Step 1. Aggregate ratings of alternatives versus criteria
Assume that the decision makers use the linguistic rating
set S = VP, P, F, G, VG , where VP = Very Poor = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2),
P = Poor = (0.2, 0.3, 0.4), F = Fair = (0.3, 0.5, 0.7), G = Good = (0.7, 0.8,
1.0), and VG = Very Good = (0.8, 0.9, 1.0), to evaluate the suitability of the alternative market segments under each criteria. Table 2
presents the suitability ratings of alternatives versus the five criteria. According to Chu and Lin’s method (2003), the aggregated
suitability ratings of three alternatives, A1, A2 and A3, versus five
criteria C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 from three decision makers can be
obtained as shown in Table 2
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Applied Soft Computing 14 (2014) 603–608
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Applied Soft Computing
j ourna l h o mepage: www.elsev ier .co
An imp rs
Vincent F
a Department o ection
b Faculty of Dev ity, 14
Viet Nam
a r t i c l
Article history:
Received 29 O
Received in re
Accepted 17 O
Available onlin
Ranking fuzzy
Integral value
Index of optim
een a
es are
ber b
. Des
t diffe
at hav
the in
y num
This paper proposes a revised ranking approach to overcome the shortcomings of Liou and Wang’s
ranking approach. The proposed ranking approach presents the novel left, right, and total integral values
of the fuzzy numbers. The median value ranking approach is further applied to differentiate fuzzy num-
bers that have the compensation of areas. Finally, several comparative examples and an application for
market segment evaluation are given herein to demonstrate the usages and advantages of the proposed
1. Introdu
making, opt
numerous r
gated [1–14
proposed b
fuzzy numb
cepts. Liou
an integral
[2] approac
numbers by
an approac
the centroi
Chen and T
norm trape
and Hajjari
fuzzy numb
fuzzy numb
∗ Correspon
E-mail add
1568-4946/$ –
method for fuzzy numbers.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
fuzzy numbers plays a very important role in decision-
imization, and other usages. Over the last few decades
anking approaches have been proposed and investi-
], with the first method for ranking fuzzy numbers
y Jain [1]. Chen [2] offered an approach for ranking
ers by using maximizing set and minimizing set con-
and Wang [3] developed a ranking approach based on
value index to overcome the shortcomings of Chen’s
h. Cheng [4] presented an approach for ranking fuzzy
using the distance method. Chu and Tsao [5] proposed
h for ranking fuzzy numbers with the area between
d point and original point. Abbasbandy and Asady [6]
an approach to rank fuzzy numbers by sign distance.
ang [7] presented an approach to rank non-normal p-
zoidal fuzzy numbers with integral value. Abbasbandy
[8] showed a new approach for ranking of trapezoidal
ers. Wang and Luo [9] proposed an area ranking of
ers based on positive and negative ideal points. Kumar
ding author. Tel.: +886 2 2737 6333; fax: +886 2 2737 6344.
ress: (V.F. Yu).
et al. [10] offered an approach for ranking generalized exponential
fuzzy numbers using an integral value approach. Kumar et al. [11]
modified Liou and Wang’s [3] approach for the ranking of an L–R
type generalized fuzzy number. Chou et al. [12] presented a revised
maximizing set and minimizing set ranking approach.
Among the ranking approaches, Liou and Wang’s [3] method
is a commonly used approach that is highly cited and has wide
applications [7,10,11,15–20], but there are some shortcomings
associated with their ranking approach. For the triangular and
trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, Liou and Wang [3] showed that the
integral values of normal and non-normal fuzzy numbers are equal.
In other words, the fuzzy numbers A1 = (a, b, c, d; w1) and A2 =
(a, b, c, d; w2) with (ω1 /= ω2), are considered the same. Cheng [4]
indicated that Liou and Wang’s [3] approach could not differenti-
ate normal and non-normal triangular/trapezoidal fuzzy numbers,
because of equivalence between these fuzzy numbers. In addition,
Garcia and Lamata [16] showed that if the fuzzy numbers to be
compared have the compensation of areas, then they cannot be
ranked by the Liou and Wang’s [3] approach. Furthermore, when
the left or right integral values of fuzzy numbers are zero, the index
of optimism has no effect in either the left integral value or the
right integral value of the fuzzy number. Finally, Liou and Wang’s
[3] approach may result in inconsistency between the ranking of
the fuzzy numbers and the ranking of their images.
