Comparing the satisfaction level of head English teachers with beginning teachers of English at high schools with different characretistics in Vietnam
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là xem xét sự khác biệt đối với mức độ hài lòng với những giáo viên
tiếng Anh ở bậc Trung học Phổ thông dựa trên những tính chất như trường công lập/ tư thục và
thành thị và nông thôn. Khuôn khổ phân tích của nghiên cứu này xuất phát từ nghiên cứu của
Bransford, Darling-Hammond & LePage (2005) và Ball & Cohen (1999). Trong khuôn khổ này,
những hoạt động giảng dạy được chia thành 24 nhân tố nhóm thành 4 lĩnh vực của giảng dạy: kiến
thức của môn và chương trình giảng kiến thức của người học, thái độ và giá trị nghề nghiệp.
Nghiên cứu này được tiến hành tại các trường THPT ở Hà Nội và TP HCM. Cỡ mẫu phân tích là
94 tổ trưởng tổ tiếng Anh của các trường, được hỏi để đánh giá việc giảng dạy của những giáo
viên tiếng Anh mới vào nghề trong trường. Kết quả phân tích mức độ hài lòng của Tổ trưởng tổ
tiếng Anh với những giáo viên trong trường Tư thục cao hơn trong trường Công lập. Chất lượng
của những giáo viên tiếng Anh mới ra trường ở trường tư thục và ở các trường thành phố được
đánh giá cao hơn trong trường Công lập và trường ở nông thôn. Tóm lại, nghiên cứu đưa ra một số
các giải pháp đề nghị Nhà nước cần có những biện pháp để thu hẹp khoảng cách về chất lượng
giáo viên đối với những trường ở nông thôn và thành thị hay giữa trường công lập và tư thục
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Trần Thị Ngọc Bích Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 125(11): 161 - 165
Tran Thi Ngoc Bich*
Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam
This study intends to examine the differences in satisfaction level with beginning English teachers at
high schools based on characteristics such as public/non-public status and location. The framework
for teaching performance was adapted from frameworks in Bransford, Darling-Hammond & LePage
(2005) and Ball & Cohen (1999). In this framework, the complex activities of teaching are divided
into 24 components clustered into the following 4 domains of teaching: knowledge of subject matter
and curriculum, knowledge of teaching, knowledge of learners, professional attitudes and values. The
research was carried at high schools in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, two biggest cities in Vietnam.
The sample size is 94 head English teachers, asked to evaluate the teaching performance of
beginning English teachers in their school. The findings show that the satisfaction level of head
teachers with beginning teachers in non–public schools is higher than in public schools. The quality
of beginning English teachers in non-public schools and schools in rural area was more highly
appreciated than in public schools and schools in the city. Overall, the study seems to suggest that the
government should have the resolutions to minimize the gap between the schools in the rural and
urban area and between the public and private schools.
Key words: beginning English teachers, high school, and satisfaction.
Since Vietnam implemented Doimoi, an open
door policy welcoming foreign investment in
1986, the demand for highly qualified human
resources has been greater than ever before.
The government has regarded education as an
important element to develop the country. An
important function of public policies is to
distribute public resources rationally.
However the city – oriented policies have
created the disparity between urban and rural
areas in the field of education. The public
resources are allocated unfairly and majority
of high – quality education resources are
concentrated in cities. This has already led to
a serious unbalanced development in
education. The unbalanced development in
education has not only blocked the realization
of public interest and equity of education but
also restricted the harmonious social of
development between urban and rural areas. It
is necessary to look into public policies which
* Tel: 0905556609; Email:
have influence on the division of public
resources and criticize them rationally to
narrow the gap in education between urban
and rural areas. Therefore, the study was
intended to examine the differences in
satisfaction level of head English teachers
with newly graduated teachers at high schools
based on characteristics such as public/non-
public status and location such as in suburban
and city center schools.
The design of the study for the most part
followed the quantitative research
methodology despite the fact that the
interviews were combined later. The research
was carried out on the teaching performance
of newly graduated teachers (beginning
teachers) at high schools in Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City.
This study utilized data sources drawn from
the heads of the English departments at high
schools. The reason for this decision on
sampling selection is that head English
teachers know a broader segment of a
teacher’s portfolio, especially those of
Trần Thị Ngọc Bích Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 125(11): 161 - 165
beginning teachers through peer review. New
teachers are supervised, assisted and
evaluated by experienced teachers and head
teachers. The head teachers have well
understood the limitations and strong points
of beginning teachers, and periodically report
the evaluation of all English teachers to the
principal Board.
