This paper presents the method of feature
subset selection in dynamic stability assessment
power system using artificial neural networks.
This paper proposed applying four feature subset
selection algorithms that are FR, SFS, SBS, and
SFFS. The effectiveness of the algorithms was
tested on the GSO-37bus power system. With
the same number of feature, the calculation
results show that SFS algorithm yielded higher
classification rate than FR, SBS algorithm. SFS
algorithm yielded the same classification rate as
SFFS algorithm.
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Feature subset selection in dynamic
stability assessment power system
using artificial neural networks
Nguyen Ngoc Au 1
Quyen Huy Anh 1
Phan Thi Thanh Binh 2
1Ho Chi Minh city University of Technical and Education
2Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology, VNU-HCM
(Manuscript Received on October 30nd, 2014, Manuscript Revised July 08nd, 2015)
This paper presents method of feature Sequential Backward Selection (SBS),
subset selection in dynamic stability Sequential Forward Floating Selection
assessment (DSA) power system using (SFFS) and Feature Ranking (FR) algorithm
artificial neural networks (ANN). In the to feature subset selection. The
application of ANN on DSA power system, effectiveness of the algorithms was tested
feature subset selection aims to reduce the on the GSO-37bus power system. With the
number of training features, cost and same number of features, the calculation
memory computer. However, the major results show that SFS algorithm yielded
challenge is to reduce the number of higher classification rate than FR, SBS
features but classification rate gets a high algorithm. SFS algorithm yielded the same
accuracy. This paper proposes applying classification rate as SFFS algorithm.
Sequential Forward Selection (SFS),
Key words: feature subset selection, dynamic stability assessment, artificial neural
networks, and power system.
1. INTRODUCTION sources and transmission systems are not
developed to meet the load demand. While
Modern power systems are forced to
operating the power system is always faced with
operate under highly stressed operating
unusual circumstances such as a generator
conditions closer to their stability limits. The
outage, loss of a line, sudden dropping of a large
operation of power systems is challenged
load, switching of station or substation, and
increasingly significant because investment
Trang 15
three-phase sudden short circuit, ... Power The intelligent systems for DSA consist of
system stability is the ability to regain an four basic steps: database generation, feature
equilibrium state after being subjected to a selection, knowledge extraction and model
physical disturbance and maintain the validation. In particular, a very important stage
continuous supply of electricity to customers. is feature selection because it greatly affects
Power system stability is classified [1]: rotor cost, computational time and recognition
angle stability, frequency stability and voltage accuracy of DSA system. Feature selection
stability. Rotor angle stability is divided into two actually reduces features or variables, just select
categories including short-term and long-term. the minimum number of variables but ensure
Short-term stability angle is considered transient recognition accuracy. This paper proposed
dynamic stability and important contribution in applying FR (Feature Ranking), SFFS
power system stability. Long-term stability (Sequential Forward Floating Selection), SFS
angle includes small signal stability and (Sequential Forward Selection), SBS
frequency stability. (Sequential Backward Selection) algorithm for
feature subset selection. The case study was
Due to the complexity of the power system,
done on GSO-37bus power system diagram with
traditional methods to power system analysis
the support of simulation software PowerWorld
take so much time and cause delays in decision
17. The algorithms of feature subset selection
making. However, the relationship between pre-
were programmed on Matlab software.
fault parameters of the power system state and
Multilayer Feed forward Neural Networks
post-fault modes of power system stability has
(MLFN) is supported by Matlab software.
highly nonlinear, extremely difficult to describe
this mathematical relationship. In order to 2. METHOD
overcome such difficulties, intelligent system,
2.1. Mathematical Model of Multimachine
that is ANN, has been proposed for DSA thanks
Power System
to special abilities in pattern classification
[2],[6],[7]. Operating conditions of power The dynamic behavior of a generator power
systems have wide range so that it is difficult system can be described by the following
perform online calculations. ANN is in need of differential equations [1]:
initial off-line data for training. Extensive off-
d 2
i (1)
line simulation is performed so as to acquire a M i 2 Pmi Pei
large enough set of training data to represent the
different operating conditions of typical power d i
It is known that: i (2)
systems. As a pattern classifier, once trained, dt
neural networks not only have extremely fast By substituting (2) in (1), therefore (1) becomes:
solutions but also get the ability to update new
patterns or new operating conditions by d i
M i Pmi Pei (3)
generalizing the training data, improving dt
recognition accuracy [7].