see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
rg/10.1016/j.asoc.2013.10.012roved ranking method for fuzzy numbe
. Yua,∗, Luu Quoc Datb
f Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 43, S
elopment Economics, University of Economics and Business, Vietnam National Univers
e i n f o
ctober 2011
vised form 16 February 2012
ctober 2013
e 26 October 2013
a b s t r a c t
Ranking fuzzy numbers is a very imp
cations. The last few decades have s
numbers, yet some of these approach
posed an approach to rank fuzzy num
values through an index of optimism
Wang’s approach include: (i) it canno
rank effectively the fuzzy numbers th
values of the fuzzy numbers are zero,
or the right integral value of the fuzz
and their images.m/locate /asoc
with integral values
4, Keelung Road, Taipei 10607, Taiwan
4 Xuan Thuy Road, Cau Giay Dist., Hanoi,
t decision-making procedure in decision analysis and appli-
large number of approaches investigated for ranking fuzzy
non-intuitive and inconsistent. In 1992, Liou and Wang pro-
ased a convex combination of the right and the left integral
pite its merits, some shortcomings associated with Liou and
rentiate normal and non-normal fuzzy numbers, (ii) it cannot
e a compensation of areas, (iii) when the left or right integral
dex of optimism has no effect in either the left integral value
ber, and (iv) it cannot rank consistently the fuzzy numbers
604 V.F. Yu, L.Q. Dat / Applied Soft Computing 14 (2014) 603–608
To overcome all the aforementioned shortcomings with Liou
and Wang’s [3] ranking approach, this paper proposes a revised
approach for ranking fuzzy numbers, presenting the novel left,
right, and total integral values of fuzzy numbers. In order for the
proposed m
mistic attitu
value ranki
numbers th
uation are g
proposed ra
that the pro
The rest
the prelimi
tion 3 briefl
4 uses four
and Wang’
ing approac
through fiv
ranking me
and efficien
2. Prelimin
This sect
A fuzzy
that is both
0}. Normali
A in R is 1
Maxx {A(x
For conv
d ; ], and
d ; ] can b
fA(x) =
f LA
f RA
where f LA : [
f RA (x) are bo
inverse func
tonical. The
by gLA : [0, ω
gLA(y) and gA
other word
site) of a fu
number −A
3. A review
proposed a
of optimism
number A a
which refle
sion maker
sm ˛
(x). T
of a d
sm. F
of pe
its r
s sec
t, Lio
be n
g”. S
of no
le 1.
= (3,
is A1
f fuz
1]. Li
en fuzzy numbers.
ddition, it is also found that when the fuzzy numbers to be
red have the compensation of areas, i.e. the fuzzy numbers
1, b1, c1, d1; w) and A2 = (a2, b2, c2, d2; w) with IL(A) = IL(B)
(A) = IR(B), they cannot differentiate using Liou and Wang’s
ch [16].
le 2. Consider the normal triangular fuzzy numbers
,4,5) and A3 = (2,3,6) as in Fig. 2 which is taken from [16]. Itethod to have flexibility, the decision maker’s opti-
de of fuzzy numbers is taken into account. The median
ng approach is further applied to differentiate fuzzy
at have the compensation of areas. Finally, several
e examples and an application for market segment eval-
iven to demonstrate the usages and advantages of the
nking approach for fuzzy numbers. The results show
posed ranking approach can effectively overcome the
gs of Liou and Wang’s approach.
of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 states
nary concepts and definitions of fuzzy numbers. Sec-
y reviews Liou and Wang’s ranking approach. Section
numerical examples to show the shortcomings of Liou
ranking approach. Section 5 proposes the revised rank-
h. Section 6 illustrates the proposed ranking method
e numerical examples. Section 7 applies the proposed
thod for ranking fuzzy numbers to a market segment
and selection problem, demonstrating its applicability
cy. Finally, Section 8 draws the conclusions.
ion briefly reviews the definitions of fuzzy numbers as
number is a fuzzy subset in support R (real number)
“normal” and “convex”, where supp(A) = { x ∈ R
∣∣A >
ty implies that the maximum value of the fuzzy set
. Therefore, the non-normal fuzzy number is ∀x ∈ R,
)} <1 [4].
