A method of sliding mode control of cart and pole system
Bài báo trình bày một phương pháp sử
dụng giải thuật điều khiển trượt (SMC) cho hệ
con lắc ngược trên xe. Độ ổn định hệ thống
của bộ điều khiển được chứng minh thông
qua hàm Lyapunov và các kết quả mô phỏng.
Một chương trình tính toán áp dụng giải thuật
di truyền (GA) được sử dụng để tối ưu hóa
các thông số điều khiển.
7 trang |
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A method of sliding mode control of cart
and pole system
. Nguyen Van Dong Hai1
. Nguyen Minh Tam2
. Mircea Ivanescu1
1 University of Craiova, Romania
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
(Manuscript Received on July 15, 2015, Manuscript Revised August 30, 2015)
This paper presents a method of using program is used to optimize controlling
Sliding Mode Control (SMC) for Cart and Pole parameters. The GA-based parameters
system. The stability of controller is proved prove good-quality of control through
through using Lyapunov function and Matlab/Simulink Simulation.
simulations. A genetic algorithm (GA)
Keywords: Sliding Mode Control, Cart and Pole, Inverted Pendulum, Genetic Algorithm,
Cart and Pole system is a popular classical way to set sliding mode for a similar model, the
non-linear model used in most laboratories in Rotary Inverted Pendulum but did not prove the
universities for testing controlling algorithm. stability by mathematical methods. Reference [4]
Morever, it is a SIMO system in which just one and [5] respectively introduced integral SMC and
input control must stabilize two outputs: position hierarchial SMC applied for Cart and Pole system.
of cart and angle of pendulum. Many control But [4] did not prove stability by mathematics or
algorithms were proved to work well on this examples in Matlab/Simulink.
model [1]. This paper presents a new and simple SMC
Beside other kinds of control, the nonlinear for Cart and Pole system. First, different sliding
control, especially Sliding Mode Control (SMC), surfaces are presented. Then, a positive Lyapunov
depends on nonlinear structure of system. So, the function is set to include both sliding surfaces. A
stability of system is ensured. Cesar Aguilar [2] nonlinear way is set to make this function to zero
set new variable including both Cart’s position when operating system. After proving stability of
and Pendulum’s angle, neglecting some controller, GA program is used to optimize
components in calculating and trying to transform controlling parameters.
dynamic equation to appropriate form. But it just 2. CART AND POLE SYSTEM
operated well when the neglected component was
not remarkable. Reference [3] introduced other
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The studied system in Fig. 1 is a cart of which Kinetic energy of system:
a rigid pole is hinged. The cart is free to move 1
T =TT + =m q&2 +
within the bounds of a one-dimensional track. The 0 12 0 0
pole can move in the vertical plane parallel to the 1 1
+Jq&&&2 + m () q+ q lcos q 2
track. The controller can apply a force to the cart 211 2 1 0 1 1 1
parallel to the track.
