Linux Fundamental (For ICT)
Course Objectives
Understand basic about Linux System
Install Linux
Can work with most of Linux commands, including basic administration
tips for network service and Apache, Mysql, Oracle )
Has basic background to study more if you want to become an expert
At the end of this course, you can
Understand basic about Linux System
Install Linux
Can work with most of Linux commands, including basic administration
tips for network service and Apache, Mysql, Oracle )
Has basic background to study more if you want to become an ex
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Linux Fundamental
(For ICT)
Date : Aug, 2008
Duration: 3 hours
Revision : 1.0
17/09/2009 Confidential 2
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, you can
Understand basic about Linux System
Install Linux
Can work with most of Linux commands, including basic administration
tips for network service and Apache, Mysql, Oracle … )
Has basic background to study more if you want to become an expert
t t f t is rs ,
rst sic t Li x yst
I st ll Li x
rk it st f Li x c s, i cl i sic i istr ti
ti s f r t rk s rvic c , ys l, r cl )
s sic ck r t st y r if y t t c x rt
17/09/2009 Confidential 3
Course Outline
Basic concepts
Linux System Construction
Boot sequence
File system
Basic Administration
Basic commands
Install/uninstall software
Enable/disable services
Linux in practice
Basic concepts
Linux Syste onstruction
Boot sequence
File syste
Basic d inistration
Basic co ands
Install/uninstall soft are
Enable/disable services
Linux in practice
17/09/2009 Confidential 4
• GNU: General Public License
• KDE: K Desktop Environment
• GNOME: GNU Network Object Model Environment
• FS: File System
• CLI: Command Line Interface
• LILO: Linux Loader
• GRUB: Grand Unified Bootloader
• : r l lic ic s
• : skt ir t
• : t rk j ct l vir t
• : il yst
• I: i I t rf c
• I : i x r
• : r ifi tl r
17/09/2009 Confidential 5
Section 1: Introduction
Unix and Unix-based OS
Unix is a computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a
group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs
Unix-based OS: Solaris(Sun), HP-Unix(HP), BSD…
Refer to References number 1 for Unix history
What is linux?
Unix-like system
Linux was initially developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991
Linux family: refer to References number 5 detail of Linux distributions.
Here, talk about: Debian, Red Hat, Fedora, Ubuntu …
i i - s
ix is c t r r ti syst ri i lly v l i y
r f l y s t ll L s
ix- s : l ris( ), - ix( ),
f r t f r c s r f r ix ist ry
t is li
ix-lik syst
Li x s i iti lly v l y Li s rv l s i
Li x f ily: r f r t f r c s r t il f Li x istri ti s.
r , t lk t: i , t, r , buntu
17/09/2009 Confidential 6
Basic Concepts
17/09/2009 Confidential 7
Basic Concepts
Central component of most computer operating systems (OS).
Manage system's resources and communication between hardware and
software components.
Shell: interface for users access to services of a kernel.
Graphical (GUI) shell
Text shell (CLI: Command line interpreter)
• sh
• Ksh: Korn Shell
• Bash: Bourne-again shell
r l:
tr l c t f st c t r r ti syst s ( ).
syst 's r s rc s c ic ti t r r
s ft r c ts.
ll: i t rf f r s rs ss t s r i s f r l.
r ic l ( I) s ll
• E
• E
xt s ll ( LI: li i t r r t r)
• sh
• sh: orn Shell
• ash: ourne-again shell
17/09/2009 Confidential 8
Prepare installation CD.
Download .iso files:
Burn CDs.
BIOS boot: CD first.
Installation by CDs.
Swap partition: at least, should equal RAM (flexible).
Boot partition.
Root partition: mounted to main hard disk.
Select components.
Install and setup right things for IP address, domain,…
r r i st ll ti .
l .is fil s:
tt ://r t. l .f r r j ct. r / /f r /li x/c r /
tt :// . i . r / /
tt :// .s .c /s ft r /s l ris/ t.js
r s.
I t: first.
I st ll ti s.
rtiti : t l st, s l l (fl xi l ).
t rtiti .
t rtiti : t t i r isk.
l ct c ts.