enience, the fuzzy number can be denoted by [a, b, c,
the membership function of fuzzy number A = [a, b, c,
e expressed as:
(x), a ≤ x ≤ b,
, b ≤ x ≤ c,
(x), c ≤ x ≤ d,
, otherwise,
a, b] → [0, ] and f RA : [c, d] → [0, ]. Since f LA (x) and
th strictly monotonical and continuous functions, their
tions exist and should be continuous and strictly mono-
inverse functions of f LA (x) and f
A (x) can be denoted
] → [a, b] and gRA : [0, ω] → [c, d], respectively. As such,
R(y) are then integrable on the closed interval [0, ω]. In
s, both
∫ ω
gLA(y) and
∫ ω
gRA(y) exist. The image (or oppo-
zzy number A = (a, b, c, d ; ) can be given by fuzzy
= (− d, − c, − b, − a ; ω) as it is given in [21].
on Liou and Wang’s ranking approach
ng the left and right integral values, Liou and Wang [3]
n approach for ranking fuzzy numbers with an index
˛ ∈ [0, 1]. The left and right integral values of fuzzy
re defined as IL(A) =
gLA(y)dy and IR(A) =
ct the pessimistic and optimistic viewpoints of the deci-
, respectively. The total integral value with an index of
I˛T (A) =
and f RA
For a m
of each
I0.5T (A)
4. Sho
[3] app
ing ap
and no
ing ass
the co
f¯B(x) =
IL(B) =
gular f
and A2
total in
order o
˛ ∈ [0,
the giv
In a
A1 = (a
and IR
A1 = (1Fig. 1. Fuzzy numbers A1 and A2 in Example 1.
∈ [0, 1] is defined as:
A) + (1 − ˛)IL(A) = ˛
∫ 1
gRA(y)dy + (1 − ˛)
∫ 1
) and gRA(y) are respectively the inverse functions of f
A (x)
he index of optimism ˛ represents the degree of opti-
ecision maker. A larger ˛ indicates a higher degree of
or ˛ = 0 and ˛ = 1, the values of I˛T (A) represent the view-
ssimistic and optimistic decision makers, respectively.
ate decision maker, with ˛ = 0.5, the total integral value
y number A becomes:)
[IR(A) + IL(A)]
ter is I˛T (A), the bigger the fuzzy number Ai is and the
anking order.
mings of Liou and Wang’s ranking approach
tion points out the shortcomings of Liou and Wang’s
h. Several examples are chosen to prove that the rank-
ch, proposed by Liou and Wang, does not satisfy the
properties for the ordering of fuzzy numbers.
u and Wang’s method [3] cannot differentiate normal
rmal triangular/trapezoidal fuzzy numbers [4]. For the
l fuzzy numbers, Liou and Wang [3] made the follow-
tion: “When B is a non-normal fuzzy number, fB can
ormalized by dividing the maximal value of fB before
pecifically, let the normalized fuzzy number of B and
onding membership function respectively be B¯ and
/ω, where ω = maxxfB(x). The integral value of B is then
by the integral value of B when being ranked. Hence,
) and IR(B) = IR(B¯). For the case of trapezoidal and trian-
numbers, Liou and Wang proved that the total integral
rmal and non-normal fuzzy numbers are the same [7].
Consider the triangular fuzzy numbers A1 = (3, 5, 7 ; 1)
5, 7 ; 0.8) as in Fig. 1, from [3]. Intuitively, the ranking
A2. However, through Liou and Wang’s method, the
al values of the triangular fuzzy numbers A1 and A2 are
y I˛T (A1) = 4 + 2 ˛ and I˛T (A2) = 4 + 2˛. Thus, the ranking
zy numbers A1 and A2 is the same, i.e., A1 ∼ A2. for every
ou and Wang’s approach therefore fails to correctly rank
V.F. Yu, L.Q. Dat / Applied Soft Computing 14 (2014) 603–608 605
is easy to ve
therefore ca
Liou and
reflect the d
left or right
optimism h
integral val
number A =
the left and
or IR(A) = 0,
Example 3.
and B = (−3
either the l
gral value o
for all ˛ ∈ [0
of optimism
number A o
The follo
cannot cons
Example 4
bers, A = (1,
Wang’s [3]
B, and C are
C are A ≺ B =
From this, o
of these fuz
1, an
s app
B = −
d W
eir im
rderFig. 2. Fuzzy numbers A1 and A2 in Example 2.
Fig. 3. Fuzzy numbers A and B in Example 3.
for ˛ =
and −C
2.5˛, r
−A −
Liou an
and th
5. Pro
In o
Fig. 4. Fuzzy numbers A, B and C in Example 4.
rify that A1 and A2 have the compensation of areas and
nnot be distinguished by Liou and Wang’s [3] approach.
