate within a
designed resonant frequency fr is:
frequency range from 10 MHz to 6 GHz
c and have equivalent circuit depicted in
LD (3)
2 fr e figure 2. The operations of the PIN diodes
at three states are given in table 2. In each
where c is the speed of light in free-space.
state, only two dipoles distanced e/4
Now, we compute the width Wd of the operate. It means that the distance of the
dipole. We select the dipole characteristic two operating dipoles in three states is the
same while the difference in phase
transmission line. To achieve the excitation between the ones are different,
characteristic impedance Zin which helps to adjust the total radiation
radius of the cylindrical dipole is field of the antenna. These phase
computed by the equation (4) [12]: differences in state S1, S2, S3 are 0, /2;
/2. The electrically equivalent shapes
LD of the antenna at different configurations
Zin 120 ln 2.25 (4)
aD are given in figure 3.
Table 1. Dimensions
where aD is the radius of the cylindrical
of the proposed antenna (mm)
dipole, LD is the length of the dipole. For
printed dipole, its width Wd is calculated Ld Wd W D Wa La Ha
[13]: 16.6 1 3 8.8 40 60 13
Wd= aD (5)
Table 2. Operation of PIN diodes
Also, the distances between the elements
are selected so that two operating dipoles State D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
are distanced e/2 in each operating state, S1 OFF ON OFF ON OFF
which is detailed below. .
Based on initial dimensions, the antenna S3 OFF OFF ON OFF ON
is optimized again by CST simulation
In the state S1, diode D2 and D4 are ON,
software. The dimensions of the proposed
the remaining diodes are OFF. Therefore,
antenna are shown in table 1. only element L2 and L4 are connected to
In oder to achive radiation parttern transmission line. The antenna is in a
reconfiguation, PIN diode switchings are symmetric topology. The phases of the
used. PIN diodes are controlled to ON waves which are fed to the two main
or OFF to achieve different radiation radiating elements are the same, thus the
patterns with the same frequency of main lobe is perpendicular to the antenna
5.8 GHz at all states. Inductors are used to plane.
In the state S2, diode D1 and D3 are ON,
the remaining are OFF, elements L1 and
L3 are connected to the transmission line.
The phase of the wave fed to element L3
is /2 earlier than that to L1. Therefore
the main lope is skewed towards the
element L1.
(a) State 1 (b) State 2 (c) State 3
Figure 3. Equivalent configurations in three states
The state S3 is similar to the state S2 but bandwidth is very suitable for ETC
the radiation pattern reconfigured to other applications.
direction. In this state, diode D1 and D3
are ON and the remaining are OFF. The
operating elements are L1 and L5. The
main lope is toward the element L5.
This section presents the simulation and
measurement results of S11 parameter as
well as the simulation radiation pattern.
The S11 parameter and the radiation
properties of the proposed antenna are
simulated by the combination of CST Figure 4. Simulation results of S11 parameter
Microwave and CST design software. in all states of the proposed antenna
Simulation results of S11 parameter are The simulation radiation patterns of the
shown in figure 4. It can be seen clearly antenna with different configurations are
that all configurations produce the same plotted in figure 5 and figure 6. By
resonance frequency of 5.8 GHz with switching diodes, the pattern characteristic
-10 dB bandwidths about 200 MHz. This is reconfigured between three different
directions. The axis of the maximum gain State 2
is shifted at an angle of 60o degrees when
changing the configuration of the antenna.
The simulation gains in state S1, S2, S3
are 5.37, 6.34, and 6.09 dBi respectively.
State 3
Figure 5. Simulation results of 2D radiation
pattern in all states of the antenna
State 1 Figure 6. Simulation results of 3D linear
radiation pattern in all states of the proposed
Table 3 summarizes all simulation results
of the proposed antenna, including the
resonance frequency, the bandwidth, the
beam-steering angles, the 3dB angular
width as well as the maximum gain in
each state.
Table 3. Summary of simulation results in all states of the proposed antenna.
State Resonance Bandwidth Beam-steering Angular width Peak Gain
Frequency (GHz) (MHz) angles (degree) (3dB) (degree) (dBi)
S1 5.8 195 0 103 5.37
S2 5.8 200 60 58.2 6.34
S3 5.8 195 -60 58.1 6.09
4. CONCLUSION pattern reconfigurable dipole antenna
This paper presents a novel radiation using PIN diode for Electric Toll
Collection in Intelligent Transport With this approach, we are able to design
System. By switching diodes placed on radiation pattern reconfigurable antenna
radiation elements, the antenna archives operating in desired frequencies for
three different radiation patterns while difference applications. The proposed
maintaining the resonance frequency of antenna is designed on FR4 and simulated
5.8 GHz with the bandwidth about and optimized by the combination of CST
200MHZ at three configurations which is microwave and CST design software.
very suitable for ETC application. The Because of lack of anechoic chamber, the
peak gain of antenna in three antenna radiation pattern has not been
configurations is in turn 5.37, 6.34, and measured yet. In the future, we will do
6.09 dBi. The antenna is a suitable measurements in radiation pattern to
candidate for smart radio in the future. confirm with the simulation results.
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