A needs analysis for English for electronics and communications of undergraduates at college of information and communication technology - Thai Nguyen University
Tiếng Anh ngày càng trở nên quan trọng đặc biệt là trong học thuật. Do đó, môn tiếng Anh chuyên
ngành đã được đưa vào các trường đại học, và trường Đại học Công nghệ thông tin và Truyền thông,
Đại học Thái Nguyên không phải là một ngoại lệ. Tuy nhiên để có một chương trình phù hợp, một
giáo trình phù hợp, cần phân tích nhu cầu ngôn ngữ của sinh viên trước khi chúng ta tiến hành lựa
chọn hay thiết kế giáo trình, chương trình cho sinh viên. Phân tích nhu cầu trong báo cáo cho thấy
hầu hết sinh viên đều ý thức được tầm quan trọng của tiếng Anh, đồng thời muốn chú trọng phát triển
cả bốn kỹ năng tiếng. Phân tích bài dịch của sinh viên cho thấy, sinh viên đặc biệt gặp khó khăn
trong vấn đề từ vựng và đọc hiểu những cấu trúc lạ hoặc các cách kết hợp từ không thường thấy ở
tiếng Việt. Kết quả điều tra, phân tích, cho thấy cần chú trọng đến từ vựng khi chọn hay thiết kế giáo
trình. Cũng do điều kiện thực tế, thời gian hạn hẹp, kỹ năng đọc được lựa chọn làkỹ năng đầu tiên
cần chú trọng, với những chủ đề về những công nghệ cập nhập hiện nay. Ngoài ra, giáo trình nên
thiết kế để giáo viên có thể linh hoạt giữa hướng tiếp cận truyền thống và hiện đại.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu A needs analysis for English for electronics and communications of undergraduates at college of information and communication technology - Thai Nguyen University, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Nguyễn Mai Linh Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 112(12)/1: 261 - 266
Nguyen Mai Linh*
College of Information and Communication Technology – TNU
English has become more and more important, especially in the academic world, where most of
the work is written in English. For that reason, English for Electronics and Communications (EEC)
is offered to engineering students of that major. However, to design an effective ESP (English for
Specific Purpose) course, a needs analysis is required to provide a foundation for what should be
taught and how it should be delivered. This study focused on the language needs of third year
students majoring in Electronics and Communications at Thai Nguyen University of Information
and Communication Technology (ICTU). A questionnaire survey was conducted, which revealed
that most of the students were aware of the importance of the course. A large number of them
intended to develop 4 skills throughout the course. An analysis of written test was also carried out.
The results also showed the students’ weaknesses in the language. The results of the study provide
an insight into the students’ needs and give guidelines to develop of new course book which fit the
students’ needs.
Key words: Needs analysis, curriculum development, syllabus design, ESP, lexical errors.
EEC is a requirement for all undergraduate
students majoring in Electronics and
Communications subfields atICTU.
However,EECsyllabus has not fully been
developed, and is not derived from the
students’ particular needs. The problems of
the current syllabus are also reflected in the
students’ results as well as the situation in
classrooms such as students’ low motivation,
numbers of students quitting the class.
Therefore, the current syllabus should be
renewed, in which a needs analysis should be
conducted to identity the students’ language
needs and the potential factors that can affect
the implementation of the new syllabus.
Needs can be understood in many different
ways and have been discussed by a number of
authors. Five common meanings of needs
have been defined [4]. First,needs canrefer to
what learners have to be able to do at the end
Email: mailinh0101@gmail.com
of the course to fulfill some job requirements.
Second, needs can be what learners are
desirable to do after the course by the
community or society. Third,needs can be the
process learners need to pass through to
acquire language. Fourth, needs refers to what
learners want to have after the course. Finally,
needs are interpreted as lacks, or in particular,
linguistic lacks what learners do not have and
need to have.
Needs analysis is “the process of determining
the needs for which a learner or a group of
learners requires a language and arranging the
needs according to priorities” [3, p. 353]. In
ESP, the main goal of needs analysis is to
identify the language skills and the
proficiency that learners need to perform
some particular tasks in the field [4].
Well-aware of the importance of a needs
analysis in designing a ESP syllabus, many
curriculum specialists have set needs analyses
as the first step of the whole curriculum
development procedure. Different approaches
to needs analysis have been conducted. In
designing an English course of computing, [6]
Nguyễn Mai Linh Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 112(12)/1: 261 - 266
selected semi-structured interview technique,
including general information, difficulties in
EFL (English as a Foreign Language),
strategies used and terminology issues.