Wang’ [3] approach also used an index of optimism to
ecision maker’s optimistic attitude. However, when the
integral values of fuzzy numbers are zero, the index of
as no effect in either the left integral value or the right
ue of the fuzzy number. When considering the fuzzy
(a, b, c, d ; ω), either a = b or a + b = 0 or c = d or c + d = 0
right integral values of fuzzy number A will be IL(A) = 0
Consider the triangular fuzzy numbers, A = (−1,1,2),
,−2,2) as in Fig. 3. Using Liou and Wang’s [3] approach,
eft integral value of fuzzy number A or the right inte-
f fuzzy number B are 0, i.e. either IL(A) = 0 or IR(B) = 0,
, 1]. Thus, the decision maker’s viewpoint or the index
has no effect in either the left integral value of fuzzy
r the right integral value of fuzzy number B. This is not
wing example shows that Liou and Wang’s [3] approach
istently rank the fuzzy numbers and its images.
. Fig. 4 presents three normal triangular fuzzy num-
3, 5), B = (2, 3, 4), and C = (1, 4, 6). Using Liou and
approach, the total integral values of fuzzy numbers A,
I˛T (A) = 2 + 2˛, I˛T (B) = 2.5 + ˛, and I˛T (C) = 2.5 + 2.5˛,
. Thus, the ranking orders of fuzzy numbers A, B, and
C for ˛ = 0, B ≺ A ≺ C for ˛ = 1, and A = B ≺ C for ˛ = 1/2.
ne can logically infer the ranking order of the images
zy numbers as −A − B = − C for ˛ = 0. −B − A − C
ranking app
based on th
bers as follo
each with t
function f RAi
SL(Ai) = ωi(
SR(Ai) = ωi(
where xmin
Both SL(Ai)
The mea
and SR(Ai) a
The nov
is then defi
S˛T (Ai) = ˛S
The prop
larger S˛T (Ai
distinct fuz
(1) if S˛T (Au
(2) if S˛T (Au
(3) if S˛T (AuFig. 5. The novel left integral value SL(Ai) of Ai .
Fig. 6. The novel right integral value SR(Ai) of Ai .
d −A = − B − C for ˛ = 1/2. However, using Liou and
roach, the total integral values of fuzzy numbers −A, −B,
I˛T (−A) = −4 + 2˛, I˛T (−B) = −3.5 + ˛, and I˛T (C) = −5 +
ctively. The results show that −B − A − C for ˛ = 0,
C for ˛ = 1, and −A = − B − C for ˛ = 1/2. Obviously,
ang’s [3] approach inconsistently ranks fuzzy numbers
d method
to overcome the shortcomings of Liou and Wang’s [3]
roach, this section proposes a revised ranking approach
e novel integral values and median value of fuzzy num-
3. Suppose there are n fuzzy numbers Ai, i = 1, 2, ..., n,
he left membership function f LAi and right membership
. The novel left and right integral values of Ai are defined
bi − xmin) −
∫ bi
f LAi
(x)dx, (3)
ci − xmin) +
∫ di
f RAi
(x)dx, (4)ci
= infP, P = Un
i=1Pi, Pi = {x/fAi (x) 0}, wi = supxfAi (x).
and SR(Ai) ≥ 0.
nings of SL(Ai) and SR(Ai) are expressed in Figs. 1 and 2,
. Clearly, the fuzzy number Ai becomes larger if SL(Ai)
re larger (see Figs. 5 and 6).
el total integral value with index of optimism ˛ ∈ [0, 1]
ned as:
R(Ai) + (1 − ˛)SL(Ai) (5)
osed approach uses S˛T (Ai) to rank fuzzy numbers. The
) is, the larger is the fuzzy number Ai. Therefore, for any
zy numbers Au and Av, we have the following properties:
) < S˛T (Av), then Au ≺ Av,
) > S˛T (Av), then Au > Av, and
) = S˛T (Av), then
606 V.F. Yu, L.Q. Dat / Applied Soft Computing 14 (2014) 603–608
(a) if Meu > Mev, then Au > Av,
(b) if Meu < Mev, then Au < Av,
(c) if Meu = Mev, then Au = Av.
where Me i
Me are defin
median Me
d are the low
(1) When a
Me = a
(2) When b
Me = a
(3) When c
Me = d
In short,
rank Au and
for when th
compared u
In order
ranking me
fuzzy numb
A = (a, b, c,
bership fun
f RA (x) = (x −
SL(A) = b −
= (1/2)(a
SR(A) = c −
= (1/2)(c
Given ˛
fuzzy numb
S˛T (A) =
= ˛IR(A) +
Since tri
fuzzy numb
gular fuzzy
S˛T (A) =
A = (a, b, c, d
f LA (x) = ω(x − a)/(b − a) and f RA (x) = ω(x − d)/(c − d), respectively.