Where: i: rotor angle of machine i; i: rotor
speed of machine i; Pmi: mechanical power of
Trang 16
machine i; Pei: electrical power of machine i; Step4. Subset feature evaluation.
M : moment of inertia of machine i.
i Step 5. Subset feature selection.
The state of the power system is stable
2.2.2. Data generation, initial feature set
when the rotor angle deviation of any two
generators not exceeding 1800, and is unstable
when the rotor angle deviation of any two A large number of samples are generated
generators exceed 1800. Status of power system through off-line simulation and the stable status
was performed according to the proposed rules is evaluated for each fault under study. Data for
in [1],]4],[5], as follow: each bus or line fault occurring in the test
systems are recorded in which samples of data
If ij < 180 then Stable are kept in a database. The input is the vector of
(4) system state parameters that characterize the
If ij 180 then Unstable
current system state, usually called feature, they
can be classified into pre-fault, fault-on and post-
2.2. Feature subset selection
fault features.
2.2.1. General Description
Pre-fault features [2]: steady-state
The MLNF-based DSA power system can operating parameters such as voltage magnitude
be formulated as a mapping yi = f (xi) after and angle of buses, P, Q load, generation and line
learning from a stability database
flow qualities Pflow, Qflow, Pload, Qload, Vbus, and
n before disturbance occurs (P , Q , ,).
D{xi , yi}i1. Where xi is feature; It is n- gen gen bus
dimensional input vector that characterizes the Fault-on features [6]: variables that
system operating state; and yi is output vector. characterize at fault-on state of power system
The feature subset selection consists of selecting occur such as changes in nodal powers, in power
a d dimensional feature vector z. Where d < flows in transmission line, voltage drops in the
n; The d selected features represent the original nodes at instance of fault (Pflow, Qflow, Pload,
data in a new knowledge base Qload, Vbus,).
Dnew {zi , yi}i1, and the new mapping Post-fault features [4]: variables that
ynewi=fnew(zi). Thus, feature selection is actually describe system dynamic behavior after
taking away unnecessary features and selecting disturbance occurs such as relative rotor angle,
a candidate subset of features that get rich rotor angular velocity, rotor acceleration, rotor
information with highly accurate identification kinetic energy, and the dynamic voltage
of model. This process includes the following trajectory,
steps: The problem of transient stability is usually
Step 1. Data generation, initial feature set divided into two main categories: assessment
selection. and prediction. Transient stability assessment
usually focuses on the critical clearing time
Step 2. Candidate feature subset selection.
(CCT). In transient stability prediction, the CCT
Step 3. Training and testing classification rate. is not of interest [11]. In this aspect, the progress
Trang 17
of power system transient due to the occurrence
x i m i (5)
z i
of disturbance is monitored. The key question in i
transient stability prediction is: the transient
Where: m is mean value of data. is standard
swings are finally ‘Stable’ or ‘Unstable’ [3], i i
deviation of data.
[10]-[12]. Vector output variables represent the
stable conditions of the power system. Need of 2.2.3. Candidate feature subset selection.
fast DSA power system after the fault is stable or
This step is the process of searching for
unstable, so the output variables are assigned to
potential subset features. The search strategy is
label binary variable y [10, 01]. Class 1 [10] is
divided into a global search and local search.
stable class and class 2 [01] is unstable class.
Global search strategy has the great advantage
The use the post-fault variables can be too that for optimal result, but expensive
long for operators to take timely remedial computation time. Therefore, the optimal search
actions to stop the extremely fast transient strategy is not appropriate when a large number
instability development process. of input variables. In the case of large input
feature, local optimization search strategy will
Found that, pre-fault input features are
spend less time searching because the search
variables that are too difficult to find a clear
process is not through the entire search space.
signal for sampled dataset learning. Post-fault
input features will prolong a warning of Local optimization search strategies
instability power system. Fault-on input features
- Sequential Forward Selection – SFS [8]:
are proposed in [6] to overcome the drawbacks
The SFS method begins with an empty set (k=0),
such as analysis since the changes in the value of
adds one feature at a time to selected subset with
the parameters of input variables are a clear
(k+1) features so that the new subset maximizes
signal for dataset learning. So, this paper did
the cost function J(k+1). It stops when the selected
mining of fault-on input features (V , P ,
bus load subset has the d desired number of features, k<d.
