The study of money demand for the Lao
PRD gives some suggestions for BOL and the
Lao government in controlling the economy
and conducting monetary policy. BOL can use
narrow money, broad money in Kip and board
money in foreign currencies as intermediate
targets of monetary policy. BOL should take
into account the effects of currency substitution and the capital mobility of the Lao PDR in
a multi-currency economy. BOL should use
open market operations frequently in controlling the money supply since it is the most
effective tool in conducting monetary policy in
the world. BOL also needs to strengthen banking supervision to make the banking sector
operate more efficiently. The Lao government
should stimulate the development of the financial system and by step by step de-dollarizing.
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Journal of Economics and Development Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012, pp. 47 - 62 ISSN 1859 0020
An Analysis of Demand for Money
in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Tran Tho Dat
National Economics University, Vietnam
Ha Quynh Hoa
National Economics University, Vietnam
Somphao Phaysith
Bank of the Lao PDR, Laos
This paper is aimed at exploring the dynamic relationship between money bal -
ance and four other macroeconomic variables: real GDP, expected inflation,
exchange rates, domestic and foreign interest rates by modeling and testing for sta -
bility of money demand functions in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR)
during the period of 1993:Q1-2010:Q2. Demands for narrow money, broad money
and board money in foreign currencies were estimated. The estimated results sug -
gested that all demand functions are stable. They can be intermediate targets of the
Bank of the Lao PDR. The substantial results point out: (i) there is an evidence of
ample influence of exchange rates and interest rate on money balances in the Lao
PDR; (ii) expected inflation indicates the effect of high inflation episodes on money
balances, especially in terms of foreign currency, and (iii) the local currency, the
Kip, is used predominantly for transaction purposes rather than foreign currencies.
Keywords : Demand for money, long-run relationship, narrow money, broad
money, error correction model.
Journal of Economics and Development 47 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
1. Introduction opened for more than one year .
Demand for money plays a major role in The financial market is developing within a
macroeconomic analysis, especially in select - limited scope. Credit is limited and meets only
ing appropriate monetary policy actions. 15 percent of the requirements with high non-
Consequently, a steady stream of theoretical performing loans. The Lao economy is also
and empirical research has been carried out partially dollarized. The total amount of for -
worldwide over the past several decades. eign currency deposits to broad money was
Money demand function was first conduct - 59.3 percent in 1992 and 55 percent to the end
ed in developed countries where financial sys - 2011.
tems developed and the central banks realized Therefore, in order to control the banking
the role of money demand in conducting mon - system efficiently, BOL should consider the
etary policy. However, lately there has been demand side when conducting monetary poli -
considerable interest among several other cy. Up to now, there is no empirical study
industrial and developing countries. about money demand for the Lao economy.
Thus, this is the first study about demand for
The Lao PDR is in the process of a transi -
money for the Lao PDR.
tion towards a market economy. The Lao econ -
omy has experienced high fluctuations of This paper aims to explore the dynamic
inflation rates. Monetary growth rates have not relationship between money balance and four
been calculated by considering the demand other macroeconomic variables: real GDP,
side. The implementation of financial sector expected inflation, exchange rates , and domes -
policies has been slow in solving several tic and foreign interest rates by modeling and
issues. The monetary policy framework is lim - testing for stability of money demand func -
tions in the Lao PDR during the period of
ited and incomplete. It is mainly based on the
1993:Q1-2010:Q2 . The paper is structured as
obligation and issuance of bonds while BOL
follows : Section 2 gives theoretical and empir -
credit and marketing officers may have not yet
ical overviews about demand for money.
used them. It is for such reasons that the
Section 3 presents the empirical results and
sources of money and credit are restricted. The
analysis of the results. Section 4 includes the
exchange rate mechanism is not yet fully con -
conclusion and provides policy implications of
sistent with the actual conditions, thereby lim -
the findings.
