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o pass away/ 青 1 sei, shou ao ao-i /blue/green/black/young/ /blue/green/green light/ /blue/pale/green/unripe/ 静 4 sei, jou shizu shizu-ka shizu-maru shizu-meru /quiet/still/motionless/gentle/   /quiet (an)/peaceful/ /to quiet down/to calm down/ /to appease/to suppress/to calm/ seki Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 夕 1 seki yuu /evening/night/dusk/slanted/ /evening/ 寂 jaku, seki sabi sabi-shii sabi-reru /still/silent/quiet/desolate/ /patina/antique look/ /lonely/lonesome/solitary/ /to decline/to fall (down)/ 席 4 seki /seat/mat/take seat/banquet/ 惜 seki o-shii o-shimu /pity/regret/rue/begrudge/ /regrettable/disappointing/ /to be frugal/to value/ 斥 seki /to scold/upbraid/accuse/reproach/ 昔 3 seki, shaku mukashi /formerly/ancient/in beginning/ /olden days/former (a-no)/ 析 seki /split wood/break apart/divide/ 石 1 seki, shaku, koku ishi /stone/rock/mineral/ /stone/ 積 4 seki tsu-mu tsu-moru /accumulate/store up/amass/ /to pile up/to stack/ /to pile up/ 籍 seki /record/register/list/census/ 績 5 seki /spin/achievements/ 責 5 seki se-meru /one's responsibility/duty/ /to condemn/to blame/ 赤 1 seki, shaku aka aka-i aka-ramu aka-rameru /red/communist/'red'/bare/   /red/ /to become red/ /to blush/to redden/ 跡 seki ato /search/track/trace/ /trace/tracks/mark/scar/sign/ 隻 seki /single/one of pair/lone/ sen Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 仙 sen /Taoist super-being/transcendent/immortal/ 先 1 sen saki /first/former/previous/ /point (e.g. pencil)/ 千 1 sen chi /thousand/many/numerous/very/(Cant.) a cheater/ /thousand/many/ 占 sen shi-meru urana-u /divine/observe/versify/ /to comprise/to hold/to occupy/ /to forecast/to predict/ 宣 6 sen /declare/announce/proclaim/ 専 6 sen moppa-ra /monopolize/take sole possession/ /wholly/solely/entirely/ 川 1 sen kawa /stream/river/flow/boil/ /river/ 戦 4 sen ikusa tataka-u /war/fighting/battle/ /war/fight/battle/ /to fight/to battle/to combat/ 扇 sen ougi /fan/door panel/ /folding fan/ 旋 sen /revolve/move in orbit/return/ 染 6 sen so-meru so-maru shi-miru shi-mi /dye/be contagious/infect/ /to dye/to colour/ /to dye/ /to pierce/to permeate/ /stain/spot/ 栓 sen /wooden peg/post or stick/ 泉 6 sen izumi /spring/fountain/wealth/money/ /spring/fountain/ 洗 6 sen ara-u /wash/rinse/clean/purify/ /to wash/ 浅 4 sen asa-i /shallow/not deep/superficial/ /shallow/superficial/ 潜 sen hiso-mu mogu-ru /hide/hidden/secret/latent/ /to lurk/to lie dormant/ /to dive (into water)/ 線 2 sen /thread/line/wire/clue/ 繊 sen /fine/delicate/minute/graceful/ 船 2 sen fune funa /ship/boat/vessel/ /ship/boat/ 薦 sen susu-meru /offer/present/recommend/ /to recommend/ 践 sen /trample/tread upon/walk on/ 遷 sen /move/shift/change/transfer/ 選 4 sen era-bu /choose/select/elect/election/ /to choose/to select/ 銑 sen /mill/ 銭 5 sen zeni /money/currency/coins/ 鮮 sen aza-yaka /fresh/new/delicious/rare/few/ /vivid (an)/clear/brilliant/ setsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 切 2 setsu, sai ki-ru ki-reru /cut/mince/slice/carve/ /to cut (I)/to chop/to hash/ /to cut well/to be sharp/ 折 4 setsu o-ru ori o-reru /break off/snap/bend/ /to break/to fold/ /chance/suitable time/ /to break/to be folded/ 拙 setsu /stupid/clumsy/crude/convention/ 接 5 setsu tsu-gu /receive/continue/catch/connect/ /to join/to piece together/ 摂 setsu /take in/absorb/act as deputy/ 殺 4 satsu, sai, setsu koro-su /kill/slaughter/murder/hurt/to pare off/reduce/ /to kill/ 窃 setsu /secretly/stealthily/steal/thief/ 節 4 setsu, sechi fushi /knot/node/joint/section/ /joint/knuckle/tune/melody/ 設 5 setsu mou-keru /build/establish/display/particle of hypothesis/ /to create/to establish/ 説 4 setsu, zei to-ku /speak/ /to explain/to advocate/ 雪 2 setsu yuki /snow/wipe away shame/avenge/ /snow/ sha Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 写 3 sha utsu-su utsu-ru /write/draw/sketch/compose/ /to film/to transcribe/ /to be photographed/ 射 6 sha i-ru /shoot/eject/issue forth/emit/ /to shoot/ 捨 6 sha su-teru /discard/give up willingly/give alms/ /to throw away/to cast aside/ 斜 sha nana-me /slanting/sloping/inclined/ /obliqueness/ 煮 sha ni-ru ni-eru ni-yasu /cook/ /to boil (vt)/to cook/ /to boil (vi)/to cook/ /to cook inside/ 砂 6 sa, sha suna /sand/pebbles/gravel/gritty/ /sand/grit/ 社 2 sha yashiro /god of the soil and altars to him/ 者 3 sha mono /that which/he who/those who/ /person/ 舎 5 sha /house/dwelling/dwell/reside/ 謝 5 sha ayama-ru /thank/decline/ /to apologize/ 赦 sha /forgive/remit/pardon/ 車 1 sha kuruma /cart/vehicle/carry in cart/ /car/vehicle/wheel/ 遮 sha saegi-ru /cover/shield/protect/ /to interrupt/to intercept/ shaku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 借 4 shaku ka-riru /borrow/lend/make pretext of/ /to borrow/to have a loan/ 勺 shaku /spoon/ladle/unit of volume/ 尺 6 shaku /Chinese measure approx. 'foot'/ 昔 3 seki, shaku mukashi /formerly/ancient/in beginning/ /olden days/former (a-no)/ 爵 shaku /feudal title or rank/ 石 1 seki, shaku, koku ishi /stone/rock/mineral/ /stone/ 赤 1 seki, shaku aka aka-i aka-ramu aka-rameru /red/communist/'red'/bare/   /red/ /to become red/ /to blush/to redden/ 酌 shaku ku-mu /serve wine/feast/deliberate/ 釈 shaku /interprete/elucidate/release/ shi Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 仕 3 shi, ji tsuka-eru /official/serve government/ /to serve/to work for/ 伺 shi ukaga-u /serve/wait upon/attend/examine/ /to visit (vt,vi) (hon)/to ask/ 使 3 shi tsuka-u /cause/send on a mission/order/envoy/messenger/ /to use/to handle/to manipulate/ 刺 shi sa-su sa-saru /stab/prick/irritate/prod/ /to pierce/to stab/to prick/ /to stick/to be stuck/ 史 4 shi /history/chronicle/annals/ 司 4 shi /take charge of/control/manage/officer/ 嗣 shi /to connect/inherit/descendants/heirs/ 四 1 shi yo yo-tsu yoc-tsu yon /four/     /four/ /four/ 士 4 shi /scholar/gentleman/soldier/ 姉 2 shi ane /elder sister/ /older sister (hum)/ 始 3 shi haji-meru haji-maru /begin/start/then/only then/ /to start (vt)/to begin/ /to begin/ 姿 6 shi sugata /one's manner/carriage/bearing/ /figure/shape/appearance/ 子 1 shi, su ko /offspring/child/fruit/seed of/ /child/ 市 2 shi ichi /market/fair/city/town/trade/ /market/fair/ 師 5 shi /teacher/master/specialist/multitude/troops/ 志 5 shi kokoroza-su kokorozashi /purpose/will/determination/annals/ /to plan/to intend/to aspire to/ /will/intention/motive/ 思 2 shi omo-u /think/consider/ponder/final particle/ /to think/to feel/ 指 3 shi yubi sa-su /finger/toe/point/indicate/ /finger/ /to point/to put up umbrella/ 支 5 shi sasa-eru /disperse/pay/support/branch/ /to support/to prop/ 施 shi, se hodoko-su /grant/bestow/give/act/name/ /to donate/to give/to conduct/ 旨 shi mune /purpose/aim/excellent/ /purport/principle/instructions/ 枝 5 shi eda /branches/limbs/branch off/ /branch/bow/twig/limb/ 次 3 ji, shi tsu-gu tsugi /order/sequence/next/ /to rank next to/to come after/ /next/stage station/stage/ 止 2 shi to-maru to-meru /stop/halt/desist/detain/ /to come to a halt/ /to stop (something)/ 歯 3 shi ha /teeth/gears/cogs/age/ /tooth/ 死 3 shi shi-nu /die/dead/death/ /to die/ 氏 4 shi uji /clan/family/mister/ /family name/ 矢 2 shi ya /arrow/dart/vow/swear/ /arrow/ 示 5 ji, shi shime-su /show/manifest/demonstrate/ /to show/to point out/ 祉 shi /happiness/blessings/good luck/ 私 6 shi watakushi /private/personal/secret/ /myself/private affairs/ 糸 1 shi ito /silk/ /thread/yarn/string/ 紙 2 shi kami /paper/ /paper/ 紫 shi murasaki /purple/violet/amethyst/ /purple colour/violet/ 肢 shi /human limbs/animal feet/ 脂 shi abura /fat/grease/lard/grease/ /fat/tallow/lard/ 自 2 ji, shi mizuka-ra /self/private/personal/from/ /for one's self/personally/ 至 6 shi ita-ru /reach/arrive/extremely/very/ /to lead to/ 視 6 shi /look at/inspect/observe/see/ 詞 6 shi /words/phrase/expression/ 試 4 shi kokoro-miru tame-su /test/try/experiment/ /to try/to test/ /to attempt/to test/ 詩 3 shi /poetry/poem/verse/ode/ 誌 6 shi /write down/record/magazine/ 諮 shi haka-ru /consult/confer/communicate in/ /to consult with/ 資 5 shi /property/wealth/capital/ 賜 shi tamawa-ru /give/bestow favors/appoint/ /to grant/to bestow/ 雌 shi me mesu /female/feminine/gentle/soft/   /female (animal)/ 飼 5 shi ka-u /raise animals/feed/nourish/ /to keep/to raise/to feed/ shichi Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 七 1 shichi nana nana-tsu nano /seven/   /seven/ 質 5 shitsu, shichi, chi /matter/material/substance/ shiki Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 式 3 shiki /style/system/formula/rule/ 織 5 shoku, shiki o-ru /weave/knit/organize/unite/ /to weave/ 色 2 shoku, shiki iro /color/tint/hue/shade/form/body/beauty/ /colour/ 識 5 shiki /recognize/understand/know/ shin Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 伸 shin no-biru no-basu /extend/stretch out/open up/trust/ /to stretch (vi)/to extend/ /to stretch (vt)/to extend/ 侵 shin oka-su /invade/encroach upon/raid/ /to invade/to raid/to trespass/ 信 4 shin /trust/believe/letter/ 唇 shin kuchibiru /lips/ /lips/ 娠 shin /pregnant/ 寝 shin ne-ru ne-kasu /sleep/rest/bed chamber/ /to go to bed/to lie down/ /to put to sleep/ 審 shin /examine/investigate/judge/ 心 2 shin kokoro /heart/mind/intelligence/soul/ /mind/heart/spirit/ 慎 shin tsutsushi-mu /act with care/be cautious/ /to be careful/to abstain/ 振 shin fu-ru fu-ruu /raise/excite/arouse action/ /to wave (vt)/to shake/to swing/ 新 2 shin atara-shii ara-ta nii /new/recent/fresh/modern/ /new/ /new/fresh/novel (an)/ 森 1 shin mori /forest/luxuriant vegetation/ /forest/ 津 shin tsu /ferry/saliva/ford/ 浸 shin hita-su hita-ru /soak/immerse/dip/percolate/ /to soak/to dip/to drench/ /to be soaked in/to be flooded/ 深 3 shin fuka-i fuka-maru fuka-meru /deep/depth/far/very/extreme/ /deep/profound/thick/close/ /to deepen (vi)/to heighten/ /to deepen (vt)/to heighten/ 申 3 shin mou-su /to state to a superior/report/extend/ /to be called (hum)/to say/ 真 3 shin ma /real/actual/true/genuine/ /just (prefix)/right/due (east)/ 神 3 shin, jin kami kan kou /spirit/god/supernatural being/ /god/   紳 shin /girdle/tie/bind/gentry/ 臣 4 shin, jin /minister/statesman/official/ 薪 shin takigi /fuel/firewood/salary/ /firewood/kindling/fuel/ 親 2 shin oya shita-shii shita-shimu /relatives/parents/intimate/ /parents/ /intimate/close (e.g. friend)/ /to be intimate with/ 診 shin mi-ru /examine patient/diagnose/ /to examine/ 請 sei, shin ko-u u-keru /ask/request/invite/please/ /to ask/to request/to invite/ /to receive/to accept/ 身 3 shin mi /body/trunk/hull/ /body/main part/oneself/sword/ 辛 shin kara-i /bitter/toilsome/laborious/8th heavenly stem/ /spicy/salty/ 進 3 shin susu-mu susu-meru /advance/make progress/enter/ /to make progress (vi)/ /to advance (vt)/to promote/ 針 6 shin hari /needle/pin/tack/acupuncture/ /needle/fish hook/pointer/ 震 shin furu-u furu-eru /shake/quake/tremor/excite/ /to shake/to tremble/to vibrate/ /to shiver/to shake/to quake/ shitsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 執 shitsu, shuu to-ru /hold in hand/keep/carry out/ /to take/to hold/ 失 4 shitsu ushina-u /lose/make mistake/neglect/ /to lose/to part with/ 室 2 shitsu muro /room/home/house/chamber/ /greenhouse/icehouse/cellar/ 湿 shitsu shime-ru shime-su /wet/moist/humid/damp/illness/ /to be wet/to become wet/ /to wet/to moisten/to dampen/ 漆 shitsu urushi /varnish/lacquer/paint/ /lacquer/varnish/ 疾 shitsu /illness/disease/sickness/to hate/ 質 5 shitsu, shichi, chi /matter/material/substance/ sho Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 処 6 sho /place/locale/department/ 初 4 sho haji-me haji-mete hatsu ui so-meru /beginning/initial/primary/ /beginning/ /for the first time/ /first (a-no)/new/   /to begin to (aux)/ 庶 sho /numerous/various/multitude/ 所 3 sho tokoro /place/location/numerary adjunct/ /place/ 暑 3 sho atsu-i /hot/ /hot/warm/ 書 2 sho ka-ku /book/letter/document/writings/ /to write/ 緒 sho, cho o /end of thread/thread/ /cord/strap/thong/ 署 6 sho /public office/ 諸 6 sho /several/various/ shoku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 嘱 shoku /order/tell/instruct/leave word/ 植 3 shoku u-eru u-waru /plant/trees/plants/grow/ /to plant/to grow/ /to be planted/ 殖 shoku fu-eru fu-yasu /breed/spawn/increase/prosper/ /to increase (vi)/to multiply/ /to increase (vt)/to add to/ 織 5 shoku, shiki o-ru /weave/knit/organize/unite/ /to weave/ 職 5 shoku /duty/profession/office/post/ 色 2 shoku, shiki iro /color/tint/hue/shade/form/body/beauty/ /colour/ 触 shoku fu-reru sawa-ru /butt/ram/gore/touch/ /to touch/to be touched/ /to touch/to feel/ 食 2 shoku, jiki ku-u ku-rau ta-beru /eat/meal/food/ /to eat (male,vulg)/ /to eat/to drink/ /to eat/ 飾 shoku kaza-ru /decorate/ornament/adorn/to deceive/ /to decorate/to ornament/ shou Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 上 1 jou, shou ue uwa kami a-geru a-garu nobo-ru nobo-seru nobo-su /top/superior/highest/go up/send up/ /above/over/on top of/up/ /(prefix) upper/upward/outer/ /top/head/upper part/ /to give/to raise/to elevate/ /to enter/to go up/to rise/ /to rise/to ascend/ /to raise/to record/ /to raise/to record/ 井 sei, shou i /well/mine shaft/pit/ 傷 6 shou kizu ita-mu ita-meru /wound/injury/fall ill from/ /wound/injury/hurt/cut/gash/ /to feel pain/to hurt/ /to hurt/to injure/ 償 shou tsuguna-u /repay/recompense/restitution/ /to make up for/to recompense/ 勝 3 shou ka-tsu masa-ru /victory/excel/be better than/ /to win/ /to excel/to surpass/ 匠 shou /craftsman/artisan/workman/ 升 shou masu /arise/go up/hoist/advance/ /measure/unit of volume (1.8l)/ 召 shou me-su /imperial decree/summon/ /to call/to send for/to put on/ 唱 4 shou tona-eru /sing/chant/call/ditty/song/ /to recite/to chant/ 商 3 shou akina-u /commerce/business/trade/ /to sell/to handle/to trade in/ 声 2 sei, shou koe kowa /sound/voice/noise/tone/music/ /voice/ 奨 shou /prize/reward/give award to/ 姓 sei, shou /one's family name/clan/people/ 宵 shou yoi /night/evening/dark/ /evening/early night hours/ 将 6 shou /will/going to/future/general/ 小 1 shou chii-sai ko o /small/tiny/insignificant/ /small/little/tiny/   少 2 shou suku-nai suko-shi /few/less/inadequate/ /few/a little/scarce/ /small quantity/little/few/ 尚 shou /still/yet/even/fairly/rather/ 床 shou toko yuka /bed/couch/framework/chassis/ /bed/sickbed/alcove/padding/ /floor/ 彰 shou /clear/manifest/obvious/ 従 6 juu, shou, ju shitaga-u shitaga-eru /from/by/since/whence/through/ /to obey/to follow/to accompany/ /to be accompanied by/to subdue/ 性 5 sei, shou /nature/character/sex/ 承 5 shou uketamawa-ru /inherit/receive/succeed/ /to hear/to be told/ 抄 shou /copy/confiscate/seize/ 招 5 shou mane-ku /beckon/summon/recruit/levy/ /to invite/ 掌 shou /palm of hand/sole of foot/paw/ 政 5 sei, shou matsurigoto /government/political affairs/ /rule/government/ 昇 shou nobo-ru /rise/ascent/peaceful/peace/ /to arise/to ascend/to go up/ 星 2 sei, shou hoshi /a star/planet/any point of light/ /star/ 昭 3 shou /bright/luminous/illustrious/ 晶 shou /crystal/clear/bright/radiant/ 松 4 shou matsu /pine tree/fir tree/ /pine tree/ 正 1 sei, shou tada-shii tada-su masa /right/proper/correct/ /right/just/correct/righteous/ /to correct/to adjust/to reform/ 沼 shou numa /lake/fishpond/swamps/ /swamp/bog/pond/lake/ 消 3 shou ki-eru ke-su /vanish/die out/melt away/ /to go out/to vanish/ /to erase/to delete/ 清 4 sei, shou kiyo-i kiyo-maru kiyo-meru /clear/pure/clean/peaceful/ /clear/pure/noble/ /to be purified/to be cleansed/ /to purify/to cleanse/ 渉 shou /ford stream/ 焦 shou ko-geru ko-gasu ko-gareru ase-ru /burned/scorched/anxious/vexed/ /to burn (vi)/to be burned/ /to burn/to scorch/to singe/ /to yearn for/ /to be in a hurry/ 焼 4 shou ya-ku ya-keru /burn/bake/heat/roast/ /to bake/to grill/ /to burn (vi)/to be roasted/ 照 4 shou te-ru te-rasu te-reru /shine/illumine/reflect/ /to shine (vi)/ /to shine on/to illuminate/ /to be shy/to feel awkward/ 生 1 sei, shou i-kiru i-kasu i-keru u-mareru u-mu o-u ha-eru ha-yasu ki nama /life/living/lifetime/birth/ /to live/to exist/ /to revive/to resuscitate/ /to arrange (flowers)/ /to be born/ /to give birth/to produce/ /to grow/to spring up/ /to grow/to spring up/ /to grow/to cultivate/ /pure (pref)/undiluted/raw/ /raw (a-no)/draft (beer)/ 症 shou /disease/illness/ailment/ 相 3 sou, shou ai /mutual/reciprocal/each other/ /together (pref)/mutually/ 省 4 sei, shou kaeri-miru habu-ku /province/save/economize/ /to reflect/ /to omit/to eliminate/ 硝 shou /saltpeter/niter/> to tan/ 礁 shou /reef/jetty/submerged rocks/ 祥 shou /good luck/good omen/happiness/ 称 shou /call/name/brand/address/say/ 章 3 shou /composition/chapter/section/ 笑 4 shou wara-u e-mu /smile/laugh/giggle/snicker/ /to laugh/to smile/ /to smile/ 粧 shou /toilet/make-up/dress up/adorn/ 精 5 sei, shou /essence/semen/spirit/ 紹 shou /continue/carry on/hand down/to join/ 肖 shou /look like/resemble/be like/ 衝 shou /rush against/charge ahead/ 装 6 sou, shou yosoo-u /dress/clothes/attire/fill/ /to dress/ 訟 shou /accuse/argue/dispute/litigate/ 証 5 shou /prove/confirm/verify/proof/ 詔 shou mikotonori /decree/proclaim/imperial decree/ /imperial edict/decree/ 詳 shou kuwa-shii /detailed/complete/thorough/ /knowing very well/detailed/ 象 4 shou, zou /elephant/ivory/figure/image/ 賞 4 shou /reward/grant/bestow/appreciate/ 鐘 shou kane /clock/bell/ /bell/chime/ 障 6 shou sawa-ru /separate/shield/barricade/ /hinder/interfere with/affect/ 青 1 sei, shou ao ao-i /blue/green/black/young/ /blue/green/green light/ /blue/pale/green/unripe/ shu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 