Trong một hệ thống lớn với rất nhiều
nguồn năng lượng mặt trời được nối với lưới
điện quốc gia, truyền thông trở thành một
thành phần quan trọng trong việc thu thập dữ
liệu để kiểm soát toàn bộ hệ thống ổn định
và hiệu quả. ðối với vấn đề này, bài báo
trình bày một giải pháp dựa trên tiêu
chuẩn truyền thông Zigbee và Ethernet.
Tiêu chuẩn ZigBee có đặc điểm kỹ thuật
của một giao thức truyền thông không
dây cao cấp không những an toàn, đáng tin
cậy, đơn giản mà còn có chi phí thấp và
năng lượng thấp.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu The development of real-time communication network based on Zigbee and Ethernet for Photovoltaic systems, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
The development of real-time
communication network based on Zigbee
and Ethernet for Photovoltaic systems
• Phan Quoc Dung
• Dao Ngoc Dat
• Le Chi Hiep
Power Electronics Research Lab, University of Technology, VNU-HCM
(Manuscript Received on April 28 h, 2014; Manuscript Revised August 13 th , 2014)
In a large system with a lot of distribution applications. Together Zigbee and
solar sources which are all connected to the Ethernet bring to us a real-time
national grid, a communication system communication solution for the system.
becomes the important part for data In the experiment prototype of this
acquisition in order to control the whole paper, we use the CC2530ZNP-Mini Kit
system stable and efficiency. To deal with to create a simple network includes one
this challenge, this paper presents a solution coordinate and one end device for the
based on Zigbee and Ethernet first step. The end device was
communication standard. Zigbee standard configured to get current and voltage
was created to be a specification of a high values from a 3-phase grid-connected
level wireless communication protocol which solar inverter 800Wpk and then sends
is not only secure, reliable, simple but also the values to the coordinate. After the
low cost and low power. With Zigbee, we can coordinate received data, it would send
create a communication network for them to an Ethernet controller board. To
hundreds to thousands of mini solar sources display the data through Ethernet, we
in a large scale of photovoltaic system. embedded a web server on the Ethernet
Ethernet is a high speed wired controller board. By this way, the data
communication technology that is used was easy to visualize and supervised by
widely in industrial and automatic using any web browser.
Keywords: Zigbee, Ethernet, Web server, 3-phase grid-connected solar inverter.
1. INTRODUCTION development goes hand in hand with the rapid
growth in the demand for communications.
As a result of the increasing integration of
renewable energy sources in the power system There are a lot of communication requirements
also the sharp increase in decentralized power for new energy applications, such as meter data
generation, the reliable management of power management, distribution automation, and
supply systems is increasingly challenging. This automatic control. The main objective of this
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paper is to describe the basic design and and real-time information becomes the key factor
implementation of a communication system for reliable system operation while generating
which is realizable, stable, and cost-suitable of a electricity from renewable sources and injecting
renewable distributed generation system. to the national grid. The impact of environmental
conditions, fault conditions, hardware errors,
Central to the operation of any power system is
which cause power disturbances and outages, can
its control architecture consisting of hardware
be largely avoided by online power system
and software protocols for communication
condition monitoring, diagnostics and protection.
system parameters and control signal. In
For that reason, the real-time monitoring and
conventional electric power systems, this is
control enabled by high speed communication
accomplished by Supervisory Control and Data
technologies have become essential to realize the
Acquisition (SCADA) systems [1]. There are
distributed renewable generation system.
many companies that provide SCADA solutions
Furthermore the communication infrastructure
such as Siemens, Schneider, ABB, etc. However,
should be scalable enough to facilitate the
in the large scale of distributed renewable
upgrading of the power system. More renewable
generation systems, with a lot of inverter grid-
energy resources, power conversion devices,
connected devices, lot of sensors, protection
smart meters, smart sensor nodes and smart data
devices, the cost-effective solution is integrating
collectors will join the system and each device
the communication feature to the hardware
should to be connected to the communication
devices instead of using addition devices from
network [4] [5].
the mentioned companies.
