Effect of atmospheric plasma treatment on mechanical properties of jute fiber and interface adhesion between fiber and resin
The atmospheric plasma treatment can be used as an effective surface treatment method
for jute fiber in PP composite application which can not only improve the adhesion between fiber
and PP resin but also the mechanical properties of the fiber without waste liquid and has higher
effect in combination with alkali treatment.
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Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 45 (5A), P. 201 - 206, 2007
Received 16 August 2007
Ta Thi Phuong Hoa, Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, Nguyen Chau Giang
Polymer Center, Hanoi University of Technology
The surface treatment by physical method of jute fiber using air plasma was investigated.
Fiber was treated by the atmospheric plasma with various conditions of power 50W and different
treatment times (from 1 min to 7 min). After treatment, the characteristics of fiber changed
remarkably and fiber surface observed by SEM analyze showed a better morphology for
adhesion. The result showed that tensile strength and Young’s modulus of jute fiber were slightly
improved, however there was a remarkable improvement interface adhesion between fibers and
polypropylene (PP) resin. Especially, when combine physical method and chemical method, the
interfacial adhesion and mechanical properties of jute fibers were significantly improved.
I - Introduction
Natural fiber reinforced composites have
recently increased concerns of scientists and
technologists because of many advantages.
Natural fibers are abundant with various species,
can be recyclable and biodegradable and
therefore are very potential in manufacturing
environmental friendly polymer composite. It is
however important to improve interface
adhesion properties between natural fiber and
resin. Among several fiber treatment methods,
plasma treatment is a new physical method
which is regarded as a dry surface processing
method for adhesion improvement without
waste liquid. Moreover, plasma treatment can
modify surface without obstructing basic
properties of fiber. In this research, atmospheric
plasma treatment has been applied to improve
adhesion properties between jute fiber and
polypropylen (PP) resin.
II - Experimental
1. Material
- Jute fiber: silk jute and roll of jute supplied
from Hanoi Jute Company.
- MAPP - Compatibilizer polypropylene -g-
maleic anhydride with 0.8% of maleic
anhydride was synthesised at Polymer Center,
Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam.
- Technical potassium hydroxide was used
for alkali treatment.
- Acetic acid from China with density and
concentration of 1.05 g/ml and 99.3%
2. Fiber preparation
Raw jute fiber obtained locally was scoured
by treating with a 1% solution of a detergent at
70oC for 1 h to remove weaving size (potato
starch and waxes), then by washing in distilled
water and drying.
3. Alkali treatment
Jute fibers were soaked in beakers
containing potassium hydroxide concentration
in 0.5N for 2h, 4h, 6h and 8h. The fibers were
then washed with dilute acetic acid to neutralize
excess of sodium hydroxide and thoroughly
rinsed with distilled water and dried.
4. Plasma treatment
The plasma experiment system used for this
study is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Experimental system creates plasma
Two Plane-parallel metal electrodes are separated by an atmospheric environment in which
silent discharge environment at the gap. The electrodes are connected to a power supply with high
frequency and power of 12 KHz and 50W. Fiber was treated under conditions as showed in table 1.
Table 1: Plasma treatment condition
Gas Air
Pressure and temperature Atmospheric pressure, room temperature
Intensity and frequency of power 50W and 12 KHz
Treatment time 1 to 7 min
5. Morphology study
The morphology was observed by using
6. Tensile test of jute fiber
The average diameters of fiber were
measured in microscope which magnifying
index comes to 40 times. Figure 2 shows the
dimensions of the fiber specimen. One of the
jute fibers was glued on the sheet of paper
working as an attachment for the specimen.
Then, the gage positions of the paper were cut
after checking it on LLOYD (5000 N)
equipment at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min.
7. Microdroplet test
Single fiber composite (SFC) of jute fiber
and PP was prepared, then the interfacial shear
strength (IFSS) was measured by microdroplet
Power supply
12-20 KHz
0-200 W
Gas exhaust
Vacuum pump
test on LLOYD (5000 N) at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min.