In Vietnam context, in a study to explore the
learning needs of electronics students at Hue
Industrial College, a questionnaire survey to
current students, former students, language
teachers and subject matter teachers was
conducted by [2]. They proposed a list of
topics which could be covered in the
coursebook such as digital input-output,
television, warming system, semiconductor,
and so on. The study also showed that there
were a high percentage of students whose
purposes of studying ESP were to increase
technical vocabulary and reading skill.
In the line with the previous research, this
study aimed to investigate learners’ needs
(what they want to learn and what they need
to learn) for EEC at the College of
Information and Communication Technology,
Thai Nguyen University
Participants for questionnaire survey were
100 third year undergraduates majoring
Electronics and Communications, which
accounted for about 30% of the population.
They had taken the course of EEC, so that
they really knew what the course was. As
third year students, their knowledge of the
subject matter was just newly being
Reliability of the questionnaire
Cronbach Alpha is a measure of internal
consistency which calculates the correlation
of the score for each item with the total score
for each individual, and makes a comparison
between that and the variability present for all
individual item scores [5]. “Cronbach’s
coefficient α is a reasonable indicator of the
internal consistency of instrument that do not
have right – wrong (binary) marking schemes,
thus can be used for both essay questions as
well as questionnaires using scales such as
rating or Likert” [1, p. 279].
Cronbach’s coefficient α of the questionnaire
in the study was at 0.707, which is an
acceptable reliability.
Analysis of Students’ translated texts
In addition to questionnaire survey, students’
translated texts were also analyzed. During
the course, the students were asked to
complete different types of test from
translation one to comprehension one.
Moreover, students were also asked to have a
presentation in groups to discuss some of
common issues in their areas, which actually
could be used to assess students’ spoken
language proficiency.
Students’ interest of EEC
Table 1. Students’ interest in EEC
Interest Usefulness
No, not a little 2.0 1.0
Yes, a little bit 31.0 4.1
Yes 53.0 20.6
Yes, very much 14.0 74.2
Table 1 shows that our participants were
generally interested in the course with over 50
participants saying yes.It can be seen that
most of the participants were aware of the
usefulness of EEC. There were over 72% of
the participants who thought EEC was very
useful but only 14% of participants were very
interested in EEC and 53% others were to
some extent interested in it. It could be said
that students are mainly aware of the
importance of EEC for their future career or
at least their study of other subjects, but as
many of them often complain it is difficult,
which makes them lose interest in it.
Students’ objective of taking the course
According to Table 2, it seems that the
participants were not aware of the aspect
which EEC played the most important role for
them. Over 50% of the participants agreed
Nguyễn Mai Linh Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 112(12)/1: 261 - 266
that EEC was very useful in using technical
materials and finding a good job, but this
number is not good enough to indicate that
the students have a clear purpose in mind
when studying EEC, whether they studied to
read their subject matter textbook in English
or to get a good job in future. There was even
a participant who responded that EEC was not
useful at all in using technical material in
English. He did not see any meaning of EEC
in reading English technical text, which
means EEC has failed in one of its very first
purpose set at the beginning.That is to help
students to deal with technical texts in
Students’ preferential skills
Table 3 indicates that the participants seemed
to prefer the skills they lacked. Therefore,
listening and speaking ranked the first, and
the second was the group of terminology and
reading. However, after a brief interview with
teachers in Faculty of Electronics and
Communication Technology as well as
English teachers in the Faculty of Basic
Sciences, most of them recommended that the
students needed to know the terminology
systems and develop reading and writing
skills which are most important for their
future forthose who do not live in an English
speaking environment. One fact which should
be taken into consideration is that the class
time is limited and the course lasts for only 12
weeks of 3 class hours each week. Focusing
on too many skills is unrealistic. Therefore, to
be balanced, one recommendation is that
terminology and reading should be focused
after the analysis of questionnaire survey and
teacher interview.
Teaching approaches and class activities
Four activities were provided for the students
to number from what they thought the most
effective to the least effective.
1. Teachers explain new topics and correct
students’ homework
2. Analysis of structure and new words
3. Small group discussion and other group
4. Games/presentation
There were a large number of participants
who wanted their teachers to explain new
topics and correct their homework. The
second activity that many participants agreed
on its effectiveness was analysis of structure
and new words. It seems that the students
tended to prefer traditional teaching activities.