I st ll s t ri t t i s f r I r ss, i ,
17/09/2009 Confidential 9
Boot sequence
Master Boot Record (MBR)
Boot loader: lilo or grub
• load kernel (image=), or
• load partition boot sector (other=) (dual boot)
initialize devices
mount root FS
run /sbin/init, PID 1
Reads /etc/inittab
Runs scripts defined (/etc/rc1-5.d/…)
st r t r ( )
t l r: lil r r
• l k r l (i ), r
• l rtiti t s ct r ( t r ) ( l t)
r l
i iti liz vic s
t r t
r /s i /i it, I
I it
s / tc/i itt
s scri ts fi (/ tc/rc - . / )
17/09/2009 Confidential 10
System state
System state
0 - Shutdown
1 – Single User Mode
2 – Basic Multi-user Mode
3 – Full Multi-user without X
4 – Not Used
5 – Mutli-user with X
6 – Reboot
t t t
- t
i l s r
sic lti- s r
ll lti- s r it t
t s
tli- s r it
17/09/2009 Confidential 11
File System
17/09/2009 Confidential 12
File System – File Permission
Super user: root
Normal user: annt
User info stored files:
$ cat /etc/passwd
$ cat /etc/group
#cat /etc/shadow
r r :
r r: r t
r l r: t
r i f t r fil :
$ cat /etc/passwd
annt:x:100:1::/export/ho e/annt:/bin/bash
$ cat /etc/group
#cat /etc/shadow
17/09/2009 Confidential 13
File System – File Permission
Character 1 is the type of file:
• d = directory
• l = symbolic link
• s = socket
• p = named pipe
• - = regular file
• c= character (un buffered) device file special
• b=block (buffered) device file special
r t r i t t f fil :
• ir ct r
• l s lic li
• s s c t
• i
• - r l r fil
• c c r ct r ( ff r ) ic fil s ci l
• l c ( ff r ) ic fil s ci l
7 7 7
17/09/2009 Confidential 14
File System – File type
Regular files
Text file
Executable files
Mounting point
Device file
Special file provide interface to device
Link file
Hard link
Symbolic link
l r fil s
xt fil
x c t l fil s
ir t r
ir ct ry
ti i t
i fil
ci l fil r vi i t rf c t vic
i fil
r li k
y lic li k
17/09/2009 Confidential 15
File System – Permission Example
Type "ls -l" and a listing like the following is displayed:
total 10
drwxrwxrwx 4 george team1 122 Dec 12 18:02 Projects
-rw-rw-rw- 1 george team1 1873 Aug 23 08:34 test
-rw-rw-rw- 1 george team1 1234 Sep 12 11:13 datafile
Which means the following:
Type and # of Files's File's Size in Date of last Filename
Permission field Files Owner Group Bytes modification
| | | | | | |
drwxrwxrwx 4 george team1 122 Dec 12 18:02 Projects
Links: The number of directory entries that refer to the file. In our example, there
are four.
The file's owner in our example is George.
The group the file belongs to. In our example, the group is team1.
The size of the file in bytes
The last modification date. If the file is recent, the date and time is shown. If the
file is not in the current year, the year is shown rather than time.
The name of the file.
"ls -l" listi li t f ll i is is l :
total 10
drwxrwxrwx 4 george tea 1 122 Dec 12 18:02 Projects
-rw-rw-rw- 1 george tea 1 1873 Aug 23 08:34 test
-rw-rw-rw- 1 george tea 1 1234 Sep 12 11:13 datafile
ic s t f ll i :
Type and # of Files's File's Size in Date of last Filena e
Per ission field Files Owner Group Bytes odification
| | | | | | |
drwxrwxrwx 4 george tea 1 122 Dec 12 18:02 Projects
Links: he nu ber of directory entries that refer to the file. In our exa ple, there
are four.
he file's o ner in our exa ple is eorge.
he group the file belongs to. In our exa ple, the group is tea 1.
he size of the file in bytes
he last odification date. If the file is recent, the date and ti e is sho n. If the
file is not in the current year, the year is sho n rather than ti e.
he na e of the file.
17/09/2009 Confidential 16
File System (cont.)
/etc: contains all system related configuration files in here or in it's
sub-directories. No binaries should be or are located here.
/etc/fstab: lists file systems mounted
/etc/hostname: contains the hostname of your machine.
/etc/inittab: boot-time system configuration/initialization script.
/lib: contains static/shared libraries needed to boot the system and
run the commands.
.a: static library
.so: shared library
Contains home folder for users.
home directory of the System Administrator, 'root‘.
/ t : t i s ll s st r l t fi r ti fil s i r r i it's
s - ir t ri s. i ri s s l r r l t r .
/ tc/fst : lists fil syst s t
/ tc/ st : c t i s t st f y r c i .
/ tc/i itt : t-ti syst c fi r ti /i iti liz ti scri t.
/li : t i s st ti /s r li r ri s t t t s st
r t s.
. : st tic li r ry
.s : s r li r ry
/ :
t i s f l r f r s rs.
/r t:
ir ct ry f t yst i istr t r, 'r t‘.
17/09/2009 Confidential 17
File System (cont.)
Contains mostly files that are required temporarily.
Do not remove files from this directory unless you know exactly what
you are doing!
Contains the largest share of data on a system.
• All user binaries, their documentation, libraries, header files, etc....
• X and its supporting libraries.
• User programs like telnet, ftp, etc....
Contains variable data like system logging files, mail and printer spool
directories. Variable data are files and directories that the system must
be able to write to during operation.