SL(A) = ω(b − xmin) −
∫ b
(x − a)
dx, =
(c + d − 2xmin) (13)
en ˛(
ce tri
lar f(
; 1),
= ω(
−c −
(c + d
= − I
en ˛
r −A
= (a
s the
of a
en th
≤ d2
d as:
left i
ate d
d Ws the median value of fuzzy numbers, and the values of
ed as follows [22,23].
ring the trapezoidal fuzzy number A = (a, b, c, d), the
of A is derived by the following three conditions (a and
er limit value and upper limit value, respectively) [22].
≤ Me ≤ b, Me is given by
(b − a)(c + d − a − b)
≤ Me ≤ c, Me is given by
+ b + c + d
≤ Me ≤ d, Me is given by
(d − c)(c + d − a − b)
the total integral values, i.e., S˛T (Ai) values, are used to
Av if their total integral values are different. In the case
ey are equal, the fuzzy numbers Au and Av are further
sing their Me values.
to simplify the computational procedures, the proposed
thod is further applied for trapezoidal and triangular
ers as follows.
4. Considering the normal trapezoidal fuzzy number
d ; 1), where a < b ≤ c < d, then the left and right mem-
ctions of fuzzy number A are f LA (x) = (x − a)/(b − a) and
d)/(c − d), respectively. Thus,
xmin −
∫ b
(x − a)/(b − a)dx,
+ b − 2xmin) = IL(A) − xmin (9)
xmin +
∫ d
(x − d)
(c − d)dx
+ d − 2xmin) = IR(A) − xmin (10)
∈ [0, 1], the total integral value of the normal trapezoidal
er A = (a, b, c, d ; 1) can be obtained as:)
[˛(c + d) + (1 − ˛)(b + a) − 2xmin]
(1 − ˛)IL(A) − xmin (11)
when xmin = 0, formula (11) is the same as in [3].
angular fuzzy numbers are special cases of trapezoidal
ers when b = c, the total integral value of normal trian-
number A = (a, b, d ; 1) can be determined by:)
[˛d + b + (1 − ˛)a − 2xmin] (12)
, when xmin = 0, formula (12) is the same as in [3].
5. Consider the non-normal trapezoidal fuzzy number
; ). The left and right membership functions of A are
SR(A) =
S˛T (A) =
fuzzy n
S˛T (A) =
b, c, d
right m
f R−A(x)
SL(A) =
= −
SR(A) =
IL(− A)
S˛T (−A)
= −˛
bers A1
a1 ≤ a2
that re
to the
for a p
of each
6. Com
Liou ana
(b − a) 2
− xmin) +
∫ d
(x − d)
(c − d)dx =
(a + b − 2xmin) (14)
∈ [0, 1], the total integral value of A can be obtained as:)
[˛(c + d) + (1 − ˛)(b + a) − 2xmin] (15)
angular fuzzy numbers are special cases of trapezoidal
ers when b = c, the total integral value of non-normal
uzzy number A = (a, b, d ; ω) can be determined by:)
[˛d + b + (1 − ˛)a − 2xmin] (16)
6. Suppose there is an opposite fuzzy number of A = (a,
denoted by −A = (− d, − c, − b, − a, 1). The left and
ership functions of −A are f L−A(x) = ω(x + d)/(d − c) and
x + a)/(a − b), respectively. Thus:
xmin −
∫ −c
(x + d)
(d − c)dx,
) − xmin = −IR(A) − xmin (17)
− xmin +
∫ −a
(x + a)
(a − b)dx =
−(a + b)
2 − xmin
= −IL(A) − xmin
(17) and (18), we have: IR(− A) = − IL(A) and
∈ [0, 1], the total integral value of the trapezoidal fuzzy
= (− d, − c, − b, − a ; 1) can therefore be obtained as:
[−˛(a + b) − (1 − ˛)(c + d)] − xmin
) − (1 − ˛)IR(A) − xmin (19)
7. Suppose there are two trapezoidal fuzzy num-
1, b1, c1, d1 ; ω1) and A2 = (a2, b2, c2, d2; w2). This paper
index of optimism (˛) representing the degree of opti-
decision maker as in Liou and Wang’s [3] ranking
e two fuzzy numbers A1 and A2 are negative and satisfy
≤ d1, the degree of optimism of a decision maker will be
when ˛ = 0, the total integral value of each fuzzy number
ents an optimistic decision maker’s viewpoint is equal
ntegral values of fuzzy numbers A1 and A2. Conversely,
istic decision maker, i.e. ˛ = 1, the total integral value
y number is equal to the fuzzy number’s right integral
total integral value of each fuzzy number represents a
ecision maker when ˛ = 0.5.