Qload, Pflow, Qflow) as a database for training
neural networks. -Sequential Backward Selection-SBS [8]:
The SBS method begins with all input features
The output variables represent the dynamic D (k=D), removes one feature at a time to
behavior of power system at fault-on. By selected subset with (k-1) features so that the
observation from off-line simulation, these
resultant subset maximizes the cost function J(k-
binary output variables indicate the status of the
1). The algorithm stops when the resultant feature
power system to comply with the law (4). set has the d desired number of features, k<d.
The quantitative variables have different - Sequential Forward Floating Selection-
units of measurement; the value of the variables SFFS [8]: The SFFS is one of two algorithms of
in the different ranges will affect the calculation Floating Search Algorithm (FSA) that are SFFS
results in recognition. Data normalization and SBFS (Sequential Backward Floating
methods commonly applied in accordance with Selection). The SFFS algorithm the search starts
the following formula: with an empty feature set and uses the SFS
algorithm to add one feature at a time to the
Trang 18
selected feature subset. Every time a new feature Between-class scatter matrix that describes the
is added to the current feature set, the algorithm scatter of the class means about the total mean
tries to backtrack by using the SBS algorithm to is:
remove one feature at a time to find a better c
Ni T
S (m m)(m m) (11)
subset. The algorithm terminates when the size b N i i
of the current feature set is larger than the d i1
S is the covariance matrix of the feature vector
desired number of features. m
with respect to the global mean. Its trace is the
-Feature Ranking-FR [2],[4]: This is a sum of variances of the features around their
simple method which uses less computing time.
respective global mean. Sm is:
By evaluating cost function of a single feature,
S = S +S (12)
then it is ranked by ordering the best of them and m w b
select for a good feature. Goal is to find a feature subset for which the
within-class spread is small and the between- Cost function [8, 9]
class spread is large. The cost function is:
Let the n data samples be x1 , . . . , xn. The
sample covariance matrix, Sm, is given by (6): J trace{Sw Sm} (13)
N th
1 T Formula (14), that was written for the k single
S (x m)(x m) (6)
m n n feature, is Fisher distance function:
N n1
The sample mean of all data: S (k )
J (k ) b (14)
S (k )
1 N w
m xn (7) The value of J is bigger means that the feature is
N n1
more important.
The sample mean of class c :
i 2.2.4. Training and testing classification rate
(8) To test the studied methods without loss of
mi xn
Ni xnci generality, the database is randomly partition
into k subsets that are D1, D2, , Di,, Dk, each
Where: c is the number of class; N is the number
i equal size. The model is trained on all the
of sample mean of class c ; N is the number of
i subsets except for one that is tested to measuring
all samples.
of validation accuracy. Training and testing are
SW, within-class scatter Matrix, is: performed k times. The validation accuracy or
classification rate is computed for each of the k
1 Ni validation sets and averaged to get a final cross-
Sw Si (9)
N i1 N validation accuracy. Classification rate of
1 training or testing is determined by the formula
T (10)
Si (xn mi )(xn mi ) (15):
Ni x c
n n
r(%) r .100 (15)
Si: is the covariance matrix for class i. N
Trang 19
Where: nr is the number of sample for training or (37+25+25+56+56). The number of output
testing with right result; N is the number of variables is 2 (class 1 [10]: stable class, class 2
sample for training or testing. [01]: unstable class). From simulated results and
based on the law (4), there were 240 samples
The expected value (EV) of classification rate of
with 120 stable samples and 120 unstable
the model was proposed in [6] by the formula
samples. Sample set was normalized by formula
(5). Full feature set was randomly divided into 6
EV 0.9 (16) feature subsets. Each feature subset had 40
2.2.5. Training and testing classification rate samples (20 stable samples and 20 unstable
and subset feature evaluation samples). So, each training subset had 200
samples (100 stable samples, 100 unstable
Applying feature subset selection
samples) and testing subset had 40 samples (20
algorithms were described as above to selecting
stable samples, 20 unstable samples).