The proposed communication system control
There are many communications technologies
and monitor the operation of electric power
divided into two main communications media:
systems by using Ethernet and Zigbee standard
wired and wireless, can be used for data
working in collaboration to achieve the
transmission between sensors and power
mentioned requirement of the system.
electronics converters to control center. In some
case, wireless communications have some 2. OVERVIEW OF A PV SYSTEM WITH
advantages over wired technologies, such as low THE PROPOSED COMMUNICATION
cost infrastructure and ease of connection to NETWORK
difficult or unreachable areas. However, the data
A photovoltaic (PV) power system is a large-
rate of wireless is lower than wired technology.
scale photovoltaic system consisting photovoltaic
So that, wireless technologies with constrained
panels, power electronics converters, inverters,
bandwidth and security and reduced installation
sensors, measurement collection devices,
costs can be a good choice for large-scale
protection devices. The system designed for the
renewable system deployments [2]. On the other
supply of solar energy into the electricity grid. In
hand, wired technologies with increased capacity,
this system, the grid-connected inverters convert
reliability and security can be used for a long
the energy of sunlight, which generated by the
distance transmission. To provide system
PV panels into electricity which is fed directly
reliability, robustness and availability at the same
into the national electricity grid without storage
time with appropriate installation costs, a hybrid
in batteries. A group of PV panels is connected to
communication technology mixed with wired and
a grid-connected inverter box. Each PV inverter
wireless solutions can offer a good solution [3].
contains its own microcontroller which controls
In the communications infrastructure, reliable the operation of the inverter. In fields today a
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large-scale PV system has hundreds of panels, property, a monitoring system based on a
thus to ensure maximum system performance, communication infrastructure are being used.
efficiency and guarantee the safety of people,
Figure 1. Overview of a PV system with the proposed communication network
The communication must be based on an and to control the quality of the electrical source,
industrial technology, which offers system looking at Total Harmonic Distortion (THD),
engineers a flexible, custom configuration for voltage, current, power, energy, ground isolation
total control over the PV generation plant. The and ground leakage current values. The
control system provides simplified, centralized, information is available for each inverter, as well
reliable and secure data management, essential in as the total energy of the power plant. To
achieving maximum energy production. Access facilitate the supervisors in checking the status of
to real-time and visualize data as well as anomaly the plants, a visual color graph has been designed.
alarm notifications enable technicians to provide These graphs indicate the power produced by the
effective, preventative and corrective inverters at any time and allows the supervisors
maintenance of the renewable energy generating to identify any problems in the installation down
system in a timely manner. to string level. This feature of the monitoring
system enables supervisors to detect specific
In the proposed communication network, two
strings that are operating at a lower efficiency
types of communication infrastructure are needed
level than their normal operation. For
for information flow in a PV generation system.
maintenance purposes, engineers can visit the site
The first flow is from sensors and power
and monitor all parameters of the strings or test
converters to measurement collection devices, the
the strings that indicate lower efficiency levels.
second is between measurement collection
devices and the data centers. The first data flow In Fig.1, the major devices of a PV system with
can be accomplished through wireless the proposed communication network are
communications: ZigBee. For the second presented:
information flow, Ethernet technology is used.
(1) The inverter box: Each inverter box has a
Real-time values of all important electrical
power electronics inverter inside. By controlling
parameters can be consulted by the supervisors
with the advanced algorithm, the power
every time. Current values are represented for
electronics inverter can be able to greatly
each inverter, string or panel PV. In addition to
improve the efficiency of the hold PV system [6].
that, a web embedded interface is installed for
each measurement collection device to monitor (2) Sensor: Most of the sensors were integrated
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inside the inverter box for sensing the operation and is the foundation of high-speed
of the power electronics inverter. These sensors communications. Ethernet has become a popular
will serve as the basis for communications, networking technology because it is easy to
computing and control. All measurement signals understand, deploy, manage, and maintain.
will be transmitted periodically by using Zigbee Ethernet is also low cost, high width, flexible and
standard. Zigbee whose advantages include versatile support for multiple applications
reliability, high accuracy of data transmission, especially high speed data communication.
and low maintenance costs. Furthermore, Ethernet supports a variety of
network topologies and can run over both optical
(3) Communications: One Zigbee end device
fiber, and twisted-pair cables, thus making
was implemented inside the inverter box for
Ethernet networks are scalable from the simplest
sending sensor values and the operation
to most complex networks or up to 248 network
parameters of the solar inverter to one Zigbee
nodes, from a few meters to about 40km of
coordinator which was integrated into the
distance. Over the years, Ethernet has steadily
measurement collection device. Each
evolved to provide additional performance and
measurement collection device also has its own
network intelligence. This continual
high-speed Ethernet connection controller, which
improvement has made Ethernet became a high-
transmits all measurement data to the control
speed communications technology for a
station over Ethernet cable. Furthermore, the
tremendous range of established and emerging
measurement collection device can also receive
applications, including datacenter networks,
control signals from the control station in the
personal computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones,
local area network.
power infrastructure and smart meters, etc. [7].