iting the efficiency of its implementation. The
main tools of BOL are interest rates, reserve 2. Overview of theoretical and empirical
requirements , and discount window lending. studies on money demand
The BOL has only used open market opera - 2.1. A brief theoretical overview
tions since the Laos stock market has been There is a stream of theories about demand
Journal of Economics and Development 48 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
for money. Theoretical developments on teenth and early twentieth centuries. Since the
money demands began from the classical tra - classical economists believed that wages and
dition. All theories try to explain two motives prices were completely flexible, they posited
for holding money, namely transaction motive that the level of aggregate output produced in
and asset motive. a normal economic period (Y) would remain at
2.1.1. Quantity theory of demand for money the full employment level, so Y by definition is
The quantity theory of demand for money a nation’s total potential level of output. Fisher
proposes a direct and proportional relationship assumed that the ratio between the level of
between the quantity of money and the prevail - transactions, T, and output, Y, is reasonably
ing price level. This relationship emerges with - stable (Y = t xT) and hence T can be treated as
in the classical equilibrium framework using a constant in the short-run.
two separate, but equivalent expressions. The Fisher believed that the velocity of money,
first expression is associated with the V, is determined by the institutions in an econ -
American economist , Irving Fisher and is omy, because these directly affect the way in
called the “equation of exchange”. The second which individuals conduct transactions. For
expression is associated with Cambridge example, if consumers use charge accounts
University’s Arthur C.Pigou and is called the and credit cards to conduct their transactions,
“Cambridge approach” or the “cash balance and consequently use money less often when
approach”. making purchases, less money is required to
a) Fisher’s “equation of exchange” conduct the transactions generated by nominal
Fisher’s equation of exchange provides an income ( M decreases relative to PT ). Hence,
important relation between four macroeco - velocity, defined as (PT)/M , will increase. On
nomic variables to determine the nominal the other hand, if consumers find it more con -
value of aggregate income . The four variables venient to purchase items with cash or checks
in the equation of exchange are : the total (both of which are counted as money), more
amount of money in circulation (M), an index money is used to conduct the transactions gen -
of the total value of aggregate transactions (T), erated by the same levels of nominal income,
the price level of articles traded ( P), and a pro - hence velocity will fall. Fisher theorized that
portionality factor (V) denoting the “transac - institutional and technological features of the
tion velocity of money”. The equation is given economy that affect velocity change only
below: slowly over time, so velocity can safely be
MV = PT (1) considered constant in the short-run. By divid -
The classical economists (including Fisher ing both sides of the equation of exchange by
himself) built on this relationship in the nine - V, the money demand function is obtained :
Journal of Economics and Development 49 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
Md = ( 1/V)PT (2a) als desire money because money is a medium
of exchange and a store of wealth. Cambridge
Or equivalently,
economists concluded that money demand
Md =kPT (2b)
would be proportional to nominal income and
Equation (2b) states that because k is a con - expressed the demand for money function as:
stant in the short-run (because V and T are con -
Md =kPY (3)
stant in the short-run), PT pins down the quan -
In the short–run, k is the constant of propor -
tity of money that people demand, Md. Fisher
tionality and money demand does not depend
believed that people hold money only to con -
on the interest rate. However, money demand
duct transactions and have no freedom of
can depend on the interest rate when velocity
action in terms of the amount they want to
is not constant over time.
hold. The demand for money is determined by
the level of transactions generated by the level From the above discussion, the quantity the -
of nominal income, PY , and by the institutions ory of money emerges as the theory with a
in the economy that affect the way people con - simpler approach to estimating money
duct transactions that determine velocity, V, demand. The estimating equation is :
and hence k. Therefore, Fisher’s quantity theo - MV = PY (4)
ry of money suggests that the demand for where M denotes nominal money stock, V
money is purely a function of income. Interest denotes the income velocity of circulation, P
rates have no effect on the demand for money. denotes the prevailing price level and Y
b) Cambridge approach to money demand denotes real income.
A group of classical economists, including Note that the elegant expression for money
Alfred Marshall and Arthur C. Pigou in demand given by the quantity theory of money
Cambridge studied the demand for money by relies on the assumption of constant velocity.
considering how much individuals want to In reality, however, the velocity is not constant
hold, given a set of circumstances. Pigou held especially during periods of financial liberal -
the central assumption that individual demand ization. In these cases, equation (4) cannot
for money is driven by the institutional envi - capture the complex relationship between the
ronment, as this is the main factor that affects money demand and other macroeconomic
whether individuals use money (i .e., cash and variables. Hence, we will turn to two other
check) to conduct transactions. In the approaches to the theory of money demand:
Cambridge model, individual demand for the Keynesian approach and Friedman’s mod -
money is completely bound by institutional ern quantity theory approach. Both approaches
constraints , such as whether one can use cred - consider the demand for money as part of the
it cards to make purchases. Instead, individu - general issues of wealth allocation, but place
Journal of Economics and Development 50 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
emphasis on different aspects of the problems. However, this is not an important weakness of
2.1.2. Keynesian approach these models because all three motives togeth -
In 1936, Keynes offered a theory of demand er influence an individual’s optimal level of
for money that emphasized the importance of money holding.