/t :
t i s stly fil s t t r r ir t r rily.
t r v fil s fr t is ir ct ry l ss y k x ctly t
y r i !
/ sr:
t i s t l r st s r f t syst .
• ll user binaries, their docu entation, libraries, header files, etc....
• and its supporting libraries.
• ser progra s like telnet, ftp, etc....
/ r:
t i s v ri l t lik syst l i fil s, il ri t r s l
ir ct ri s. ri l t r fil s ir ct ri s t t t syst st
l t rit t ri r ti .
17/09/2009 Confidential 18
Getting Started
Section 2: Basic Administration
17/09/2009 Confidential 19
Login - Putty
Notes: Puttyjp support Japanese
17/09/2009 Confidential 20
Login – Tera term
Note: VNC client/server is very good tool also
17/09/2009 Confidential 21
Shell Basic
17/09/2009 Confidential 22
Shell types
Commonly used shells
/usr/bin/sh POSIX shell
/usr/bin/ksh Korn shell
/usr/bin/csh C shell
/usr/bin/tcsh C shell with auto completion and
command line editing
/usr/bin/bash GNU Bourne Again shell
l ll
/ sr/ i /s I s ll
/ sr/ i /ks r s ll
/ sr/ i /cs s ll
/ sr/ i /tcs s ll it t c l ti
c li iti
/ sr/ i / s r i s ll
17/09/2009 Confidential 23
Pipe is a way to connect the output of one program to the input of
another program without any temporary file
$who | sort
$ps -ax | grep http
i is y t c ct t t t f r r t t i t f
t r r r it t y t r ry fil
x l
| s rt
s - x | r tt
17/09/2009 Confidential 24
I/O Direction
Send output of command to file or to read input from file
Command > filename: output result of command to file
Command >> filename: append result of command to file
Command < filename: command get input from file
Standard input: 0 (keyboard)
Standard output: 1 (monitor)
Standard error: 2 (monitor)
Ex: command > log 2>&1
t t f t fil r t r i t fr fil
fil : t t r s lt f c t fil
fil : r s lt f c t fil
fil : c t i t fr fil
t r i t: ( r )
t r t t: ( it r)
t r rr r: ( it r)
x: c l
17/09/2009 Confidential 25
Vi editor
Vim: Vi IMproved
Operation mode:
Insert mode (typing “i”)
Command mode (pressing the escape key)
Reference doc: vi_quickref.pdf
i : i I r
r ti :
I s rt (ty i “i”)
( r ssi t sc k y)
f r : i i r f. f
17/09/2009 Confidential 26
Basic commands
Basic command list: List commands.xls and
Command help
$ –-help
si list: ist c s.xls
c - l
17/09/2009 Confidential 27
Install/uninstall software
[root@localhost soft]# rpm -ivh mysql-5.0.27-1.fc6.i386.rpm
warning: mysql-5.0.27-1.fc6.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:mysql ########################################### [100%]
dpkg -i ../foo_version-revision_arch.deb
# pkgadd -d /WWW/src/sys/libiconv-1.11-sol10-x86-local
The following packages are available:
1 SMCliconv libiconv
(x86) 1.11
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
t/ r :
[root localhost soft]# rp -ivh ysql-5.0.27-1.fc6.i386.rp
warning: ysql-5.0.27-1.fc6.i386.rp : Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2
Preparing... ########################################### [100 ]
1: ysql ########################################### [100 ]
i :
dpkg -i ../foo_version-revision_arch.deb
l ris:
pkgadd -d / /src/sys/libiconv-1.11-sol10-x86-local
The follo ing packages are available:
1 S Cliconv libiconv
(x86) 1.11
Select package(s) you ish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
17/09/2009 Confidential 28
Install/uninstall software (cont.)
Compile and Installing from source:
Download source code of package (*.tgz, *.bz2)
Read README, INSTALL file or related file to know how to
install/uninstall this driver
Notes: you should have a basic knowledge about gcc (compile options),
make file, debug and check tool (dump, ldd …)
Auto install/update
Fedora: yum
Debian: apt-get
Note: require get through GCS’s proxy automatically: ntlmap
il I st lli fr s r :
l s rc c f ck ( .t z, . z )
, I LL fil r r l t fil t k t
i st ll/ i st ll t is riv r
t s: y s l v sic k l t cc (c il ti s),
k fil , c ck t l ( , l )
t i st ll/ t
r : y
i : t- t
t : r ir t t r ’s r xy t tic lly: tl
17/09/2009 Confidential 29
Network service and LAMP
Network services:
Special route for GCS LAN
NFS (network file system)
t r s r i s:
ci l r t f r L
t l t/ss
( t rk fil syst )
s il
ys l
r cl
17/09/2009 Confidential 30
GCS Network Information
C:\Documents and Settings\annt>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : annguyen0647
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) PRO/1000 PL Network Connection
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-18-F3-82-0D-15
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, August 06, 2008 4:26:33 PM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Thursday, August 14, 2008 4:26:33 PM
17/09/2009 Confidential 31
GCS Network Information
C:\Documents and Settings\annt>NETSTAT -rn
Route Table
Interface List
0x1 ........................... MS TCP Loopback interface
0x2 ...00 18 f3 82 0d 15 ...... Intel(R) PRO/1000 PL Network Connection - Packet Scheduler Miniport
Active Routes:
Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 20 1 1 1 1 20 20 20 1 1 20 1
Default Gateway:
Persistent Routes:
17/09/2009 Confidential 32
GCS Network Information
Proxy server: find proxy server in ISA client
SMTP server: for setup sendmail
Ex: phanthiet.