Figure 2: Tensile test of fiber
Figure 3: Microdroplet test
III - Results and Discussion
1. Effect of alkali treatment on the tensile properties of Jute fiber
Table 2 presents tensile properties of jute fiber after alkali treatment with various conditions.
Table 2: Tensile properties of untreated and alkali treated Jute fiber
Alkali treatment
Tensile strength,
Young’s Modulus,
Untreated 198 21.920
KOH 0.5 N, 2h 239.15 23.290
KOH 0.5 N, 4h 274.95 24.471
KOH 0.5 N, 6h 287.6 28.432
Jute fiber
KOH 0.5 N, 8h 241.95 22.292
The results show the change of tensile
properties when changing the treatment
condition. An explanation is that rupture of
alkali - sensitive bonds existing between the
different components of the fiber as a result
partial removal of the hemicelluloses, lignin and
Adhesive agent
Jute fiber
Paper tab will be cut
5 cm
2 cm
Jute fiber PP
Adhesive agent
Paper tab will be cut
other substances. They have amorphous
structure, inhomogeneous property and can
respond to low stress. Treated fiber becomes
more homogeneous and capable of rearranging
themselves along the direction of tensile
deformation. Consequently, tensile properties of
treated fiber increase. Especially, in case the
alkali treatment of 0.5 N in potassium
concentration and 6 hours in treatment time, the
average value of tensile strength and Young’s
modulus increased 45.25% and 29.71%.
2. Effect of atmospheric plasma treatment on
the tensile properties of jute fiber
Changes of tensile properties of jute fiber
after atmospheric plasma treatment are shown in
table 3.
Table 3: Tensile properties of untreated and atmospheric plasma treated jute fiber
Kind of fiber Atmospheric plasma
treatment condition
Tensile strength,
Young’s Modulus,
1 min 227.92 22.436
3 min 254.60 23.527
5 min 265.39 25.145
1 min 308.90 29.774
5 min 335.26 33.720
Alkali treated
KOH 0.5N,6h
7 min 313.30 27.315
In case the atmospheric plasma treatment,
highest tensile properties achieved at treatment
time of 5 min. That is suitable treatment
condition. Especially, the combination of alkali
treatment and atmospheric plasma treatment
leads to increases of 69.32 % and 53.83 % in the
average value of tensile strength and Young’s
Effect of atmospheric plasma treatment on
the tensile properties of fiber is however slight.
It may be that atmospheric plasma treatment
strafed on fiber surface caused a partial removal
of lignin and hemicelluloses. As known that
plasma treatment can modify only fiber surface
without obstructing basic properties of fiber.
3. Effect of atmospheric plasma treatment on
interfacial adhesion between Jute fiber
and MAPP
The effect of atmospheric plasma treatment
on interfacial adhesion between jute fiber and
MAPP is indicated in figure 4.
As shows in this figure, the interfacial
adhesion between two phases improved
significantly by atmospheric plasma treatment.
Plasma treatment showed higher effect than
alkali treatment. In the case of combination of
atmospheric plasma treatment of 5 min and
alkali treatment of 0.5 N KOH in 6 hours, the
interfacial adhesion is 30.96% higher than that
between untreated fiber and MAPP.
Untreated Plasma treated, 5 min
Plasma treatment condition
Alkali treated,
KOH 0.5N, 6h
Figure 4: Effect of atmospheric plasma
treatment on interfacial adhesion
between Jute fiber and PP resin
4. Effect of plasma treatment and alkali
treatment on the surface morphology
The SEM images of untreated and treated
fiber surface are shown in figure 5.
Figure 5: SEM images of Jute fiber surface
It showed that jute fiber consists of many
individual fibers which are bonds together
closely by adhesive substances. After alkali
treatment, individual fiber becomes more
oriented and has cleaner surface. After
atmospheric plasma treatment of 5 min, fiber
surface became rougher comparing to the
surface of untreated fiber.
IV - Conclusion
The atmospheric plasma treatment can be
used as an effective surface treatment method
for jute fiber in PP composite application which
can not only improve the adhesion between fiber
and PP resin but also the mechanical properties
of the fiber without waste liquid and has higher
effect in combination with alkali treatment.
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