interest rates. Keynes’ theory of money 2.1.3. Friedman’s model of the demand for
demand (referred to as liquidity preference money
theory), focuses on factors that influence indi - In 1956, Friedman developed the modern
vidual decision-making. He postulated that quantity theory of demand in a famous article,
there are three motives driving the demand for “The quantity theory of money: A restate -
money: transaction motive, precautionary ment”. He simply stated that the demand for
motive, and speculative motive. With this money must be influenced by the same factors
view, money demand is a function of real that influence the demand for any other asset.
income ( Y) and interest rate ( r). An individual’s demand for money should be a
M / P = f (r,Y) (5) function of his wealth and his expected relative
Equation (5) has the key implication that (to money) return on alternative investments.
velocity is not constant and is positively corre - Friedman developed his theory on the
lated with the interest rate, which fluctuates demand for money within the context of the
substantially. Initially, Keynes suggested a liq - traditional microeconomic theories of con -
uidity-preference schedule as in the following sumer behavior and of the producer demand
equation: for input. Consumers hold money because it
Md = M1 + M2 = M1(Y) + M2(r) (6) yields a direct utility stemming from the con -
where: Md is the total demand for money, venience of holding an immediate form of pay -
M1 is the sum of transaction and precautionary ment. Producers hold money because it is a
demands , and M2 is speculative demand. In productive asset that smooths the payment and
this schedule, transaction and precautionary expenditure streams over time. Therefore, the
demand depends only on the level of income, sum of demand for money by both consumers
Y, where dM1/dY > 0 . The speculative demand and producers is the demand for real balances.
depends only on the level of interest rate, r, Intuitively, this demand should depend on the
where dM2/dr < 0 . level of real income (or real output) as well as
on the returns of alternative assets such as
Although the Keynesian approach to ana -
bonds or durable goods (for consumers).
lyzing the demand for money focuses on the
Therefore, the equation below gives us the
three motives for holding money, the models
demand function for real balances:
do not allow us to uniquely identify an individ -
ual’s particular motive for holding money. rm = M/P = f(Y, r 1, r 2,..., r n) (7)
Journal of Economics and Development 51 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
where rm is the demand for real balances variables , and financial development
and the sequence r1, r 2,, r n represent the real 2.2.1. Definition of money
rates of return on alternative (i.e., non-money)
Empirical studies have focused on three
monetary aggregates M1, M2, and M3. The
In particular, Friedman considers durable component of monetary aggregate differ from
goods as an important category of alternative country to country and depends on many fac -
assets to money for consumers. With this view, tors, e.g., a country’s level of financial market
the demand for consumers’ durable goods development. Economists have shown that
depends on the expected inflation rate, πe. studies that interchange the use of M1, M2, or
Then, the demand function for real balances M3 to estimate the demand for money face the
also depends on the expected rate of inflation. problem of estimating heterogeneous assets.
rm = f(Y, r, πe) (8) For example, cash and demand deposits may
where drm/dY>0 , drm/dr<0 and drm/d πe< 0 differ significantly in terms of transaction
In conclusion, all money demand models costs, risks of loss, and ease of concealment of
can be broadly lumped into three separate illegal or tax-evading activities. One solution
frameworks namely , transactions, asset and is to separately estimate the demand functions
consumer demand theories of money. The for cash and demand deposits. This approach
optimal stock of real money balances is has yielded more robust empirical results, but
inversely related to the rate of return on earn - it does not resolve the underlying empirical
ings of alternative assets and is positively difficulties. Any analysis in the Lao PDR will
related to real income. This is the starting point face similar issues regarding the definitions of
of all empirical studies. money and should leverage the advances made
2.2. Some empirical problems in estimating by economists to deal with these empirical
money demand functions problems .