feature subsets. Each feature subset was trained
and tested, the classification rates are calculated 3.2 Results of feature subset selection
by the formula (15). In this paper, four search algorithms that are
Feature subset is selected with conditions SFS, SBS, SFFS and FR, were proposed
that have smaller a number of features, agree to applying to feature subset selection. In which,
the formula (16) and get higher classification the SFS, SBS, SFFS algorithms had been applied
rate. in [2]. The objective function (13) was applied
for these three algorithms in this study. FR
3. RESULTS - DISCUSSION algorithm had been applied in [2],[4] with Fisher
3.1 Feature set, samples for training distance function (15). Figure 1 shows the results
of distance measuring value by SFFS, SFS and
The off-line simulation was implemented to
SBS algorithm. Figure 2 shows the results
collection data for training. In this study, the
ranked from large to small according to Fisher's
GSO-37bus system, that is the standard system
distance measuring the value of each single
in the simulation program of PowerWorld 17
software, [5], was used as case study. It consists
of 37 buses, 9 generators; three different voltage 24
levels are 345kV, 138kV and 69kV, 25 loads, 14 22
transformers, 42 transmission lines. Load level 20
is one hundred percent rated load. Fault types are 18
balanced three-phase, single line to ground, line 16
J value J
to line, double line to ground at buses and along 14 SFFS
transmission lines. Setting fault clearing time is 12 SBS
25ms [5] with all faults. 10
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Input and output variables are x[Vbus,
Feature (d)
Pload, Qload, Pflow, Qflow] and y[10,01].
Figure 1 distance calculated value of SFFS, SFS and
Totalof input variables is 199
SBS algorithm.
Trang 20
Table 1. The measured distance (J value) of
SFFS and SFS algorithm of feature subsets with
d=13 and d=20.
Feature J value J value (SFS) 94
(d) (SFFS)
13 15.42795 15.42502 90
Classification 88rate (%) SFFS
20 23.54927 23.48542 SFS
86 SBS
1.4 84
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Feature (d)
1 Figure 3 clasification rate of testing feature subsets
by MLNF.
J value 0.6 updating algorithm was selected. These
functions are supported in neural networks tool
of R2011b Matlab software. Programs were
performed by laptop with CPU Inter CoreTM i3-
0 50 100 150 200 380M, 2GB DDR3 Memory, 500GB HDD.
Feature (d) Figure 3 shows classification rate of testing
Figure 2 Fisher's distance measuring value. feature subsets with algorithms by MLNF.
Table 3 Training time and testing classification
Table 2. Calculating time of SFS, SFFS, SBS rate of algorithms with d=12 and d=199.
algorithm with d=20 and FR with d=199. feature Training r(%)
SFFS SBS FR (d) time (s)
SFS SFS 12 2.03 95.0
Time (s) 1.15 2.58 117.5 0.14 SBS 12 2.18 92.1
Fisher 12 2.16 87.9
Total 199 7.61 95.8
3.3 Results of training
From Table 3, we can observe that SFS
MLNF had three layers: one input layer, algorithm got higher classification rate than
one hidden layer and one output layer. Hidden others. So, Suggested method-based SFS
layer has 10 neurals with activate function algorithm applied to select 12 top of features
tansig. Activate function purelin was used for (VbusWeber69, VbusBLT138,
output layer. Levenberg-Marquardt optimization PloadSHIMKO69, PloadHALE69,
based for weight and bias
QloadPATTEN69, QloadAMANDA69,
QloadBLT138, PloadBLT69,
Trang 21
QloadLYNN138, PflowRAY138-BOB138, According to Table 2, with 20 features, it
PflowBOB138-BLT138, PflowBLT69- can see that calculating time of FR algorithm is
BLT138) in order to reduce the number of inputs the shortest time with 0.14s. Calculating time of
to MLFN. However, we expected to check SBS algorithm is the longest time with 117.5s.