Potential energy of system:
P= P0 + P 1 = mgl 1 1cos q 1 (3)
Lagrangian operator:
1 1
L= T - P = m q&&2 + J q 2 +
20 0 2 1 1
+m( q&& + q l cos q )2 - m gl cos q
2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Lagrangian for motion of cart:
Figure 1: Cart and Pole system d L L
F b0 q 0
dt q q
Lagragian equations are: 0 0 (5)
d L L Lagrangian for rotating motion of pendulum:
Qp (1)
dt q q d L L
b1 q 1
dt q q
q0 1 1
with vector of state variables q
Solve (5) and (6), system dynamic equations are:
mmqmlq010111 cos qq 11 sin q 1 Fbq 00
2 2 2 2 2
Jqmlq11111 cos q 1 2 q 1 sin q 1 cos q 1 mlq 110 cos qqq 101 sin q 1 mql 111 cos q 1 sin q 1 (7)
mqql1 0 1 1sin q 1 mgl 1 1 sin q 1 bq 1 1
We can transfrom (7) to the form:
x1 x 2
x2 f 1()() x g 1 x u TT
with x x1 x 2 x 3 x 4 q 0 q 0 q 1 q 1 (8)
x3 x 4
x4 f 2()() x g 2 x u
And , , , defined as below:
f1() x f2 () x g1() x g2 () x
2 2 3 2 2 2 2
Jbx102 glm 11cossin x 1 xlmx 1114 cos x 3 sin xblmx 30112 cos x 3
Jlmxsin xblmq cos x lmx3 2 2 cos x sin x
1114 31111 3 114 3 3 (9)
f1 () x 2 2
m0 m 1 l 1cos ( x 3 ) J 1 m 0 J 1 m 1
Trang 168
2 2
J1 l 1 m 1cos x 3
g1 () x 2 2 (10)
m0 m 1 l 1cos ( x 3 ) J 1 m 0 J 1 m 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
glm11sin x 3114104114 bmx bmx lmx cos x 3 sin x 3114 lmx cos x 3 sin x 3
2 2
blmx0112cos x 3 glmm 101 sin x 31014 lmmx cos x 3 sin x 3
f2() x 2 2 (11)
m0 ml 1 1cos ( x 3 ) J 1 m 0 J 1 m 1
l1 m 1cos x 3
g2() x 2 2 (12)
m0 ml 1 1cos ( x 3 ) J 1 m 0 J 1 m 1
Parameters of system is used from the real system in [6], but taking away the second link of the double-
linked Inverted Pendulum to have a Single-linked Inverted Pendulum on Cart (Cart and Pole system).
Values of parameters are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Real System parameters
Parameter Unit Definition Value
0 Kg Mass of cart 0.033
m1 Kg Mass of first pendulum 1.999
L1 M Length of first pendulum 0.2
1 M Distance between center and rotating axis of first pendulum 0.115
J1 kgm Inertial moment of first pendulum 0.023
g m Gravitation acceleration 9.81
F N Force controlling cart
kg Viscous Coefficient of Cart 0.0001
b0 s
b1 Nms Viscous Coefficient of Rotating Axis of first inverted pendulum 0.0001
Sliding surfaces are chosen as:
s1 x 1 1 x 2
with 1 const 0and2 const 0 (13)
s2 x 3 2 x 4
Choosing Lyapunov function:
V s1 3 s 2 0 (14)
V s1sgn s 1 3s 2 sgn s 2 x2 1 x 2sgn s 1 3 x 4 2 x 4 sgn s 2
x1 1 fxgxu 1() 1 ()sgn s 1 x 3 2 fxgxu 2 () 2 ()sgn s 2
()()x x u (15)
Trang 169
With (x ) 1 sgn sfx 11 ( ) 3 sgn sfxxsxs 22 ( ) 2134 sgn( ) sgn( 2 ) (16)
And (x ) 1 sgn( s 1 ) g 1 ( x ) 3 sgn( s 2 ) g 2 ( x ) (17)
Choosing u that makes: In this case, GA used is off-line. Parameters
for GA program are listed as below:
V 4 0 (18)
Size of population: N=20
So, we choose 4 const 0 Linear Ranking Selection: 0.2
From (15) and (18), we have: Decimal coding
Two-point crossover
4 ()x
u (19) Crossover parameter: 0.8
Mutation parameter: 0.2
In (13), two sliding surfaces are presented
Choose fitness function:
with s1includes elements of Cart and s2 includes n n
2 2 (20)
J e1()() i e 2 i
elements of Pendulum. When model is balanced, i1 i 1
s1and s2 will move to zero. In this case, we try to
reduce s1 and s2 by setting positive function V
in (14).
After generating V in (12), we choose
control signal u that makes V 0 in (18).
Finally, (19) shows the appropriate control signal Figure 2: Block diagram of GA program
u. From (14), (18), we have: V 0 and VV 0
With e1 q 0 , e2 q 1 and n is number of
. So, V t 0 . From (14), we have:
t t samples in one time of simulation. If the controller
s 0 and s 0 .
1 2 can stabilize system well, function J will be very
Stability characteristic of the system is In this case, we operate Simulink program of
proved in Section 3. With a random parameters of simulating system in 10s, with sample-time is
controller like chosen in three examples in Section 0.01s. So, we have n = 1001 sample.