All empirical studies are based on a conven - 2.2.2. Scale variable
tional textbook formulation of a simple theo - Recently, scale variables were typically cre -
retical demand for money function , , relating ated by using data on a country’s GNP , perma -
demand for real money balances ( rm ) to a nent income or wealth, and cash measured in
measure of transactions or scale variable ( Y) real terms. A number of other related variables
and the opportunity cost of holding money ( r). that move together with GNP , such as net
However, the demand for money functions national product ( NNP ) and GDP have also
estimated for different countries are not the been heavily utilized in creating scale vari -
same because of differences in the definition ables without any significant differences
of dependent variables, availability of scale induced by the substitution. Traditionally,
Journal of Economics and Development 52 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
GNP has been used for transaction-oriented Asia and South Asia. Various central bank offi -
models, while modern-quantity theories relied cials realize that understanding money demand
on permanent income. function is the cornerstone of monetary policy.
Whichever measure of transactions is ulti - In this section, the set studies are carefully
mately chosen, the question of whether it can chosen on the basis of potential relevance to
be disaggregated into several scale variables the Lao PDR context.
remains an open question. Economic aggre - Some Asia-specific studies (Fan and Liu
gate proxies for scale variables in estimating (1970); Aghevli (1979); Khan (1980);
demand for money function depend much on Tseng and Corker (1991); Watanabe S. and
development of statistic systems and available Pham T. B. (2005); Nguyen, D. H., and W. D.
data. Pfau, (2010) ; Hoa, H.Q. (2008); Dat, T.T. and
2.2.3. Opportunity cost of holding money Hoa, H.Q. (2010)) show that demand for
Interest rates in money demand function money is a proportion of income level, and this
includes two groups: the own-rate of money is constrained by a measure of the wealth that
and the rate of return on alternative assets. can be proxied by either income or permanent
Tobin (1958) and Klein (1974) argue that both income. The demand for money fluctuates
of these rates are important and should be with changes in the opportunity cost of holding
included in any model for the demand for money. This opportunity cost depends on the
money. This may be the interest rates of gov - relative return on non-money assets such as
ernment securities, commercial paper, or sav - other financial investments and real goods. In
ing deposits. In countries where the financial addition, expectations are important. The
sector is not well developed and that also suf - demand for money depends not only on the
fers from hyperinflation, the expected rate of prevailing level of factors such as the interest
inflation is also a useful variable to calculate rate and inflation, but also on the future
the opportunity cost of holding money. expected values of each of these factors. In the
2.3. Some Asia-specific studies on the case of dollarization, the interest rate of the
money demand function dollar and the exchange rate are also an inter -
A large body of literature is available to esti - esting explanation for demand for money bal -
mate money demand functions. The initial ances.
work in this area was confined primarily to In developed countries, the nominal interest
industrial countries, especially the U.S. and the rate considers an appropriate proxy for the
U.K. However , there has also been consider - opportunity cost of holding money, whereas
able attention paid to studying the money the weak financial markets and administrative
demand function in developing countries in interest rates are the overriding feature in most
Journal of Economics and Development 53 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
developing countries. In most developing of money demand function and vary among
countries the nominal interest rate is institu- empirical studies.
tionally determined and it doesn’t fully capture Following the empirical literature on money
the opportunity cost of holding money. demand in developing countries (Goldfeld and
Furthermore, the administrative nominal inter- Sichel, 1990), the long-run money demand can
est rates are not often adjusted for changes in be specified in the following (natural) logarith-
inflation and consequently real interest rates mic form:
become negative. Therefore, to overcome this
d =+b bbbpe + +e +
problem, researchers often use the consumer lnrmyit 01 lnttt 2 ln 3 t (10 )
price index as the proxy for the interest rate In most empirical studies, the interest rate
variable. In fact, asset substitution in develop- term is used in non-logarithmic form, which
ing countries usually takes place between leads to the following:
money and real assets as inflation hedges and
d e
not between money and other financial assets. lnrmyit =+b0 bbbpe123 lnt +tt + +t (11 )
Thus the expected rate of inflation rather than
the nominal interest rate can be regarded as a where t is the desired demand for real
better proxy for the opportunity cost of holding money balances, defined as the demand for
money in developing countries. money supply deflated by the price level p, yt
is a scale variable (for example, real measured
3. Estimating money demand function for
income), i is the nominal interest rate on
the Lao PRD t
financial assets, which represents alternatives
3.1. Estimation Model e
to holding money, π t is expected inflation
The theory-based money demand function which measures the rate of expected return on
for the Lao PRD is assumed to take the follow- physical assets, and ε is an error term. The
d t
ing form: rmt
function is increasing in yt, and decreas-
d π e
M /P = α0 + α1Scale Variable (Y) ing in both it and t . When physical assets rep-
resent the major alternative to holding money
+ α2Opportunity Cost Variable(r) (9)
in high or hyperinflationary countries, the
where Md is money demand balance, P is
money demand may be specified as a function
the price level, is therefore the demand for real
of expected inflation alone Md/P=f(πe) (Peter
money, Y is the real income that represents the
Bofinger, 2001).