(4) Computing and control station: By
In this embedded applications, Ethernet is used
connecting to the local area network over
for remote monitor and control of data running at
Ethernet connection, the control station gets data
both 10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s (and is often
for monitoring and visualization. Web browsers
referred to as 10/100 Ethernet). The Ethernet
were used for display data. However, monitoring
control board used in this paper is shown in Fig2.
of the data is just the first step, the second is
The Ethernet controller was integrated with the
using the information to control the power
host microcontroller STM32F407. The
generation operates reliability, safety with the
STM32F407 is a product of STMicroelectronics.
highest efficiency and furthermore to balance
It is designed for medical, industrial and
generation with demand.
consumer applications where the high level of
3. ETHERNET integration and performance, embedded
Ethernet is by far the most widely-installed memories and rich peripheral set inside packages
Local Area Network (LAN) technology today in as small as 10 x 10 mm are required. The
the world, connecting more than 85 percent of the STM32F407 offers the performance of the
world’s LAN connected PCs and workstations. Cortex™-M4 core (with floating point unit)
More than 300 million switched Ethernet ports running at 168 MHz. The Ethernet peripheral
have been installed worldwide. Ethernet has enables the STM32F407 to transmit and receive
matured across the last four decades into its role data from the Ethernet cable and manages
as the basis of the IEEE 802.3™ standard, which Ethernet protocol in compliance with the IEEE
specifies the physical and lower software layers, 802.3-2002 standard.
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The communication over the local area communication networks. The LwIP is a small
network in this Ethernet embedded system is independent implementation of the TCP/IP
accomplished by implementing a small TCP/IP protocol suite that has been initially developed by
(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Adam Dunkels at the Swedish Institute of
Protocol) stack called LwIP (lightweight IP). Computer Science and is now developed and
TCP/IP defines a set of rules to enable computers maintained by a worldwide network of
to communicate over a network, specifying how developers. It focuses to reduce memory usage
data should be packaged, addressed, shipped, and code size while still having a full-scale TCP.
routed and delivered to the right destination. It is making LwIP suitable for use in embedded
Nowadays, the TCP/IP protocol has become the systems with very limited resources.
widely used and important protocol for most data
Figure 2. Measurement collection device block Figure 3. Web site monitor embedded in STM32F407
4. WEB SERVER SERVICES configuration information. No programming is
required at the PC (personal computer) running
By implementing Web services in
the Web browser.
measurement collection devices, it becomes easy
to monitor and manage a lot of devices by using When you try to access a Web page, the Web
any web browser. The embedded Web server is a browser issues a request to the server using the
real-time data server. It brings simplified access HTTP protocol. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol
to information, a reduction in the costs of (HTTP) is designed to enable communications
development and deployments, no need for between web browsers and web servers. HTTP
software licenses, plus an increase in productivity. works as a request-response protocol between a
The Web server is fully customizable so that it web browser and web server. In this application,
can be adapted to the system’s requirements. All a program wrote for the microcontroller
the data can be presented in the form of standard STM32F407 that embedded a web site is the
Web pages in HTML (HyperText Markup server. Example: A web browser submits an
Language) format and can therefore be accessed HTTP request to the server. After the server
using any Web browser that supports the handles the request, it sends the HTML pages
embedded Java code. This service is a convenient back to the web browser.
way to monitor the status of devices on the
The web page in Fig.3 was designed by using
network and to access operational and
Trang 9
HTML which is the main markup language for allows nodes to find new routes throughout the
creating web pages and other information that network if one route fails, making ZigBee a
can be displayed in a web browser. The Fig.4 robust wireless solution [8]-[10].
shows the list of algorithm options which can
There are three logical device types in a
apply to the system via the web browser.
ZigBee network – (i) Coordinator (ii) Router and
5. ZIGBEE (iii) End device. A ZigBee network consists of a
Coordinator node and multiple Router and End-
ZigBee is a standards-based technology for
device nodes.
remote monitoring, control and sensor network
applications. ZigBee utilizes IEEE 802.15.4 The coordinator is the device that “starts” a
compliant radios. It has 16 channels in the 2.4 ZigBee network. It is the first device on the
GHz band, each with 5 MHz of bandwidth. The network. The coordinator node chooses a channel
transmission range is between 1 and 100 m with a and a network identifier and then starts the
250 Kb/s data rate. The ZigBee standard is the network. The coordinator node can also be used,
good solution that specifically addresses the optionally, to assist in setting up security and
typical requirements for wireless control and application-level bindings in the network. The
monitoring applications for a renewable router functions are allowing other devices to join
generation system such as: large number of the network and assisting in communication by
nodes/sensors/devices, very low system/node delivering the message of the end-device. The
costs, low-power consumption, reliable and end-device has no specific responsibility for
secures links between network nodes, easy maintaining the network infrastructure, so it can
deployment and configuration. Furthermore, sleep and wake up as it chooses. End-devices
ZigBee supports self-healing mesh networking, only wake periodically to send and/or receive
which is a decentralized network topology. It data to/from their parent.