17/09/2009 Confidential 33
Check network configuration
Show ip address
# ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:F3:82:12:D8
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::218:f3ff:fe82:12d8/64 Scope:Link
Show route
# netstat -rn
Routing Table: IPv4
Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------
default UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0
Show DNS server
# cat /etc/resolv.conf
17/09/2009 Confidential 34
Configure network
Configure IP address
ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast up
Configure route
/sbin/ip route add default via dev eth0
/sbin/ip route add via dev eth0
/usr/sbin/route add net default
/usr/sbin/route add net
Other network debug commands: ping, nslookup, uname,
hostname, telnet …
17/09/2009 Confidential 35
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCP: Automatically assign an IP address other related configuration
information such as the subnet mask and default gateway, DNS servers,
WINS servers
17/09/2009 Confidential 36
17/09/2009 Confidential 37
Telnet – RFC 854
Telnet (default port 23) is a standard application that almost
every TCP/IP implementation provides. It works between hosts
that use different operating systems.
17/09/2009 Confidential 38
Telnet – Detect network service
Example of use telnet to detect mail server
# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version:
6.0.3790.3959 ready at Mon, 11 Aug 2008 16:16:08 +0700
17/09/2009 Confidential 39
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
Active mode Passive mode
17/09/2009 Confidential 40
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
C:\Documents and Settings\annt>ftp
Connected to
220 FTP server ready.
User ( annt
331 Password required for annt.
230 User annt logged in.
ftp> binary
ftp> get test.txt
ftp> put test.txt
ftp> prompt off
ftp> mget /WWW/*
17/09/2009 Confidential 41
Samba is essentially a TCP/IP file and print server for Microsoft
Windows clients.
Configure a samba share folder
1. Share Linux directory
1. # vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
2. Add below section: enable user luc and toshiba access to myshare
comment = test share
path = tmp/testshare
valid users = luc toshiba
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
browseable = yes
2. Set password for samba user
# smbpasswd –a luc
3. Restart samba service
# /sbin/service smb restart
17/09/2009 Confidential 42
Add new samba user
# smbpasswd -a username
# smbpasswd -a user1
Enable accessing Windows folder from Linux
Syntax: request root privilege to execute
• Mount folder
smbmount win_dir linux_dir [-o options]
• Unmount samba folder
smbumount linux_dir
Options: not allow space between these below options
• rw: read/write mode
• ro: read only mode
• username: user name to log in to Windows computer
• password: password to log in to Windows computer
• Mount samba folder
# smbmount // /home/luc/share -o
• Unmount samba folder
# smbumount /home/luc/testshare
17/09/2009 Confidential 43
NFS – Network File System
NFS allows users to access files across a network and treat them as if
they resided in a local file directory.
NFS configuraiton:
17/09/2009 Confidential 44
Refer to sendmail howto document
17/09/2009 Confidential 45
Using crontab command to schedule tasks to be automatically
run in the background at regular intervals by the cron daemon
crontab [options] [user]
• -e: edit user's crontab
• -l: list user's crontab
• -r: delete user's crontab
Crontab files path: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/
Crontab file format
17/09/2009 Confidential 46
Use df command to check disk space with the below schedule
1. export EDITOR=vi ;to specify a editor to open crontab file.
2. $ crontab –e
3. Input the above content into crontab file
4. Save the file
5. View crontab content
$ crontab -l
Output memory information to mem.txt after each minute
1. $ crontab -e
• * * * * * free >> mem.txt
2. $ crontab -l
17/09/2009 Confidential 47
Cron and problem with time zone
1. The times in cron are local times. This means, that if you configure cron to start some program at
7 in the morning, it is 7 in the morning local time as determined by the system Timezone.
This causes headaches, if the system Timezone is not the same you have set for yourself using
the TZ enviroment variable, or you have two host in different Timezones that need to start
someting at the same time on both hosts.
=> solution synchronize system time zone and environment time zone.