主 3 shu, su nushi omo /master/chief owner/host/lord/ /owner/master/lover/god/ /chief (an)/main/ 修 5 shuu, shu osa-meru osa-maru /study/repair/cultivate/ /to study/ /to govern oneself/ 取 3 shu to-ru /take/receive/obtain/select/ /to take/to pick up/to harvest/ 守 3 shu, su mamo-ru mori /defend/protect/guard/conserve/ /to protect/to obey/to guard/ /nursemaid/baby-sitting/ 手 1 shu te ta /hand/ /hand/ 朱 shu /cinnabar/vermilion/ 殊 shu koto /different/special/unusual/ 狩 shu ka-ru ka-ri /winter hunting/imperial tour/ /to hunt/ /hunting/ 珠 shu /precious stone/gem/jewel/pearl/ 種 4 shu tane /seed/race/offspring/to plant/ /seed/pip/kind/variety/quality/ 衆 6 shuu, shu /multitude/crowd/masses/public/ 趣 shu omomuki /what attracts one's attention/ /meaning/tenor/gist/ 酒 3 shu sake saka /wine/spirits/liquor/alcoholic beverage/ /alcohol/sake/ 首 2 shu kubi /head/first/leader/chief/a poem/ /neck/ shuku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 叔 shuku /father's younger brother/ 宿 3 shuku yado yado-ru yado-su /stop/rest/lodge/stay overnight/constellation/ /inn/lodging/ /to lodge/to dwell/ /to keep (guest)/to conceive/ 淑 shuku /good/pure/virtuous/charming/ 祝 4 shuku, shuu iwa-u /pray for happiness or blessings/ /to congratulate/to celebrate/ 粛 shuku /pay respects/reverently/ 縮 6 shuku chidji-mu chidji-maru chidji-meru chidji-reru chidji-rasu /contract/draw in/reduce/ /to shrink/to be contracted/ /to be shortened/ /to shorten/to reduce/ /to be wavy/to be curled/ /to curl (vt)/to crimp/ shun Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 俊 shun /talented/capable/handsome/ 春 2 shun haru /spring/wanton/ /spring/ 瞬 shun matata-ku /wink/blink/in a wink/a flash/ /to wink/to waver/to twinkle/ shutsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 出 1 shutsu, sui de-ru da-su /go out/send out/stand/produce/ /to appear/to come forth/ /to put out/to send/ shuu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 修 5 shuu, shu osa-meru osa-maru /study/repair/cultivate/ /to study/ /to govern oneself/ 収 6 shuu osa-meru osa-maru /gather together/collect/harvest/ /to obtain/to reap/ /to be obtained/to end/ 周 4 shuu mawa-ri /Zhou dynasty/circumference/ /circumference/surroundings/ 囚 shuu /prisoner/convict/confine/ 執 shitsu, shuu to-ru /hold in hand/keep/carry out/ /to take/to hold/ 宗 6 shuu, sou /lineage/ancestry/ancestor/clan/ 就 6 shuu, ju tsu-ku tsu-keru /just/simply/to come/go to/to approach/near/ /to settle in (place)/ /to put/to place/ 州 3 shuu su /administrative division/state/ /sandbank/ 愁 shuu ure-eru ure-i /anxiety/to worry about/be anxious/ /to grieve/to lament/ /sad/unhappy/gloomy/ 拾 3 shuu, juu hiro-u /pick up/collect/tidy up/ /to pick up/to find/to gather/ 祝 4 shuku, shuu iwa-u /pray for happiness or blessings/ /to congratulate/to celebrate/ 秀 shuu hii-deru /ear of grain/flowering/luxuriant/refined/ /to excel/to surpass/ 秋 2 shuu aki /autumn/fall/year/ /autumn/fall/ 終 3 shuu o-waru o-eru /end/finally/in the end/ /to finish/to close/ /to finish/ 習 3 shuu nara-u /practice/flapping wings/ /to learn/ 臭 shuu kusa-i /smell/stink/emit foul odor/ /stinking/ 舟 shuu fune funa /boat/ship/ /watercraft/shipping/ship/ 衆 6 shuu, shu /multitude/crowd/masses/public/ 襲 shuu oso-u /raid/attack/inherit/ /to attack/ 週 2 shuu /week/turn/cycle/anniversary/ 酬 shuu /toast/reward/recompense/ 醜 shuu miniku-i /ugly looking/homely/disgraceful/ /ugly/ 集 3 shuu atsu-maru atsu-meru tsudo-u /assemble/collect together/ /to gather (vi)/to collect/ /to collect (vt)/to collect/ /to meet/to assemble/ so Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 塑 so /model in clay/sculpt/plastics/ 想 3 sou, so /think/speculate/plan/consider/ 措 so /place/collect/arrange/employ/ 疎 so uto-i uto-mu /neglect/careless/lax/ /distant/estranged/ /to neglect/to shun/to alienate/ 礎 so ishizue /foundation stone/plinth/ /foundation stone/cornerstone/ 祖 5 so /ancestor/forefather/grandfather/ 租 so /rent/lease/rental/tax/ 粗 so ara-i /rough/thick/course/rude/ /coarse/rough/ 素 5 so, su /white (silk)/plain/vegetarian/formerly/ 組 2 so ku-mu kumi /class/section/department/ /to put together/ /class/group/team/set/ 訴 so utta-eru /accuse/sue/inform/narrate/ /to sue (a person)/to resort to/ 阻 so haba-mu /impede/hinder/obstruct/oppose/ /to keep someone from doing/ soku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 促 soku unaga-su /urge/press/hurry/close/ /to urge/to press/to suggest/ 側 4 soku kawa /side/incline/slant/lean/ /side/row/surroundings/ 則 5 soku /rule/law/regulation/grades/ 即 soku /promptly/quickly/immediately/ 息 3 soku iki /rest/put stop to/end/cease/ /breath/tone/ 束 4 soku taba /bind/control/restrain/bale/ /bundle/bunch/sheaf/coil/ 測 5 soku haka-ru /measure/estimate/conjecture/ /to measure/to weigh/to survey/ 足 1 soku ashi ta-riru ta-ru ta-su /foot/attain/satisfy/enough/ /leg/foot/pace/gait/ /to be sufficient/to be enough/ /to be sufficient/to be enough/ /to add (numbers)/ 速 3 soku haya-i haya-meru sumi-yaka /quick/prompt/speedy/ /quick/fast/swift/ /to hasten/to quicken/ /speed/ son Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 存 6 son, zon /exist/live/be/survive/remain/ 孫 4 son mago /grandchild/descendent/ /grandchild/ 尊 6 son tatto-i touto-i tatto-bu touto-bu /respect/revere/venerate/honor/ /precious/valuable/priceless/ /precious/valuable/priceless/ /to value/to prize/to esteem/ /to value/to prize/to esteem/ 損 5 son soko-nau soko-neru /diminish/impair/injure/   /to harm/to hurt/to injure/ 村 1 son mura /village/hamlet/uncouth/vulgar/ /village/ sotsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 卒 4 sotsu /soldier/servant/at last/finally/ 率 5 sotsu, ritsu hiki-iru /to lead/ratio/rate/limit/ /to lead/to spearhead (a group)/ sou Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 争 4 sou araso-u /dispute/fight/contend/strive/ /to dispute/to argue/ 倉 4 sou kura /granary/berth/sea/ /warehouse/granary/magazine/ 僧 sou /Buddhist priest/monk/san of Sanskrit sangha/ 創 6 sou /establish/create/knife cut/ 双 sou futa /set of two/pair/couple/both/ /pair/set/ 喪 sou mo /mourning/mourn/funeral/ /mourning (a-no)/ 壮 sou /big/large/robust/name of tribe/ 奏 6 sou kana-deru /memorialize emperor/report/ /to play (an instrument)/ 宗 6 shuu, sou /lineage/ancestry/ancestor/clan/ 層 6 sou /storey/layer/floor/stratum/ 巣 4 sou su /nest/living quarter in tree/ /nest/rookery/breeding place/ 想 3 sou, so /think/speculate/plan/consider/ 挿 sou sa-su /insert/stick into/plant/ /to insert/to put in/to graft/ 捜 sou saga-su /search/seek/investigate/ /to seek/to search for/ 掃 sou ha-ku /sweep/clear away/exterminate/ /to sweep/to brush/to gather up/ 操 6 sou misao ayatsu-ru /conduct/run/control/manage/   /to manipulate/to operate/ 早 1 sou, sac haya-i haya-maru haya-meru /early/soon/morning/ /early (adj)/fast/ /to be hasty/to be rash/ /to hasten/to quicken/ 曹 sou /ministry officials/ 桑 sou kuwa /mulberry tree/ /mulberry (tree)/ 槽 sou /trough/manger/vat/tank/groove/a distillery/ 燥 sou /dry/parched/arid/quick-tempered/ 相 3 sou, shou ai /mutual/reciprocal/each other/ /together (pref)/mutually/ 窓 6 sou mado /window/ /window/ 総 5 sou /collect/overall/altogether/ 草 1 sou kusa /grass/straw/thatch/herbs/ /grass/ 荘 sou /village/hamlet/villa/ 葬 sou houmu-ru /bury/inter/ /to bury/to inter/to entomb/ 藻 sou mo /splendid/magnificent/algae/ /duckweed/seaweed/algae/ 装 6 sou, shou yosoo-u /dress/clothes/attire/fill/ /to dress/ 贈 zou, sou oku-ru /give present/bestow/confer/ /to send/to give to/to award to/ 走 2 sou hashi-ru /walk/go on foot/run/leave/ /to run (I)/ 送 3 sou oku-ru /see off/send off/dispatch/give/ /to send/ 遭 sou a-u /come across/meet with/encounter/ /to encounter/ 霜 sou shimo /frost/crystallized/candied/ /frost/ 騒 sou sawa-gu /harass/bother/annoy/disturb/ /to make noise/to clamor/ su Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 主 3 shu, su nushi omo /master/chief owner/host/lord/ /owner/master/lover/god/ /chief (an)/main/ 子 1 shi, su ko /offspring/child/fruit/seed of/ /child/ 守 3 shu, su mamo-ru mori /defend/protect/guard/conserve/ /to protect/to obey/to guard/ /nursemaid/baby-sitting/ 数 2 suu, su kazu kazo-eru /number/several/count/fate/ /number/figure/ /to count/ 素 5 so, su /white (silk)/plain/vegetarian/formerly/ sui Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 出 1 shutsu, sui de-ru da-su /go out/send out/stand/produce/ /to appear/to come forth/ /to put out/to send/ 吹 sui fu-ku /blow/puff/brag/boast/ /to blow (wind etc)/ 垂 6 sui ta-reru ta-rasu /let down/suspend/hand/down/ /to hang (vi)/to droop/to drop/ /to suspend (vt)/to hang down/ 帥 sui /commander/commander-in-chief/ 推 6 sui o-su /push/expel/push forward/ /to infer/to conclude/ 水 1 sui mizu /water/liquid/lot5on/juice/ /water/ 炊 sui ta-ku /cook/meal/ /to boil/to cook/ 睡 sui /sleep/doze/ 穂 sui ho /ear of grain/tassel/Guangzhou/ /ear (of plant)/head (of plant)/ 粋 sui /pure/unadulterated/select/ 衰 sui otoro-eru /decline/falter/decrease/weaken/ /to become weak/to decline/ 遂 sui to-geru /comply with/follow along/thereupon/ /to accomplish/to achieve/ 酔 sui yo-u /intoxicated/drunk/addicted to/ /to get drunk/ 錘 sui tsumu /balance weight on scale/hammer/ /spindle/ sun Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 寸 6 sun /inch/small/tiny/ suu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 崇 suu /esteem/honor/revere/venerate/ 数 2 suu, su kazu kazo-eru /number/several/count/fate/ /number/figure/ /to count/ 枢 suu /door hinge/pivot/center of power/ ta Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 他 3 ta /other/another/he/she/it/ 多 2 ta oo-i /much/many/more than/over/ /many/numerous/ 太 2 tai, ta futo-i futo-ru /very/too/much/big/extreme/ /fat/thick/ /to grow fat (stout, plump)/ tai Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 代 3 dai, tai ka-waru ka-eru yo shiro /replace/   /to exchange/to interchange/ /world/society/generation/ /price/materials/substitution/ 体 2 tai, tei karada /body/group/class/body/unit/inferior/ /body/health/ 台 2 dai, tai /platform/unit/term of address/ 大 1 dai, tai oo oo-kii oo-ini /big/great/vast/large/high/   /big/large/ /very/much/greatly/ 太 2 tai, ta futo-i futo-ru /very/too/much/big/extreme/ /fat/thick/ /to grow fat (stout, plump)/ 対 3 tai, tsui /correct/right/facing/opposed/ 帯 4 tai o-biru obi /belt/ /to wear/to carry/ /obi (kimono sash)/ 待 3 tai ma-tsu /treat/entertain/receive/wait/ /to wait/ 怠 tai okota-ru nama-keru /idle/remiss/negligent/neglect/ /to neglect/to be off guard/ /to be idle/to neglect/ 態 5 tai /manner/bearing/attitude/ 替 tai ka-eru ka-waru /change/replace/substitute for/ /to exchange/to interchange/ /to change places with (vi)/ 泰 tai /great/exalted/superior/big/ 滞 tai todokoo-ru /block up/obstruct/stagnant/ /to stagnate/to be delayed/ 耐 tai ta-eru /endure/bear/resist/patient/ /to bear/to endure/ 胎 tai /unborn child/embryo/fetus/ 袋 tai fukuro /pocket/bag/sack/pouch/ /bag/sack/ 貸 5 tai ka-su /lend/borrow/pardon/ /to lend/ 退 5 tai shirizo-ku shirizo-keru /step back/retreat/withdraw/ /to retreat/to withdraw/ /to repel/to drive away/ 逮 tai /seize/catch/reach/arrive/ 隊 4 tai /team/group/army unit/ taku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 卓 taku /profound/brilliant/lofty/ 宅 6 taku /residence/dwelling/home/grave/ 度 3 do, to, taku tabi /degree/system/manner/to consider/ /times (three times, etc.)