Bài giảng Database systems - Relational data mode

Physical database design  The process of producing a description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage.  Describes the base relations, file organizations, and indexes design used to achieve efficient access to the data, and any associated integrity constraints and security measures.

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DATABASE SYSTEMS Nguyen Ngoc Thien An RELATIONAL DATA MODEL Spring 2014 Contents 2 Overview of Relational Data Model ER- & EER-to-Relational Mapping Relational Algebra Overview of Relational Data Model 3 Contents 4  Introduction  Basic Concepts  Characteristics of Relations  Relational Integrity Constraints  Operations on Relations  Main Phases of Database Design Reading Suggestion: [1] Chapter 3 Introduction 5  Hierarchical and network models  Preceded the relational model  Relational model  The model was first introduced by Ted Codd of IBM Research in 1970 in the following paper:  "A Relational Model for Large Shared Data Banks”, Communications of the ACM, June 1970.  First commercial implementations available in early 1980s.  Has been implemented in a large number of commercial systems.  The relational model of data is based on the concept of a relation.  A relation is a mathematical concept based on the ideas of sets. Contents 6  Introduction  Basic Concepts  Characteristics of Relations  Relational Integrity Constraints  Operations on Relations  Main Phases of Database Design Basic Concepts (1) 7  Relational data model  Represents a database in the form of relations.  A database may contain one or more relations.  Relation  A 2-dimensional table with rows and columns of data.  Row (Tuple): Represents a collection of related data values which typically corresponds to a real-world entity or relationship.  Described by a relation schema.  Relation schema: 𝑅(𝐴1, 𝐴2, , 𝐴𝑛)  𝑅: Relation name.  𝐴1, 𝐴2, , 𝐴𝑛: List of attributes.  Each attribute 𝐴𝑖 is the name of a role played by some domain D in the relation schema R.  E.g.: STUDENT (Name, SSN, HomePhone, Address, OfficePhone, Age, GPA). Basic Concepts (2) 8 Basic Concepts (3) 9  Degree (or arity) of a relation: the number of attributes n of its relation schema.  Cardinality of a relation: the number of tuples in a relation.  Domain D of 𝑨𝒊  Denoted by dom(𝐴𝑖).  Be a set of atomic values and a set of integrity constraints.  Logical definitions.  Data type.  Format.  Additional information (units,). Basic Concepts (4) 10 • Degree = ?? • Cardinality = ?? • dom(GPA) = ?? • Format of SSN ?? Basic Concepts (5) 11 • Degree = 7 • Cardinality = 5 • dom(GPA): from 0 to 5.0 (integrity constraint) • Format of SSN: xxx-yy-zzzz Basic Concepts (6) 12  Relation (or relation state, relation instance)  Relation schema: 𝑅(𝐴1, 𝐴2, , 𝐴𝑛).  Relation r of 𝑅, denoted by 𝑟(𝑅) , is a set of n-tuples 𝑟 = {𝑡1, 𝑡2, , 𝑡𝑚}.  Each n-tuple t: ordered list of n values 𝑡 =.  Each value 𝑣𝑖 , 𝑖 = 1. . 𝑛: an element of dom(𝐴𝑖) or a special NULL value.  The ith value in tuple t, which corresponds to the attribute 𝐴𝑖, is referred to as 𝑡[𝐴𝑖].  𝑟(𝑅): Mathematical relation of degree n on the domains.  𝑟(𝑅) ⊆ (𝑑𝑜𝑚 𝐴1 × 𝑑𝑜𝑚 𝐴2 × × 𝑑𝑜𝑚 𝐴𝑛) . (the Cartesian product)  Current relation state  Relation state at a given time.  Reflects only the valid tuples that represent a particular state of the real world. Basic Concepts (7) 13  Relational database schema S  Set of relation schemas 𝑆 = {𝑅1, 𝑅2, , 𝑅𝑚}.  Set of integrity constraints 𝐼𝐶.  Relational database state  Set of relation states 𝐷𝐵 = {𝑟1, 𝑟2, , 𝑟𝑚}.  Each 𝑟𝑖 is a state of 𝑅𝑖.  𝑟𝑖 relation states satisfy integrity constraints specified in 𝐼𝐶.  Invalid state: not obey all the integrity constraints.  Valid state: satisfies all the constraints in 𝐼𝐶. Basic Concepts (8) 14 Basic Concepts (9) 15 Relational data model Database schema Relation schema Relation Tuple Attribute Basic Concepts (10) 16  Alternative Terminology for Relational Model Formal Term Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Relation Table File Tuple Row Record Attribute Column (Header) Field Domain All possible olumn Values Schema of a Relation Table Definition State of the Relation Populated Table Contents 17  Introduction  Basic Concepts  Characteristics of Relations  Relational Integrity Constraints  Operations on Relations  Main Phases of Database Design Characteristics of Relations (1) 18  Ordering in a relation  Relation defined as a set of tuples  All tuples must be distinct and have no order among them.  The order of attributes and their values is not that important as long as the correspondence between attributes and values is maintained.  