2. How to check and reconfig system timezone
- Show local date: $date
Mon Dec 3 23:03:54 EST 2007
EST stand for Eastern Standard Time
- Check time zone information: /usr/share/zoneinfo/ or $tzselect
- Check system time zone: $cat /etc/timezone
- Check environment time zone: $env | grep TZ
- Change system time zone: $tzconfig
- Synchronize environment time zone to system time zone: add this scrip into /etc/profile
if [ -z "$TZ" -a -e /etc/timezone ]; then
TZ=`cat /etc/timezone`
export TZ
- Show hardware clock: $/sbin/hwclock
- Synchronize hardware clock with current local time: $/sbin/hwclock --systohc
- When you change time zone in profile, do not forget to restart apache server.
17/09/2009 Confidential 48
'NTLM Authorization Proxy Server' (APS) is a proxy software
that allows you to authenticate via an MS Proxy Server (e.g. ISA
server) using the proprietary NTLM protocol.
Refer to NTML howto
17/09/2009 Confidential 49
Apache site:
Compiling and Installing
Stopping or Restarting
Configuration Files
SSL/TLS Encryption
Virtual Hosts
Server Side Includes (SSI)
Authentication, Authorization and Access Control
17/09/2009 Confidential 50
Apache – Stop/start
Check Apache version:
[root@dnpasa ~]# httpd -V
Server version: Apache/2.2.3
Server built: Sep 11 2006 09:43:05
Server's Module Magic Number: 20051115:3
To start/stop Apache HTTP Server:
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start/startssl/stop
Check error log:
tail /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
Check httpd process
# ps -ef | grep httpd
root 2378 1 0 Jun27 ? 00:00:09 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL
nobody 17801 2378 0 Jul09 ? 00:00:29 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL
17/09/2009 Confidential 51
Start mysql/stop
# /etc/init.d/mysql start/stop
Check error log
# tail /var/adm/messages (Solaris)
# tail /var/log/messages (Linux)
17/09/2009 Confidential 52
Start/stop Oracle
Login as oracle user
Check env variables: ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID
Start oracle instance:
sqlplus /nolog
sqlplus>connect sys/ as sysdba
Shutdown oracle instance
sqlplus>shutdown normal/immediate
Start Oracle listener
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start
Connect to DB :
sqlplus user/password@servicename
17/09/2009 Confidential 53
Any Questions?
17/09/2009 Confidential 54
User administration
Environment variable
File system
System resources
Text editors
Text processing
Useful commands
17/09/2009 Confidential 55
Create users
$ logout
List all users which are logging at present time
$ who
Find location of a program or a command
whereis command
Example: find location of adduser command
$ whereis adduser
17/09/2009 Confidential 56
Create users
Change to root account from normal user
$ su
Allows a permitted user to execute a command as the super
1. Grant permissions for normal user
1.# vi /etc/sudoers
2. Add the following line to enable user "luc" to execute "service"
# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
luc ALL=/sbin/service
2. Using sudo to execute command
$ sudo /sbin/service smb restart
17/09/2009 Confidential 57
Create users
Create a user: you must have sufficient privilege to execute this
Add new user
# /usr/sbin/adduser username
Set password for new user
# passwd username
Delete user
# /usr/sbin/userdel username
Shutdown Linux server: you must have sufficient privilege to execute
this command
# shutdown -h
Reboot Linux server: you must have sufficient privilege to execute this
# reboot
17/09/2009 Confidential 58
Environment variables
Environment variable in Linux is similar to Window
Temporary variable: is a variable which is available to a shell console only
User variable: is a variable which is only available to a user
System variable: is a variable which is available to all users
List of environment variables
$ env
View a environment variable
$ echo $var_name
Example: view HOME variable
$ echo $HOME
17/09/2009 Confidential 59
Environment variables
Define temporary variable
$ export var_name=value
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk
$ export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
Define user variable: define variable in ~/.bash_profile file
instead of shell console. When you relogin, your new variable
will be updated.