/ 択 taku /select/choose/pick out/ 拓 taku /expand/open up/support or push/ 沢 taku sawa /marsh/swamp/grace/brilliance/ /swamp/marsh/valley/dale/ 濯 taku /wash out/rinse/cleanse/ 託 taku /entrust/rely on/commission/ tan Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 丹 tan /cinnabar (native HgS)/ 単 4 tan /single/individual/only/lone/ 反 3 han, hon, tan so-ru so-rasu /reverse/opposite/contrary/anti/ /to warp/to be warped/to curve/ /to bend (vt)/to warp/to curve/ 嘆 tan nage-ku nage-kawashii /sigh/admire/ /to sigh/to lament/to grieve/ /sad/wretched/deplorable/ 壇 dan, tan /altar/arena/examination hall/ 担 6 tan katsu-gu nina-u /carry/bear/undertake/ /to shoulder/ /to carry on shoulder/ 探 6 tan sagu-ru saga-su /find/locate/search/grope for/ /to search/to look for/ /to search/to seek/to look for/ 淡 tan awa-i /weak/watery/insipid/tasteless/ /light/faint/pale/fleeting/ 炭 3 tan sumi /charcoal/coal/carbon/ /charcoal/ 短 3 tan mijika-i /short/brief/deficient/lacking/ /short/ 端 tan hashi ha hata /end/extreme/head/beginning/ /end (e.g. of street)/edge/tip/   胆 tan /gall bladder/bravery/courage/ 誕 6 tan /to bear children/give birth/birth/ 鍛 tan kita-eru /forge metal/temper/refine/ /to forge/to drill/to temper/ tatsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 達 4 tatsu /arrive at/reach/intelligent/ tei Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 丁 3 chou, tei /male adult/robust/vigorous/4th heavenly stem/ 亭 tei /pavilion/erect/ 低 4 tei hiku-i hiku-meru hiku-maru /low/to lower/hang/bend/bow/ /short/low/humble/low (voice)/ /to lower/to be lowered/ /to lower/to be lowered/ 体 2 tai, tei karada /body/group/class/body/unit/inferior/ /body/health/ 停 4 tei /stop/suspend/delay/suitable/ 偵 tei /spy/reconnoiter/detective/ 呈 tei /submit/show/appear/petition/ 堤 tei tsutsumi /dike/ 定 3 tei, jou sada-meru sada-maru sada-ka /decide/settle/fix/ /to decide/to establish/ /to become settled/to be fixed/ /definite/sure/ 帝 tei /supreme ruler/emperor/god/ 底 4 tei soko /bottom/underneath/underside/ /bottom/sole/ 庭 3 tei niwa /courtyard/spacious hall or yard/ /garden/ 廷 tei /court/ 弟 2 tei, dai, de otouto /young brother/junior/i/me/ /younger brother (hum)/ 抵 tei /resist/oppose/deny/off-set/ 提 5 tei sa-geru /hold in hand/lift in hand/ /to take along/ 程 5 tei hodo /journey/trip/schedule/agenda/ /degree/extent/bounds/limit/ 締 tei shi-maru shi-meru /tie/join/connect/connection/ /to be shut/to be locked/ /to tie/to fasten/ 艇 tei /small boat/dugout/punt/ 訂 tei /draw up agreement/arrange/ 貞 tei /virtuous/chaste/pure/loyal/ 逓 tei /hand over/deliver/substitute/ 邸 tei /official residence/residence of/ teki Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 摘 teki tsu-mu /pluck/pick/select/specify/ /to pluck/to pick/to trim/ 敵 5 teki kataki /enemy/foe/rival/resist/ /enemy/rival/ 滴 teki shizuku shitata-ru /drip/drop of water/ /drip/drop/ /to drip/to drop/to trickle/ 的 4 teki mato /possessive/adjectival suffix/ /mark/target/ 笛 3 teki fue /bamboo flute/whistle/ /flute/pipe/ 適 5 teki /match/comfortable/just/ ten Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 典 4 ten /law/canon/documentation/classic/scripture/ 天 1 ten ame ama /sky/heaven/god/celestial/   展 6 ten /open/unfold/stretch/extend/ 店 2 ten mise /shop/store/inn/hotel/ /store/shop/establishment/ 殿 den, ten tono dono /hall/palace/temple/ /feudal lord/mansion/palace/ /person (pol)/mister/ 添 ten so-eru so-u /append/add to/increase/ /to add to (vt)/to attach/ /to accompany/to become married/ 点 2 ten /dot/speck/spot/point/degree/ 転 3 ten koro-garu koro-geru koro-gasu koro-bu /shift/move/turn/ /to roll/to tumble/ /to roll over/to tumble/ /to roll (vt)/ /to fall down/ tetsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 哲 tetsu /wise/sagacious/wise man/sage/ 徹 tetsu /penetrate/pervade/penetrating/ 撤 tetsu /omit/remove/withdraw/ 迭 tetsu /repeatedly/frequently/ 鉄 3 tetsu /iron/strong/solid/firm/ to Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 吐 to ha-ku /vomit/spew out/cough up/ /to vomit/ 図 2 zu, to haka-ru /diagram/chart/map/picture/ /to plan/to attempt/ 土 1 do, to tsuchi /soil/earth/items made of earth/ /earth/soil/ 塗 to nu-ru /smear/daub/apply/spread/paint/ /to paint/to plaster/to lacquer/ 度 3 do, to, taku tabi /degree/system/manner/to consider/ /times (three times, etc.)/ 徒 4 to /disciple/follower/go on foot/ 斗 to /Chinese peck/liquid measure/ 渡 to wata-ru wata-su /cross/ferry over/ferry/ /to cross over/to go across/ /to pass over/to hand over/ 登 3 tou, to nobo-ru /rise/mount/board/climb/ /to climb/ 途 to /way/road/path/journey/course/ 都 3 to, tsu miyako /metropolis/capital/all/the whole/elegant/ /capital/ 頭 2 tou, zu, to atama kashira /head/top/chief/first/boss/ /head/ /head/ toku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 匿 toku /hide/go into hiding/ 得 4 toku e-ru u-ru /obtain/get/gain/acquire/ /to get/to gain/ /to obtain/to acquire/ 徳 5 toku /virtue/ethics/ 特 4 toku /special/unique/distinguished/ 督 toku /supervise/oversee/direct/ 篤 toku /deep/true/sincere/genuine/ 読 2 doku, toku, tou yo-mu /read/study/pronounce/ /to read/ ton Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 団 5 dan, ton /sphere/ball/circle/mass/lump/ 屯 ton /village/hamlet/camp/station/ 豚 ton buta /small pig/suckling pig/suffle/ /pig/ totsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 凸 totsu /protrude/bulge out/convex/ 突 totsu tsu-ku /suddenly/abruptly/unexpectedly/ /to thrust/to strike/to attack/ tou Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 倒 tou tao-reru tao-su /fall over/lie down/take turns/ /to collapse (vi)/to break down/ /to throw down (vt)/to beat/ 党 6 tou /political party/gang/faction/ 冬 2 tou fuyu /winter/11th lunar month/ /winter/ 凍 tou koo-ru kogo-eru /freeze/cold/congeal/jelly/ /to freeze/to be frozen over/ /to freeze/to be chilled/ 刀 2 tou katana /knife/old coin/measure/ /sword/blade/ 到 tou /go to/arrive/been to/ 唐 tou kara /Tang dynasty/Chinese/ 塔 tou /tower/spire/tall building/ 島 3 tou shima /island/ /island/ 当 2 tou a-taru a-teru /bear/accept/undertake/just/ /to be hit/ /to hit/to apply a patch/ 悼 tou ita-mu /grieve/mourn/lament/grieved/ /to grieve over/to mourn/ 投 3 tou na-geru /throw/cast/fling/pitch/jump/ /to throw/to cast away/ 搭 tou /join together/attach to/add to/ 東 2 tou higashi /east/eastern/eastward/ /east/ 桃 tou momo /peach/marriage/ /peach/ 棟 tou mune muna /the main beams supporting a house/ /ridge (of roof)/ 湯 3 tou yu /hot water/soup/gravy/broth/ /hot water/ 灯 4 tou hi /lantern/lamp/ /light/ 痘 tou /smallpox/ 登 3 tou, to nobo-ru /rise/mount/board/climb/ /to climb/ 盗 tou nusu-mu /rob/steal/thief/bandit/ /to steal/ 稲 tou ine ina /rice growing in field/rice plant/ /rice-plant/ 等 3 tou hito-shii /rank/grade/wait/equal/'etc.'