ative examples
ent the rationality and necessity for the revision of
ang’s [3] ranking approach, the following examples are
V.F. Yu, L.Q. Dat / Applied Soft Computing 14 (2014) 603–608 607
employed to compare our proposed approach with their original
one and other methods in the literature.
Example 5. Re-consider the two normal triangular fuzzy num-
bers A1 = (3
revised ran
S˛T (A1) = 1 +
for a pessim
A2 are resp
total integr
S0T (A1) = 2.4
˛ = 0.5, the
S0T (A1) = 2 a
ing order is
Example 1
the ranking
posed rank
Example 6.
5) and A2 = (
posed rank
values of A1
Since S˛T (A1
A2 are furt
and Me(A2)
is A2 > A1. H
ing order o
the ranking
more reaso
Example 7
1, 2) and
approach, t
are SL(A) = 3
S˛T (B) = 2.5
A B for ev
the propose
of optimism
of fuzzy num
Example 8.
bers, A = (1,
formula (12
are I˛T (A) =
tively. Thus
˛ = 1/2.
The opp
− 1), −B = (−
−5 ≺ −4 ≺ −
can logicall
numbers as
−A = − B −
gral values
I˛T (−B) = 2.
be conclude
and −A = −
proposed a
tency of Lio
its images.
Example 9
mal fuzzy n
as shown i
values are o
Fig. 7. Fuzzy numbers A1, A2 and A3 in Example 9.
ative results of Example 9.
g approach A1 A2 A3 Ranking
et al. [14] 0.25 0.5339 0.5625 A1 ≺ A2 ≺ A3
and Luo [9] 0.5 0.571 0.583 A1 ≺ A2 ≺ A3
[13] 0.66667 0.81818 1 A1 ≺ A2 ≺ A3
2] 0.5 0.5714 0.5833 A1 ≺ A2 ≺ A3
istance (p = 1) [6] 6.12 12.45 12.5 A1 ≺ A2 ≺ A3
istance (p = 2) [6] 8.52 8.82 8.85 A1 ≺ A2 ≺ A3
= 1 +
, i.e. ˛
nd t
ed by
ed by
d no
ch a
ers to
s sect
t seg
ting d
[24]: the bargaining power of customers (C1), the bargaining
of suppliers (C2), the threat of new entrants (C3), the threat
of alternatives versus criteria.
a Alternatives D1 D2 D3 rij
A1 G G VG (0.733, 0.833, 1.0)
A2 F F F (0.3, 0.5, 0.7)
A3 G F G (0.567, 0.7, 0.9)
A1 VG G G (0.733, 0.833, 1.0)
A2 G G F (0.567, 0.7, 0.9)
A3 G G G (0.7, 0.8, 1.0)
A1 G VG G (0.733, 0.833, 1.0)
A2 F G F (0.433, 0.6, 0.8)
A3 G F G (0.567, 0.7, 0.9)
A1 VG G VG (0.767, 0.867, 1.0)
A2 F P F (0.267, 0.433, 0.6)
A3 G G G (0.7, 0.8, 1.0)
A1 G G G (0.7, 0.8, 1.0)
A2 P F F (0.267, 0.433, 0.6)
A3 F F G (0.433, 0.6, 0.8), 5, 7 ; 1) and A2 = (3, 5, 7 ; 0.8) in Example 1. Using the
king approach, the total integral values of A1 and A2 are
2 ˛ and S˛T (A2) = 0.8 + 1.6˛, respectively. Since ˛ = 0
istic decision maker, the total integral values of A1 and
ectively S0T (A1) = 1 and S0T (A1) = 0.8, and thus A1 A2.