scale variable and r is the interest rate on the
alternative assets which represents the oppor- In developed countries, the nominal interest
tunity cost variable. The selections of the scale rate is considered as an appropriate proxy for
variable and the opportunity cost of holding the opportunity cost of holding money, where-
money depend on the theoretical background as in most developing countries, the nominal
Journal of Economics and Development 54 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
interest rate is institutionally determined and it The inclusion of foreign interest rates in the
does not fully capture the opportunity cost of money demand function is to capture the effect
holding money. Furthermore, the administra - of capital mobility and the expected exchange
tive nominal interest rates are not often adjust - rate captures the substitution between domes -
ed for changes in inflation and consequently tic and foreign currencies. Its impact on the
the real interest rate becomes negative. demand for money can be either positive or
Therefore, to overcome this problem, econo - negative.
mists often use inflation rates as a measure of The error correction model (ECM) is used
the opportunity cost of holding money to determine money demand and explain the
(Bahmani-Oskooee and Tanku, 2006). dynamics of the economic model equation
d (15 ) if observed variables are non-stationary
lnrmycpit =+b01bb lnttt + 2 ln + e (12 )
and they are co-integrated (Engle and Granger ,
In fact, asset substitution in developing 1987). If the obtained results from unit root
countries usually occurs between money and tests and the co-integration test of Johansen
real assets as inflation hedges and not between approach are provided as in the Engle and
money and other financial assets. Thus the Granger representation theorem, then the short
expected rate of inflation , rather than the nom - run dynamics of money demand can be
inal interest rate , can be regarded as a better described by ECM. The model in general form
proxy for the opportunity cost of holding presents as:
n n
money in developing countries. Furthermore, DDD=+bb + bcg + + e
lnlnrmrmECtiti01åå- ji t- i 1
given the fact of currency substitution in some i=10i=
developing countries, many studies suggest to
t = 0 - ++ge11ECtt- (15)
include nominal exchange rate as an explana -
tory variable in the estimated equation
ECtt--1=--ln rm 1011bbc t -
(Samreth and Sovannroeun, 2008).
where EC is error-correction term , which
d t-1
r lnrmt =+b01bb ln ytttt + 2 ln cpi + b 3 ln er + e () (1313 ) is derived from the long-run relationship and
γ , is speed of adjustment to long run equilib -
To capture the effects of foreign factors, 1
rium. χ is a set of explanatory variables.
many studies on the demand for money in t
Equation ( 15 ) will be estimated by OLS
developing countries have included the impact
method .
of foreign interest rates and the expected rate
depreciation of the domestic currency The ECM has proved to be the most suc -
(Oluwole and Olugbenga, 2007). cessful tool in researching money demand.
This type of formulation is a dynamic error-
d * *
lnrmt =+b 01bb ln yttttt + 2 ln cpi + b 3 ln er + be 4 i + () (1414 ) correction representation in which the long-
Journal of Economics and Development 55 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
run equilibrium relationship between money Expected rate of inflation, exchange rates
and its determinants is embedded in an equa - and interest rates are used as proxies of oppor -
tion that captures short-run variation and tunity costs of holding money in Lao PDR.
dynamics. The ECM is shown to contain infor - The past value of the actual inflation is used as
mation on both the short- and long-run proper - a proxy of expected inflation rate. The quarter -
ties of the model with disequilibrium as a ly series of saving USD interest rate is used as
process of adjustment to the long-run model. a proxy of foreign currency interest rate due to
In addition, the long-run equilibrium is speci - USD deposits taking the highest proportion.
fied by economic theory while short-run Average exchange rates Kip/Dollar and
dynamics are defined from the data. When co- Kip/Baht are used as proxies of exchange rate.