Define a system variable: define variable in /etc/profile file. You
need to have root privilege to modify this file
17/09/2009 Confidential 60
File permissions
Change file permissions
chmod nnn filename/directory [-R]
-R: recursive when granting permissions for directory
Example: change mode for test.txt file
$ chmod 755 test.txt
Change file ownership (require root privilege)
chown user[:group] filename/directory [-R]
Example: change owner of test.txt to user1
# chown user1 test.txt
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File operation commands
Directory symbols
.: current directory
..: parent directory
~:home directory
List directories and files
ls [option]
Example: list all file and directory
$ ls -la
Change directory
cd directory
Example: change to sample directory
$ cd sample
$ cd ~
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File operation commands
Display current working directory
Make a directory
mkdir [option] directory
Example: make sample directory
$ mkdir sample
Remove an empty directory
rmdir directory
Example: remove sample directory
$ rmdir sample
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File operation commands
Copy file or directory
cp [-r] filename path/[new_filename]
Example: copy test.txt to sample directory
$ cp test.txt /home/luc/sample
Move/rename file
mv filename path
mv old_namefile new_filename
• Move test.txt to sample directory
$ mv test.txt /home/luc/sample
• Rename test.txt to test1.txt
$ mv test.txt test1.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 64
File operation commands
Create a new empty file or modify file timestamp
touch filename
$ touch test.txt
Remove file or directory
rm [-r] filename/directory
• -r: remove an un-empty directory
• Remove test.txt
$ rm test.txt
• Remove sample directory
$ rm –r sample
17/09/2009 Confidential 65
File operation commands
Page through the contents of a file one screenful at a time
less [options] filename
• -c: clear screen before displaying
• -number: number of lines per screen
Key control
• Enter: view one more line
• q: quit to view a file
• b: move back one screen
• f: move forward one screen
• /text: search for text in the remainder of file
$less mem.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 66
File operation commands
Display content of file
cat filename
view filename
$ cat test.txt [|more] [|less]
$ view test.txt
Display first n lines of file
head -number filename
Example: display first 10 lines of test.txt
$ head -10 test.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 67
File operation commands
Display last n lines of file
tail [options] filename
• -number: display last n lines of file
• -f: Loop forever, trying to read more characters at the end of the file
Example: display last 10 lines of test.txt
$ tail -10 test.txt
$ tail -f test.txt
Count words in file
wc [option] filename
• -c: count bytes
• -m: count characters
• -l: count lines
• -w: count words
$ wc -lwc test.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 68
File operation commands
Compare files
Syntax: default report only the first difference found
cmp [-l] file1 file2
Example: compare test.txt and test1.txt and report on each difference
$ cmp –l test.txt test1.txt
Find differences between two files or directories
diff [options] file1 file2
• -a: Treat all files as text and compare them line-by- line, even if they do not
seem to be text
• -i: Ignore changes in case; consider upper- and lower- case letters equivalent
• -r: When comparing directories, recursively compare any subdirectories found.
$ diff –i test.txt test1.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 69
File operation commands
Send output of a command to file
tee [-a] filename
-a: append
Example: send result of ls command to file
$ ls –la | tee list.txt
Find file
find [-name] filename
$ find -name test.txt
Locate file
locate filename
$ locate test.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 70
File operation commands
Archive file
tar [options] filename directory
• c: create an archive file
• x: extract from an archive file
• v: verbose
• f: archive file name
• Archive sample directory into sample.tar
$ tar –cvf sample.tar sample
• Extract sample.tar to current directory
$ tar –xvf sample.tar
17/09/2009 Confidential 71
File operation commands
Zip file
zip [options] directory
• -r: travel the directory structure recursively
• Archive sample directory into sample.tar
$ zip –r sample
• Unzip to current directory
$ unzip
17/09/2009 Confidential 72
System resources [1]
Show status of active processes
ps [options]
• -a: list all processes of all users
• -u: user oriented report
• -x: list even processes not executed from terminals
$ ps -ux
Kill a running process
kill [-signal] process-id
• -l: displays the available kill signals
• -9: force running process terminate immediately
$ ps -9 15599
17/09/2009 Confidential 73
System resources [2]
Summarize disk block and file usage
Report disk space in use for files or directories
du [options] [directory or file]
• -a: display disk usage for each file, not just subdirectories
• -s: display a summary total only
Example: display disk usage of files and subdirectories of sample directory
$ du –a sample
17/09/2009 Confidential 74
System resources [3]
Displays the processes that are using the most CPU resources
top [p pid]
• p pid: view CPU usage of a process
$ top
Display information about free and used memory on the system
free [options]
• -m: display output in megabytes (MB)
$ free
17/09/2009 Confidential 75
Text Editor - vi
vi is a Visual Editor which allows user to edit file in Linux. It is a
default editor under most Linux and Unix versions
Syntax: create or edit file
vi filename
vi commands: all commands in vi are preceded by pressing the
escape key. There are three kind of commands:
Text editing commands
Cursor movement commands
File manipulation commands
17/09/2009 Confidential 76
vi – Text Editing Commands
Text editing commands are used during editing content of file.