˛ = 1 for an optimistic decision maker, whereby the
al values of A1 and A2 are respectively S0T (A1) = 3 and
, and thus A1 A2. For a moderate decision maker,
total integral values of A1 and A2 are respectively
nd S0T (A1) = 1.6, and thus A1 A2. Therefore, the rank-
A1 A2 for every ˛ ∈ [0, 1]. However, the results from
show that using Liou and Wang’ [3] ranking approach,
order is A1 ∼ A2, for every ˛ ∈ [0, 1]. Clearly, the pro-
ing approach can overcome the shortcomings of the
cy of Liou and Wang’s method in ranking fuzzy num-
The two normal triangular fuzzy numbers A1 = (1, 4,
2, 3, 6) in Example 2 are reconsidered by using the pro-
ing approach. According to Eq. (12), the total integral
and A2 are the same, i.e., S˛T (A1) = S˛T (A2) = 1.5 + 2˛.
) = S˛T (A2) for every ˛ ∈ [0, 1], the fuzzy numbers A1 and
her compared using their median values, i.e., Me(A1)
. Since Me(A1) = 3.45 < 3.55 = Me(A2), the ranking order
owever, the results from Example 2 show that the rank-
f A1 and A2 is always the same, i.e., A1 ∼ A2. Obviously,
order obtained by the proposed ranking approach is
nable than the outcome obtained by Liou and Wang’s
. Re-consider the triangular fuzzy numbers, A = (−1,
B = (−3, − 2, 2) in Example 3. Using the proposed
he left, right, and total integral values of A and B
, SR(A) = 4.5, S˛T (A) = 1.5 ˛ + 3, SL(B) = 0.5, SR(B) = 3 and
˛ + 0.5 respectively. Therefore, the ranking order is
ery ˛ ∈ [0, 1]. Clearly, this example shows that by using
d approach, the decision maker’s viewpoint or the index
is represented by both the left and right integral values
bers A and B.
Re-consider the three normal triangular fuzzy num-
3, 5), B = (2, 3, 4), and C = (1, 4, 6) in Example 4. Using
), the total integral values of fuzzy numbers A, B, and C
1 + 2˛, I˛T (B) = 1.5 + ˛, and I˛T (C) = 1.5 + 2.5˛, respec-
, A ≺ B = C for ˛ = 0, B ≺ A ≺ C for ˛ = 1, and A = B ≺ C for
osite of the three fuzzy number are −A = (−5, − 3,
4, − 3, − 2), and −C = (−6, − 4, − 1), respectively. Since
2 ≺ −1, −6 ≺ −5 ≺ −3 ≺ −1 and −6 ≺ −4 ≺ −2 ≺ −1, one
y infer the ranking order of the images of these fuzzy
−B − A − C for ˛ = 0, −A − B = − C for ˛ = 1, and
C for ˛ = 1/2. Using the proposed method, the total inte-
of fuzzy numbers −A −B, and −C are I˛T (−A) = 2 + 2˛,
5 + ˛, and I˛T (−C) = 1 + 2.5˛, respectively. Thus, it can
d that −B − A − C for ˛ = 0, −A − B = − C for ˛ = 1,
B − C for ˛ = 1/2. Again, this example shows that the
pproach overcomes the shortcomings of the inconsis-
u and Wang’s approach in ranking fuzzy numbers and
. Consider the data used in [12], i.e., the three nor-
umbers A1 = (5, 6, 7), A2 = (5.9, 6, 7) and A3 = (6, 6, 7)
n Fig. 7. According to formula (12), the total integral
btained as I˛T (A1) = 0.5 + ˛, I˛T (A2) = 0.95 + 0.55˛, and
Table 1
Chen [
Sign d
Sign d
I˛T (A3)
for a m
sion m
by A2 a
other a
able an
7. App
are res
A2, and
Table 2
C56.021 6.349 6.7519 A3 ≺ A2 ≺ A1
and Hajjari [8] 6 6.075 6.0834 A1 ≺ A2 ≺ A3
0.5˛. It is observed that for an optimistic decision
= 1, the three fuzzy numbers are the same. Conversely,
rate decision maker, i.e. ˛ = 0.5, or a pessimistic deci-
, i.e. ˛ = 0, A3 is the most preferred alternative, followed
hen A1 This is consistent with the ranking obtained by
aches [2,6,8,9,13,14]. Table 1 summarizes the results
different methods. Note that the ranking A1 A2 A3
the CV index of Cheng [4] is thought of as unreason-
t consistent with human intuition [9,12]. This example
strong discrimination power of the proposed ranking
nd its advantages.
g the proposed method for ranking fuzzy
solve a market segment selection problem
ion applies the proposed ranking approach to deal with
ment evaluation and selection problem. Assume that a
epartment is looking for a suitable market segment to
omer needs. Three decision makers, i.e., D1, D2, and D3,
ible for the evaluation of three market segments, i.e., A1,
Five criteria are chosen for evaluating the market seg-
608 V.F. Yu, L.Q. Dat / Applied Soft Computing 14 (2014) 603–608
Table 3
The importance weights of the criteria and the aggregated weights.