A questionnaire was distributed to 290 head
teachers of high schools with the assistance of
Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Education
Departments. 94 head teachers of upper
secondary schools returned the completed
The data were collected based on three major
aspects namely: the background and the
situation of recruitment of English teachers,
rating of teaching performance and
recommendation. The first part is the
background of the high school and head
English teachers with 14 questions about the
school name, address, type, number of teachers
and English teachers, education level, teacher
experience, recruitment information, probation
time, and probation content.
The main parts were the rating by head
English teachers, which contained 24 items.
This part aimed to measure how well teachers
performed their job. The 24 questions were
clustered into 4 major domains: knowledge of
subject matter and curriculum (6 items);
knowledge of teaching (7 items); knowledge
of learners (5 items); professional attitudes
and values embedded across knowledge
domains (6 items). This framework drew
upon Bransford, Darling - Hammond and
LePage (2005) and Ball and Cohen (1999).
Respondents were required to rate the
teaching performance of new teachers using a
five point Likert scale. The last part
consisting of two items is the
recommendation to improve the quality of
beginning teachers.
In addition to the questionnaire, this study
collected qualitative data from the interviews
with experienced head English teachers as
supplementary information to quantitative data
in hand. The interview structure was developed
ahead of field research with the main emphasis
on causes of limitations among new teachers as
evaluated by the head teachers.
The data analysis was conducted based on the
research questions.. T-test was employed to
compare the difference in the overall
satisfaction level at high schools with
different characteristics. This statistical tool
provided a meaningful base for comparison
between schools that are statistically
significant. The internal reliability of the head
English teachers’ rating of new teachers’
performance was at desired criteria α = 0.82.
After the analysis of the results from the
surveys, the recorded data from in-depth
interviews were transcribed, as were the
interview notes.
The framework for teaching performance was
adapted from frameworks in Bransford,
Darling - Hammond and LePage (2005) and
Ball and Cohen (1999). In this framework,
the complex activities of teaching are divided
into 24 components clustered into the
following 4 domains of teaching: Knowledge
of subject matter, Knowledge of teaching,
Knowledge of learners, Professional attitudes
and values.
The Difference in terms of Rating Teaching
Performance between the Schools with
Different Characteristics
The Difference between the Public and Non
Public Schools
Among 24 variables, the rating result of
only 2 variables was statistically significant
in the difference between public and non –
public schools (p= 0.022, 0.020 < 0.05).
The mean rating for ‘culture’ and ‘modeling
ethical behavior’ in non-public school were
higher than in public schools. Teachers’
knowledge of culture and modeling ethical
behaviors in non-public schools are better
than in public schools.
Trần Thị Ngọc Bích Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 125(11): 161 - 165
The Difference between the Schools in
Suburban Areas and City Centers
The T-test analysis on the difference between
schools in urban and suburban area in terms
of rating teaching of speaking skills and
assessment skills showed that the schools in
city centers differed significantly from those
in suburban areas in term of the rating result
on the items ‘assessment’ and ‘speaking
skills’( p = 0.028, 0.019 <0.05). Assessment
and speaking skills of new teachers in city
centers area are better than those of teachers
in suburban areas
Overall Satisfaction of Head Teachers with
Beginning Teachers
The five-point Likert scale ranging from (1)
‘very dissatisfied’ to (5) ‘very satisfied’ was
used to rate the overall satisfaction of head
teachers. Despite the fact that the head
English teachers are not satisfied with new
teachers at some variables, their overall
satisfaction was rated at an average of (2.96).
They are somewhat satisfied and dissatisfied
with new teachers. The majority of head
teachers rated the overall satisfaction level at
the neutral level (57%), while 20% are not
very satisfied and 20% are very satisfied.
There is no school that showed a rating of
very dissatisfied and only 3% of schools
showed ratings of very satisfied.
The Difference between Schools Having
Different Characteristics in terms of
Overall Satisfaction Levels
The Difference of Overall Satisfaction
Levels in Public and Non-public Schools.