i: insert text before the cursor
a: append text after the cursor
I: insert text at the beginning of the line
A: append text to the end of the line
dd: deletes current line
dw: deletes current word
D: deletes from cursor to end of line
x: deletes current character
X: deletes previous character
yy: copy the current line into the buffer
Nyy: copy the next N lines, including the current line, into the buffer
p: patse the lines in the buffer into the text after the current line
17/09/2009 Confidential 77
vi – Cursor Movement Commands
Cursor movement commands are used to move cursor around
the file
CTRL+f: forward one screen
CTRL+b: back one screen
CTRL+d: down half screen
CTRL+u: up half screen
H: beginning of top line of screen
M :beginning of middle line of screen
L: beginning of last line of screen
G: beginning of last line of file
0: (zero) beginning of line
$ : end of line
e: end of word
17/09/2009 Confidential 78
vi – File Manipulation Commands
File manipulation commands are used to manipulate the file
:w writes changes to file
:wq writes changes to current file and quits edit session
:w! overwrites file
:q quits edit session (in case file not be changed)
:q! quits edit session and discards changes
ZZ write changes to current file and exit
17/09/2009 Confidential 79
Text processing – grep command
The grep utility searches files for a pattern and prints all lines
that contain that pattern
grep [options] [file[s]]
• -i: ignore case
• -e pattern: search text which matches the parttern
Example: file num1.txt and num2.txt has the following content:
• num1.txt
1 15 fifteen
2 14 fourteen
• num2.txt
4 12 twelve
15 1 one
17/09/2009 Confidential 80
Text processing – sed command
$ grep '15' num1.txt
$ grep '15' num2.txt > list15.txt
$ grep '15' num?.txt
$ grep –e '[one,twelve]' num2.txt
sed command is used to search and replace text in a file.
sed 's/text_search/text_replace/g' filename
$ sed "s/TEST SED/test sed/g" test.txt > test.temp
$ mv test.temp test.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 81
Text processing – awk/gawk commands [1]
awk/gawk is a tool for processing text files. It is particularly
suitable for processing text-based tables. A table consists of
records which contain fields separated by a delimiter
gawk 'pattern {print}'filename
Meaning: each input line from filename is checked for a pattern match with the indicated action
being taken on a match.
• $ n: n is a column id. $0 means entire record
• Pattern
– /text/: search text from lines of file
– Operator: ||, &&, !, ==, , >=, !=
– ~: contains the expression
– !~: not contain the expression
– NR: number of rows
17/09/2009 Confidential 82
Text processing – awk/gawk commands [2]
The record.txt file has below content:
Ex1: print line which contains 222
$ cat record.txt | gawk '/222/ {print}'
Ex2: print NAME and SALARY of records which has SALARY>2000
$ cat record.txt | gawk '$ 3>2000 {print $2 ";" $3}'
Ex3: print from line # 1 and # 3
$ gawk 'NR==1,NR==3 {print}' record.txt
Ex4: print record which has ID=222
$ gawk '$1==222 {print}' record.txt
Ex4: print records which have NAME=AAAA or BBBB
$ cat record.txt | gawk '$2=="AAAA" || $2=="BBBB" {print}'
111 AAAA 1000
222 BBBB 2000
333 CCCC 5000
444 DDDD 3000
17/09/2009 Confidential 83
Text processing – Regular expression
Below are meaning of metacharacters which are used in the
expression of grep and sed commands
. : matches any one character
• Example: .at à match cat, mat, nat,…
* : matches preceding char one or more time
• Example: ab*c à match abc, abbc, abbbc,…
[] : encloses a char set, and matches any members of the set.
• - : specifies a range of characters, ordered according to their ASCII
• ^ : As the first character of a list, the caret means that any character
except those in the list should be matched
• Example
[abc] à match any 'a', 'b', or 'c'
[0-9] à mean [0123456789]
[A-Za-z] à match all alphabet characters
[^a] à match any except a
[^0-9] à match any except a numeric digit
17/09/2009 Confidential 84
Text processing – Regular expression [1]
^ : matches characters from the beginning of line
• Example: ^error à match all lines beginning with "error"
$ : matches characters from the end of line
• Example: error$ à match all lines end with "error"
17/09/2009 Confidential 85
View hostname of the Linux server
Check whether the local PC reach to remote host or not
ping hostname|IP
$ ping localhost
View IP of the local PC
Note: only root user can execute this command.
17/09/2009 Confidential 86
Networking - telnet
telnet utility enables user to communicate with a remote host
telnet hostname|IP
Check whether telnet service is ON of not
# /sbin/chkconfig –-list telnet
Enable telnet service: do the following steps
1. Open file /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
2. Set value for below line:
3. Restart xinitd service
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart
17/09/2009 Confidential 87
Networking - ssh
Secure Shell (SSH) tools provide a secure method for logging in
and exchanging information with a remote host . It also enables
us to execute a command of a remote host.