Table 2. Students’ objective of taking the course
Good jobs
Language skills
Not useful at all 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Not very useful 7.1 4.0 11.0 7.1
Useful 41.4 39.0 34.0 63.6
Very useful 50.5 57.0 55.0 29.3
Table 3. Students’ preferential skills
Grammar Reading Writing Listening Speaking
Not useful 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Will be useful 66.7 61.0 75.0 56.0 60.0
Most important 32.3 39.0 25.0 44.0 40.0
Nguyễn Mai Linh Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 112(12)/1: 261 - 266
It is more on grammatical translation. Some
new teaching approach of using
games/presentation and group discussion have
not attracted them yet. Theoretically, the new
approach replaces the old one because of its
advantages, and our students have not seen
the effectiveness of those activities which
could be explained by the fact that those
activities which have been conducted up to
now may not be well-organized to attract
students to enjoy and get benefits from those
activities. This recommends that both
traditional teaching approach and current
teaching approaches should be well-blended
together to create a transition from the old to
the new
Problematic translated texts
The students were asked to translate the
following texts into Vietnamese
Frequency modulation (FM) and phase
modulation (PM) are commonly known as
angle modulation. Both FM and PM are used
extensively in communications systems. FM
is used in radiobroadcasting, for the
transmission of the sound signal in standard
(NTSC) TV, for private land-mobile radio
systems, for direct-satellite broadcasting, and
for cordless and cellular telephone systems,
just to name a few common applications. PM
by itself and in combination with AM is used
extensively in modern data-communications
systems. Angle modulation has a very
important advantage over AM in its ability to
provide increased immunity to noise. Angle-
modulation systems typically require a larger
bandwidth than AM systems, a necessary
trade-off for its improved resistance to noise.
And the following is one part of a student’s
Translated text
Điều tần và điều pha được biết đến một cách
thông dụng như phạm vi điều chế. Cả FM và
PM đều sử dụng rộng rãi trong hệ thống giao
tiếp. FM được sử dụng trong phát thanh vô
tuyến cho truyền dẫn của tín hiệu âm thanh
trong chuẩn NTSC, cho hệ thống vô tuyến di
động trọng đất riêng, cho vệ tinh trực tiếp và
cho hệ thống điện thoại không dây và tế bào,
chỉ tên một vài ứng dụng thông dụng. PM
bởi chính nó và trong sự kết hợp với AM
được sử dụng rộng rãi trong hệ thống dữ liệu
giao tiếp hiện đại. Phạm vi sự điều chế có
một thuận lợi rất quan trọng qua AM trong
khả năng của nó cung cấp sự miễn nhiễu với
nhiễu, vì hệ thống điều chế đổi lại 1 băng
thông rộng hơn hệ thống AM một sự cần
thiết cân bằng cho nhiễu.
Generally speaking, the translation doesn’t
make sense. If we take a closer look at the
translated version, the following mistakes
could be identified. First of all, this student
had difficulty in choosing the correct meaning
for the context; for example, in this passage,
communications means truyền thông; then
communications systems means hệ thống
truyền thông. Secondly, the student had a
problem in word order of a noun phrase with
noun noun combination. The student
translated angle modulation into phạm vi điều
chế, even in this sentence the student
mistranslated angle into phạm vi, instead of
góc. Even if the student translated it correctly,
and we replace phạm vi by góc, it should be
điều chế góc, not góc điều chế. The same case
could be seen in the translation of the phrase
data communications systems. It should be hệ
thống truyền thông dữ liệu, instead of hệ
thống dữ liệu truyền thông (if the student
correctly translated communications).
Thirdly, the student tended to wrongly
identify modification of a word; for some
specific case, it causes the word order
problem in noun noun combinations. For
instance, the student translated private land-
mobile radio systems into hệ thống vô tuyến
di động trọng đất riêng. He mistranslated the
word private and in this way, it looks as it
modifies land, but it actually modifies
systems. Finally, the student faces with
difficulty in understanding unfamiliar
combinations of words, such as the phrase in
the last sentence. Errors specified in students’
translated phrases.