/ /equal/ 筒 tou tsutsu /thick piece of bamboo/pipe/ /pipe/tube/ 答 2 tou kota-eru kota-e /answer/reply/return/assent to/ /to answer/to reply/ /answer/response/ 糖 6 tou /sugar/candy/sweets/ 納 6 nou, nac, na, nan, tou osa-meru osa-maru /admit/take/receive/accept/ /to pay/to supply/ /to be paid/to be delivered/ 統 5 tou su-beru /govern/command/control/unite/ /control/supervise/ 討 6 tou u-tsu /to discuss/ask for/beg/demand/dun/marry/ /to attack/to avenge/ 読 2 doku, toku, tou yo-mu /read/study/pronounce/ /to read/ 謄 tou /copy/transcribe/ 豆 3 tou, zu mame /beans/peas/bean-shaped/ /beans/peas/ 踏 tou fu-mu fu-maeru /step on/trample/tread on/walk/ /to step on/to tread on/ /to be based on/ 逃 tou ni-geru ni-gasu noga-su noga-reru /escape/flee/abscond/dodge/ /to escape/to run away/ /to let loose/to set free/ /to let loose/to set free/ /to escape/ 透 tou su-ku su-kasu su-keru /penetrate/pass through/ /to be transparent/ /to look through/ /to be transparent/ 道 2 dou, tou michi /path/road/street/method/way/ /road/street/way/method/ 闘 tou tataka-u /struggle/fight/compete/contend/ /to fight/to battle/to combat/ 陶 tou /pottery/ceramics/ 頭 2 tou, zu, to atama kashira /head/top/chief/first/boss/ /head/ /head/ 騰 tou /fly/gallop/run/prance/rise/ tsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 通 2 tsuu, tsu too-ru too-su kayo-u /pass through/common/communicate/ /to pass (by)/to go through/ /to let pass/to overlook/ /to commute/to go back & forth/ 都 3 to, tsu miyako /metropolis/capital/all/the whole/elegant/ /capital/ tsui Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 墜 tsui /fall down/drop/sink/go to ruin/ 対 3 tai, tsui /correct/right/facing/opposed/ 追 3 tsui o-u /pursue/chase after/expel/ /to chase/to run after/ tsuu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 痛 6 tsuu ita-i ita-mu ita-meru /pain/ache/sorry/sad/bitter/ /painful/ /to hurt/to feel a pain/ /to hurt/to injure/to bother/ 通 2 tsuu, tsu too-ru too-su kayo-u /pass through/common/communicate/ /to pass (by)/to go through/ /to let pass/to overlook/ /to commute/to go back & forth/ u Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 右 1 u, yuu migi /right/west/right-wing/ /right hand side/ 宇 6 u /house/building/structure/eaves/ 有 3 yuu, u a-ru /have/own/possess/exist/ /(uk) to be (inanimate)/to have/ 羽 2 u ha hane /feather/plume/wings/   /feather/plume/wing/ 雨 1 u ame ama /rain/rainy/ /rain/ un Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 運 3 un hako-bu /luck/fortune/ship/transport/ /to transport/ 雲 2 un kumo /clouds/Yunnan province/ /cloud/ wa Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 和 3 wa, o yawa-ragu yawa-rageru nago-mu nago-yaka /harmony/peace/peaceful/calm/ /to soften/to calm down/ /to soften/to moderate/ /to be softened/to calm down/ /mild (an)/calm/gentle/quiet/ 話 2 wa hana-su hanashi /speech/talk/language/dialect/ /to speak/ /talk/speech/chat/story/ wai Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 賄 wai makana-u /bribe/bribes/riches/wealth/ /to give board to/ waku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 惑 waku mado-u /confuse/mislead/baffle/doubt/ /to be puzzled/ wan Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 湾 wan /bay/cove/inlet/bend of stream/ 腕 wan ude /wrist/ /arm/ ya Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 夜 2 ya yo yoru /night/dark/in night/by night/   /evening/night/ 野 2 ya no /open country/field/wilderness/ /field/ yaku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 厄 yaku /adversity/difficulty/distress/ 役 3 yaku, eki /service/a servant/laborer/to serve/ 疫 eki, yaku /epidemic/plague/pestilence/ 益 5 eki, yaku /profit/benefit/advantage/ 約 4 yaku /treaty/agreement/covenant/ 薬 3 yaku kusuri /drugs/pharmaceuticals/medicine/ /medicine/ 訳 6 yaku wake /translate/decode/encode/ /meaning/reason/circumstances/ 躍 yaku odo-ru /skip/jump/frolic/ /to dance/to jump/ yo Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 与 yo ata-eru /and/with/to/for/give/grant/ /to give/to present/to award/ 予 3 yo /I/me/to give/ 余 5 yo ama-ru ama-su /I/my/me/surplus/ /to remain/to be left over/ /to save/to leave over/to spare/ 誉 yo homa-re /fame/reputation/praise/ /honour/ 預 5 yo azu-keru azu-karu /prepare/arrange/in advance/ /to give into custody (vt)/ /to keep in custody (vt)/ yoku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 抑 yoku osa-eru /press down/repress/curb/hinder/ /to check/to curb/to suppress/ 欲 6 yoku hoc-suru ho-shii /desire/want/long for/intend/ /to want/to desire/ /wanted/wished for/in need of/ 浴 4 yoku a-biru a-biseru /bathe/wash/bath/ /to bathe/to bask in the sun/ /to pour on/ 翌 6 yoku /bright/daybreak/dawn/the next day/ 翼 yoku tsubasa /wings/fins on fish/shelter/ /wings/ you Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 容 5 you /looks/appearance/figure/form/ 幼 6 you osana-i /infant/young child/immature/ /very young/childish/ 庸 you /usual/common/ordinary/mediocre/ 揚 you a-geru a-garu /scatter/spread/praise/ /to lift/ /to rise/ 揺 you yu-reru yu-ru yu-ragu yu-rugu yu-suru yu-saburu yu-suburu /wag/swing/wave/shake/scull/ /to shake/to sway/ /to shake/to jolt/to rock/ /to swing/to sway/to shake/ /to shake/to waver/to tremble/ /to