Syntax: execute remote command
ssh username@hostname command
Example: check disk space from a remote host
[luc@localhost ~]$ ssh toshiba@ df
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 87:09:e2:79:57:61:ba:34:a8:f0:6e:ec:48:71:ec:b8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
toshiba@'s password:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 10080488 3508104 6060316 37% /
none 1618288 0 1618288 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1 302382384 164371536 122650704 58% /home
/dev/sda2 221744328 187595576 22884780 90% /opt
/dev/sda3 75838500 88424 71897692 1% /usr/local
17/09/2009 Confidential 88
Networking – ftp [1]
ftp utility enables user to transfer files from local computer to
remote host and vice versa
ftp hostname|IP
Check whether ftp service is ON of not
# /sbin/chkconfig –-list tftp
Enable ftp service: do the following steps
1. Open file /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
2. Set value for below line:
3. Restart ftp service
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/proftpd restart
Note: depend on Linux distribution, the command might
17/09/2009 Confidential 89
Networking – ftp [2]
ftp commands
Transfer file from local computer to remote host
put local-file [remote-file]
Get file from remote host to local computer
get remote-file [local-file]
Enable binary mode before transferring file
Display available commands
Display path of current directory
List directory
ls or dir
Quit out of FTP program
17/09/2009 Confidential 90
Networking - netstat
netstat is a useful tool for checking your network configuration
and activity
netstat [options]
• -a: show both listening and non-listening sockets
• -n: show network addresses as numbers
• -l: show only listening sockets
• -p: show pid
$ netstat –l
$ netstat -na
17/09/2009 Confidential 91
Networking – sniffit [1]
Sniffit is a packet sniffer which is used to capture packets
transfer on a specified host and port
To use sniffit, we need to download two below packet:
sniffit-0.3.7beta-1.i386.rpm: provide sniffit command.
ncurses4-5.0-9.i386.rpm: provide GUI in interactive mode.
You can download these above files from the below link:
Install sniffit: login to Linux and su to root user. Change to
directory which contains two these above files
$ rpm –i ncurses4-5.0-9.i386.rpm
$ rpm –i sniffit-0.3.7beta-1.i386.rpm
17/09/2009 Confidential 92
Networking – sniffit [2]
Using sniffit: before using, we need to create configuration file
which contains input parameters for sniffit command
Format of parameters in configuration file
Create file conf.txt which captures packets on port 23
select both port 23
Run sniffit to capture packets on port 23
# /usr/sbin/sniffit -c conf.txt -M 0
sniffit will capture packets on port 23 and store into
two files below. They are in readable text. So we
can view and understand the content.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 770 Aug 8 05:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25 Aug 8 05:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Aug 8 05:16 conf.txt
17/09/2009 Confidential 93
Networking - traceroute
Traceroute is the program that shows you the route over the
network between two hosts, listing all the intermediate routers
a connection must pass through to get to its destination. It can
help you determine why your connections to a given server
might be poor
traceroute hostname|IP
$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max,
38 byte packets
1 ( 1.650 ms 1.054 ms
1.493 ms
In the above result, traceroute command sends 3
packets to Therefore, there are
response times output.
17/09/2009 Confidential 94
Useful commands [1]
Run a command in the current directory when the current
directory is not on the path
$ ./command
Run command in the backgroup mode: this is useful for
executing batch program
$ command &
$ top &
Run the command following this only if the previous command
completes successfully
$ command1 && command2
$ grep 'aaa' f1.txt && echo "End of result"
17/09/2009 Confidential 95
Useful commands [2]
Run the command following only if the previous command did not
complete successfully
$ command1 || command2
$ grep 'aaa' f1.txt || echo “String not found”
View list of previous command
$ history
Repeat previous command
$ !!
View list of available commands: press two times.
Send current process to background: press CTRL+z
Convert window file format to Linux text file format and vice versa
$ dos2unix filename
$ unix2dos filename
17/09/2009 Confidential 96
Special characters
Back stick `
Back sticks are used for command substitution
Back slash \
Back slash hide the following character from the shell. The
character following the back slash loses any special meaning
Semi colon ;
Semi colon lets you put more than one command on a line
Ampersand &
Ampersand at the end of a command puts that command
into the background
17/09/2009 Confidential 97
Regular expression
Star *
Zero or more times
Dot .
One or more times
Group []
Range –
Slash \
17/09/2009 Confidential 98
Any Questions?
17/09/2009 Confidential 99
LPI™ certification
Linux Professional Institute™ family of certifications :
Level 1: Junior Level Linux Professional.
Level 2: Advanced Level Linux Professional.
Level 3: Senior Level Linux Professional.
LPI Website:
17/09/2009 Confidential 100
References site
10.Man pages at your linux machine.
. tt :// . iki i . r / iki/ yst
. tt :// .li x. r /l ss s/ i r/t c. t l
. tt :// . ix i . t/li x/li xs rtc ts.s t l
. tt ://li x l . l s t.c / / / li - - is li -
s rvic s- ri . t l
. tt :// .li x.c / i s/Li x- il syst -
i r rc y/i x.s t l
. tt :// . iki i . r / iki/ ris f Li x istri ti s
. tt :// .r t.c / cs/ ls/li x/ L- -
l/c st - i /s -s -c fi ri . t l - -
I I - LI
. tt :// .f s. r / cs/s c ri /c s c . t l
. tt :// .s . r /s / cs/ / - -
ll cti / st t rt. t l - x l
. s t y r li x c i .
17/09/2009 Confidential 101
Thank you!
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