integrated holds and if there is any shock that 3.3. The empirical results
causes disequilibrium, there exists a well- As a result of the non-stationary I(1) process
defined short-run dynamics adjustment in each series and co-integrating relations, the
process such as error-correction mechanisms ECM is estimated to capture the long run rela -
that will put back the system toward long-run tionship of money demand. On account of the
equilibrium. VARs method and Johansen tests, it considers
3.2. Data description and issues the effects of all series in the whole system and
The data used in this analysis is taken from verifies the co-integration of the multivariate
the BOL. The estimated sample uses quarterly non-stationary which is helpful to avoid mis -
data in the period from Q1/1993 to Q2/2010. specification. As a result, the ECM is estimat -
ed in the first differencing form with up to six
The study will apply both narrow money
lags. The short-run dynamics presents in the
M1 and broad money M2 as dependent vari -
specific form as:
ables. In addition, given the fact that there is
the multi-currencies use phenomenon in the
Lao PDR, hence, monetary aggregate will be
classified by currency as local currency (Kip)
and foreign currencies. M1 is narrow money
including cash in circulation and current The error-correction term can be derived
account. M2 is broad money consisting of M1, from the long-run equation as:
savings and time deposits. EC t-1 = ln rm t - β0 - β 1ln rgdp t-1 - β2ln cpi t-1
According to the data availability, the scale - β3ln er t-1 - β4iusd t-1 - β5ikip t-1 (17)
variable used in this study will be gross OLS estimation is applied for this two-step
domestic product ( GDP ) as an income meas - error correction model in order to draw a rela -
urement. tionship between money demand and its fac -
Journal of Economics and Development 56 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
tors. The short run dynamic models including result reflects through the inertia in holding
narrow money demand, broad money demand money that a 100 percent change in real nar -
functions both in Kip and foreign currency row money demand in previous 2.2 quarters
have a sensible statistic test. All coefficients still influences the current change by around
are significant and reasonable explaining the 45 percent, with regarding to the effects of the
model by approximately 45-60 percent. other explanatory variables.
Durbin-Watson statistic interprets the overall The coefficient of is positive (0.36). This
model serially uncorrelated. However, not all means that the demand for real narrow money
signs are intuitive and plausible. will increase by 0.36% if the previous differ -
Therefore, the model is examined for its encing in real money in M1 increases by 1 %,
adequacy. It also looks for remedies such as if given other factors are unchanged.
an important variable has been omitted or the Even the coefficient sign of the real income
wrong function form has been used. To deter - is negative which is different from expecta -
mine whether model inadequacy results from tion, but it significantly affects the real money
one or more of these problems, various meth - M1 after two quarters. This explanatory vari -
ods to test residual performances are used. The able is included in order to ensure the model
results of the diagnostic test suggest that the validity .
error term fulfills the classical assumptions,
The coefficient ∆ln rm 1,t-1 of the real
except for model for M2. exchange rate of the Kip against the USD is
On the basis of the diagnostic tests, the short 0.29 after one quarter and -0.26 after two quar -
run dynamic model of money demand pro - ters. If the negative coefficient in the second
vides the validity of outcomes, except the quarter reflects the higher opportunity costs of
broad money M2 model with misspecification. holding money, then the real money demand
Therefore , the following discussion does not for M1 will decrease. If the Kip loses value by
cover M2 demand function. 1 percent in the last two quarters, then real
3.3.1. Short-run money demand functions money demand M1 will decline by 0.26 per -
a) Narrow money demand function cent, given that other factors are constant. The
first difference of the real exchange rate
∆ln rm 1,t =0.03+0.36 ∆ln rm 1,t-1 -0.5 ∆ln rgdp t-
Kip/USD in the previous quarter with a posi -
1 -0.41 ∆ ln rgdp t-2 +0.29 ∆ ln rerks t-1 -
tive coefficient is included in this model in
0.26 ∆ln rerks t-2 -0.45 EC t-1 (18)
order to maintain model validity .
Based on the short-run estimated results, the
b) Broad money demand function in Kip
adjustment coefficient of error correction for
long -run equilibrium shows the intuitive sign ∆ ln rm 2k,t =0.042-0.42 ∆ ln rgdp t-2 -
with speed of adjustment in 2.2 quarters. This 0.27 ∆ri usd t-1 +0.37 ∆ri usd t-2 +0.23 EC t-1 (19)
Journal of Economics and Development 57 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
Referring to the short-run estimated results, Based on the short-run estimated results, the
the adjustment coefficient of error correction adjustment coefficient of error correction for
for long -run equilibrium shows the intuitive long -run equilibrium shows the intuitive sign
sign with speed of adjustment in 4.3 quarters. with speed of adjustment in 4 quarters. This
This result reflects that through the inertia in result reflects that through the inertia in hold -
holding money that a 100 percent changes in ing money , that the 100 percent change in real
real broad money demand in 4.3 quarters ago broad money demand in 4 quarters ago still
still influences the current change by around influences the current change by around 25
23 percent, regarding the effects of other percent, regardless the effects of other
explanatory variables. explanatory variables.