shake/to jolt/ /shake/jolt/rock/swing/ /shake/jolt/rock/swing/ 擁 you /embrace/hug/squeeze/crowd/ 曜 2 you /glorious/as sun/daylight/sunlight/ 様 3 you sama /shape/form/pattern/style/ /manner/kind/appearance/ 洋 3 you /ocean/sea/foreign/western/ 溶 you to-keru to-kasu to-ku /to melt/dissolve/overflowing with/ /to melt/to thaw/to fuse/ /to melt/to dissolve/ /to dissolve (paint)/ 用 2 you mochi-iru /use/employ/apply/operate/use/ /to use/to make use of/ 窯 you kama /kiln/coal mine pit/ /stove/furnace/kiln/ 羊 3 you hitsuji /sheep/goat/ /sheep/ 腰 you koshi /waist/kidney/ /hip/ 葉 3 you ha /leaf/petal/page of book/period/ /leaf/ 要 4 you i-ru /necessary/essential/necessity/ /to need (I)/ 謡 you utai uta-u /sing/folksong/ballad/rumor/ /recitation/ /to sing/ 踊 you odo-ru odo-ri /leap/jump/ /to dance/ /dance/ 陽 3 you /'male' principle/light/sun/ 養 4 you yashina-u /raise/rear/bring up/support/ /to rear/to maintain/ yu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 愉 yu /pleasant/delightful/please/ 油 3 yu abura /oil/fat/grease/lard/paints/ /oil/ 由 3 yu, yuu, yui yoshi /cause/reason/from/ /reason/significance/cause/ 癒 yu /get well/recover/ 諭 yu sato-su /proclaim/instruct/edict/ /to admonish/to persuade/ 輸 5 yu /transport/carry/haul/ 遊 3 yuu, yu aso-bu /wander/roam/travel/ /to play/to visit/ yui Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 唯 yui, i /only/yes/ 由 3 yu, yuu, yui yoshi /cause/reason/from/ /reason/significance/cause/ 遺 6 i, yui /lose/articles lost/omit/ yuu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 優 6 yuu yasa-shii sugu-reru /superior/excellent/actor/ /tender/kind/gentle/graceful/ /to surpass/to outstrip/ 勇 4 yuu isa-mu /brave/courageous/fierce/ /to be in high spirits/ 友 2 yuu tomo /friend/companion/fraternity/ /friend/companion/pal/ 右 1 u, yuu migi /right/west/right-wing/ /right hand side/ 幽 yuu /quiet/secluded/tranquil/dark/ 悠 yuu /long/far/remote/distant/liesurely/ 憂 yuu ure-eru ure-i u-i /sad/grieved/grief/melancholy/ /to grieve/to lament/ /grief/distress/sorrow/ /unhappy/sad/gloomy/ 有 3 yuu, u a-ru /have/own/possess/exist/ /(uk) to be (inanimate)/to have/ 猶 yuu /like/similar to/just like/as/ 由 3 yu, yuu, yui yoshi /cause/reason/from/ /reason/significance/cause/ 融 yuu /melt/fuse/blend/harmonize/ 裕 yuu /abundant/rich/plentiful/ 誘 yuu saso-u /persuade/entice/induce/guide/ /to invite/to call out/ 遊 3 yuu, yu aso-bu /wander/roam/travel/ /to play/to visit/ 郵 6 yuu /postal/mail/post office/ 雄 yuu o osu /male of species/hero/manly/   /male (animal)/ za Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 座 6 za suwa-ru /seat/stand/base/ /to sit/ zai Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 剤 zai /medicinal preparation/ 在 5 zai a-ru /be at/in/on/consist in/rest/ /to live/to be (animate)/ 材 4 zai /material/stuff/timber/talent/ 罪 5 zai tsumi /crime/sin/vice/evil/hardship/ /crime/fault/indiscretion/ 財 5 zai, sai /wealth/valuables/riches/ zan Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 惨 san, zan miji-me /sad/pitiful/wretched/cruel/ /miserable/ 暫 zan /temporary/ 残 4 zan noko-ru noko-su /injure/spoil/oppress/broken/ /to remain/to be left/ /to leave (behind, over)/ zatsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 雑 5 zatsu, zou /mixed/blended/mix/mingle/ ze Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 是 ze /indeed/yes/right/to be/demonstrative pronoun/ zei Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 税 5 zei /taxes/ 説 4 setsu, zei to-ku /speak/ /to explain/to advocate/ zen Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 全 3 zen matta-ku /maintain/keep whole or intact/ /really/truly/entirely/ 前 2 zen mae /in front/forward/preceding/ /before/in front/fore part/ 善 6 zen yo-i /good/virtuous/charitable/kind/ /good/ 漸 zen /gradually/ 然 4 zen, nen /yes/certainly/pledge/promise/ 禅 zen /meditation/contemplation (DKW: 24787')/ 繕 zen tsukuro-u /repair/mend/rewrite/transcribe/ /to mend/to repair/to fix/ zetsu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 絶 5 zetsu ta-eru ta-yasu ta-tsu /cut/ /to die out/to peter out/ /to exterminate/to eradicate/ /to sever/to cut off/ 舌 5 zetsu shita /tongue/clapper of bell/ /tongue/ zoku Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 俗 zoku /social customs/vulgar/unrefined/ 属 5 zoku /class/category/type/belong to/ 族 3 zoku /a family clan/ethnic group/tribe/ 続 4 zoku tsudzu-ku tsudzu-keru /continue/carry on/succeed/ /to be continued (vi)/ /to continue (vt)/to keep up/ 賊 zoku /thief/traitor/ zon Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 存 6 son, zon /exist/live/be/survive/remain/ zou Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 像 5 zou /a picture/image/figure/to resemble/ 増 5 zou ma-su fu-eru fu-yasu /increase/ /to increase (vi)/to grow/ /to increase (vi)/ /to add/to increase/ 憎 zou niku-mu niku-i niku-rashii niku-shimi /hate/detest/abhor/hatred/ /to hate/to detest/ /hateful/detestable/ /odious/hateful/ /hatred/ 臓 6 zou /internal organs/viscera/ 蔵 6 zou kura /hide/conceal/hoard/store up/ /warehouse/cellar/magazine/ 象 4 shou, zou /elephant/ivory/figure/image/ 贈 zou, sou oku-ru /give present/bestow/confer/ /to send/to give to/to award to/ 造 5 zou tsuku-ru /construct/build/make/begin/prepare/ /to make/to construct/to build/ 雑 5 zatsu, zou /mixed/blended/mix/mingle/ zu Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 事 3 ji, zu koto /affair/matter/business/to serve/accident/ /thing/matter/fact/ 図 2 zu, to haka-ru /diagram/chart/map/picture/ /to plan/to attempt/ 豆 3 tou, zu mame /beans/peas/bean-shaped/ /beans/peas/ 頭 2 tou, zu, to atama kashira /head/top/chief/first/boss/ /head/ /head/ zui Kanji G Chinese-style reading Japanese reading meaning 随 zui /follow/listen to/submit to/ 髄 zui /bone marrow/essences/substances/

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