whether SFS is biased to any different Calculating time of SFFS algorithm is 2.58s and
classifiers. Linear Discrimination Analysis was longer 2,2 times than calculating time of SFS
used as the classification algorithm to our testing algorithm. Calculating time of SFFS algorithm is
it. The linear classifier (LC) is one of the 1.15s. Calculating time of SBS algorithm is
simplest discrimination analysis types. This much longer calculating time of SFS, SFFS and
classify function is also supported by Matlab FR algorithm. This can explain that the SBS
software. Figure 4 shows classification rate of algorithm has to through the space search with
testing feature subsets with algorithms by LC. the entire feature set. SFFS algorithm has longer
calculating time than SFS’s time calculating
94 because beside of forward search, SFFS
algorithm has to backward search. The shortest
calculating time of FR algorithm has a reason
SFS that FR algorithm calculated measuring distance
88 Fisher values only one time respectively for each
Figure 3, classification rates of SFS and
Classification rate (%) rate Classification 84
SFFS algorithm are the same. SFFS and SFS
82 algorithm give better results than SBS and FR
80 algorithm. Classification rates of SFS and SFFS
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Feature (d) algorithm are more 1,3% to 2,9% than SBS
algorithm and more 4,6% to 8,3% than FR
Figure 4 Classification rate of testing feature subsets
by LC
According to Table 3, SFS algorithm,
3.4 Discussion
subset has 12 features that its classification rate
Figure 1 shows the results of distance got 95% by MLFN. Comparing with feature set
measuring value by SFFS, SFS and SBS has 199 features, SFS algorithm’s feature
algorithm. Figure 2 shows the results ranked number was reduced 16,5 times, its training time
from large to small according to Fisher's distance was reduced 3,74 times. Classification rate of
measuring value of each single feature by FR that feature set has 199 features is 95,8%. By
algorithm. In which, the same distance comparing the calculated results found that SFS
measuring values were caculated by SFS and algorithm has the same results as SFFS
SFFS, but that have very small value difference algorithm. These results can be explained that in
at subsets with 13 features and 20 features as step backward search SFFS algorithm only
Table 1. removes one feature for each execution
algorithm could not search deep enough to find
Trang 22
better features. SFS algorithm is simpler than 4. CONCLUSION
SFFS algorithm.
This paper presents the method of feature
Classification rates of SFS and SFFS subset selection in dynamic stability assessment
algorithm are also the same and got better results power system using artificial neural networks.
than SBS and FR algorithm by LC. MLFN got This paper proposed applying four feature subset
higher classification rate than LC for the same selection algorithms that are FR, SFS, SBS, and
feature subset selection algorithm. The SFS has SFFS. The effectiveness of the algorithms was
the 12 selected features that its classification rate tested on the GSO-37bus power system. With
got 95% by MLFN. This result was also the same number of feature, the calculation
considered acceptable for some previous studies results show that SFS algorithm yielded higher
applying pattern recognition to power system classification rate than FR, SBS algorithm. SFS
stability. For instance, classification rate got algorithm yielded the same classification rate as
95% [11], 93,6% [12]. SFFS algorithm.
Lựa chọn tập biến trong đánh giá ổn
định động hệ thống điện sử dụng mạng
thần kinh nhân tạo
Nguyễn Ngọc Âu 1
Quyền Huy Ánh 1
Phan Thị Thanh Bình 2
1Trường Đại học Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh
2Trường Đại học Bách Khoa, ĐHQG-HCM
Bài báo trình bày phương pháp lựa chọn kiếm tiến (SFS), tìm kiếm lùi (SBS), tìm kiếm
tập biến trong đánh giá ổn định động (DSA) kết hợp tiến lùi (SFFS), xếp hạng (FR) để lựa
hệ thống điện sử dụng mạng thần kinh nhân chọn tập biến. Hiệu quả của các giải thuật đã
tạo (ANN). Trong ứng dụng ANN đánh giá ổn được kiểm tra với sơ đồ hệ thống điện GSO-
định động hệ thống điện, lựa chọn tập biến 37bus. Kết quả tính toán cho thấy với cùng
nhằm mục đích giảm số biến đầu vào, giảm biến đặc trưng (Feature), giải thuật SFS có
chi phí và bộ nhớ máy tính . Tuy nhiên, thách độ chính xác nhận dạng cao hơn giải thuật
thức lớn là cùng với việc giảm số lượng biến FR và SBS, giải thuật SFS và SFFS có kết
nhưng độ chính xác nhận dạng phải cao. Bài quả tính toán như nhau.
báo này đề nghị áp dụng các giải thuật tìm
Trang 23
Từ khóa: lựa chọn tập biến, đánh giá ổn định động, mạng thần kinh nhân tạo, hệ thống
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