Even the coefficient signs of real income are Even the coefficient sign of the real income
negative , which are different from the expecta - is negative which is different from the expec -
tions, but it significantly affects the real money tation, but it significantly affects the real
M2 in the Kip after two quarters. This explana - money M2 in foreign currencies after two
tory variable is included in order to ensure the quarters. These explanatory variables are
model validity . maintained in order to ensure the model valid -
The coefficient of real saving in the USD ity .
interest rate is -0.27 , after one quarter and 0.37 The coefficient of expected inflation is -0.77
after two quarters. The negative coefficient after two quarters. The negative coefficient
after one quarter reflects the higher opportuni - shows the substitution effect of holding money
ty costs of holding money, and so the money by physical goods including gold, land, and
demand M2 in Kip will decrease. If the real houses. Consequently, the money demand M2
saving USD interest rate increases by 1 percent in foreign currencies will decrease.
after one quarter, real money demand M2 in Specifically, if people expect that inflation will
the Kip will decline by 0. 27 percent, given that increase by 1 percent in the last two quarters,
other factors remain constant. The second dif - real money demand M2 in foreign currencies
ference of real saving in the USD interest rates will decline by 0. 77 percent, given the other
in the previous quarter with a positive coeffi - factors are unchanged.
cient is included in this model in order to
The coefficient of real saving USD interest
maintain model validity .
rates is 0.28 after one quarter. The positive
c) Broad money demand function in foreign
coefficient after one quarter reflects the incen -
tive for holding foreign currencies.
∆ln rm 2f,t =0.044-0.36 ∆ln rgdp t-1 -0.46 ∆ln rgdp t- Consequently, the money demand M2 in for -
2 - 0.77 ∆ln cpi t-2 + 0.28 ∆ri usd t-1 -0.25 EC t-1 (20) eign currencies will increase. If the real saving
Journal of Economics and Development 58 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
USD interest rate increases by 1 percent after people tend to hold more foreign currencies
one quarter, real money demand M2 in foreign such as USD or Baht when the local currency
currencies will increase by 0. 28 percent, given loses value. Exchange rate elasticity of real
that other factors remain constant. narrow money balances is -0.57 to Kip depre -
3.3.2. Long-run money demand functions ciation against the USD and -0.42 to Kip
depreciation against the Baht.
a) Narrow money demand function
In the case of broad money demand function
ln rm 1,t =2.34+0.81ln rgdp t-0.42ln rerkb t-
in foreign currencies , the exchange rate coeffi -
0.57ln rerks t - 0.10 riusd t (21)
cients of the Kip against the USD and against
b) Broad money demand function in Kip
the Baht are -0.77 and -2.33, respectively. This
ln rm 2k,t =3.22+0.51ln rgdp t-1.96ln rerkb t- means that when the Kip depreciates against
0.4 riusd t (22) the USD or the Baht by 1%, people reduce for -
c) Broad money demand function in foreign eign currencies from their portfolio by 0.77%
currencies and 2.33%, respectively. This can be explained
by the behavior of the Lao people, when the
ln rm 2f,t =8.81+0.33ln rgdp t - 0.97ln cpi t-1 -
value of the Kip decreases much, the citizens
2.33ln rerkb t-0.77 ln rerks t-2.59 rikip t+
expect inflation will be high. Hence, they
2.6 riusd t (23)
hedge themselves by investing in real estate
The long-run relationships for rm 1, rm 2k ,
and gold. As a result, M2 in foreign currencies
and rm 2f have rational economic explana -
tions. All signs are intuitive and plausible. decline.