Criteria D1 D2 D3 rij
C1 VH VH H (0.733, 0.933, 0.967)
C2 H VH VH (0.733, 0.933, 0.967)
C3 M H H (0.533, 0.7, 0.833)
C4 H M H (0.533, 0.7, 0.833)
C5 H H H (0.6, 0.8, 0.9)
Table 4
The left, right, and total integral values of each alternative.
of substitut
Step 1. A
set S =
P = Poor = (0
1.0), and V
ity of the al
presents th
ria. Accord
suitability r
criteria C1,
obtained as
Step 2. A
ing set Q =
L = Low = (0
0.8, 0.9), an
tance of all
five criteria
approach, t
making com
Step 3. N
tive criteria
To put fo
all of the fu
is thus no lo
Step 4. D
weighted ra
The fina
metic opera
Step 5. D
Using Eq
ments is A1
having the
8. Conclus
This pap
come the sh
proposed ranking approach presents the novel left, right, and total
integral values of fuzzy numbers. To differentiate fuzzy numbers
that have the compensation of areas, the median value ranking
approach is further applied. Several comparative examples and
an application for market segment evaluation have been given
to illustrate the usage, applicability, and advantages of the pro-
posed ranking approach. The results indicate that the ranking order
obtained by the proposed approach is more consistent with human
intuitions than Liou and Wang’s original method. Furthermore,
the revised ranking approach is easy to apply and can effectively
rank a mix of various types of fuzzy numbers, including nor-
ain, De
n Cyb
. Chen
zy Set
. Liou,
t. 50 (
. Chen
zy Set
. Chu,
nt and
. 176 (
. Che
. Wan
e idea
s usin
. Chou
s usin
ree, E
. Wan
n deg
ng int
. Garc
king f
. Liao
. Tsai,
. Tsao
al con
. Wei,
ject se
ion, Va
iab. 34SL(Ai) SR(Ai) S0.5T (Ai) Ranking
0.321 0.539 0.430 1
0.099 0.315 0.207 3
0.251 0.479 0.365 2
e products (C4), and the intensity of competitive rivalry
ggregate ratings of alternatives versus criteria
that the decision makers use the linguistic rating
, P, F, G, VG
, where VP = Very Poor = (0.0, 0.1, 0.2),
.2, 0.3, 0.4), F = Fair = (0.3, 0.5, 0.7), G = Good = (0.7, 0.8,
G = Very Good = (0.8, 0.9, 1.0), to evaluate the suitabil-
ternative market segments under each criteria. Table 2
e suitability ratings of alternatives versus the five crite-
ing to Chu and Lin’s method (2003), the aggregated
atings of three alternatives, A1, A2 and A3, versus five
C2, C3, C4 and C5 from three decision makers can be
shown in Table 2.
ggregate the importance weights
that the decision makers employ a linguistic weight-{
VL, L, M, H, VH
, where VL = Very Low = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
.2, 0.3, 0.4), M = Medium = (0.4, 0.5, 0.7), H = High = (0.6,
d VH = Very High = (0.8, 1.0, 1.0), to assess the impor-
the criteria. Table 3 displays the importance weights of
from the three decision-makers. By Chu and Lin’s [25]
he aggregated weights of the criteria from the decision-
mittee can be obtained as presented in Table 3.
ormalize the performance of alternatives versus objec-
rth an easier and practical procedure, this paper defines
zzy numbers in [0,1]. The calculation of normalization
nger needed.
evelop the membership function of each normalized
l fuzzy evaluation values can be developed via arith-
tion of the fuzzy numbers as in [25].
s. (3)–(5), the left, right, and total integral values of each
with ˛ = 1/2 can be obtained, as shown in Table 4.
g to Table 4, the ranking order of the three market seg-
A3 A2. Thus, the best selection is market segment A1
mal, n
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