The overall satisfaction in the non-public
schools is higher than in the public schools
(p=0.016 <0.05) . It is understandable that
the non–public schools have the right of
recruiting the teachers by themselves, while
the public schools have to recruit them
through prefectural boards of education. Since
the non-public schools recruit teachers
according their demand and needs, they are
more satisfied with the new teachers more
than the public schools.
The Difference in Overall Satisfaction Levels
at Schools in Suburban and Urban Areas
The overall satisfaction level of head teachers
with new teachers at schools in the city
centers is higher than in the suburban areas
(p=0.00 <0.05). It means that the ability of
new teachers in city centers is better than that
of their counterparts in suburban area.
After graduation, most teachers wish to live
and work in city centers because working and
living conditions are better than in rural or
suburban areas, and they normally have extra
income through part–time jobs. The excellent
graduates usually choose the schools in city
center to work. The schools in city centers
have more opportunities to recruit the
qualified teachers than in suburban areas. So
it is understandable that the head teachers are
more satisfied with the new teachers in city
centers than in suburban areas.
The main objective of this study was to
compare the satisfaction level of head English
teachers with beginning English teachers in
schools with different characteristics. This
may help the policy makers reduce the gap of
quality between schools with different
There is a statistically significant difference
between non-public and public schools in
terms of the overall satisfaction level of head
English teachers. The satisfaction level of head
English teachers with beginning English
teachers in non–public schools is higher than
in public schools. The quality of beginning
English teachers in non-public schools was
more highly appreciated than in public schools.
On the whole, based on the head teachers`
opinions, there is a gap, in terms of the
quality of beginning English teachers,
between schools with different characteristics.
Due to the advantages of location and their
independent role in the recruitment of
teachers, the schools in city centers and non-
public schools have employed better English
Trần Thị Ngọc Bích Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 125(11): 161 - 165
teachers than the schools in suburban areas
and public schools. That is a possible issue
for policy-makers to minimize the gap in the
quality of teachers between locations and to
facilitate the involvement of public schools in
the recruitment of teachers.
The finding of this study shows that there is a
gap between the schools with different
characteristics such as public/non-public
status and location (in suburban and city
center). The quality of teachers in the schools
with different characteristics has the gap. The
new policies should make to distribute public
resources fairly and rationally to narrow this
gap. The policies ả are to encourage the
teachers to work in the rural area and to give
more autonomy to public schools to recruit
the new teachers.
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Trần Thị Ngọc Bích Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 125(11): 161 - 165
Trần Thị Ngọc Bích*
Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, Việt Nam
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là xem xét sự khác biệt đối với mức độ hài lòng với những giáo viên
tiếng Anh ở bậc Trung học Phổ thông dựa trên những tính chất như trường công lập/ tư thục và
thành thị và nông thôn. Khuôn khổ phân tích của nghiên cứu này xuất phát từ nghiên cứu của
Bransford, Darling-Hammond & LePage (2005) và Ball & Cohen (1999). Trong khuôn khổ này,
những hoạt động giảng dạy được chia thành 24 nhân tố nhóm thành 4 lĩnh vực của giảng dạy: kiến
thức của môn và chương trình giảng kiến thức của người học, thái độ và giá trị nghề nghiệp.
Nghiên cứu này được tiến hành tại các trường THPT ở Hà Nội và TP HCM. Cỡ mẫu phân tích là
94 tổ trưởng tổ tiếng Anh của các trường, được hỏi để đánh giá việc giảng dạy của những giáo
viên tiếng Anh mới vào nghề trong trường. Kết quả phân tích mức độ hài lòng của Tổ trưởng tổ
tiếng Anh với những giáo viên trong trường Tư thục cao hơn trong trường Công lập. Chất lượng
của những giáo viên tiếng Anh mới ra trường ở trường tư thục và ở các trường thành phố được
đánh giá cao hơn trong trường Công lập và trường ở nông thôn. Tóm lại, nghiên cứu đưa ra một số
các giải pháp đề nghị Nhà nước cần có những biện pháp để thu hẹp khoảng cách về chất lượng
giáo viên đối với những trường ở nông thôn và thành thị hay giữa trường công lập và tư thục.
Từ khóa: giáo viên tiếng Anh, THPT, sự hài lòng
Ngày nhận bài: 27/8/2014; ngày phản biện: 03/9/2014; ngày duyệt đăng: 26/9/2014
Phản biện khoa học: ThS. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương – Đại học Thái Nguyên
* Tel: 0905556609; Email:
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