Figure 5. A mesh Zigbee network example
Figure 4. Algorithm options for the solar inverter
An example network is shown in the Fig.5, ZigBee device preprogrammed with ZigBee
with the ZigBee coordinator, the routers and the software and an MSP430F2274 microcontroller
end devices. The Zigbee hardware was used in that controls the ZigBee device. In particular,
this application is the CC2530ZNP (ZigBee the CC2530 ZigBee SoC (System on Chip)
Network Processor) from Texas handles all the ZigBee protocol tasks and thus,
Instrument. The CC2530ZNP is a cost-effective, leaves the resources of the application
low power, ZigBee Processor that provides full microcontroller free to handle the application.
ZigBee functionality with a short development
time. The hardware consists of a CC2530
Trang 10
6. IMPLEMENTATION CC2530ZNP coordinator over the Zigbee
The experimental prototype contains the
devices which are presented in the following: 6.3. The measurement collection device
6.1. Solar panels and a three-phase grid- This device (shown in Fig.8) was controlled
connected inverter by the microcontroller STM32F407. The web
site for monitoring was embedded to this
Solar panels are connected in parallel and
microcontroller. To access the website, we
series in order to provide total 800W peak. The
connect an Ethernet cable to this device and
output voltage of the array solar panels is
then use any web browser with the address
connected to the input of the inverter through The data transmitted and received
circuit breakers and fuses for preventing the
between the measurement collection device and
short circuit conditions. The solar inverter
personal computer was handled by the Ethernet
(Fig.6) was controlled by dSPACE digital
peripheral of STM32F407 through Ethernet
control technology with efficient power
connection. One CC2530ZNP was configured to
conversion topology to achieve high efficiency
be the Zigbee coordinator in order to receive
solar power conversion. The maximum power
data from or transmit control signal to Zigbee
point tracking algorithm ensures the solar
end devices in the Zigbee network. This Zigbee
inverter is extracting a maximum amount of
coordinator communicates with the
power harvested from solar photovoltaic array
microcontroller STM32F407 through UART
regardless of environmental conditions. The
(Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter)
output of the inverter is the three-phase AC
voltage which is controlled synchronous with
the three-phase grid 380V, 50Hz in order to The main functions of the measurement
inject the three-phase AC current to the grid. collection device are: (1) The Zigbee
One computer was used to control and monitor coordinator receives data which were
the operation of the inverter through the transmitted from Zigbee end devices in the
dSPACE digital controller. Zigbee network, then send data to the
microcontroller STM32F407. The STM32F407
6.2. CC2530ZNP End device
transmits data to a web browser using Ethernet
In Fig.7, the CC2530ZNP end device was interface with LwIP protocol over Ethernet
put at the solar inverter to read values from four twisted-pair cable; (2) by using a web browser,
sensors: input current, input voltage of the control signals were sent to the measurement
inverter (are also the output current and voltage device through Ethernet cable. After receiving
of the solar panels array) and output current, control signals, the STM32F407 sent the signals
voltage of one phase of the inverter. This to the CC2530ZNP coordinator in order to
CC2530ZNP was set up to be the end device in forward the signals to CC2530ZNP end devices,
order to send values of these sensors to the thus to control the solar inverter.
Trang 11
Figure 6. The three-phase grid-connected Figure 7. Zigbee end device at the solar inverter
solar inverter (PERLAB-HCMUT )
Figure 8. Zigbee coordinator with the Figure 9. Monitor of current input and
measurement collection device output of the solar inverter
The current input and output of the solar solar inverter operation was detected, it can be
inverter was monitored and visualize by the web fixed soon, and thus the solar inverter can get
browser as shown in Fig.9. The current in Fig.9 back the normal operation soon.
increased from 2A to 4A depend on the sun 6. CONCLUSION
radiation. By monitoring the current values,
supervisors can detect specific solar panels This paper mentioned the communication
strings with its solar inverter that are operating network architecture for photovoltaic systems.