In the students’ translation, a numerous other
mistakes can be summarized in Table 4:
Nguyễn Mai Linh Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 112(12)/1: 261 - 266
Table 4. Students’ common errors
No. Error Types
Source language Target Language
1 Word order High-energy ultraviolet light wave Wave reflection
Năng lượng cao ánh sáng cực tím
Sóng phản xạ
2 Part of speech Quá trình điều chế Bộ thu sóng vô tuyến
Modulate process
Radio wave receive
3 Mistranslation Carrier power Phân loại băng tần
Nguồn sóng mang
Range type
In conclusion, the analysis of students’
written test showed that the student faced a lot
of difficulty in understanding complex
phrases and unfamiliar combination of the
text. They had a serious problem with long
noun phrases which are very common in
English technical text. The evidence showed
that they often identified wrong the head
word of the phrase or actually they were not
well aware of the difference between
Vietnamese noun phrase word order and the
English one. This led to the mistranslation of
those phrases and misunderstanding of those
phrases. Another difficulty identified was that
they seemed not be aware of the part of
speech needed in different position of the
phrase or sentence.
From the above analysis, some
recommendations could be made in designing
a new course book. Firstly, in terms of
focused skills, based on what students think
they need to learn and what teachers think
students need to learn as well as their
weaknesses, the coursebook should focus on
improving their technical vocabulary and
reading skills. Secondly, topics covered in the
coursebook should be more updated, so that it
could motivate students to read because they
may find that they are reading something new
in their areas. Thirdly, more exercises could
be provided for students to revise and practice
the language aspects they just learn. The last
but not least, both traditional and current
language teaching should be used, which
could make students feel that they learn and
actually learn.
Needs analysis is an essential step required to
carry out before any ESP syllabus design. The
analysis show there is a requirement for a
skill-balanced ESP syllabus with more
modern topics, but reading and specialized
vocabulary are still on focus.
[1]. Black, T. R. (1999). Doing Quantitative
Research in the Social Sciences. London:
SAGE Publication.
[2]. Luu Quy Khuong & Truong Thi Phuong Chi
(2008). Exploring The Learning Needs Of
Electronics Students At Hue Industrial
College: Towards A Suggested Syllabus. Tạp
chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Đại học Đà
Nẵng, 27(4), 153-159
[3]. Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2003).
Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching
and Applied Linguistics. London: Longman.
[4]. Robinson, P. (1991). ESP Today: A
Practitioner's Guide. New York: Prentice
Hall International.
[5]. Salkin, N. J. (2007). Statistics for People
who (Think They) Hate Statistics. Thousand
Oaks: SAGE Publications.
[6]. Xenodohidis, T. H. (2002). An ESP
Curriculum for Greek EFL Students of
Computing: A New Approach. ESP World,
Issue 2, Vol. 1. Retrieved November 29th,
2006 from http:// www. esp-
Nguyễn Mai Linh Tạp chí KHOA HỌC & CÔNG NGHỆ 112(12)/1: 261 - 266
Nguyễn Mai Linh*
Trường ĐH Công nghệ thông tin và Truyền thông – ĐH Thái Nguyên
Tiếng Anh ngày càng trở nên quan trọng đặc biệt là trong học thuật. Do đó, môn tiếng Anh chuyên
ngành đã được đưa vào các trường đại học, và trường Đại học Công nghệ thông tin và Truyền thông,
Đại học Thái Nguyên không phải là một ngoại lệ. Tuy nhiên để có một chương trình phù hợp, một
giáo trình phù hợp, cần phân tích nhu cầu ngôn ngữ của sinh viên trước khi chúng ta tiến hành lựa
chọn hay thiết kế giáo trình, chương trình cho sinh viên. Phân tích nhu cầu trong báo cáo cho thấy
hầu hết sinh viên đều ý thức được tầm quan trọng của tiếng Anh, đồng thời muốn chú trọng phát triển
cả bốn kỹ năng tiếng. Phân tích bài dịch của sinh viên cho thấy, sinh viên đặc biệt gặp khó khăn
trong vấn đề từ vựng và đọc hiểu những cấu trúc lạ hoặc các cách kết hợp từ không thường thấy ở
tiếng Việt. Kết quả điều tra, phân tích, cho thấy cần chú trọng đến từ vựng khi chọn hay thiết kế giáo
trình. Cũng do điều kiện thực tế, thời gian hạn hẹp, kỹ năng đọc được lựa chọn làkỹ năng đầu tiên
cần chú trọng, với những chủ đề về những công nghệ cập nhập hiện nay. Ngoài ra, giáo trình nên
thiết kế để giáo viên có thể linh hoạt giữa hướng tiếp cận truyền thống và hiện đại.
Từ khóa: Phân tích nhu cầu, xây dựng chương trình, thiết kế chương trình, ESP, lỗi từ vựng.
Phản biện khoa học: TS. Dương Đức Minh – Trường Đai học Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp – ĐHTN
Email: mailinh0101@gmail.com
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