Each attribute has a distinct name, and is always referenced by that name, never by its position. Characteristics of Relations(2) 19  Null value  Represents value for an attribute that is currently unknown or inapplicable for tuple.  Deals with incomplete or exceptional data.  Meanings for NULL values:  Value unknown.  Value exists but is not available.  Value undefined (The attribute does not apply to this tuple).  Represents the absence of a value and is not the same as zero or spaces, which are values. Characteristics of Relations(3) 20 Two different tuple orders of the relation STUDENT Contents 21  Introduction  Basic Concepts  Characteristics of Relations  Relational Integrity Constraints  Operations on Relations  Main Phases of Database Design Relational Integrity Constraints (1) 22  Constraints  Restrictions on the actual values in a database state.  Derived from the rules in the miniworld.  Three main categories:  Inherent model-based constraints or implicit constraints  Inherent in the data model.  Be the mentioned characteristics of relations.  Schema-based constraints or explicit constraints  Can be directly expressed in schemas (typically using DDL).  Application-based constraints or semantic constraints or business rules  Relate to the meaning and behavior of attributes.  Cannot be directly expressed in schemas.  Expressed and enforced by application programs. Relational Integrity Constraints (2) 23  Another important categories: data dependencies  Functional dependencies  Multivalued dependencies  Discuss in Chapter 6 !!! Schema-based Constraints (1) 24  Include:  Domain constraints  Constraints on NULLs  Key constraints  Entity integrity constraints  Referential integrity constraints Schema-based Constraints (2) 25  Domain constraints  Specify that within each tuple, the value of each attribute A must be an atomic value from the domain dom(A).  Typically include:  Standard numeric data types for integers and real numbers.  Characters, fixed-length strings, variable-length strings.  Booleans.  Date, time, timestamp.  Money.  Other special data types.  Subrange of values from a data type.  An enumerated data type.   Constraints on NULLs  Specifies whether an attribute may have NULL values or not. Schema-based Constraints (3) 26  Key constraints  Superkey  A set of attributes SK of R such that no two distinct tuples in any valid relation instance r(R) can have the same value for SK.  For any distinct tuples 𝑡1 and 𝑡2 in 𝑟(𝑅), 𝑡1[𝑆𝐾] ≠ 𝑡2[𝑆𝐾].  Key  A minimal superkey: a superkey K such that removal of any attribute from K results in a set of attributes that is not a superkey.  Candidate key  Relation schema may have more than one key. Each of the keys is called a candidate key.  Primary key  Chosen among candidate keys  Used to identify tuples in the relation.  Underline attributes of the primary key.  Other candidate keys are designated as unique keys (not underlined). Schema-based Constraints (4) 27  E.g.: CAR(State, Reg#, SerialNo, Make, Model, Year)  Candidate keys  {State, Reg#}  {SerialNo}  chosen as the primary key.  Super key  {SerialNo, Make} is a superkey but not a key.  {State, Reg#, Model} is a superkey but not a key. Schema-based Constraints (5) 28  Entity integrity constraints  No primary key attribute value can be NULL: t[PK] ≠ null for any tuple t in r(R).  Because primary key values are used to identify the individual tuples.  Note: Other attributes of R may be similarly constrained to disallow NULL values, even though they are not members of the primary key. Schema-based Constraints (6) 29  Referential integrity constraints  A constraint involving two relations (the previous constraints involve a single relation).  Maintains consistency among tuples in two relations: the referencing relation and the referenced relation.  Tuples in the referencing relation 𝑅1 have attributes FK (called foreign key attributes) that reference the primary key attributes PK of the referenced relation 𝑅2.  A tuple 𝑡1 in 𝑅1 is said to reference a tuple 𝑡2 in 𝑅2 if 𝑡1 𝐹𝐾 = 𝑡2 PK  Displayed as a directed arc from 𝑅1. 𝐹𝐾 to 𝑅2. Schema-based Constraints (7) 30 Schema-based Constraints (8) 31  Foreign key  The attributes in FK have the same domain(s) as the primary key attributes PK.  Value of FK in a tuple 𝑡1 of the current state 𝑟1(𝑅1) either occurs as a value of PK for some tuple 𝑡2 in the current state 𝑟2(𝑅2) or is NULL.  In case (2), the FK in 𝑅1 should not be a part of its own primary key. Schema-based Constraints (9) 32 Semantic Integrity Constraints 33  Semantic integrity constraints  Based on application semantics and cannot be expressed by the model.  E.g.:  The max. no. of hours per employee for all projects he or she works on is 56 hrs per week.  