at a lower power level than their normal Wired and wireless connection was used. The
operation. The shade conditions affect the Zigbee wireless protocol was used to collect
performance of many, if not most solar systems data from the solar inverters, and then send data
which are causing the low power harvested to the measurement collection device at around
operation of the solar inverter - for example, 100m of distance. Once the data are collected,
falling leaves gone with the wind can drop on the data will be delivered to supervisors by
the solar panels surface or the surface of solar using an Ethernet connection with the maximum
panels can be covered in dust over time. When data rate is 100 Mbit/s over the twisted-pair
the reason causing the low power harvested cable. ZigBee is a global standard for wirelessly
Trang 12
networked control and monitoring solutions that communication network. The solar inverter
are reliable, cost-effective, low-power, connected to the three-phase grid to inject the
especially for a large-scale distributed solar power harvested from sunlight to the gird. One
generation system. Ethernet is based on Zigbee end device CC2530ZNP was put at the
standards (IEEE802.3) that ensure reliability of solar inverter and one measurement collection
network connections and data transmission. device was connected to a personal computer to
Ethernet is suitable for high speed data and long monitor data over Ethernet connection. Based
distance connection. The measurement on the results obtained in the web browser, it
collection devices aggregate the performance promises a reliable solution for communication
data from each solar inverter. A web site has of a large-scale solar system.
been integrated into these devices, thus the data ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This research is funded
can be visualized by the web browser for by Vietnam National University – HCM City, HCMC
performance analysis, fault detection and University of Technology under grant number B2012-
troubleshooting of PV systems or for controlling 20-04T ð. The authors gratefully acknowledge the
each solar inverter by sending control signals. Power Electronics Research Lab at University of
Once the Ethernet network was built, the data HCMUT for providing excellent facilities.
can be monitored easily. No need to install any
specialized software – All needed is a web
connected device address to get access to system
data. The simple implementation was set up for
verifying the feasibility of the proposed
Xây d ng m ng truy n thông th i gian
th c trên c ơ s Zigbee và Ethernet cho h
th ng pin n ăng l ư ng m t tr i
• Phan Qu c D ũng
• ðào Ng c ð t
• Lê Chí Hi p
Tr ư ng ð i h c Bách khoa, ðHQG-HCM
Trong m t h th ng l n v i r t nhi u và hi u qu . ð i v i v n ñ này, bài báo
ngu n n ăng l ư ng m t tr i ñư c n i v i l ư i trình bày m t gi i pháp d a trên tiêu
ñi n qu c gia, truy n thông tr thành m t chu n truy n thông Zigbee và Ethernet.
thành ph n quan tr ng trong vi c thu th p d Tiêu chu n ZigBee có ñ c ñi m k thu t
li u ñ ki m soát toàn b h th ng n ñ nh c a m t giao th c truy n thông không
Trang 13
dây cao c p không nh ng an toàn, ñáng tin thi t b ph i h p và m t thi t b ñ u cu i
c y, ñơ n gi n mà còn có chi phí th p và cho th nghi m b ư c ñ u. Các thi t b
năng l ư ng th p. V i Zigbee, chúng ta có th ñ u cu i ñã ñư c c u hình ñ ño ñ c
t o ra m t m ng l ư i thông tin liên l c cho giá tr dòng và ñi n áp t mô hình b
hàng tr ăm ñ n hàng ngàn ngu n n ăng l ư ng bi n ñ i công su t k t l ư i ba pha n ăng
m t tr i nh trong m t quy mô l n c a h lư ng ñi n m t tr i 800Wpk và sau ñó
th ng quang ñi n. Còn Ethernet là m t công g i các giá tr ñ n thi t b ph i h p. Sau
ngh truy n thông (có dây) t c ñ cao ñư c khi thi t b ph i h p nh n ñư c d li u,
s d ng r ng rãi trong các ng d ng công nó s g i d li u ñ n m t bo ñi u khi n
nghi p và t ñ ng. Cùng v i nhau, Zigbee và Ethernet. ð hi n th các d li u thông
Ethernet mang ñ n cho chúng ta m t gi i qua Ethernet, chúng tôi nhúng m t web-
pháp truy n thông th i gian th c cho h server trên bo m ch này. B ng cách
th ng. Trong mô hình th nghi m c a bài này, d li u d dàng ñư c hi n th và
báo này, chúng tôi s d ng Kit CC2530ZNP giám sát b ng cách s d ng b t k ỳ trình
ñ t o ra m t m ng ñơ n gi n bao g m m t duy t web nào.
T khóa: Zigbee, Ethernet, Web-server, b bi n ñ i công su t k t l ư i ba pha.
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