Demand for money in the Lao PDR has a pos - Capital mobility is sensible for the M1 and
itive relation with income. If real GDP increas - M2 in Kip money demand models . The real
saving USD interest rate elasticity has a nega -
es by 1 %, demands for rm 1, rm 2k , and rm 2f
will raise by 0.81%, 0.51% and 0.33% respec - tive sign, -0.1 in M1 function and -0.4 in M2 in
tively . Thus, demand for money is most affect - Kip function. If the real saving USD interest
ed by changes in output. The local currency, rate (opportunity cost of holding Kip) increas -
the Kip, is used mostly for transaction purpos - es, people tend to hold less Kip balances . In
es . the case of M2 in foreign currencies , the USD
interest rate elasticity is 2.6 and the Kip inter -
The Lao demand for M1, M2 in Kip money
est rate elasticity is -2.95 . Laotian people will
functions show the situation of a multi-curren -
have more incentives for holding foreign cur -
cy economy. Exchange rates, the Kip against
rencies if the USD interest rate increases and
the USD and against the Baht, have negative
the Kip interest rates decrease.
influences on money demand . This shows the
effect of the currency substitution. Therefore , Expected inflation (cpi t-1 ) shows the impor -
Journal of Economics and Development 59 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
tant implication to money demand in the Lao quarters. Both local and foreign interest rates
PDR . Laotian people usually reduce their have significantly influenced real broad
money balance holding when they expect high money demand in the local currency and in
inflation . They hedge the risk of high inflation foreign currencies. Expected inflation rates
by investing in physical assets such as gold, have a negative effect on real broad money
housing and land. demands in foreign currencies after two quar -
Outstanding results from money demand ters. These negative influences indicate a
functions short-term substitution effect of foreign cur -
Speed of adjustment from short-run dynam - rencies or real goods for real money demand.
ics to long-run equilibrium: M1 model adjusts Opportunity cost proxies in the long-term
to its long-run equilibrium relatively faster relations , M2 in foreign currencies model ,
than other models by using only 2.5 quarters include all plausible explanatory variables.
while the others are 4.3 and 4 quarters for M2 This reflects the Lao situations appropriately
in Kip and M2 in foreign currencies respec - with the phenomenon of multi-currencies use
tively. This result reflects that the portfolio of which leads to currency substitution and the
the M1 model is highly liquid with a cash- capital mobility effects. Expected inflation
based component with relatively lower oppor - also presents a negative impact from the long
tunity costs to reallocate its portfolio. period of high inflation, hence it sometimes
Income is significant , taking contempora - requires people to adjust their rational attitude
neous effects on the money demand adjust - by enhancing macroeconomic stability for a
ment. Precisely, the elasticity of current money period of time until they are confident and feel
demand differencing with respect to that of comparable.
GDP is at least 0.4 percent for all types of 4. Conclusion and recommendations
demand for money in the short-term. In the Demand for narrow money, broad money in
long-run relation, considering the other effects, Kip and board money in foreign currencies
an increase in real GDP by 1 % raises demand were estimated. The estimated results suggest -
for money by 0.81%, 0.51% and 0.33% per - ed that all demand functions are stable.
cent for rm 1, rm 2k , and rm 2f , respectively. Coefficient signs are suitable with theory. The
Other important results from the short-term study results indicate : (i) there is evidence of
ECM dynamics is that all proxies of opportu - ample influence of the exchange rate and inter -
nities cost have effects on the real money est rates on money balance dynamics in the
demand such as exchange rate depreciations , Lao PDR and this outcome is associated with
especially Kip against USD affects the real a high degree of multi-currency use in the Lao
narrow money demand negatively after two PDR; (ii) expected inflation shows the effect
Journal of Economics and Development 60 Vol. 14, No.3, December 2012
of high inflation episodes on money balances , money in foreign currencies as intermediate
especially in terms of foreign currency , even targets of monetary policy. BOL should take
though the country has improved its macro - into account the effects of currency substitu -
economic stability over recent years; and (iii) tion and the capital mobility of the Lao PDR in
the local currency is used mostly for transac - a multi-currency economy. BOL should use
open market operations frequently in control -
tion purposes compared to that of foreign cur -
ling the money supply since it is the most
rencies .
effective tool in conducting monetary policy in
The study of money demand for the Lao the world. BOL also needs to strengthen bank -
PRD gives some suggestions for BOL and the ing supervision to make the banking sector
Lao government in controlling the economy operate more efficiently . The Lao government
and conducting monetary policy. BOL can use should stimulate the development of the finan -
narrow money, broad money in Kip and board cial system and by step by step de -dollarizing .
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