5, we have the simulation results are shown in Fig.
After 94 generation, the result is 5.84 ;
4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6. 1
; ; and the fitness
2 0.06 3 7.42 4 9.84
As in these figures, the cart’s position is
function is J 0.8677.
stable eventhough quality of control is not so good
and the Pendulum’s angle is not completely stable
but it is not unstable. The force on Cart chatters
because of using function sign() in controller. So,
genetic algorithm (GA) is used here to optimize
control parameters.
Trang 170
cart chatters because of using function sign() in
controller. The SMC algorithm ensures the
stability of system but quality is not so good.
Figure 4: Position of Cart (m) when control
parameters are random
Figure 5: Angle of Pendulum (rad) when control
parameters are random
Figure 3: Flow chart of GA Searching process
5.1 Using random controlling parameters
In order to test the stability of system, we can Figure 6: Force on Cart (N) when control parameters
are random
choose some values of 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 . Three
5.2 Using controlling parameters from GA
samples are randomly chosen as: program
Example 1: By using GA program in Chapter 4, we have:
1 5.84 2 0.06 3 7.42 4 9.84
1 1; 2 1; 3 1; 4 1 ; ; ; .
Example 2: Choosing initial values of variables are
q 0 .1 q 0.1
0 _ in it (m); 0 _ in it (m/s);
1 10; 2 10; 3 10; 4 10 q 0 .1 q 0 .1
1 _ init (rad); 1 _ init (rad/s), and
Example 3: the results of simulation are shown from Fig. 7 to
Fig. 13. The cart’s position and pendulum’s angle
1; 2 ; 3; 4
1 2 3 4 move to balancing point after 10s and 2.2s,
Choosing initial values of variables are respectively. In Fig. 9, control signal still chatters
chosen as: q 0 .1 (m), q 0.1
0 _ in it 0 _ in it but with smaller amplitude than in Fig. 6. Through
(m/s), (rad), (rad/s),
q1 _ init 0 .1 q1 _ init 0 .1 Fig. 7 to Fig. 8, the variables are proved to
the simulation results are shown in Fig. 4, Fig. 5, stabilized quickly. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show the
Fig. 6. robust characteristics of SMC. Fig. 9 proves the
In Fig. 4, the cart’s position is stable chattering of signal control descreases but not be
eventhough quality of control is not so good. In exterminated. Morever, two sliding surfaces s1
Fig. 5, the pendulum’s angle is not completely
and s are proved to be stabilized quickly in just 3s
stable but it is not unstable. In Fig. 6, the force on 2
in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13.
Trang 171
Figure 7: Position of Cart (m) with parameters chosen by GA
Figure 8: Angle of Pendulum (rad) with parameters chosen by GA
Figure 9: Force on Cart (N) with parameters chosen by GA
Figure 12: Sliding surface S1
Figure 10: Position and Velocity of Cart in 20s
Figure 13: Sliding Surface S2
Figure 11: Angle and Angle Velocity of Pendulum in 20s
Trang 172
6. CONCLUSION system was ensured but quality of controller was
This paper presented a new way of SMC to not ensured. To overcome the difference in
control Cart and Pole system. The stability of choosing controlling parameters, one GA
controller was proved through Lyapunov setting program was used to search the optimized
and random examples. Anyway, the stability of controlling parameters. The controller with these
parameters worked well in Simulation.
Một phương pháp điều khiển trượt cho hệ
con lắc ngược trên xe
. Nguyễn Văn Đông Hải1
. Nguyễn Minh Tâm2
. Mircea Ivanescu1
1University of Craiova, Romania
2Đại học Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Bài báo trình bày một phương pháp sử qua hàm Lyapunov và các kết quả mô phỏng.
dụng giải thuật điều khiển trượt (SMC) cho hệ Một chương trình tính toán áp dụng giải thuật
con lắc ngược trên xe. Độ ổn định hệ thống di truyền (GA) được sử dụng để tối ưu hóa
của bộ điều khiển được chứng minh thông các thông số điều khiển.
Từ khóa: Điều khiển trượt, Con lắc ngược trên xe, Giải thuật di truyền, Matlab/Simulink.
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