The salary of an employee should not exceed the salary of the employee’s supervisor.  Can be specified and enforced  Using a general-purpose constraint specification language  triggers and assertions.  Within the application programs that update the database  more common. Relational Integrity Constraints 34  State/Static constraints  Define the constraints that a valid state of the database must satisfy.  All mentioned above constraints belong to this type.  Transition/Dynamic constraints  Defined to deal with state changes in the database.  E.g.: The salary of an employee can only increase. Contents 35  Introduction  Basic Concepts  Characteristics of Relations  Relational Integrity Constraints  Operations on Relations  Main Phases of Database Design Operations on Relations 36  The relational model  Retrieval operations: can be specified by  Relational algebra  Discussed in Part 3 of Chapter 4  Relational calculus  Introduced briefly in Part 3 of Chapter 4.  Update (Modification) operations  Insert: insert one or more new tuples in a relation.  Delete: delete one or more tuples from a relation.  Update (Modify): change the values of some attributes in existing tuples.  Integrity constraints should not be violated by the update operations. Update Operations on Relations (1) 37  Insertion  Can cause violations of integrity constraints:  An attribute value is given that does not appear in the corresponding domain or is not of the appropriate data type.  A key value in the new tuple already exists in another tuple in the relation.  The value of a prime attribute (i.e. the key attribute) is NULL.  The value of a foreign key (if any) must refer to an existing tuple in the corresponding relation.  The value of any foreign key in a new tuple refers to a tuple that does not exist in the referenced relation.  Options if the constraints are violated: Read [1] 3.3.1 !!! Update Operations on Relations (2) 38  Deletion  Can violate only referential integrity:  The tuple being deleted is referenced by foreign keys from other tuples in the database.  Options if the constraints are violated: Read [1] 3.3.2 !!!  Modification (Update)  Updating an attribute that is neither part of a primary key nor of a foreign key:  Usually causes no problems.  Only check to confirm that the new value is of the correct data type and domain.  Modifying a primary key value is similar to deleting one tuple and inserting another in its place  see Insert and Delete.  If a foreign key attribute is modified, the new value must refers to an existing tuple in the referenced relation (or is set to NULL).  Options if the constraints are violated: Read [1] 3.3.3 !!! Update Operations on Relations (3) 39  In case of integrity violation, several actions can be taken:  Cancel the operation that causes the violation (REJECT option).  Perform the operation but inform the user of the violation.  Trigger additional updates so the violation is corrected (CASCADE option, SET NULL option, SET DEFAULT option).  Execute a user-specified error-correction routine.  More details: Read [1] 3.3 !!! Contents 40  Introduction  Basic Concepts  Characteristics of Relations  Relational Integrity Constraints  Operations on Relations  Main Phases of Database Design 41  Three main phases  Conceptual database design.  Logical database design.  Physical database design. Main Phases of Database Design (1) 42 Main Phases of Database Design (2) 43  Conceptual database design  The process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise.  Independent of all physical considerations.  Comprise entity types, relationship types, attributes and attribute domains, primary and alternate keys, structural and integrity constraints.  Use ERD & EERD. Main Phases of Database Design (3) 44 Result of the conceptual design for the COMPANY database: the ERD 45  Logical database design  The process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise.  Based on a specific data model (e.g. relational),  Independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations.  ER- & EER-to-Relational Mapping.  Normalization (in Chapter 6). Main Phases of Database Design (4) 46 Main Phases of Database Design (5) Result of the logical design for the COMPANY database: the Relational Schema (ER- & EER- to-Relational Mapping) 47  Physical database design  The process of producing a description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage.  Describes the base relations, file organizations, and indexes design used to achieve efficient access to the data, and any associated integrity constraints and security measures. Main Phases of Database Design (6) Q & A 48

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